ND ND - Thomas 'Tom' Bearson, 19, Fargo, 20 Sep 2014 #3

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Even if LE has no clue, the forensics/toxicology/DNA etc should be able to help them, no?

Aren't these results in by now?

Why no local news doing follow up stories/interviews???
First timer here. Have read through everything in this thread (and believe me...46 pages takes some time!) As sad as it is, I think this case probably boils down to drugs in some way. It's also possible that the DUI a couple weeks before played a role in that he may given LE information about drug dealers in the area in order to get a lighter sentence. Just seems to make the most sense with everything I have seen. It will take LE a long time to sort through it all since there are so many people to interview to confirm this, and many will be afraid to talk after seeing what happened to TB. I don't blindly follow whatever LE says, but I do believe that LE should be given time, space, and cooperation to do their jobs. At some point they will come out with a statement regarding the status of the investigation, but I don't think they will do so until they either need help from the public or have answers to questions that were previously unanswered. One point I would like to make is that others have stated that LE is paid by tax dollars they have a responsibility to inform us all of what is going on...I agree with this, but only to an extent. As the ones paying their salaries it is not fair for us to tell them how to do their jobs...we should only care that they do their jobs correctly. If you hire a kid to mow your lawn, and then you go out there to ask him for an update every five minutes it is probably going to take a heckuva a lot more time for him to finish cutting the grass right? I'm sure there is a reason they are not releasing further info. Sometimes these things take time and require patience from those wanting answers. In my line of work (and I would assume most others) it is more important to do something CORRECTLY than it is do it is as QUICKLY as possible. I'll deal with a long wait as long as they get it right, which I truly believe they will."

Please excuse the need to copy and paste the above quote due to that past threads don’t allow quoting to newest thread.
I see that at one point you considered the possibility of the DUI playing a role, and possibly LE being given information to provide a lighter sentence. Can you please embellish on why you have reconsidered this, and no longer hold that opinion?
Several sleuthers here (including myself) have considered the CI theory. That is one of the reasons why I have considered the backpack as potentially having pertinence to this case. If a screenshoot/video existed, and IF it was TB in the screenshot/video with a backpack, perhaps it could be ascertained whether the backpack was one he was known to previously own, or a new unknown one (possibly provided to him, possibly wired, etc.) IF that was the case, and IF TB was a CI, and that had bearing on his demise, it would likely greatly affect information that LE provides.
Sorry Bizzle2 to bring the backpack issue up again, but your previous post made me wonder.

I posted that about a month ago. The main reason I have changed my mind has to do with not knowing the DUI had been processed at the time. I have about a hundred reasons, but I will outline the main ones here...
1) If I'm 18 years old and I get pulled over for a DUI and possession of marijuana the first thing I want off my record is the DUI. It's way more expensive, and most importantly, I would have to tell my parents about the DUI. I could just pay a fine and attend a few classes to makes the drug charge go away. Would never have to tell my parents. But just about every 18 year old in college is still on their parents car insurance so his parents would have found out about the DUI. And having to tell your parents you got a DUI would be a life-shattering event for an 18 year old. He wouldn't never agree to become a CI if the DUI wasn't removed from his record.
2) He received the normal punishment for the DUI. No break whatsoever.
3) I was (and still am) assuming he wasn't a drug dealer. To me it would be a bigger assumption to assume that he was a dealer. I have a hard time believing he just moved to town, started college, and became a dealer in the matter of 4 weeks.
4) If he were a CI the police would have known who he was dealing with. They would have found a killer by now.
5) If he were wearing a special backpack that had video or sound attached the police would already know who did it.

Those are the main ones, but what it boils down to is that I had not seen his arrest record when I posted that. Notice that every time time anyone brings up the CI theory there are like five IFs (capitalized on purpose) attached to it. When you have that many major IFs it's just too far-fetched to put much stake in. I haven't changed my opinion that drugs could have played a role, but the CI thing is just too far out there to be believable. To get there you have to skip over tons of theories that are way more probable. And as I have said before (I wasn't the first to say it) -- the most likely theory is often the most accurate theory.
I didn't use the word "formal". Formal would be harder to come by.

