ND ND - Thomas 'Tom' Bearson, 19, Fargo, 20 Sep 2014 #3

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I wonder about the backpack too, but I do think as someone said earlier, that MSM used a generic student capture (maybe even Sadek) and then removed it because it was not relevant. They do it all the time, and that is why I love to get the fist reports. Unfortunately I did not start Toms case archive until it was certain he was murdered.

Now, if that capture really was Tom and he really was a CI, it may have been removed by request of LE. I know they do it, and MSM often will do it as a courtesy. Who knows, maybe we have not heard news because they are investigation his connection.

^^^ not even sure I think this is possible since he was only on campus 4 weeks and is not from the area.
No - haven't followed it sorry.

I admit that i have a genetic disposition against govt conspiracy theories i guess. Maybe I'm naive but they come across as tinfoil hat crazy to me.

Not trying to pick on anyone. I just don't believe ndsu has the horsepower or motivation to make that happen. And fed state and local LE members are not going to be controlled by a college.

Last - IF this is happening in either or both cases i trust there would be a damn good reason. Something the general public doesnt need to know about because it hurts the case or puts more people in danger. I cannot imagine a scenario to make this make sense though.

Maybe I'm wrong - i hope not. But please continue to share on the topic. I may seem set in my ways but I'm open to ideas.

I am not a tinfoil hat type person. The only "conspiracy" I could possibly believe is the JFK assasination. And I don't necessarily believe it was a conspiracy - more like maybe the Warren commission was wrong. I agree it is a stretch to think that both Fargo and Moorhead police are complicit in lying to the public. But, so far, no one has pushed them for details so it's not that hard of a jump for me. They aren't misleading us about anything - they simply aren't talking. (Just like in Sadek case.) To me, that isn't acceptable but I guess to others, it is.

At this point, it isn't even clear who is leading the investigation on this case. Is it Fargo police or Moorhead police? What is the FBI's role? Or the BCA? Campus police? I don't know. Does anyone?

Also, police and law enforcement stick together. If a mistake is made (and LE does make mistakes), you almost never see an officer jump ship and narc out another police officer. They are tighter than.. say.... frat brothers.

If this was a CI situation gone wrong, who is going to be the official to admit it? I believe they would all stick together from NDSU to LE. Media just follows blindly to what the LE tells them apparently.

Thank you bizzle2 for the promotion, BTW.

This website is all about speculation and theories based on the facts that we know. This is not a tribute thread to Tom Bearson. Unfortunately, murder victims end up being victimized again when the crime is investigated and personal details come to light that the victim's family would rather be kept private. Look at Travis Alexander.

I think no less of Tom Bearson for participating in some college "fun." I only want the person(s) accountable for his murder to be held responsible. When there are no official details released, speculation ensues. That is what is happening here because it's the only option. I have the same "end goal" as you do, Proud Papa. I have a son in college that is Tom's age in a nearby college. It is worrisome to me that there have been two murders, IMO, within four months of eachother.

By the way, I am not the only one putting Sadek and Bearson together. Look at just about any public forum and it doesn't take long before someone also tries to lump the two together.

Again, not arguing. :) Just being a grump, I guess.
I'm not willing to paint all of ND LE with the broad brush that I get the feeling you're painting them with BUT after listening to the reporter's conversation with office of the AG of ND regarding the AS case, I had to raise my eyebrows and say to myself "whaaaaat?" in regards to SEMCA and LE in that particular area. Their response of "The investigation is ongoing----the investigation is ongoing------the investigation is ongoing" despite the claim of the investigators in SD who were brought in to handle the investigation, claiming the investigation was completed in a couple of days, would make the strongest of LE supporters question what the heck is going on in that case. I'm glad Mrs. Sadek isn't backing off. Good for her.

(BBM); Exactly. It's really good to see that you noticed this as well. I have to admit, when I first read about this case I was a major skeptic. However, my opinion is that it's the very RESPONSE by SEMCA that just smacks of, "WTH?".

There simply has got to be a higher authority to appeal to and IF THERE IS NOT, then this gives even MORE reason to investigate.

Perhaps MinnesotaMom needs to pursue a career in sales because it was through her persistence that I changed my opinion.
Here is the YouTube video from SEMCA official & ND's Valley News Live. I am not sure if it was posted here before. After it was mentioned, I just listened to it again. This man said drug enforcement agencies like SEMCA are in operation all over the state and operate under the same policies.

A similarity no one has mentioned, IIRC, is that both kids (Sadek & Bearson) disappeared in ND and wound up being found in Minnesota. Probably just an odd coincidence.
Thank you, I appreciate your insight, and that makes perfect sense!
If I may ask, I am curious why your theory changed from when you first started posting from drug deal gone bad to car accident?

