GUILTY ND - Tyr Lange, 4 months, Stutsman County, Jul 2018

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Rehab only works if the person WANTS it to work. It doesn't work if they are only doing it because of a judge's order, or because their attorney told them it would make them look better. Addicts have to WANT to stop, and even then, it's not always enough.
My beautiful, smart, caring boy is 22 and also a horrific addict. Today has been tough. He has been released from jail for assaulting me. I did press charges. He came home Friday. He was actually only home for 4 weeks and almost at a inpatient place. 3rd one when he attacked me.

I love my son but he is scary when he uses. I never thought meth would be in my life. I neve thought I would find needles in his room.
He became an addict after a car hit him when he was 19 and shattered his left leg.
Today my son was kicked out of the shelter he is at as he has no one left. I’m trying to embrace tough love but I do badley want to just hug him and love him. My biggest nightmare is losing him for good. Frankly he is a shell of who he was. I’m sorry I hate drugs. I don’t hate addicts. I hate their choices. I always read these horrible stories and hate what happens. Always in the back of my mind a breathe a sigh of relief that my son has no kids. Because honestly at this point he could be on WS.
Fly free baby boy. I pray justice will be swift and harsh. Xo
I am so very sorry that you are going through this! I hope & pray that he is able & willing to get the help he needs to clean up his life. I also hope that you will be able to be strong for yourself during this time, as well as a strong support system to help you through this.
Keep who exactly, though, locked up? Drug addicts? Child abusers, sure, I guess I thought we were talking now preventative. What percentage of drug addicts kill people? What percentage don't ever get clean? At what point is the lifelong lockup sentence get put into place?

This mom shouldn't have been able to get out so quickly after being convicted of the crimes with which she was convicted. That may have prevented this particular murder. Perhaps we could work on people serving their full sentences in the first place and especially after a freaking prison escape.

Forced steralization hasn't ever helped society when tried before.

Maybe better and earlier mandatory sex education in all schools, and parenting/basic caregiving classes, more drug prevention and early intervention services would be helpful?
Well at the pace were going it's about 2 children month getting killed by drug addicted so called parents.
So yeah keeping them locked up a lot longer at least untill they are past child bearing age,or sterilization.
If they won't give up drugs.They have zero business having children.
Otherwise we can just have more cases like this at the same alarming pace.
It's horrific enough already. No more.
It has to stop.
Since you posted in this thread, I'm making the assumption you're talking about this mother being a murderer. My understanding is that she was arrested on existing warrants. I haven't been following closely enough to know what those warrants were for. Has she been charged with murder or neglect or anything yet in relation to this baby's death? Don't get me wrong, many signs pointing that direction, and we see similar tragedies here on a daily basis. I guess I'm just chiming in with my opinion that it is a terrible loss of an innocent child but not yet presented by LE to be a crime.

I doubt they died of natural causes.
This kind of thing is becoming so regular the script pretty much writes itself.
Well at the pace were going it's about 2 children month getting killed by drug addicted so called parents.
So yeah keeping them locked up a lot longer at least untill they are past child bearing age,or sterilization.
If they won't give up drugs.They have zero business having children.
Otherwise we can just have more cases like this at the same alarming pace.
It's horrific enough already. No more.
It has to stop.
When my brother was young, he did a lot of drinking and drugs. At one point he was given the choice between treatment and jail; he chose treatment, thinking he could bluff his way through 30 days. After a few days of "bluffing" he decided that what they were saying made sense. He's been clean and sober for over 30 years now, has been a fantastic father and grandfather.

Not everyone who becomes addicted to drugs becomes a murderer or child abuser, and not every murderer or child abuser is a drug addict. I think there has to be a better way to deal with things than permanently punishing anyone who might some day become a criminal. MOO
Not everyone who becomes addicted to drugs becomes a murderer or child abuser, and not every murderer or child abuser is a drug addict. I think there has to be a better way to deal with things than permanently punishing anyone who might some day become a criminal. MOO


Preach it.
Not that those addicts who commit crimes shouldn't be punished. But IMO, the approach in the US towards addiction and addicts has been an abject failure.

