GUILTY NE - Juliette Geurts, 2, beaten to death, Gering, 11 July 2008

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Not forgetting...

The incompetence we are dealing with here is completely mind blowing.
No one KNEW which COURT he needed to appear in??? Seriously??!! :banghead:

Dustin Chauncey's arraignment was scheduled for 1:30 p.m. in Scotts Bluff County Court.
But since Chauncey is facing felony charges, he will not make any appearances in County Court.

His arraignment is now scheduled for Thursday afternoon in District Court.
Authorities transferred Dustin Chauncey, 26, from Colorado and he arrived
over the weekend to be jailed at the Scotts Bluff County detention Center.


However, charges against the girl’s mother were recently dismissed.
The special prosecutor in the case, Jim Zimmerman, has until May 4 to appeal a judge’s ruling in the case.

Chauncey is scheduled to appear on charges during a hearing
Thursday, 1:30 p.m., at Scotts Bluff County District Court.
Defendants are entitled to have a copy of the charges for 24 hours before they enter a plea.
Today Chauncey refused to waive that 24 - hour waiting period
, and his arraignment was continued until Friday, May 3rd at 1 p.m.

Oh man. Something tells me the defendant will give us all months of delay tactics. Justice will come. And Juliette is resting, loved by all. Hugs to you my friend.
I just saw the change in the thread title to **Charges Filed** and gave out a cheer of FINALLY!!!

But, then I started reading through the posts.

This is insane.

That's all I can say.

Dont know if this has been said yet or not....Im too mad and disgusted to read all the posts but.....

to the list of people responsible for the "mother" walking away you may add tv and radio shows who I KNOW were contacted about this story...yet did nothing. NO COVERAGE. Coverage back then could have helped. It WOULD have helped. But the requests for coverage for justice for this baby fell on DEAF ears. This is what happens when you have so called "crime shows" whose hostesses are more concerned with covering over rated celebraties and their own tv/entertainment ventures (Dancing with the Stars, anyone?) than they are with making sure an innocent baby whose death is being ignored and shrugged off, gets justice; than helping a father who fights for the very freedom that lets them tape shows of their CHOOSING, get justice for his little girl.

Im just sick.
the seeker .. This couldn't have been said better. Straight from the heart. And so very true.

Thank you.
Wow just found out about this case. How come stuff like this never makes the national news. i hope the mother is brought up on charges and anyone else who was in that home deserves a charge too. This story brings me back to CA. Just seeing a mother get away with murder hurts me so much. Justice For Juliette.
I haven't posted on her forum, but have followed Juliette's case ever since joining WS last year. MsFacetious's signature is one of the things that brought this case to my attention.

I just wanted to thank you all who regularly post on Juliette's forum for keeping her out there. It's such a shame that strangers on the internet have shown so much more love for her than her mother ever did.
Juliette's middle name was SERENITY.
I am TRYING. Really... I am. SERENITY.
But my middle name is definitely NOT serenity. :stormingmad:


WHEN is law enforcement, the court system, SOMEBODY just going to do the RIGHT thing for Juliette?
Are they EVER going to look at these girls and get frustrated and upset?
Are they EVER going to care like I do? :banghead:

I just do not understand how this has been allowed to continue for almost FIVE YEARS!
HOW do these people sleep at night? I DO NOT UNDERSTAND. :tantrum:

We have a DEAD little girl and an ABUSED little girl.
We have their MOTHER, her boyfriend and their roommate in the house.

We have that boyfriend charged with CHILD ABUSE causing death. That's IT. Nothing else.
I was clinging to even just manslaughter and we don't even have THAT now!

WHO is supposed to KNOW the statute of limitations if not the PROSECUTOR??!!

Prosecuting Attorney James Zimmerman requested that the manslaughter charge be dismissed due to statute of limitations.

Chauncey slated to be tried; Geurts ruling will not be appealed

Chauncey is currently scheduled to go to trial during the jury term starting on Aug. 5.
If convicted on the child abuse charge, Chauncey faces a sentence of 20 years to life in prison.

We are approaching the FIVE year anniversary of Juliette's brutal murder.

For the next 60 days, you will not be able to forget that Juliette was murdered.

RIP Juliette. You were failed in life and in death but in the end justice will be served.
My babies didn't have that much hair till they were 2 years old!


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