I still think that a minor drug buy gone bad, or a random confrontation/robbery gone bad are the two most likely scenarios. Even when I was posting about the car accident I would always add at the bottom of my post that it wasn't necessarily my opinion that it was a car accident, just that it was a possibility. I was mainly trying to point out two things: 1. "Homicidal violence" is very vague and does not rule out a vehicle being used. 2. While it is very possible TB was a drug user, there is absolutely zero evidence of that so it makes sense to explore other angles that do not involve drugs as a central theme.
MM - it looks like we have a lot in common....other than the shiney hats made by the Reynolds Corporation you have hidden in your closet!! (Joke!! I promise!)

I think we've bantered back and forth on this nearly enough. The last thing i want to say - unfortunately for those of us in the general public, we don't get to know all there is to know about these things. Much of what you're asking for just isn't going to be available to us. It's hard to take when we're in fear of what may be out there putting our loved ones at risk. But I don't see what choice we have.

You're not grumpy - you're frustrated like the rest of us. We'll continue to theorize but I have to believe something will break soon.
Question for all: is there anything documented that says TB was a drug user. Many theories focus on that so just wondering if there's any kind of a firm base to build that particular house of cards on.

I may have missed it so just asking.
Question for all: is there anything documented that says TB was a drug user. Many theories focus on that so just wondering if there's any kind of a firm base to build that particular house of cards on.

I may have missed it so just asking.

No, nothing documented. The theories probably come from the fact that he was partying at a house that evening that is known as the 'trap house' and according to the Urban Dictionary, it's a term used to define a crack house, or the surroundings in which a drug dealer or(trap star) would use to make their profit.
Sigh - when I was in college we partied at a house called the Pleasure Palace. That conjures all sorts of images....none of which were accurate.

A stupid "hip?" Name for a party location is all I see for sure there. I'm guilty too - but sure seems like a ton of large unqualified leaps being made.
Question for all: is there anything documented that says TB was a drug user. Many theories focus on that so just wondering if there's any kind of a firm base to build that particular house of cards on.

I may have missed it so just asking.

Formal documentation about drug usage? Really? I doubt there would ever be a "formal" documentation. Personally, I have no problems with inference about slang, roommate reports, pics, videos, tweets, etc, etc.
But you'd have to know the youth's cultural verbiage to know what to look for, iykwim?

Evidence or "formal documentation" that you may feel certain of would come from toxicology reports, most likely.

Formal documentation about drug usage? Really? I doubt there would ever be a "formal" documentation. Personally, I have no problems with inference about slang, roommate reports, pics, videos, tweets, etc, etc.
But you'd have to know the youth's cultural verbiage to know what to look for, iykwim?

Evidence or "formal documentation" that you may feel certain of would come from toxicology reports, most likely.


I didn't use the word "formal". Formal would be harder to come by.

The crux of my question is: what leads us to the drug-use theories? I think you answered my question. Twitter references of associates.........
I didn't use the word "formal". Formal would be harder to come by.

The crux of my question is: what leads us to the drug-use theories? I think you answered my question. Twitter references of associates.........

Yes, I think the main evidence would be Twitter references made by his friends. The only possible formal documentation would be toxicology reports or criminal records. I would like to add that even if his toxicology reports showed drugs in his system that still doesn't mean his drug use led to his death. Lots of college students smoke marijuana and 99+% of them don't end up murdered over it. But it would definitely add more credibility to any theory that drugs played a role in his tragic death (if he had drugs in his system I'd probably throw, no...I would very gently place another egg in the drug deal gone bad theory), but it is by no means automatic.
Sigh - when I was in college we partied at a house called the Pleasure Palace. That conjures all sorts of images....none of which were accurate.

A stupid "hip?" Name for a party location is all I see for sure there. I'm guilty too - but sure seems like a ton of large unqualified leaps being made.
This doesn't seem to look good here, nine weeks in.

Me, myself and Irene here are getting tired of the waiting. This would not be the first case that I sat around thinking, "Oh they've got it on the bat radar and any day now they'll make an arrest." and nope. Turns out they didn't have much of anything.

I hope I'm wrong.

But when you go on record to the community and A). Ask for their help with the thing and then B). Tell the public that you as an agency of the law with the help of the federal government have decided that there is no threat to the public, well you had better be sure.

BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. There should be more than this.
Ten years ago there was a case north of Grand Forks and everyone thought the same thing, "Oh they've got it handled."

LE was completely and totally convinced that this missing young woman was in the river. Countless hours were spent on and in the river searching. Holes were drilled through the ice. Nothing. Still they were convinced. They even told groups of searchers to "Go home". because they had it covered, because they had already searched that area and there was, "Nothing to see here".

