GUILTY NE - Juliette Geurts, 2, beaten to death, Gering, 11 July 2008

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I had to take a break from WS for a little while (dreaming about dead babies makes that a necessity). I have not stopped thinking about Juliette. I still followed it on FB.

I remember when I read that the manslaughter charge was dismissed, I yelled, "WTF?!!!!"

Someone in Gering, NE, MUST BE held accountable for dropping the ball on this case!!! I pray that the Geurts family will sue everyone that ever touched this case and did NOTHING to provide JUSTICE FOR JULIETTE!!!!!

Why doesn't this oh-so-wonderful DA go back to the Grand Jury and ask for murder charges? ANYONE that beats a baby in the manner Juliette was beaten, knew that she would die! He has blood on his hands and he must pay for what he did to this precious little angel baby.

I'm so incredibly disgusted by this!!!!
I occasionally have to take a break as well.
But I don't feel like I can take a break from Juliette's thread.

Well actually there are a few threads I don't feel like I can take a break from...
Alexus, Lily, Kimmie but especially Juliette.

When I need I break I only go to my threads and the Jury Room.
Avoiding the rest of the boards.

Itty Bitty Baby Juliette...

Dont know if this has been said yet or not....Im too mad and disgusted to read all the posts but.....

to the list of people responsible for the "mother" walking away you may add tv and radio shows who I KNOW were contacted about this story...yet did nothing. NO COVERAGE. Coverage back then could have helped. It WOULD have helped. But the requests for coverage for justice for this baby fell on DEAF ears. This is what happens when you have so called "crime shows" whose hostesses are more concerned with covering over rated celebraties and their own tv/entertainment ventures (Dancing with the Stars, anyone?) than they are with making sure an innocent baby whose death is being ignored and shrugged off, gets justice; than helping a father who fights for the very freedom that lets them tape shows of their CHOOSING, get justice for his little girl.

Im just sick.

I am so disgusted with the people who had the power to help and protect this beautiful baby and failed her and then also denied her justice. I'm still praying for justice, Juliette will never be forgotten by me, never!

I can only hope that one day, when Juliette's twin grows up and has questions, that she will come upon this thread and see the pictures of her and Juliette, and KNOW how very much Juliette was loved by her Aunt (who never stops fighting for justice) and by WS'ers who will never forget Juliette.

I feel so bad for Juliette's sister - her TWIN!! These two babies were TWINS, an incredibly close bond. Then to have Juliette so cruelly ripped away from her sister is unimaginable. How do you even explain that to a baby? I have no doubt she will feel as though a part of her is missing for the rest of her life.

I'm so sad that these 2 baby girls were failed this way by so many.

This is the first time I've seen this story. :thud:
Every other time a febrile seizure was the reason Juliette went to the hospital...
So Charyse told Casey a different story and STILL they didn't question her. :stormingmad:

Father seeks justice for murdered daughter



Casey Geurts is an American soldier with an unshakable resolution to defend his country.
He is equally a father with an unwavering determination to identify his daughter’s murderer.

“I will not let my daughter’s death be left unsolved,”
he said in a statement sent from an undisclosed location in south-central Asia where he is serving in the United States Army.


Initially Casey and his family believed the child’s death was caused by a medical problem.

In the days after the child was laid to rest, however, they would be faced with horrific news – the authorities were classifying her death as a homicide.

Upon receiving the call from his mother, Casey was immediately placed on emergency leave and flew home to Gering the next day.
He says when he arrived home Charyse Geurts, the child’s mother, told him Juliette had fallen at her grandmother’s house and had been taken to the hospital the day before she died, but later passed away due to head trauma.


“They had a special bond that only twins can have,”
he said.
“They always played together and they felt each other’s feelings and thoughts.”

Casey recalled once when Jaelyn had received vaccinations, little Juliette was fussing and acting as though she was the one who had received the shots.

“It was amazing to see them interact and play with each other as babies and as they grew older,” he said.
“They never needed words to know what the other wanted or what the other was saying.
They almost had a second language in their own little heads that helped them communicate and respond to each other. It was something very, very special.”

I am knew to this case, however, from reading the past three pages and seeing how everything got skipped over, ignored, put to the back burner, over the death of this beautiful baby, my immediate reactions are there are inner-connections between the police, legal systems, and the baby's maternal family! IMO

Too many goofs for too many years. My question is why did they file charges against the boyfriend after all these years? Why had the statue of limitations not run out on that?
This is what infuriates me the Most! The LE in the Gering/Scottsbluff, Nebraska, which is the jurisdiction for Juliette's murder, have so many LE who are related!! There is a wall of obstruction to justice by the all of the players who are supposed to be working "For the People". Those in power right now are:
Henry Moreno -lead investigator in Juliette's case for Gering PD
Alex Moreno- Police Chief Scottsbluff PD
Vicky Moreno- Criminal investigator & Capstone Scottsbluff PD
Peter Moreno- Police Officer
Even this news organization refuses to get the word out to the citizens:
KDUH TV News Director (brother in law to DA Warner)


In going back to read up on this case, I found the above information on page 4 which is a partial thought to my above comment that there was connection between police, LE, and maternal family. Now I will add it seems the district attorney or assistant are politically motivated in "moving up" and local concerns are of NO interest!

This case did not get a fair shake of being investigated! Mother takes sleeping pill, so now we are down to two adults. Did either of them offer an excuse? Who took care of other twin when she awoke? Was she also abused, but no one noticed? My mind goes back to Lisa Irwing and all the investigating/interviewing that went on. And then in this case, zilch?!

THANK YOU for stopping by Juliette's thread and taking an interest in her case! :seeya:

(If you have any another questions about Juliette's case please let me know.)

Both twins were abused and neglected, yes.
That is why there was such obvious charges here.
However, they didn't even remove Juliette's twin or seal the house off for FIVE DAYS.

Bringing your baby home from the emergency room with instructions to watch her closely...
Then taking a sleeping pill and going to bed = child neglect.

The boyfriend was charged NOW because of the petition that was gathered by the people.
A petition that called for a grand jury, who indicted them.
That charge is the only one that hasn't expired.

They could have been charged with neglect and abuse right after this happened...
Then they could have built a case for murder.

But for some reason... nobody cared enough about these girls to do that.
Because D.A. Warner has worked "dozens of dead babies."

Well guess what Mr Warner...

Juliette wasn't just another dead baby to US... and you got more than you bargained for this time.

Today we got Justice for Shaniya... :woohoo:

I wish that kind of justice was possible for Juliette and Jaelyn.

July 22, 2013 will be Dustin Chauncey's pretrial
August 5th will be the trial


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