GUILTY NE - Juliette Geurts, 2, beaten to death, Gering, 11 July 2008

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For those that might be finding this thread now that there is movement on it...

Juliette's Daddy was serving our country when his baby girl was beaten to death.


Juliette was born November 2, 2005.

She lived 32 months.

She died 57 months ago.

She has now been dead, almost twice as long as she lived.


On July 11, 2013 it will have been 5 years...

5 years without Justice.

5 years her sister has lived without her twin.

5 years, in which her Daddy has served several tours of duty overseas.


We now have indictments... we have charges... after 4 and a half years... but even that is in danger of being lost.

Juliette is another big eyed, beautiful 2 year old little girl who was brutally murdered in the summer of 2008.

There is a crime scene and people of interest. We know Juliette was beaten to death. There were only 3 people there.


Juliette did not get a swift arrest and prosecution.
Juliette didn't get an arrest at all until 1700 people signed a petition to convene a grand jury!

She does not have constant coverage from Nancy, or Jane, or Greta or anyone else.


Instead she has a guy who has worked on "dozens of dead babies."


Juliette died while her Daddy was serving our country.

Her Daddy is still serving our country.

Yet, our country cannot be bothered to give Juliette and her Daddy justice.


What can you do to help her Daddy get justice for his baby girl, while he fights for you and your family??


Justice For Juliette

Contact information for family can be found at the bottom of this page:

The most complete video to learn about the case, including the "dozens of dead babies" comment. :banghead:

We still have a looooong way to go before we see justice but at least, FINALLY, the wheels have begun to turn.

As far as the attorney statement about "extensive" coverage. I agree, that is a joke, how long have those dedicated to bringing these [unusual person] up on charges had to rally, beg, plead, march and take this case to the social networks to even get anyone to notice this poor child and what these [unusual persons] did to her??

For those of you who have followed, shared, and done what you could to publicize Juleitte's case, I salute you!

Ditto. A long time ago I promised to take some time and try to help on this case and I never did!!!! Yet here we have lovely people like Bree and Ms.F who joined that small band of people committed to making sure a tiny, forgotten baby got justice, and never gave up.

This baby didn't have her own mother to hold her or protect her from harm in life or to even give a darn in death. But she had you all. God bless you.

The ACLU had to get involved in Juliette's town.
Why do you ask? :waitasec:

Because the town wants to hold a walk on April 22nd, to prevent child abuse.
They are being intimidated and threatened by law enforcement, that they will be asked to leave if they are on public sidewalks.

Interesting that these are the same authorities who did NOTHING for 4 years about Juliette's brutal murder.

Obviously protecting children isn't on their priority list. :furious:

You have GOT to be kidding me. :furious: :banghead:

This is sick. What's wrong with LE in that town? Who tries to stop a march against child abuse? The only ones I can fathom who would do such a thing are people who are ashamed of their refusal to investigate and prosecute the murder of a child abused to death, or, more simply, people who just don;t give a you know what about abused children or any children at all.

How shameful. How do these people sleep at night?
Child abuse, neglect, child endangerment.... there are so many other charges they could add here!
Not to mention murder... but they don't believe they will get a conviction on that which is why they aren't charging it.

No, what it means that there is insufficient evidence for any other charge.
No, what it means that there is insufficient evidence for any other charge.

No, that is not what it means in Juliette's case. Every case is different.
That's like saying someone was acquitted because they were innocent. :banghead:

This case did not go uncharged for 4.5 years because of insufficient evidence. There is plenty of evidence. :furious:

Those in charge didn't care enough to even INTERVIEW the suspects or keep track of where they were living.

It was clear they were never going to file charges. Juliette was just another "dead baby" to them. :furious:

This is a slam dunk child neglect/child endangerment case against Juliette's mother at the very LEAST.

I think it could easily be elevated to a child abuse case just from what Juliette's mother HAS said.

I don't think they SHOULD charge Juliette's mother with murder. She probably wouldn't be convicted.

However, manslaughter would be possible to prove. IF they have done an investigation like they should have. :furious:

It pains me to post this: :cry:

From the Justice for Juliette FB page:

Nearly 5 years since Juliette Serenity Geurts was beaten to death & the Scottsbluff County district judge just ruled that the Grand Jury indictments & charges against the mother, Charyse Geurts have been invalidated due to the statute of limitations ran out for the accessory to a felony at the 3 year mark. HEART BROKEN doesn't even come close! :'( Right now I just don't have the words to say. But there is very little faith left in the western Nebraska justice system...

Bold and underline by me.
I can't even thank that post Bree. First post in this thread... that won't get thanked by me.

I have a child right now with likely cracked ribs... I do NOT understand how you sleep while your baby suffers.

I do not understand how you live with yourself knowing your baby suffered because you were negligent.

I do not understand how you go on with your life without fighting for justice for your beaten, murdered baby girl.

I do not understand how you sleep at night without imagining your baby girl being beaten to death. I can't.

I do not understand how you live your life without imagining your baby girl 6 feet under the ground. Cold and alone.