And BTW, a lot of the current problem could have been averted if certain drugs weren't prescribed willy-nilly to millions of people for pains from minor to chronic

This all stings for me as well. The son of a long-time friend of the family, the same age as one of my nieces, died last week from a heroin overdose. He was yet another one who was prescribed pain meds and couldn't break his addiction. I remember this kid when he was 3 years old. :(
It can happen to any family, anywhere.
This might sound lame, but prevention for me starts with a good education. Information about what drugs might do to your soul and body. It won't stop those things from happening, but it would be a step in the right direction.
Sometimes I think it’s just inevitable. My sons father passed away when he was 5 due to addictions. He was only 25. You can bet I instilled drug education in him. When in grade 9 he was caught smoking a joint at school with friends I really nipped that in the butt. We have drug awareness in Canada in schools as well. My son was always involved in sports. Hockey and soccer. Kept him busy. He was never a kid that just hung around the streets. I still wonder what I did or said that caused this. ( I know I didn’t do anything but as moms we take our mind there all the time)
The decline came when his leg was shattered and he had to undergo many surgeries and many rods and screws in his leg. There went his job as a cook part time at an amazing restaurant that he moved his way up. He was only 19! Always roofed on weekends for cash. That was gone. Schooling was done. His depression hit hard. He has traumatic brain injury now. All his real friends off and went away to school or got engaged and started their young lives. My sons has stopped. He has been in an out of jail since the accident. My family dr knew our families history of addictions and tried to work with the surgeons and hospital staff that w had to really watch how much drugs and what he was given. They never really heeded his advice but were swayed by his big brown eyes pleading for pain relief.
My dr then stopped prescriptions that the hospital transferred to him. He tried to wean him off properly. It didn’t work. He lost it at the office and was no longer a patient. He abuses every and every drug now.
Even in jail it’s really just a big free for all. BooZe are made drugs are smuggled in. Medications are traded.
My dr is an amazing man. He started studying addictions more now b cause of my J. He did give me some hope that is an addict can maintain sobriety for 10 years they are usually in the clear. Of course will always be there but won’t be so hard.
My son is on a major binge right now. He has a social worker hired by his injury lawyer. ( amazing men both of them) he is picking him up today and we really hope he asks for treatment.
Thanks for the well wishes. I have hope. It’s really small right now. My mom gave her plot up at the cemetery with my buried dad and brother as she is remarrying. I’m saving it for my son. That is my reality. If J makes it out of this I believe he will be an amazing man that will share his journey of drugs.
Please embrace him and pray that he finds his way to Teen Challenge.
Sorry fo the long ramble. Xo
Sometimes I think it’s just inevitable. My sons father passed away when he was 5 due to addictions. He was only 25. You can bet I instilled drug education in him. When in grade 9 he was caught smoking a joint at school with friends I really nipped that in the butt. We have drug awareness in Canada in schools as well. My son was always involved in sports. Hockey and soccer. Kept him busy. He was never a kid that just hung around the streets. I still wonder what I did or said that caused this. ( I know I didn’t do anything but as moms we take our mind there all the time)
The decline came when his leg was shattered and he had to undergo many surgeries and many rods and screws in his leg. There went his job as a cook part time at an amazing restaurant that he moved his way up. He was only 19! Always roofed on weekends for cash. That was gone. Schooling was done. His depression hit hard. He has traumatic brain injury now. All his real friends off and went away to school or got engaged and started their young lives. My sons has stopped. He has been in an out of jail since the accident. My family dr knew our families history of addictions and tried to work with the surgeons and hospital staff that w had to really watch how much drugs and what he was given. They never really heeded his advice but were swayed by his big brown eyes pleading for pain relief.
My dr then stopped prescriptions that the hospital transferred to him. He tried to wean him off properly. It didn’t work. He lost it at the office and was no longer a patient. He abuses every and every drug now.
Even in jail it’s really just a big free for all. BooZe are made drugs are smuggled in. Medications are traded.
My dr is an amazing man. He started studying addictions more now b cause of my J. He did give me some hope that is an addict can maintain sobriety for 10 years they are usually in the clear. Of course will always be there but won’t be so hard.
My son is on a major binge right now. He has a social worker hired by his injury lawyer. ( amazing men both of them) he is picking him up today and we really hope he asks for treatment.
Thanks for the well wishes. I have hope. It’s really small right now. My mom gave her plot up at the cemetery with my buried dad and brother as she is remarrying. I’m saving it for my son. That is my reality. If J makes it out of this I believe he will be an amazing man that will share his journey of drugs.
Please embrace him and pray that he finds his way to Teen Challenge.
Sorry fo the long ramble. Xo

