Found Deceased NE - Sydney Loofe, 24, Lincoln, 15 Nov 2017 - #3

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I do know the other women are going to testify next week. I am not convinced they were present at the death. I think that might just be his story But I do think they are involved in sex videos and believe they will give testimonies revealing such and how it ties to AT and BB. If they were involved with the death or the disposal I think there would have been charges filed against them already.
I think next week will reveal a very sick demented life led by AT and BB
On July 8 there is an expert witness coming from out of state to testify. I expect that to be a final witness of prosecution. And for some reason think it will be a doozy

This is what I think, too. AT and BB have been charged with Sydney's murder. Just them. No one else. If anyone else was complicit, they would have been charged.

I wouldn't be surprised if AT is a no-show next week. He seems to think an awful lot of himself and something tells me he doesn't want to see the way people will look at him in court when they hear the gruesome details about what he did. JMO.

Does anyone know anything about the expert witness who will be testifying next week? Is it a forensic psychologist?
One thing trail said that I have not seen in print talked about the moon stars and sun being in alignment. Not sure if that is relevant to whatever his supposed religion is or if it is more on the line of sorcery
That was the first thing I checked when the story began to come together. I have yet to see any occult dates usually associated with ritual murder pop up in this case, nor did I find any of the usual lunar or astronomical occurrences. There may be something I missed, but it doesnt appear that way.
With his mentions of incarnation and dtained blood and the way she was dismembered, i have been searching for relgions dealing with sacrifice with the way sydney was left.

A dark path to travel. You will have a hard time finding anything concrete. Satanic ritual does at times involve ingesting blood and organs of victims. The stress of torture releases things into the blood stream which acts as a drug when ingested. I am curious if her pineal gland is intact. Pineal glands and adrenochrome bring high dollars among the same circles who trade in organs and snuff films. Disgusting.
All that being said, I personally have felt all along they made a snuff film and had a buyer lined up. IF the murder was actually an occult ritual murder, I suspect it was done that way for the purchaser of the film, not because AT and BB were feeling the need to make a ritual sacrifice. The several references to the occult now made by AT seem deliberately misleading and possibly coded and possibly including threats by AT to snitch if he doesnt get whatever it is he wants. "Rulo cult", "make wilber famous for something other than the Czech fest" and the comments revealed in court specifically.

On a side note, I have been a bit puzzled by why they were so sloppy. Abducting a tinder date left an easy trail right to their doorstep. That made me wonder if it really was just two idiots who killed a girl when she didnt want to have a threesome.

We now know it was premeditated, so I am scratching my head trying to figure this one out.
That was the first thing I checked when the story began to come together. I have yet to see any occult dates usually associated with ritual murder pop up in this case, nor did I find any of the usual lunar or astronomical occurrences. There may be something I missed, but it doesnt appear that way.

Correction. The murder occurred on the eve of the new moon. I cannot verify, this is only food for thought, but we have seen at least one major such event on the day after the new moon. Allegedly there are rituals surrounding that time involving the concept of "rising". So then, it wouldn't be a stretch to suggest a ceremony related to the end of a lunar cycle. I guess I'll have to start digging and see if there is evidence of known occult activity celebrating the end of a lunar cycle. Better go back and look at where the planets and stars were that month as well. Numerous pagan religions attribute power to celestial alignment, numbers, and geometry.

I will refrain from further comment unless I find something concrete or this topic comes up again in trial. We can talk about it forever after the case is closed, but justice for SL is most important right now.
This is what I think, too. AT and BB have been charged with Sydney's murder. Just them. No one else. If anyone else was complicit, they would have been charged.

I wouldn't be surprised if AT is a no-show next week. He seems to think an awful lot of himself and something tells me he doesn't want to see the way people will look at him in court when they hear the gruesome details about what he did. JMO.

Does anyone know anything about the expert witness who will be testifying next week? Is it a forensic psychologist?

I looked at court documents, I think they listed a forensic pathologist out of MS, that is an active witness. Could be her?
Correction. The murder occurred on the eve of the new moon. I cannot verify, this is only food for thought, but we have seen at least one major such event on the day after the new moon. Allegedly there are rituals surrounding that time involving the concept of "rising". So then, it wouldn't be a stretch to suggest a ceremony related to the end of a lunar cycle. I guess I'll have to start digging and see if there is evidence of known occult activity celebrating the end of a lunar cycle. Better go back and look at where the planets and stars were that month as well. Numerous pagan religions attribute power to celestial alignment, numbers, and geometry.