I do not understand how any law enforcement who neglected this case and failed to charge in time, sleeps at night.

I do not understand why Juliette had to die when it is clear no change is happening as a result of that.

I do not understand why people don't CARE that this baby girl was BEATEN and MURDERED in her own crib.

Someone, PLEASE help me understand this. I have got absolutely NOTHING. :tears:
I'm just horrified, speechless and heartbroken. This is unbelievable! My heart breaks for those who have spent so much time and effort, and put to much heart into this.
OMG, I have no words. This is just beyond heartbreaking. I hope this angel's daddy launches a series of civil suites the like of which that county has never seen. He should sue LE, the DA's office, and every other agency whose sheer laziness and lack of willingness to do their damned jobs has created this situation for every penny he can get.

Unfrikkinbelievable :furious:
OMG, I have no words. This is just beyond heartbreaking. I hope this angel's daddy launches a series of civil suites the like of which that county has never seen. He should sue LE, the DA's office, and every other agency whose sheer laziness and lack of willingness to do their damned jobs has created this situation for every penny he can get.

Unfrikkinbelievable :furious:

I'm right there with you. This is insulting. The reason the statute of limitations expired is LE's fault --- arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :furious:
OMG, I have no words. This is just beyond heartbreaking. I hope this angel's daddy launches a series of civil suites the like of which that county has never seen. He should sue LE, the DA's office, and every other agency whose sheer laziness and lack of willingness to do their damned jobs has created this situation for every penny he can get.

Unfrikkinbelievable :furious:

I'm in complete agreement with you! Everyone from the top down, including Charyse, should be sued. I blame LE, but moreso, I blame the DA for dropping the ball on this. His comment that Juliette is just another dead baby still infuriates me. He could've done something 4.5 years ago. UNBELIEVABLE!!!!
Charges dismissed against mom in ‘Juliette’ case


Charges against Charyse Geurts, 25, of Appleton, Wisc., were dismissed Thursday after a ruling by Judge Leo Dobrovolny. Geurts faced charges of accessory to a felony, a Class IV felony, and false reporting, a Class I misdemeanor. Geurts had been accused of not cooperating with authorities during the investigation of her daughter’s abuse case. Juliette Serenity Geurts died July 11, 2008, of blunt force trauma to the head and the abdomen. He death was ruled to be a homicide.


When she heard about the ruling Thursday evening, Hall said, “all I could do is cry.”

“We have been dealing with this for almost five years,” Hall said. “We have had to fight every step of the way. We are still fighting to get justice for this little girl. It seems like every chance we get, every turn we make, we hit a roadblock. It doesn’t seem right.”


“I feel like they convened the grand jury just to placate us, knowing full well that the charge against Charyse would be thrown out,” she said.

Hall said she doesn’t believe that Scotts Bluff County prosecutors and the Gering Police Department have ever been supportive of charging Charyse Geurts. She said authorities have sympathized with the woman because she lost a child, even though Hall said she believes Geurts is responsible for her daughter’s death. Geurts exposed her daughter to an environment that resulted in her death, she said, and impeded the investigation to protect her former boyfriend.

“She gets to walk because of the statute of limitations and she has been the one that has obstructed the investigation?” Hall said, express-ing disbelief.

Prosecution and police inaction have dragged out the case, making Dobrovolny’s ruling possible, Hall challenged.

“The truth hurts: they messed up and no one is willing to admit that they messed up,” she said. “No one has been held accountable.”


Special prosecutor Jim Zimmerman says he has 30 days to decide on whether he will appeal a ruling that dismissed charges against the mother of a two year old Gering girl accused in the toddler's death. Scotts Bluff County District Judge Leo Dobrovolny's ruling eliminated the charges against 25 year old Charyse Geurts in the 2008 death of Juliette Geurts.

Is this hope?

Special prosecutor Jim Zimmerman says he has 30 days to decide on whether he will appeal a ruling that dismissed charges against the mother of a two year old Gering girl accused in the toddler's death. Scotts Bluff County District Judge Leo Dobrovolny's ruling eliminated the charges against 25 year old Charyse Geurts in the 2008 death of Juliette Geurts.

Is this hope?

I hope that he will appeal. I don't understand how this so-called mom can walk free without some type of punishment. She alleges that she took a sleeping pill while her daughter was seriously ill? Who does that? Is there a neglect resulting in death charge available? Are they able to go back to the Grand Jury?
Would Federal charges work in this instance? Sometimes federal statutes are not the same as states.

A local case to me in which I know the accused and the players was not prosecuted because of gross ME/coroner errors but some years later the child's accused killer was charged on a federal level.

Could Federal charges be brought in this case? Perhaps its time to stop dealing with the good ole boys and move higher to find justice?
Just a reminder of what Juliette overcame... before she had the life beaten out of her.