You are an amazing woman, DyannaOn, of course there is no general solution for all this. Keep on having strength and faith!!
Tried to look up Lange in Stutsman county jail, but she's not there. Is she still in the hospital? Or a different county?


RIP little Tyr
When my brother was young, he did a lot of drinking and drugs. At one point he was given the choice between treatment and jail; he chose treatment, thinking he could bluff his way through 30 days. After a few days of "bluffing" he decided that what they were saying made sense. He's been clean and sober for over 30 years now, has been a fantastic father and grandfather.

Not everyone who becomes addicted to drugs becomes a murderer or child abuser, and not every murderer or child abuser is a drug addict. I think there has to be a better way to deal with things than permanently punishing anyone who might some day become a criminal. MOO
When my brother was young, he did a lot of drinking and drugs. At one point he was given the choice between treatment and jail; he chose treatment, thinking he could bluff his way through 30 days. After a few days of "bluffing" he decided that what they were saying made sense. He's been clean and sober for over 30 years now, has been a fantastic father and grandfather.

Not everyone who becomes addicted to drugs becomes a murderer or child abuser, and not every murderer or child abuser is a drug addict. I think there has to be a better way to deal with things than permanently punishing anyone who might some day become a criminal. MOO
I agree there has to be a better way.
Longer jail times, more rehab.... if that fails then sterilization.
Something has got to give,and it should not be children's lives.
How many more children in body bags will it take?
I agree there has to be a better way.
Longer jail times, more rehab.... if that fails then sterilization.
Something has got to give,and it should not be children's lives.
How many more children in body bags will it take?
Will you do that to everyone who drinks too? There are some pretty mean drunks out there. How about those who grew up in abusive homes? There's always a possibility that they'll carry on the tradition. My philosophy on many things is pretty simple: with housework, finances, yard work, and a lot of other things, it's easier to keep up than it is to catch up. In these situations, I believe it's much easier to prevent a problem than it is to cure it. I don't think the answer is to find harder and more inhumane ways to punish people who commit these atrocious crimes, it's to find out what makes a person become that way and intervene before it's too late.

That's one of the reasons I think that looking at the upbringing of an abuser/murderer is so important. It also means looking at people with similar upbringings and trying to find what was different that allowed those people to grow up as caring, gentle people. I don't believe it's one thing (people don't just wake up one day and say, "Gee, I think I'll become a meth addict, murderer, child abuser, drunk or something else society will shun me for."), but some combinations are probably common in most, and something else common is probably missing in those same people. Sorry, this is getting O/T, but that's where I am right now. MOO
Since you posted in this thread, I'm making the assumption you're talking about this mother being a murderer. My understanding is that she was arrested on existing warrants. I haven't been following closely enough to know what those warrants were for. Has she been charged with murder or neglect or anything yet in relation to this baby's death? Don't get me wrong, many signs pointing that direction, and we see similar tragedies here on a daily basis. I guess I'm just chiming in with my opinion that it is a terrible loss of an innocent child but not yet presented by LE to be a crime.
The mother's warrants are a Forgery/Counterfeiting charge out of Foster County from 2012 and Shoplifting/Theft out of Jamestown municipal court also from 2012.

