ND ND - Thomas 'Tom' Bearson, 19, Fargo, 20 Sep 2014 #3

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The news report i saw - ESPN - said a gun was found in the dumpster. And gave the impression he had been fighting demons brought on by concussions suffered during his wrestling career. He was a recent convert to football.

Yes - he MAY have been a CI. He also MAY have been an alien from a distant solar system.

Facts, I need...suspicions with no basis do me no good whatsoever.

Stick with me here - not pickin on you! I DO believe its dangerous to be a CI. I have yet to see anything tangible that shows Tom was embroiled in that. If he was - well, I'll join in the outrage if and when that is proven.

Meanwhile - kids - don't do drugs for gosh darn sakes. And above all else - don't deal them. It sounds trite - but goodgawd you're playing with fire and there's no doubt about that.
The news report i saw - ESPN - said a gun was found in the dumpster. And gave the impression he had been fighting demons brought on by concussions suffered during his wrestling career. He was a recent convert to football.

Yes - he MAY have been a CI. He also MAY have been an alien from a distant solar system.

Facts, I need...suspicions with no basis do me no good whatsoever.

Stick with me here - not pickin on you! I DO believe its dangerous to be a CI. I have yet to see anything tangible that shows Tom was embroiled in that. If he was - well, I'll join in the outrage if and when that is proven.

Meanwhile - kids - don't do drugs for gosh darn sakes. And above all else - don't deal them. It sounds trite - but goodgawd you're playing with fire and there's no doubt about that.

That was a great post for gosh darn sakes. :goodpost:
The news report i saw - ESPN - said a gun was found in the dumpster. And gave the impression he had been fighting demons brought on by concussions suffered during his wrestling career. He was a recent convert to football.

Yes - he MAY have been a CI. He also MAY have been an alien from a distant solar system.

Facts, I need...suspicions with no basis do me no good whatsoever.

Stick with me here - not pickin on you! I DO believe its dangerous to be a CI. I have yet to see anything tangible that shows Tom was embroiled in that. If he was - well, I'll join in the outrage if and when that is proven.

Meanwhile - kids - don't do drugs for gosh darn sakes. And above all else - don't deal them. It sounds trite - but goodgawd you're playing with fire and there's no doubt about that.

The very nature of the realm investigating illegal substances requires a mind that's comfortable with innuendos, inferences, deciphering twitter slang, dealing with a society that has it's own "codes", handshakes, & graffiti. It is an entirely different lifestyle. It may be a foreign path for those that prefer to deal with tangible facts. And that is the exact reason why LE utilizes CI's.....CI's know the "drill", they know the language, slang, music, twittering, texting, tattoos, & codes. They communicate better than any undercover LE ever could or would ever want to. That is why they are so effective.
LE understands the significant risks (ie lawsuits) that may arise by utilizing CI's (there's no training for them) but feel there's no better way to break that world than to use CI's...even when some turn up dead from time to time. I don't condone it, nope....but I am always supportive of our guys in blue, in general.

When it comes to illegal substances, you're not going to get "facts" that you may be comfortable or familiar with, PP. It's not the normal "beat", iykwim?

The very nature of the realm investigating illegal substances requires a mind that's comfortable with innuendos, inferences, deciphering twitter slang, dealing with a society that has it's own "codes", handshakes, & graffiti. It is an entirely different lifestyle. It may be a foreign path for those that prefer to deal with tangible facts. And that is the exact reason why LE utilizes CI's.....CI's know the "drill", they know the language, slang, music, twittering, texting, tattoos, & codes. They communicate better than any undercover LE ever could or would ever want to. That is why they are so effective.
LE understands the significant risks (ie lawsuits) that may arise by utilizing CI's (there's no training for them) but feel there's no better way to break that world than to use CI's...even when some turn up dead from time to time. I don't condone it, nope....but I am always supportive of our guys in blue, in general.

When it comes to illegal substances, you're not going to get "facts" that you may be comfortable or familiar with, PP. It's not the normal "beat", iykwim?


If I agree with everything you just said will you agree that there is still zero evidence either young man was killed because he was a CI? SM rumors and opinion pieces on web-sites with an axe to grind don't count.
If I agree with everything you just said will you agree that there is still zero evidence either young man was killed because he was a CI? SM rumors and opinion pieces on web-sites with an axe to grind don't count.

PP..... The cops are looking at evidence. We here at WS look at reference sources to build our hypothesis. And there's plenty of reference sources in a case here where little has been officially revealed in 60+ days.
We are not going to trial here on WS & no one here has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt what has happened.
But I will honestly say that references to aliens, & justin Bieber, etc (& snarkism/sarcasm) has run many a good poster away. And then the threads go silent.
And in the end, often after all has been revealed, the truth is stranger than fiction.