The crux of my question is: what leads us to the drug-use theories? I think you answered my question. Twitter references of associates.........

There's that reference (social media), Papa & also a couple of others that I listed.
But if anyone is searching for documentation or proof of things...first you'd have to be familiar with slang terms, you'd have to know what to look for. I threw in the word "formal" because you asked if there's "documentation" of drug usage. Short of a formal type of documentation such as a arrest for "possession" or as evidenced in a toxicology report, you won't find direct documentation in any case I know..not this case or any. People don't shout that stuff out cause it's illegal but there's a way they understand who to buy it from & who to sell it to. And no documentation is needed for that. People involved in using or dealing know who to connect with.

Many also throw gang signs around in their pics but if you don't know anything about those, you'd think it was just young men being silly, iykwim?

You'd have to know what to look for & the terms that are used in general.
I posted that about a month ago. The main reason I have changed my mind has to do with not knowing the DUI had been processed at the time. I have about a hundred reasons, but I will outline the main ones here...
1) If I'm 18 years old and I get pulled over for a DUI and possession of marijuana the first thing I want off my record is the DUI. It's way more expensive, and most importantly, I would have to tell my parents about the DUI. I could just pay a fine and attend a few classes to makes the drug charge go away. Would never have to tell my parents. But just about every 18 year old in college is still on their parents car insurance so his parents would have found out about the DUI. And having to tell your parents you got a DUI would be a life-shattering event for an 18 year old. He wouldn't never agree to become a CI if the DUI wasn't removed from his record.
2) He received the normal punishment for the DUI. No break whatsoever.
3) I was (and still am) assuming he wasn't a drug dealer. To me it would be a bigger assumption to assume that he was a dealer. I have a hard time believing he just moved to town, started college, and became a dealer in the matter of 4 weeks.
4) If he were a CI the police would have known who he was dealing with. They would have found a killer by now.
5) If he were wearing a special backpack that had video or sound attached the police would already know who did it.

Those are the main ones, but what it boils down to is that I had not seen his arrest record when I posted that. Notice that every time time anyone brings up the CI theory there are like five IFs (capitalized on purpose) attached to it. When you have that many major IFs it's just too far-fetched to put much stake in. I haven't changed my opinion that drugs could have played a role, but the CI thing is just too far out there to be believable. To get there you have to skip over tons of theories that are way more probable. And as I have said before (I wasn't the first to say it) -- the most likely theory is often the most accurate theory.

Thank You! You are absolutely right about the IF part, and about it being a speculation only. However, I don’t believe there is any harm in investigating possibilities if it is possible to be easily dispelled. If a screenshot existed, family, friends or dorm-mate could hopefully easily attest to whether or not the backpack was a familiar backpack.
I respectfully disagree with your points. Mainly, because answering to your parents regarding a DUI would indeed be daunting, but answering to campus police, LE, and the drug task force regarding even minor amounts of marijuana within campus vicinity is yet another story. Example: Accept telling your parents about DUI ~or~ tell parents that college is no longer in the picture and that you’ve been told you are facing prison time, and over $20,000 in fines (drug task force representative openly admitted that maximum penalties are cited in these cases--- this could occur with a quite small amount of marijuana, and if the “blunts” are rolled, intention to sell can be considered). I do not believe that TB was a dealer. But it would not be that uncommon for many college students to have in their possession a few rolled “blunts” that might be discovered during the course of an arrest (such as DUI). I am not saying this happened. I am only saying the possibility could exist. The possibility could exist as well that it could be very tempting to avoid the consequences cited. Do you really believe that if a young college student was murdered during the course of an undercover drug operation, that it would be shared with family or media? Have you read about any of these cases where the task force officers lose contact with the informant during an operation, only to be found dead? Do you believe that LE and drug task force agencies have accepted any involvement openly when that has occurred? Many of those cases are unsolved.
Once again, it may be a stretch, but what is to lose if it could be dispelled?
I actually still lean the hardest towards my previously posted theory (drug buy gone bad/gang attack).
I posted that about a month ago. The main reason I have changed my mind has to do with not knowing the DUI had been processed at the time. I have about a hundred reasons, but I will outline the main ones here...
1) If I'm 18 years old and I get pulled over for a DUI and possession of marijuana the first thing I want off my record is the DUI. It's way more expensive, and most importantly, I would have to tell my parents about the DUI. I could just pay a fine and attend a few classes to makes the drug charge go away. Would never have to tell my parents. But just about every 18 year old in college is still on their parents car insurance so his parents would have found out about the DUI. And having to tell your parents you got a DUI would be a life-shattering event for an 18 year old. He wouldn't never agree to become a CI if the DUI wasn't removed from his record.
2) He received the normal punishment for the DUI. No break whatsoever.
3) I was (and still am) assuming he wasn't a drug dealer. To me it would be a bigger assumption to assume that he was a dealer. I have a hard time believing he just moved to town, started college, and became a dealer in the matter of 4 weeks.
4) If he were a CI the police would have known who he was dealing with. They would have found a killer by now.
5) If he were wearing a special backpack that had video or sound attached the police would already know who did it.