The latest post on the Justice for Juliette FB page (from Juliette's Aunt Monica):

ACTION ALERT! JULIETTE'S LETTER WRITING CAMPAIGN TO THE SPECIAL PROSECUTOR! Here is your chance to help Juliette see Justice. We need all of Juliette’s angels on earth to send a letter! Here is a sample letter to mail as hard copy to Mr. James Zimmerman. It is time they charge the mother with statute 28-707 Child abuse, which includes neglect, as the appropriate charge for her involvement in her daughter's death. Copy, paste & change the letter to make it personalized for each of you. Please, please be kind & polite. Mr. Zimmerman has done a good job but we want him to know we are WATCHING!


Mr. James Zimmerman
1615 2nd Ave
Scottsbluff, NE 69361

Dear Mr. Zimmerman,

Having the charges dismissed against the mother due to the expiration of the Statute of limitation in a homicide case was devastating for a little girl who deserves justice. Nearly 5 years overdue that the appropriate charges are finally filed against all those responsible in Juliette Serenity Geurts murder & that includes the mother. No one should be allowed to walk away from their involvement in a murder due to the expiration of a statute of limitation.

As a concerned citizen, I am writing on behalf of Juliette Serenity Geurts. Juliette was a victim of child abuse and neglect resulting in her death at the tender age of 2 yrs old. Her little life was taken from her nearly 5 years ago in Gering Nebraska. Yet, justice for her murder continues to be illusive with very little success in holding all those responsible for her death. This deeply concerns me as a citizen. Children are innocent and are supposed to be protected by all those caring for them. This little girl was in a home in the care of her mother Charyse Geurts, the mother's former boyfriend, Dustin Chauncey and friend Brandon Townsend. Brandon has openly admitted they were partying that evening while caring for the twin's. The only other person in the house was Juliette’s twin sister Jaelyn. The girls were only two years old at the time this crime occurred. They were both to young to protect themselves or fight back. Juliette was taken to the hospital for a supposed seizure and fever and then sent home only to be found dead several hours later. The mother has stated that she took a sleeping pill upon arriving home from the ER and did not give the appropriate care to her daughter as instructed by the ER doctor. That in itself shows neglect that most likely contributed to Juliette's death. It is time they charge the mother with statute 28-707 Child abuse, which includes neglect, as the appropriate charge for her involvement in her daughter's death.

The autopsy revealed that Juliette suffered and died from multiple blunt force trauma to the abdomen and head. It states that her death was a HOMICIDE! Three adults caring for 2 year old twins who were all responsible for Juliette's care. Juliette never got a second chance, she will never drive a car, go to Prom, get Married or have her very own Children. That was taken from her the night she was beaten to death. A crime that was 100% preventable.

Imagine what Juliette endured and what her surviving twin lives with everyday. Fear and pain while someone violently took her precious life away from her with her twin in the same room watching and hearing all this take place. Juliette cannot speak for herself in this case, that is why it is important for the truth to be told. She deserves full justice from all those responsible. Mr. Zimmerman you have the power to do something in this case! Please do not settle for less when Juliette deserves so much more nearly 5 years later.

Thank you for your time & may God bless your efforts.


Nebraska Revised Statute 28-707
28-707. Child abuse; privileges not available; penalties.
(1) A person commits child abuse if he or she knowingly, intentionally, or negligently causes or permits a minor child to be:

(a) Placed in a situation that endangers his or her life or physical or mental health;

(b) Cruelly confined or cruelly punished;

(c) Deprived of necessary food, clothing, shelter, or care;

(d) Placed in a situation to be sexually exploited by allowing, encouraging, or forcing such minor child to solicit for or engage in prostitution, debauchery, public indecency, or obscene or pornographic photography, films, or depictions; or

(e) Placed in a situation to be sexually abused as defined in section 28-319, 28-319.01, or 28-320.01.

(2) The statutory privilege between patient and physician, between client and professional counselor, and between husband and wife shall not be available for excluding or refusing testimony in any prosecution for a violation of this section.

(3) Child abuse is a Class I misdemeanor if the offense is committed negligently and does not result in serious bodily injury as defined in section 28-109 or death.

(4) Child abuse is a Class IIIA felony if the offense is committed knowingly and intentionally and does not result in serious bodily injury as defined in section 28-109 or death.

(5) Child abuse is a Class IIIA felony if the offense is committed negligently and results in serious bodily injury as defined in section 28-109.

(6) Child abuse is a Class III felony if the offense is committed negligently and results in the death of such child.

(7) Child abuse is a Class II felony if the offense is committed knowingly and intentionally and results in serious bodily injury as defined in such section.

(8) Child abuse is a Class IB felony if the offense is committed knowingly and intentionally and results in the death of such child.

(9) For purposes of this section, negligently refers to criminal negligence and means that a person knew or should have known of the danger involved and acted recklessly, as defined in section 28-109, with respect to the safety or health of the minor child.
I guess I should have waited for Monica to put out a template huh? :blushing:
Oh well, patience has never been my strong point. :facepalm:

"I love Mommy."

Local petitioners react to Charyse Geurts' charges being dropped


Special Prosecutor Jim Zimmerman has less than a month to decide if he will appeal the ruling.


Moving forward, Zimmerman can ask the judge to reconsider or ask the state's appellate court to favor his argument and rule that the associated charges should have the same statue of limitations as the case it's attached to.

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