ND ND - Thomas 'Tom' Bearson, 19, Fargo, 20 Sep 2014 #3

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References the gun belonged to him. Strongly implying it is not missing. From Sports Illustrated.


CNN says gun found nearby. I had originally read it was found in the dumpster with him.

Nearby? That's pretty vague. Nearby to me can mean a foot to a city block. For crying out loud, you can't tell me that it is going to compromise the case if they actually say how far nearby is, right? Give me a break.....(I'm crabby tonight, does it show??)

References the gun belonged to him. Strongly implying it is not missing. From Sports Illustrated.


CNN says gun found nearby. I had originally read it was found in the dumpster with him.

Thank you for this information. I am not familiar with this case in the least. I just wanted to mention that just because a gun wasn't found near the victim, doesn't mean it wasn't there to begin with. ~
You know what? I had a long day, and it's showing sadly....have a goodnight everyone
(BBM ) 'Eh...I happen to know of some very wealthy people that deal with/in/buy/sell/use drugs. You would be foolish to believe that the drug trade is exclusive to the down trodden image portrayed in the movies.

I think you misunderstood my point. I never brought up socioeconomic status or Hollywood.
But no worries....
Thank you for this information. I am not familiar with this case in the least. I just wanted to mention that just because a gun wasn't found near the victim, doesn't mean it wasn't there to begin with. ~

Somebody would have to be really, really stupid to pick up a gun (get their DNA on it) after a suicide! That might be the silliest thing one could do.

In the Rachel Hoffman case, LE asked her to purchase a gun. CI's generally feel afraid and want to protect themselves. If the gun is his, big deal. Wasn't Rachel Hoffman killed with her own gun that LE helped her/instructed her to get?
Rocco.. Can we just agree to disagree on this? You go ahead and post your theories & I will post mine. As we know, mine is due in part to the Andrew Sadek case. Prior to that, I would have probably never suspected such a thing. But now.. It's the first thing I think of.

I am biased against LE for, what I feel, are good reasons. I have a friend who will never see her son again because LE involved him in activities that obviously lead to his death - either by murder or suicide. Now you can attack Andrew like I feel you did before but the fact remains that he was an 18 year old kid at the time he made those mistakes in judgement.

My theory is that Tom was taken to the hospital for chemical testing because something else was found in the car. My theory is that he agreed to be a CI so that he didn't get charged with a felony. My theory is that he was hanging around with a rougher crowd on 9/21 so that he could make some connections. My theory is his toxicology will come back clean. My theory is that whatever "listening device" he had on him was found - probably his phone - and that's why it's gone. My theory is that LE was waiting to see if any of Tom's friends came forward that knew of his CI activities. When they didn't... That is why LE changed from "no foul play suspected" to -- geez.. "We better act like the public is in danger or it doesn't make any sense." That's my theory. If you don't agree, that's fine.

I think you are very wise and down-to-earth and I realize that you have a hard time being suspicious of people in authority. I respect that. I'm not asking you to get on my train and/or to give me all of your eggs for my basket.

This is totally O/T so if not interested then please feel free to Scroll and Roll. The ONLY reason I am posting it is because of all the talk about CI's. The only reason I ran across it is because of another case I follow on WS (Elizabeth Collins and Lyric Morrissey-Cook) and it was mentioned on there. It is a FB page called: The Life of Shanda Kangas Werkmeister. It is a page started by Shanda's mother who feels her daughter's death (Shanda's) is related to Shanda being used as a CI. Yes, I know it has nothing to do with someone in college, nothing to do with North Dakota or Minnesota (it is in Iowa). However, I stumbled across it awhile back on Elizabeth and Lyric's thread and did go to the FB page and read some and did find it quite interesting (sadly) in regards to LE, CI's etc. I do not know enough about Tom's case to make an opinion as to whether or not the CI thing does or does not play a role; however, I felt some may find Shanda's page an interesting read.

ETA: Mods, if this is not allowed, please delete.
Your theory is as good as anyone elses---even if we don't agree. And I'll just add that even though I don't agree with you, I appreciate the respectful manner in which you post. You used to be kind of a hot head but now you're a thoughtful and valuable poster. JMO

I know I was/am a hot head about the Andrew Sadek case because it was personal to me. It's hard to keep my composure when the victim is a friend of my family. I am angry about that case. I admit it clouds my judgement about TB's case. I feel like I've always been honest to fellow sleuthers (almost like a broken record) who may wonder why I am so cynical. It's my "disclosure" to take everything I post with a grain of salt because my "filter" is slightly (or more than slightly) skewed against LE and against officials in ND for being seemingly uncooperative in the Sadek case.