Turned out they were wrong.
Albert Einstein was quoted as saying, "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results".

In some ways this reminds me of how a large majority of these cases are handled. My belief is that written in the little handbook of investigations and procedures, should be a whole new chapter called, "How to paddle in a different direction". With clear operational guidance to law enforcement agencies that when they get to a certain point in an investigation and they have the big GOOSE EGG, then they need to come up with a new and different plan.

Something outside the box.

Like possibly throwing out their manuals and start switching things up a bit. Tell the public what they've got but withhold the tiny details or the critical information that only the killer would know. I just don't like the smell of this thing this far out.
Albert Einstein was quoted as saying, "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results".

rsbm --

I'm sorry, but this quotation is mistakenly attributed to Einstein. He never said this or anything like it. Those who study the history of quotations have concluded that its first appearance in print was in a Narcotics Anonymous handbook, believe it or not. This quote has also been erroneously attributed to several other figures noted for their quotations.
This doesn't seem to look good here, nine weeks in.

Me, myself and Irene here are getting tired of the waiting. This would not be the first case that I sat around thinking, "Oh they've got it on the bat radar and any day now they'll make an arrest." and nope. Turns out they didn't have much of anything.

I hope I'm wrong.

But when you go on record to the community and A). Ask for their help with the thing and then B). Tell the public that you as an agency of the law with the help of the federal government have decided that there is no threat to the public, well you had better be sure.

BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. There should be more than this.

I agree. Things aren't looking good. I don't expect this to be solved. I respect the heck out of LE. Never had a serious interaction with them myself, but LE in the Twin Cities have generally done a good job in my mind. Not perfect, but generally good. I recently re-listened to some of the news conferences for the TB case. LE in the area just does not sound like they have it all together. Every time I listen I am left thinking that they never really provide any answers...even to the simple questions. The person speaking tries to use big words to sound very official, but they end up sounding stupid. Something like "We are doing a lot of canvassing in the area, and I'm sure you will see many of our...uh...resources out canvassing as we always find using our assets in canvassing to provide important details in our investigations." Public speaking is not an easy skill to master (I've taken a public speaking class and I'm not a very good public speaker -- not a good thing for a guy who is in law school and wants to be a litigator), but they just sound awful. My general sense from listening to these news conferences is that they have never had a very good idea about what happened. I don't know if they just botched the investigation or they are just terrible at communicating their findings, but after watching those it seems like they don't have a clue.
First timer here. Have read through everything in this thread (and believe me...46 pages takes some time!) As sad as it is, I think this case probably boils down to drugs in some way. It's also possible that the DUI a couple weeks before played a role in that he may given LE information about drug dealers in the area in order to get a lighter sentence. Just seems to make the most sense with everything I have seen. It will take LE a long time to sort through it all since there are so many people to interview to confirm this, and many will be afraid to talk after seeing what happened to TB. I don't blindly follow whatever LE says, but I do believe that LE should be given time, space, and cooperation to do their jobs. At some point they will come out with a statement regarding the status of the investigation, but I don't think they will do so until they either need help from the public or have answers to questions that were previously unanswered. One point I would like to make is that others have stated that LE is paid by tax dollars they have a responsibility to inform us all of what is going on...I agree with this, but only to an extent. As the ones paying their salaries it is not fair for us to tell them how to do their jobs...we should only care that they do their jobs correctly. If you hire a kid to mow your lawn, and then you go out there to ask him for an update every five minutes it is probably going to take a heckuva a lot more time for him to finish cutting the grass right? I'm sure there is a reason they are not releasing further info. Sometimes these things take time and require patience from those wanting answers. In my line of work (and I would assume most others) it is more important to do something CORRECTLY than it is do it is as QUICKLY as possible. I'll deal with a long wait as long as they get it right, which I truly believe they will."

Please excuse the need to copy and paste the above quote due to that past threads don’t allow quoting to newest thread.
I see that at one point you considered the possibility of the DUI playing a role, and possibly LE being given information to provide a lighter sentence. Can you please embellish on why you have reconsidered this, and no longer hold that opinion?
Several sleuthers here (including myself) have considered the CI theory. That is one of the reasons why I have considered the backpack as potentially having pertinence to this case. If a screenshoot/video existed, and IF it was TB in the screenshot/video with a backpack, perhaps it could be ascertained whether the backpack was one he was known to previously own, or a new unknown one (possibly provided to him, possibly wired, etc.) IF that was the case, and IF TB was a CI, and that had bearing on his demise, it would likely greatly affect information that LE provides.
Sorry Bizzle2 to bring the backpack issue up again, but your previous post made me wonder.
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