Those are the main ones, but what it boils down to is that I had not seen his arrest record when I posted that. Notice that every time time anyone brings up the CI theory there are like five IFs (capitalized on purpose) attached to it. When you have that many major IFs it's just too far-fetched to put much stake in. I haven't changed my opinion that drugs could have played a role, but the CI thing is just too far out there to be believable. To get there you have to skip over tons of theories that are way more probable. And as I have said before (I wasn't the first to say it) -- the most likely theory is often the most accurate theory.

Can you please expound in detail on point # 2?
There's been articles in MSM about drug & gang activity of young men in both the Sartell/St Cloud area and also Moorhead/Fargo. Recent.

Google is your friend. Knowledge is power.
Prayers today for TB's family & loved ones.
It has to be an especially difficult day for them.
So sad.

I agree. Things aren't looking good. I don't expect this to be solved. I respect the heck out of LE. Never had a serious interaction with them myself, but LE in the Twin Cities have generally done a good job in my mind. Not perfect, but generally good. I recently re-listened to some of the news conferences for the TB case. LE in the area just does not sound like they have it all together. Every time I listen I am left thinking that they never really provide any answers...even to the simple questions. The person speaking tries to use big words to sound very official, but they end up sounding stupid. Something like "We are doing a lot of canvassing in the area, and I'm sure you will see many of our...uh...resources out canvassing as we always find using our assets in canvassing to provide important details in our investigations." Public speaking is not an easy skill to master (I've taken a public speaking class and I'm not a very good public speaker -- not a good thing for a guy who is in law school and wants to be a litigator), but they just sound awful. My general sense from listening to these news conferences is that they have never had a very good idea about what happened. I don't know if they just botched the investigation or they are just terrible at communicating their findings, but after watching those it seems like they don't have a clue.

I agree with what you have here. Better to shorten one's response than to keep talking and look like a fool.

Off topic here but what the heck else do we have to discuss;

Some advice on this litigation career you are pursuing. Go every single chance you get to a karaoke place and sing in front of people you do not know. Do it every single week. Twice a week if you can. If this is what you want to make a living at, then you need to start training. Next, get a book on sales. Read it, learn it, live it. Then lastly, learn how to breathe to relax your diaphragm. If you can, before a stressful speaking engagement, slip off into a private bathroom and meditate just for a minute or two to center your mind. Breathe and bear down a few times. This will help override this fight or flight adrenaline rush that gives you shaky knees, trembling voice and scattered thoughts.

In the arena you are entering you simply cannot let them see you sweat or you will lose. You will lose the confidence of the people and your peers. You also cannot lose your temper, so practice, practice, practice. Then, sell, sell, sell. Then, send me a check for $10,000 for the sterling education I just gave you.

:D :D Happy Thanksgiving.
There is a disturbing "tribute" video available on-line. IF I were the FBI, I would be INVESTIGATING the author of that video! The lyrics are very telling and it obviously was NOT written by a loved one, in my opinion. If I can find it, the FBI sure could. The author appears to be from NY, and his site is private. Very troubling...
Proudpapa, let me ask you this...you mentioned living geographically close ("literally and figuratively"). What are your thoughts on the LE's capability of dealing with the influx of gangs into the ND and MN states?
If I didn't live so far, I would meet with TB's family who are certainly grieving & offer my assistance as a concerned citizen & demand answers from every avenue that I could (authorities, agencies, news outlets, garnering reward monies, etc) to help push for justice & seek answers.