I do still consider any and all other theories in this case including it was a random crime and LE really honestly has no leads.
This is totally O/T so if not interested then please feel free to Scroll and Roll. The ONLY reason I am posting it is because of all the talk about CI's. The only reason I ran across it is because of another case I follow on WS (Elizabeth Collins and Lyric Morrissey-Cook) and it was mentioned on there. It is a FB page called: The Life of Shanda Kangas Werkmeister. It is a page started by Shanda's mother who feels her daughter's death (Shanda's) is related to Shanda being used as a CI. Yes, I know it has nothing to do with someone in college, nothing to do with North Dakota or Minnesota (it is in Iowa). However, I stumbled across it awhile back on Elizabeth and Lyric's thread and did go to the FB page and read some and did find it quite interesting (sadly) in regards to LE, CI's etc. I do not know enough about Tom's case to make an opinion as to whether or not the CI thing does or does not play a role; however, I felt some may find Shanda's page an interesting read.

ETA: Mods, if this is not allowed, please delete.

I think if the information is relevant to making a point, by all means share it!! Thank you for posting this. As long as we are all just sitting here listening to our arteries harden, we might as well discuss something.

I thought that guy that kidnapped the girl and they searched the pig farm he worked at was responsible for those two. Maybe I have all that mixed up?? I haven't followed any of that since they found their bodies in that remote area.
MM - your theory is plausible. I don't like admitting but it is certainly a possibility that has begun to inch its way into my head.

But let me ask you this - why is it the Berkleycopwatch web site and the Mint News reporting on it? Where did you find these fish wraps?! Why not a news organization that isn't specifically targetting LE - Copwatch? The very name doesn't call to mind an atmosphere of the basic journalistic ethos of unbiased reporting of facts. To me it screams the opposite: "we're a bunch of dirty hippies with a web site who enjoy making sh** up so cops look bad." Berkleycopwatch - not sure they could sound less credible to me. Pro-drug agenda maybe?

If there was some legitimate and respected news organizations doing those stories I'd find it easier to swallow.

Ah.. You used my own line against me. I always have to inform people on FB that "liberalssuck.com" or "barackobamaiskenyan.com" are NOT legitimate news sites. I knew I should have looked for better articles but I was in a hurry last night & I had those "bookmarked" to read so they were handy.

Ok.. I think these are all "legitimate" news sources as per your request.







I am usually always "MinnesotaNice..."

As I say, you don't have to agree with my theory. I'm still open to other theories, too.

Btw...Proud Papa... When I was "investigating" the Jacob Heisinger case in SD (to see if he too was possibly a CI that someone threw in a grain bin), I learned that Jacob was in the movie "Pearl Harbor" with Ben Affleck. He was the pitcher in the scene where the kids were playing baseball when the Japanese airplanes flew over the island. His picture was on most of the movie posters advertising the movie. Pretty neat little tidbit about his life. They called him "Hollywood Heisinger." And... I'm still not convinced there was no foul play in his death. Because I'm a cynic like that.
I think if the information is relevant to making a point, by all means share it!! Thank you for posting this. As long as we are all just sitting here listening to our arteries harden, we might as well discuss something.

I thought that guy that kidnapped the girl and they searched the pig farm he worked at was responsible for those two. Maybe I have all that mixed up?? I haven't followed any of that since they found their bodies in that remote area.

Thanks, IB, I felt some may find it interesting.

Regarding Elizabeth and Lyric, that man (Michael Klunder) was ruled out as not being a POI in the girls' case. To date, no POI's or suspects have been named; hence, no arrests made. LE continues to reassure the public the case is active and that they continue to follow leads/tips.

ETA: Just to clarify though, he (MK) did kidnap two other girls; murdered one and they found her body later and the other one was able to escape (two different girls though). MK hung himself before LE was able to arrest him.
Wow. Just wow.
That's all I have to say after reading all of the latest posts.

If this is a microcosm of society, I can see why no one gets along. I think we are all here for the same reason: justice for Tom Bearson. That should be enough to stop the snark on this thread. If you don't agree with someone's theory, move on to the next post. Is it necessary to bicker?

Thank you, Bankingonit.....
(BBM ) 'Eh...I happen to know of some very wealthy people that deal with/in/buy/sell/use drugs. You would be foolish to believe that the drug trade is exclusive to the down trodden image portrayed in the movies.

The well to do are the biggest users of drugs. Um, they have the MONEY to buy them.

I do not think TB would know gang signs, etc. Things that were listed in a post above. Even if he did know them in HIS home town, he sure would not know an area that he just moved to.

I cannot believe he was a CI . And a first DUI is going to cost a fortune. The increased insurance costs are astronomical. Where I live, I saw billboards that say $10,000. The $750 fine does not tell the story.

So many other costs such as the drug counseling. And alcohol is the worst drug of all.
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