In 2013 she was charged with 5 counts of conspiracy to commit robbery and 1 count of conspiracy to commit burglary. The conspiracy to commit robbery charges each had a potential sentence of 10 years and the conspiracy to commit burglary had a potential sentence of 4 years. She was given 113 days at sentencing (credit for 107 days) and 5 years probation. However, in 2015 she was charged with 1 count of Escape and one count of theft of property. She was once again given probation that was extended to 2020. So, it is certain that if she committed any crimes in this she will have violated the terms of that 2015 probation which required that she violate no laws. That would put her in jail until 2020.

Condition - Adult:
1. Appendix A, 06/26/2015 - 06/26/2020, Active 06/26/2015
2. Not Possess or Own Fire Arms, 06/26/2015 - 06/26/2020, Active 06/26/2015
3. Supervised Probation, ### years 06/26/2015 - 06/26/2020, Active 06/26/2015
4. Notify Court of Address Change, 06/26/2015 - 06/26/2020, Active 06/26/2015
5. Violate No Criminal Laws, 06/26/2015 - 06/26/2020, Active 06/26/2015
Agency: Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, Term: 5 Years
Suspended: 2 Years
Comment: The sentence imposed will run consecutively to the defendan'ts current sentence

All that said, since the baby was 4 months old and incapable of surviving on its own I don't see how her actions wouldn't amount to Negligent Homicide which in North Dakota would get her 5 years. It is possible she won't be charged.

The father in this situation has 36 cases involving over 100 charges in North Dakota in his adult lifetime. He is 13 years older than the mother. Despite his seeming concern for the the child on his FB, in the end, he ran for it when Sheriff's deputies arrested him on July 3rd. His charges from that incident were:

Plea (Judicial Officer: LeFevre, Troy)
1. Fleeing or Attempting to Elude a Police Officer
Not Guilty
2. Preventing Arrest Or Discharge Of Other Duties
Not Guilty
3. Driving While License Privilege Is Suspended
Not Guilty
4. Reckless Driving
Not Guilty

There was an outstanding warrant for him as well for:
Charges: Wiilde, Jason Anthony Statute Level Date
1. Conspiracy to commit burglary 12.1-22-02(1) Felony C 06/07/2017
2. Theft-Take $500-1,000 12.1-23-02(1) Misdemeanor A 06/07/2017

Follow the instructions from there and search away
North Dakota Public Data Access
My baby was killed by someone who was using meth. He spent a decade in prison, which was his entire sentence (shocked me they didn't release him early as it seems like everyone gets out early). I internet stalk him twice a year to make sure he doesn't have any more children. He doesn't, thank goodness.

So, believe me, I know the anger first hand. I also know how that anger can eat the person experiencing it.

But steralization, while on the surface might sound like a great solution, is a very slippery slope. Do you only do it to people after they've done something awful? That doesn't prevent the something awful. Do you do it in a preventative manner? If so, how do you assess and identify who, and how do you justify it? "You came from a rough background and have a biological predisposition for addiction, so you don't get to have babies, just in case." Yeah that's not gonna fly.

And like someone just mentioned, what about alcoholics? It's legal, but can be disasterous, so how do you address that?
Kudos to your brother it shows it can be done.
I really hope someone comes up with patch, for this crap.
Like with the nicotine patch.
Where people can slowly wean themselves off.
Until then I don't think sterilization in cases like this is so bad,or at least some form of birth control, other than condomes,and the pill. Something more reliable that can be stopped when one is clean for a long period.
I like the IUD, personally. You can't forget to take it, it's highly effective, and often no periods, which is always nice. It'and it can stay in there for years.

I'm curious to see if Mom gets some additional charges thrown at her this week. Also curious about the cause of death--was he left there dead or die there from exposure? Wondering
Me too confusion! Ha! One is clearly enough for me! I’m sticking with fur babies. Much easier! Lol. I say no and they just stare at me. No talking back... well not always. Two can be jerks lol.

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