I'm sure it must be too overwhelming for the family to do so at this time. And understandably so. It must be unbearable for them & the holidays must make it even more devastating. I wish I could be of some help; I really do...

It sure seems like justice needs an advocate in this case, iykwim?
Proudpapa, let me ask you this...you mentioned living geographically close ("literally and figuratively"). What are your thoughts on the LE's capability of dealing with the influx of gangs into the ND and MN states?

Its a BIG problem.

The rest of the question - i trust LE down here to the utmost. It appears that may not be a given in Fargo Moorhead...but honestly, I don't have enough info once again.
They're influencing SD as well.

If I had to put my eggs in a basket I'd put them in the organized drug dealing gang basket. Whether TB is a random victim or a customer - i don't have enough info to make me want to speculate.
Does ANYONE really know who is lead on this case? Is it the Moorhead LE, FBI, or BCI. Exactly who? It isn't very helpful, that no one seems to know. Whomever it may be, IMO it is a travesty that they aren't making that very well known. What does that say to you all?
If, and just if a random person had information. How would they know where to take it? I know of two people who have called LE, and let me put it this way, they might as well have been calling about a cat in a tree (please forgive the expression), considering the attitude of disinterest. Seems like an odd reaction since they have no suspects, and it is quoted in the media as being a mystery. I am not personally biased against LE, but this is affecting my confidence in this LE agency.
Does ANYONE really know who is lead on this case? Is it the Moorhead LE, FBI, or BCI. Exactly who? It isn't very helpful, that no one seems to know. Whomever it may be, IMO it is a travesty that they aren't making that very well known. What does that say to you all?
If, and just if a random person had information. How would they know where to take it? I know of two people who have called LE, and let me put it this way, they might as well have been calling about a cat in a tree (please forgive the expression), considering the attitude of disinterest. Seems like an odd reaction since they have no suspects, and it is quoted in the media as being a mystery. I am not personally biased against LE, but this is affecting my confidence in this LE agency.

Personally, the jurisdictional ownership topic doesn't concern me. If they cant even get that right this thing is so far gone already we may as well give up now.

I'd look elsewhere for signs of incompetence.

What else ya got?!
Personally, the jurisdictional ownership topic doesn't concern me. If they cant even get that right this thing is so far gone already we may as well give up now.

I'd look elsewhere for signs of incompetence.

What else ya got?!

I'm aware that i sound like a d**k. I'm not trying to...sometimes it just happens!

Seriously, what evidence is there as to the local le's inability to do what can be done to solve complex crimes? Keeping in mind we cannot expect le to pull a rabbit outta their hats. I can imagine plenty of scenarios where they're lacking any significant clues and the best course of action is to sit tight and wait for the guilty parties (yes multiple....cannot be just one person) to trip up. Playing your cards close to your vest is a legit tactic for them.
I'm aware that i sound like a d**k. I'm not trying to...sometimes it just happens!

Seriously, what evidence is there as to the local le's inability to do what can be done to solve complex crimes? Keeping in mind we cannot expect le to pull a rabbit outta their hats. I can imagine plenty of scenarios where they're lacking any significant clues and the best course of action is to sit tight and wait for the guilty parties (yes multiple....cannot be just one person) to trip up. Playing your cards close to your vest is a legit tactic for them.

No Proudpapa, I am not thinking you sound like a dink :saythat:

I don't believe I said the local LE are unable to solve complex crimes, in fact, I have no idea as to their level of expertise, they could be the best of the best, or the worst of the worst, for all I know. If significant clues are lacking however, and while sitting tight and waiting for guilty parties to trip up....does that diminish the hunger for significant clues? I get the "playing cards close" tactic quite well, what I don't get is the lack of interest in gaining those potential significant clues.
Ok - what evidence is there as far as a "lack of interest"?

Not asking for public help? I think thats what drives that line of thinking.

Are there only two conclusions possible to be drawn from that observation? 1) they know who did it or 2) they don't care? Any other possibilities?
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