Found Deceased ND - Savanna Lafontaine-Greywind, 22, pregnant, Fargo, 19 Aug 2017 #1 *Arrests*

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Was this woman intending to keep the infant for herself? I find that difficult to believe (again though unless she's an utter moron). A pregnant woman disappears from the same 7 apt building, and this non pregnant lowlife suddenly has a newborn?

I"m not clear on the "4 men" situation, but my feeling is that the infant was to be sold. Those 4 men may have been involved in some sort of deal or transaction. Maybe.
On June 19 - the victim posted a comment similar to: I'm so tired of living in apartments, my last apartment I lived in my clothes would be in the dryer and people would open it & dig through them. The apartment im in now I've literally found my clothes on the stairs, I've put up a sign saying NOT to be taking people's clothes. The last few weeks I've noticed my almost all my clothes have gone missing well guess what???? I see the ***** above me wearing my clothes. Gross

Forgive me if I missed it but has it been confirmed that the neighbor seen wearing Savanna's clothes was the same neighbor she (allegedly) visited to model the dress?
I think they probably meant a warming bag as opposed to a body bag. We use them for premature infants and infants that can't regulate their body temperature in order to keep them warm.

It's not looking good for Savanna though, IMO. Few people have the skills necessary to perform a C-section without causing massive hemorrhage. I don't understand why whoever is responsible would try to keep the baby at the same apartment. Clearly not a very intelligent move.

I was thinking the same thing. I fear that Savanna is no longer alive.

Taping off the entire building for 24 hours, IMO, means it's a crime scene. I think they found Savanna too but it's not good news. :(

Agreed. I wonder where they took the baby out of her at? You would think LE would have found something the other day when they did the previous searches. There has got to traces of blood somewhere I'd think. Especially since the c-section would not have been done by a doctor.. :-/
This made me think that the woman above may have been obsessively identifying with SlG, mimicking what she was doing, pretending to be pregnant, borrowing her clothes to feel more like her, etc. Maybe she was making a maternity dress for herself, she had gone so far down the path of her delusion... SlG's mom's hinky meter was going off about this woman, for good reason, I suspect.

Interesting perspective. It's possible. Akin to a sort of Munchausens syndrome...
Please don't let this plead insanity...
I'm beginning to think more and more that the tip may have been a false lead. The reporter again mentions that Norberta directly got a call from an unknown number saying "NASA had pinged her phone at Buffalo State Park".. Police haven't asked neighboring forces to help search the area which makes me believe they do not think this is a credible source. Reports here have said that the perimeter around Savanna's apartment building has been expanded so perhaps they've found something there.
Hell no i would not watch. If i seen them i would forcefully question myself. Id be sitting on front of that apartment day n night listening... especially if i seen them with a bag id attack them idc if i go too jail.

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I would have also and I'm not trying to imply that her family didn't do the right thing whatsoever. But I'm just the type of person that's kind of a loose cannon and I definitely would have lost my ***** and kicked the door in and forcefully taken the basket/bag . But I'm not a nornal person.
Savanna Greywind's mom talks with Chris Berg on new developments about missing daughter

Interesting! Says the couple are in their 40's or 50's on the other side of the building. Savanna's mother didn't know them well. Sometimes see them at where she worked in retail. Sounds like the couple underneath them were reporting the sounds heard from the bath and also their comings and goings? I'm still confused if Savanna was texting her mom about leaving to go model the dress or if her mother actually witnessed this conversation between Savanna and the woman ?

That tip may not be credible regarding the park! I hope they weren't sent in the opposite direction. This is horrible! I'm going to re-listen! Bless Savanna's mom's heart! She thanks everybody helping look for Savanna!
On June 19 - the victim posted a comment similar to: I'm so tired of living in apartments, my last apartment I lived in my clothes would be in the dryer and people would open it & dig through them. The apartment im in now I've literally found my clothes on the stairs, I've put up a sign saying NOT to be taking people's clothes. The last few weeks I've noticed my almost all my clothes have gone missing well guess what???? I see the ***** above me wearing my clothes. Gross
What if this lady was infatuated with her

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So was anyone else home when Savanna ordered the pizza, then went upstairs? I mean she texted her mom, so did anyone actually witness the actual request of help with the dress?
Would be nice 2 know

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The "tip" about the park. If serious, why wouldn't the tipster call LE. Starting to think it's bogus as well.
I hope police are going through this couple's computers/phones etc. to determine if there was any communication or research regarding black market babies.
Maybe she was off on the age of William. He is linked via his Facebook to a Brooke who has gone by 2 different last names, BLD or BLC, that is 38. Could be them.
Is there woods behind this apartment building or just more housing?
I mean, clearly these two aren't the smartest, but I still think it's more likely that Savanna herself texted her mom. If not, there would be no reason for the couple to implicate themselves. They probably didn't even realize that Savanna told anyone where she was going.

ETA: This is my theory, obviously just my own opinion. They invite her up to the apartment thinking that no one would know where she was. They have a scuffle in the bathroom which the downstairs neighbors overhear. Then her brother shows up, they don't answer the door. Shortly after her father comes upstairs looking for her, they say she's not done. At this point, they realize that the family knows where she was going so they have to get her out of the apartment. She must have been alive at this point if the baby is only 2 days old so they somehow convinced her to leave with them. Possibly ensuring her safety if she goes with or threatening to kill her/the baby if she doesn't leave with them. At one point, there were reports that she was seen outside the apartment around 2:30. They move her to another location. The male probably stays with her while the female returns to the apartment. Around 4:30, Savanna's mom knocks on the door and the female says she has left already. That would explain why there was reportedly no forensic evidence of Savanna or the baby during the initial searches. And could very well be why the suspects felt comfortable letting LE search the premises. Maybe they planned to keep her until she delivered or maybe they just needed to gather things for a 'C-section' and that's what held things up a few days.

This sounds like the most logical explanation of how it happened. It seems to be the only way the police would come away empty handed during each search and why the dogs did not hit on anything unusual.
Awful to say but I'm wondering when nearby or local dumpsters are emptied, and if the trash is taken to a particular landfill.
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