GUILTY ND - Tyr Lange, 4 months, Stutsman County, Jul 2018

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Missing 4-month-old baby found dead in central North Dakota
Tyr Lange was found Saturday in rural northwestern Stutsman County. The infant and his mother Justice Lange, of Fargo, N.D., had been reported missing on Monday.
"It's a sad day, we kinda knew this was gonna happen this way but until it happens; but it is good that we did find the 4-month-old for the families for everybody's sake to get some closure," Stutsman County Sheriff Chad Kaiser said, according to KFYR-TV.
Kaiser said investigators won’t know the cause of death until an autopsy is conducted, the St. Paul Pioneer-Press in Minnesota reported.
With all due respect, ”putting down people real quick” has no place in a developed society IMO. The constitution is clear. There‘s indictment, trial, judgment and punishment. In that order. I understand being angry at a ”mother” who fails her child. I agree she should get her day in court and face consequences. But let the judges do their job.
With all due respect, ”putting down people real quick” has no place in a developed society IMO. The constitution is clear. There‘s indictment, trial, judgment and punishment. In that order. I understand being angry at a ”mother” who fails her child. I agree she should get her day in court and face consequences. But let the judges do their job.
Thank you. The vigilante stuff is disturbing to me. One hopes anyone who feels this way never has a child or loved one succumb to an addiction or make a terrible error in judgement. This woman's actions were horrific and wrong and she likely shouldn't have been released so soon if at all. But she's still an actual human, however abhorrent.
My beautiful, smart, caring boy is 22 and also a horrific addict. Today has been tough. He has been released from jail for assaulting me. I did press charges. He came home Friday. He was actually only home for 4 weeks and almost at a inpatient place. 3rd one when he attacked me.

I love my son but he is scary when he uses. I never thought meth would be in my life. I neve thought I would find needles in his room.
He became an addict after a car hit him when he was 19 and shattered his left leg.
Today my son was kicked out of the shelter he is at as he has no one left. I’m trying to embrace tough love but I do badley want to just hug him and love him. My biggest nightmare is losing him for good. Frankly he is a shell of who he was. I’m sorry I hate drugs. I don’t hate addicts. I hate their choices. I always read these horrible stories and hate what happens. Always in the back of my mind a breathe a sigh of relief that my son has no kids. Because honestly at this point he could be on WS.
Fly free baby boy. I pray justice will be swift and harsh. Xo
With all due respect, ”putting down people real quick” has no place in a developed society IMO. The constitution is clear. There‘s indictment, trial, judgment and punishment. In that order. I understand being angry at a ”mother” who fails her child. I agree she should get her day in court and face consequences. But let the judges do their job.
I understand that. It's just aweful that these inhumane people, are allowed to breed, abuse and Murder with ease, and the death penalty is considered cruel,and unusual, even after fair trial etc.
Even if they get the death penalty they get year after year, appeal,after appeal, stays, death penalty gets changes to life, in some cases they get pardoned.
It just make me sick. unless they are insane, or mentally retarded they know better than animals. Yet get more rights than Animals who don't know any better.
I understand that. It's just aweful that these inhumane people, are allowed to breed, abuse and Murder with ease, and the death penalty is considered cruel,and unusual, even after fair trial etc.
Even if they get the death penalty they get year after year, appeal,after appeal, stays, death penalty gets changes to life, in some cases they get pardoned.
It just make me sick. unless they are insane, or mentally retarded they know better than animals. Yet get more rights than Animals who don't know any better.
The United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world (655 prisoners per 100,000 population). Harsher sentences have had almost no impact on crime rates in countries like Mexico or Honduras. I don‘t know how many people haven‘t gone through murdering someone because they feared the death penalty or life in prison but I think crime control generally requires a more complex approach.
My beautiful, smart, caring boy is 22 and also a horrific addict. Today has been tough. He has been released from jail for assaulting me. I did press charges. He came home Friday. He was actually only home for 4 weeks and almost at a inpatient place. 3rd one when he attacked me.