I know people like facts & evidence. But some cases don't provide that luxury.

This is one of those cases.

And I'm afraid that this is one of those threads that will go silent. Sad.
Fair enough. It's not my intent to run anyone off. I hope LE is considering all angles. But I believe and I'm sure you agree, that hope isn't a plan. So what IS the plan?

Why are we here? What good is there to be done and how?
PP..... The cops are looking at evidence. We here at WS look at reference sources to build our hypothesis. And there's plenty of reference sources in a case here where little has been officially revealed in 60+ days.
We are not going to trial here on WS & no one here has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt what has happened.
But I will honestly say that references to aliens, & justin Bieber, etc (& snarkism/sarcasm) has run many a good poster away. And then the threads go silent.
And in the end, often after all has been revealed, the truth is stranger than fiction.

I know people like facts & evidence. But some cases don't provide that luxury.

This is one of those cases.

And I'm afraid that this is one of those threads that will go silent. Sad.

Where are the reference sources that indicate TB was ever involved in drugs? Selling, using, being a CI, anything? Alcohol, yes, plenty of references there. But drugs? I've never seen anything.
The news report i saw - ESPN - said a gun was found in the dumpster. And gave the impression he had been fighting demons brought on by concussions suffered during his wrestling career. He was a recent convert to football.

Yes - he MAY have been a CI. He also MAY have been an alien from a distant solar system.

Facts, I need...suspicions with no basis do me no good whatsoever.

Stick with me here - not pickin on you! I DO believe its dangerous to be a CI. I have yet to see anything tangible that shows Tom was embroiled in that. If he was - well, I'll join in the outrage if and when that is proven.

Meanwhile - kids - don't do drugs for gosh darn sakes. And above all else - don't deal them. It sounds trite - but goodgawd you're playing with fire and there's no doubt about that.
All I can say is that the potential for the CI theory here is high, from my view.

Want facts about CI work? Hhhmm....yes, don't we all. I'm pretty sure they call it confidential for a reason, right?! And...the parties running these projects get to be "under an umbrella" in all aspects. They have a lot to protect. The drug task force officers specifically chose that dangerous field themselves with no bargaining and received the proper training to do so.

It is a sad society when a young person makes a very poor decision, but instead of it being handled properly: be arrested, go to court, pay fines, do some time if necessary, and live and learn. Instead....they are given options (what is that teaching our young exactly?), and they can be DEADLY options, even though these young can't even fathom themselves dying. They believe they are working under protected circumstances. And...hey, this will teach you to stay away from drugs....we're going to have you sell them too. What?!?! Yeah, just wrong on every level in my opinion. Two wrongs don't make a right.
Where are the reference sources that indicate TB was ever involved in drugs? Selling, using, being a CI, anything? Alcohol, yes, plenty of references there. But drugs? I've never seen anything.
It is YOUR right to base YOUR theories on whatever sources that you yourself have or don't have.
Fair enough. It's not my intent to run anyone off. I hope LE is considering all angles. But I believe and I'm sure you agree, that hope isn't a plan. So what IS the plan?

Why are we here? What good is there to be done and how?
If this did involve CI work, you can bet that LE has a plan.

My plan? First, there has to be proof. Some of us are interested in considering its possibility, and questioning things that "don't add up". You can't find something that you refuse to consider at all, right? May be there, may not..... But....if you completely close your mind to even the idea, then yeah, you won't see it even IF it IS there.
I am not specifically referring to you in particular PP, I am just putting it out there for anyone.
I am NOT trying to convince anyone of anything. I am here searching....
And when you reply to me - remember you're MinnesotaNice, MinnesotaMom!!

Heehee....just kidding.....bring it, I can take it!! I may even like it.......debating I mean. Get yor minds outta the gutters sickos.
Minnesota Nice is highly exaggerated, especially when we're writing anonymously!

Fair enough. It's not my intent to run anyone off. I hope LE is considering all angles. But I believe and I'm sure you agree, that hope isn't a plan. So what IS the plan?

Why are we here? What good is there to be done and how?


I must be wondering the same thing. I had a dream the other night - I was walking down the street and noticed a bunch of activity ahead. Someone stopped me and said I couldn't go there. I told them that I was just planning to look. One of them said it was okay to look, but if you interfere or even try to help, you'll have to leave. When I got there, there were people physically and sexually abusing others from infants to the elderly, and a crowd gathered around them. Some of the onlookers were crying, some were yelling obscenities and calling both abusers and the abused names, some were laughing, some were egging them on, and then others (I was one) were just walking around trying to figure out what was going on.