I will refrain from further comment unless I find something concrete or this topic comes up again in trial. We can talk about it forever after the case is closed, but justice for SL is most important right now.
The new moon was on the 18th.
A dark path to travel. You will have a hard time finding anything concrete. Satanic ritual does at times involve ingesting blood and organs of victims. The stress of torture releases things into the blood stream which acts as a drug when ingested. I am curious if her pineal gland is intact. Pineal glands and adrenochrome bring high dollars among the same circles who trade in organs and snuff films. Disgusting.
I have found nothing good so far. I was thinking wuth specific way he dismembered or how he said he placed her remains that he may have read it somewhere.
With his mentions of incarnation and dtained blood and the way she was dismembered, i have been searching for relgions dealing with sacrifice with the way sydney was left.
Have you found anything? All I found was blood draining being used in embalming by morticians. I also found that grinding up the organs and brain, then putting them back into the body is sometimes done too. Sounds gruesome but is normal. Made me wonder if he had ever been a mortician.
Have you found anything? All I found was blood draining being used in embalming by morticians. I also found that grinding up the organs and brain, then putting them back into the body is sometimes done too. Sounds gruesome but is normal. Made me wonder if he had ever been a mortician.

That would be a twist!

Some random thoughts:

At what point did they decide to leave wilber? Were they aware that abducting a tinder date would leave a wide open trail to their doorstep?

They had to be, unless they were strung out on drugs and over eager to make a big score. They seem tech savvy and street smart enough to realize it was high risk, although they also allowed a digital trail to lead law enforcement right to their seedy hotel in Branson. Professionals would, I imagine, have taken a "throw away victim" such as a sex worker or runaway who would not have immediately been missed. Even snatching someone off the street would be lower risk than what they did.

Anyways, we know they premeditated the murder, were they planning to get paid and head for Mexico? If so, did they get paid? If so where is the film and / or body parts? Where is the money? Who was the buyer?

They didnt really head for Mexico though. They hopped around Iowa Kansas and Missouri before getting caught in Branson. Did the deal go wrong and they were trying to get paid before leaving for Mexico? If so, again, who is in possession of the theoretical film and missing human organs?

And where were the other alleged female accomplices during this time?

Lots of questions.

As far as blood ritual, the black dahlia and the cleveland torso murders came to mind as well as the german shepherds of untermeyer park. I also had a thought of hannibal lecter.

There is another subject called blood libel. For centuries, christendom at various times and places has accused Jews of committing ritual murder of Christians which involved draining the blood. This ritual is (or was long ago) probably practiced by darker pagan sects, and there is reality to the existence and practice of such a ritual.

In famous cases throughout the centuries, blood libel murders have occurred, and local gentiles have used it as a means to persecute Jewish communities. In reality, the accused Jews have probably been innocent, but the murders happened nonetheless.
Blood ritual accusations are still today a large part of neo nazi doctrine. In fact michael ryan in rulo subscribed to that doctrine. Keep in mind, probability suggests most blood ritual murders in the past were committed by the accusers themselves rather than the accused.
Blood libel - Wikipedia
The rural underworld is vast and sometimes very dark. There has always been a rural underworld, but by the time of the methamphetamine epidemic of the 90s, rural crime had come a long way from the days of bootlegging and stock rustling.

The meth culture is a 24 hour culture. In any rural area, 24 hours a day, people are travelling the back roads and hanging out in apartments, trailers, and farms where they buy and sell drugs, manufacture drugs, and trade everything from tractors and farm chemicals, firearms, electronics, sports collectibles, tools, cars parts, and even antiques. Most of these items are stolen.
These people intersect with all areas of the underworld. Neo nazis and white supremacy groups have a notable network in rural America. Many rural youth introduced to drugs find their way to prison at one point or another and many are invariably drawn to white supremacist groups. Some of them bring it back to their communities upon release.

Sex trafficking is not far removed from the drug community either. Favorite gathering spots for rural methheads are truck stops and adult stores. I think a big appeal of adult stores is that some of them offer drug paraphernalia 24 hours a day. Enough has been said elsewhere about what goes on at some truck stops.

I remember in the mid 90s I found myself drunk late at night with a group of people in an adult store in Kansas city. I remember seeing all the drug and drug dealing paraphernalia, but I saw something else that night. Outside some of the *advertiser censored* booths stood scary looking middle eastern men. They looked at you intently, never moving from the booths they appeared to be guarding. The place was pretty big, and had a trashy area upstairs where strung out drunken men were watching a methed out stripper covered in scabs dance naked. I shudder to think the place probably has a basement.

The place is still there, although I have no idea what goes on there these days. It is off of 480 and independence avenue, I believe. Anyways, years later, it dawned on me that there were Male or female prostitutes in those booths, and they were most certainly trafficking victims in one way or another.
Child *advertiser censored* is another web which strings out across rural America- and everywhere else. When you see a headline stating "10,000 images of child *advertiser censored* found on hard drive...." it means that 10 000 images of sexual assault or worse on a child was committed and filmed or photographed. Take that times the countless other times these images are found and add in all the ones that arent found worldwide and the numbers are heartbreaking and mind numbing. Who is committing these crimes? Who are the children? Who do the children grow up to be? Certainly AT has come into contact with the type of person who would deal in images of sexual violence at some point.

The 90s meth epidemic took various rural crime subcultures and brought them together and expanded them exponentially. In the 90s, rural kids deep in the bible belt began smoking pot and popping hallucinogens. This, because of the illegality of such things, brought them into contact with drug dealers which in turn exposed them to heavier things.