I love my son but he is scary when he uses. I never thought meth would be in my life. I neve thought I would find needles in his room.
He became an addict after a car hit him when he was 19 and shattered his left leg.
Today my son was kicked out of the shelter he is at as he has no one left. I’m trying to embrace tough love but I do badley want to just hug him and love him. My biggest nightmare is losing him for good. Frankly he is a shell of who he was. I’m sorry I hate drugs. I don’t hate addicts. I hate their choices. I always read these horrible stories and hate what happens. Always in the back of my mind a breathe a sigh of relief that my son has no kids. Because honestly at this point he could be on WS.
Fly free baby boy. I pray justice will be swift and harsh. Xo
I'm so sorry you and your son are going through this. :(
The United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world (655 prisoners per 100,000 population). Harsher sentences have had almost no impact on crime rates in countries like Mexico or Honduras. I don‘t know how many people haven‘t gone through murdering someone because they feared the death penalty or life in prison but I think crime control generally requires a more complex approach.
I'm not calling for vigilante justice,or even the death penalty.
I'm just saying It's a crying shame when child murderes have more rights than the children they murder.It really says a lot about our justice system,and child protective services, and family courts.
These people are given carte Blanche, the price the blood of chilren.
How about the childrens rights? How about their appeals? How about their right to a fair trial, lawyer if they can't afford one?
How about their right to life,liberty,and the pursuit of happiness?
I'm not calling for vigilante justice,or even the death penalty.
I'm just saying It's a crying shame when child murderes have more rights than the children they murder.It really says a lot about our justice system,and child protective services, and family courts.
These people are given carte Blanche, the price the blood of chilren.
How about the childrens rights? How about their appeals? How about their right to a fair trial, lawyer if they can't afford one?
How about their right to life,liberty,and the pursuit of happiness?
What's your solution?
I'm not calling for vigilante justice,or even the death penalty.
I'm just saying It's a crying shame when child murderes have more rights than the children they murder.It really says a lot about our justice system,and child protective services, and family courts.
These people are given carte Blanche, the price the blood of chilren.
How about the childrens rights? How about their appeals? How about their right to a fair trial, lawyer if they can't afford one?
How about their right to life,liberty,and the pursuit of happiness?
Since you posted in this thread, I'm making the assumption you're talking about this mother being a murderer. My understanding is that she was arrested on existing warrants. I haven't been following closely enough to know what those warrants were for. Has she been charged with murder or neglect or anything yet in relation to this baby's death? Don't get me wrong, many signs pointing that direction, and we see similar tragedies here on a daily basis. I guess I'm just chiming in with my opinion that it is a terrible loss of an innocent child but not yet presented by LE to be a crime.
Keep them locked up, jail or
rehab. If not then sterilize them.
I know sounds harsh, but not anywhere near as harsh as child abuse,and murder.
That's worse than prison over crowding. Far worse.

bit unsure .... but does rehab really work ,,,,, kids are so venerable and need protection in any form possible and the biggest problem is that they keep having them and they don't seem to really care about them either

just some thoughts
Keep them locked up, jail or
rehab. If not then sterilize them.
I know sounds harsh, but not anywhere near as harsh as child abuse,and murder.
That's worse than prison over crowding. Far worse.

Keep who exactly, though, locked up? Drug addicts? Child abusers, sure, I guess I thought we were talking now preventative. What percentage of drug addicts kill people? What percentage don't ever get clean? At what point is the lifelong lockup sentence get put into place?

This mom shouldn't have been able to get out so quickly after being convicted of the crimes with which she was convicted. That may have prevented this particular murder. Perhaps we could work on people serving their full sentences in the first place and especially after a freaking prison escape.

Forced steralization hasn't ever helped society when tried before.

Maybe better and earlier mandatory sex education in all schools, and parenting/basic caregiving classes, more drug prevention and early intervention services would be helpful?

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