When I woke up, I started wondering if I might be spending too much time here again. :blushing:
.....and for what its worth....I still think the DUI/ER talk is a red herring....haven't seen one solid link from that to what ultimately occurred.

Just sayin...
I concur (red herring). I have no idea WHAT the point was for LE to provide the media with all that detail regarding Tom's DUI and his "condition". What was the point of that, do you all suppose? To expound on that HE was living an unsafe lifestyle that could end very badly???
Especially in light of hardly any other information to the public. Why aren't we looking for the backpack too? Why aren't they saying "after much searching through campus videos it has been confirmed sadly that no screenshots or video exist of Tom that night"? Why so vague ...there is, we have it, but no wait...back up.....can't be confirmed. What is that??
And for everyone here that worries about how these theories might affect the loved ones....did LE care when they offered up that publicly? Why was that so pertinent at that point I wonder?
The sheriffs department claims that there were some past drug incidents with KK. They are not confirming or denying he was a CI. They are not confirming or denying a gun was found in the dumpster. It is awfully hard to have a suicide if there's no gun located nearby w/the associate (expected) finger mints matching the deceased when the death is committed by gunfire & is allegedly a suicide. Anyone can create electronic suicide notes at random if you have the device. The medical examiner is not confirming it was a suicide or a homicide. But do your own due diligence.

Sorry, this is all about KK & not about TB. The common denominator is that they may have been CI's.

Don't discount it & yet no one has to prove anything here to naysayers, iykwim?!

All moo

(BBM) With all respect, I disagree. Dead men tell no tales and it is a wrong *advertiser censored* u mption to *advertiser censored* u me that after someone is dead, no one else stumbles upon the scene and steals the gun.

I try so hard to not assume.
So this must be the hold up with the case (from the link)

Moorhead Police say while the autopsy results seem to be taking a very long time, they have waited longer, and the medical examiner could be holding the results until their toxicology report is finished.

I confess I'm too tired to go back and read, but isn't this the same article I saw and posted on a page or ago? Like I said this isn't a major city with 10 or 20 homicides a day. Or is this a different article stating the same thing? Jeepers creepers, this is beyond pathetic. Tox results will be interesting if they come back this century!!
(BBM) With all respect, I disagree. Dead men tell no tales and it is a wrong *advertiser censored* u mption to *advertiser censored* u me that after someone is dead, no one else stumbles upon the scene and steals the gun.

I try so hard to not assume.


References the gun belonged to him. Strongly implying it is not missing. From Sports Illustrated.


CNN says gun found nearby. I had originally read it was found in the dumpster with him.
Not to hijack, so I'll apologize in advance
Check out the Da*mi*n He*rd case here on WS. Family paid for private toxicology testing, which indicated....zilch, clean living lifestyle. Standard toxicology results found LSD. How can this be??????????????? And no....that case doesn't have CI theory potential in my opinion. It isn't that they all do.....
The very nature of the realm investigating illegal substances requires a mind that's comfortable with innuendos, inferences, deciphering twitter slang, dealing with a society that has it's own "codes", handshakes, & graffiti. It is an entirely different lifestyle. It may be a foreign path for those that prefer to deal with tangible facts. And that is the exact reason why LE utilizes CI's.....CI's know the "drill", they know the language, slang, music, twittering, texting, tattoos, & codes. They communicate better than any undercover LE ever could or would ever want to. That is why they are so effective.
LE understands the significant risks (ie lawsuits) that may arise by utilizing CI's (there's no training for them) but feel there's no better way to break that world than to use CI's...even when some turn up dead from time to time. I don't condone it, nope....but I am always supportive of our guys in blue, in general.

When it comes to illegal substances, you're not going to get "facts" that you may be comfortable or familiar with, PP. It's not the normal "beat", iykwim?


(BBM ) 'Eh...I happen to know of some very wealthy people that deal with/in/buy/sell/use drugs. You would be foolish to believe that the drug trade is exclusive to the down trodden image portrayed in the movies.
Not to hijack, so I'll apologize in advance
Check out the Da*mi*n He*rd case here on WS. Family paid for private toxicology testing, which indicated....zilch, clean living lifestyle. Standard toxicology results found LSD. How can this be??????????????? And no....that case doesn't have CI theory potential in my opinion. It isn't that they all do.....

I agree, there is something really wrong in that case.
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