On occasion, those dealing in drugs could be as little as one degree separated from big money drug cartels, weapons traffickers, thieves, junkies, burglars, white supremacists, urban street gangs, human traffickers, child pornographers, and even antique dealers!

Throw in the occult, snuff films, brainwashed sex slaves, and organ trafficking, and you have a lurid underworld which occasionally spawns the manson family or the rulo cult, whose leader michael ryan was set upon his path at a meeting with james wickstrom, a man intricately connected with religious leaders, politicians, and the white supremacy network. Most notably his connection with white supremacist record labels which are connected to the nationwide prison networks. Wickstrom first met Ryan in hiawatha, KS, a place AT and BB frequent all these years later.

In this post 9 11 world the devastation of the meth epidemic has left a permanent scar on rural America. Now prescription pills and opioids have joined and greatly expanded the problem. There is also even more interest by higher level organized crime.

When AT and BB were first identified I pegged them right away as creatures from deep in the underbelly of the drug community. I am fully convinced they found a real or false opportunity to profit from a murder, and acted sloppily and in haste. I believe AT has in some way been involved in child abuse at some point, I believe he is familiar with the buying and selling of black market *advertiser censored*, and I believe he is familiar with human trafficking and has learned the pimp method of brainwashing and controlling young women.

Meth heads will often talk for hours and even days. Often the conversation is not the brightest, and they often, in a state of euphoria make intricate plans and act upon them in haste. Although they supposedly began looking for a victim months before, AT and BB may have either been out of their right minds on drugs or the window was closing on the deal causing them to kidnap SL in sloppy fashion. Or they really needed that celestial alignment.

Sorry for the long post. Hope I could shed a little light on the world these people live in.

If there was a prospective buyer, that party needs to be brought to justice as well. Might open up a much bigger rabbit hole though.
That was the first thing I checked when the story began to come together. I have yet to see any occult dates usually associated with ritual murder pop up in this case, nor did I find any of the usual lunar or astronomical occurrences. There may be something I missed, but it doesnt appear that way.
The guy makes things up. The more confusing and dramatic his ramblings, the better.

The stars and moon have aligned to reveal he is an evil idiot.

All that being said, I personally have felt all along they made a snuff film and had a buyer lined up. IF the murder was actually an occult ritual murder, I suspect it was done that way for the purchaser of the film, not because AT and BB were feeling the need to make a ritual sacrifice. The several references to the occult now made by AT seem deliberately misleading and possibly coded and possibly including threats by AT to snitch if he doesnt get whatever it is he wants. "Rulo cult", "make wilber famous for something other than the Czech fest" and the comments revealed in court specifically.

On a side note, I have been a bit puzzled by why they were so sloppy. Abducting a tinder date left an easy trail right to their doorstep. That made me wonder if it really was just two idiots who killed a girl when she didnt want to have a threesome.

We now know it was premeditated, so I am scratching my head trying to figure this one out.
The story about having a buyer lined up is B.S. The two buyers he mentioned were women. Really? That's just his dumb storytelling - confusing and dramatic.

I do think there are buyers for such films, and I'm sure he knew how to find a market to sell what he made. But I think it all was his idea. He was not making a film at the direction of anyone else.

The guy makes things up. The more confusing and dramatic his ramblings, the better.

The stars and moon have aligned to reveal he is an evil idiot.


He's an evil idiot who lies. That's why his stories don't add up and it also explains his drama when things don't go his way.

One of the things the prosecution intends to present during this trial is that AT has a substantial prior history of serious assaultive or terrorizing criminal activity.

This evidence is likely on the prosecution's schedule for this week. I've checked his court records in Iowa and Missouri online and at least in those states, it doesn't appear he has prior criminal chargers for assaulting or terrorizing others. Were his prior victims too afraid of him to report it?

He's an evil idiot who lies. That's why his stories don't add up and it also explains his drama when things don't go his way.

One of the things the prosecution intends to present during this trial is that AT has a substantial prior history of serious assaultive or terrorizing criminal activity.

This evidence is likely on the prosecution's schedule for this week. I've checked his court records in Iowa and Missouri online and at least in those states, it doesn't appear he has prior criminal chargers for assaulting or terrorizing others. Were his prior victims too afraid of him to report it?


Maybe prior victims were brainwashed followers? It seems like he is manipulative enough that he would make sure the victims also committed a crime themselves - so if they reported a crime against him, they would be afraid of also being charged with crimes they committed.

That's my hunch, not fact.

Maybe prior victims were brainwashed followers? It seems like he is manipulative enough that he would make sure the victims also committed a crime themselves - so if they reported a crime against him, they would be afraid of also being charged with crimes they committed.

That's my hunch, not fact.


Your hunch may very well be correct!
TristanP said:
Can I just take a moment to say how much I *LOVE* that the trial has continued on without Trail being present after his dumb attention-getting act of self harm? I’m sure he thought there would be drama and the trial would be postponed!

Me too! And I read somewhere - that a defendant can not cause his own mistrial...
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