NE NE - Tyler Goodrich, 35, left his house to go on a run, Lincoln, 3 Nov 2023

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The light in the Blink video is rather large, it looks like a screen from an IPhone Plus, not a flashlight (imo). I don't think he's limping, maybe it's his "style" of running or just gait?

How far could TG possibly run? This many days with no sightings, no food or water? Very concerning.
I feel like if it was self harm it would have had to be an impulsive decision. If so, it seems he would have been found during the searches by now. But IDK

Did he run to a friend or neighbour to hide out for awhile, but things went sideways?
If we assume it's TG in the video, and after the argument with VM, he decided to take a run to clear his head and calm fellow sleuthers feel his intent was to return home but met with foul play? got hit by a car? decided self-harm after running for awhile? trying to wrap my head around this one.

I think victims of hit-and-run are almost always quickly found. People tend to panic and drive away. They rarely take the victim with them. Random foul play seems unlikely.

Based on past similar cases, I think most likely he's had an accident or harmed himself via the water or farther into the nature area hidden in the trees, unfortunately.
Speculation/opinion only.
It's been stated that TG spent time in the military. Could this maybe play a role in why/how he has been gone for so long?

Was the disturbance reported on the 3rd related to TG and MV? I thought there was a report of a disturbance on the 3rd, a wellness check on the 4th and then a MP report also on the 4th. Maybe I am misreading? If so, apologies.
If we assume it's TG in the video, and after the argument with VM, he decided to take a run to clear his head and calm fellow sleuthers feel his intent was to return home but met with foul play? got hit by a car? decided self-harm after running for awhile? trying to wrap my head around this one.
It is so strange. It doesn't seem like he could have gotten too awfully far on foot, in the cold, in the dark, with no real light since his phone was off. If he had run toward the road and MV didn't call 911 until later, then I'd think he was just blowing off steam and his husband only got concerned after he didn't return. But that's not at all what happened.

He ran toward their outbuilding and grounds, and MV called 911 six minutes later, over a verbal argument. It's the very fact that MV called 911 so soon after he left that has me concerned. Why did he call 911 if the fight was over and there was no threat? That's a worrisome detail, imo. It suggests MV had a reason to report TG leaving. And I am NOT suggesting foul play on MV's part.
If that was really his cell phone light seen on the video, why couldn't LE track his cell phone when they were searching for him?

If there was a fear he was going to harm himself they could get an emergency SW.
It's been reported by LSO that his phone was last active at their home, around the time he left. If that's his phone we see on the video, I guess he must have turned it off soon after? The only thing swaying me away from self harm is exactly what you said... if that was a real concern, why didn't LE stay and search for him that night after the 911 call? IDK... maybe they didn't have enough probable cause?
The phone may not have been turned off, but in airplane mode. The display would still be on, but the phone would not send/receive or be trackable.
If he knew, for example, that his husband could track the phone that might be a reason to use airplane mode.
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He's running how I would walk/run barefoot (if that makes sense). I also see a lighted rectangular phone screen in his hand.
This was my thought. He didnt have shoes on and was running like rocks were digging in to the bottom of his feet so he was trying to run "light footed" if that makes sense.
It's been reported by LSO that his phone was last active at their home, around the time he left. If that's his phone we see on the video, I guess he must have turned it off soon after? The only thing swaying me away from self harm is exactly what you said... if that was a real concern, why didn't LE stay and search for him that night after the 911 call? IDK... maybe they didn't have enough probable cause?
^ BBM!

As an adult with mental health issues who has had the police called on them for a welfare check (both when it was warranted and when it was not), IME you’re going to encounter 2 types of LE: the ones who are going to tote you off to the psych ward no matter what you say or do, and the ones who will back off completely if you say you’re fine because you’re an adult and they don’t want to get involved. IMO, the latter would come into play more when it’s a grown man vs a grown woman, just because of the preconceived notions we all have that men are stronger/more resilient/whatever. Not true, of course, but those are the immediate beliefs of many people.

IMO, it makes the most sense that TG’s husband called LE soon after what might’ve been an otherwise normal altercation because TG left and his husband knew of some struggles he was having. When you’re in a bad place, something small can trigger you to impulsively try to end it. Even when you have kids, even when there’s seemingly love all around you. IMO, TG either intentionally ended his own life (maybe in water or deep forest that just hasn’t been thoroughly searched yet) or encountered misadventure in the dark and, again, still hasn’t been found. Foul play just doesn’t make sense to me with the limited info we have. JMO!
^ BBM!

As an adult with mental health issues who has had the police called on them for a welfare check (both when it was warranted and when it was not), IME you’re going to encounter 2 types of LE: the ones who are going to tote you off to the psych ward no matter what you say or do, and the ones who will back off completely if you say you’re fine because you’re an adult and they don’t want to get involved. IMO, the latter would come into play more when it’s a grown man vs a grown woman, just because of the preconceived notions we all have that men are stronger/more resilient/whatever. Not true, of course, but those are the immediate beliefs of many people.

IMO, it makes the most sense that TG’s husband called LE soon after what might’ve been an otherwise normal altercation because TG left and his husband knew of some struggles he was having. When you’re in a bad place, something small can trigger you to impulsively try to end it. Even when you have kids, even when there’s seemingly love all around you. IMO, TG either intentionally ended his own life (maybe in water or deep forest that just hasn’t been thoroughly searched yet) or encountered misadventure in the dark and, again, still hasn’t been found. Foul play just doesn’t make sense to me with the limited info we have. JMO!
Yes, I have the same feeling about the 911 call. I think LE perhaps didn't really have enough to give them cause to full out search for a grown man who left his house after an argument, especially considering LE had never been called to that address before. Unfortunately, self harm is what makes the most sense to me, because he left "upset" (per LE) and MV felt it necessary to call 911 soon after TG ran off. He went toward fields and woods, turned off his phone, and nothing since.
Bearing in mind that TG is a marathon runner, if he ran from the house at 19:41 and LE didn't arrive until approximately 20:00, that's about 20 mins. A good marathon runner could potentially run 3 or 4 miles in that amount of time.
As a former marathon runner just throwing out that most of us distance runners aren't necessarily fast and do not tend to sprint. 3 or 4 miles in 20 minutes would be pretty fast for most non-competitive distance runners because, after all, you train to go the distance. All bets are off if he was upset, scared or on something.

I think that @Centaurus may be on to something about him being barefoot. That could definitely cause that gait we see in the video.
As a former marathon runner just throwing out that most of us distance runners aren't necessarily fast and do not tend to sprint. 3 or 4 miles in 20 minutes would be pretty fast for most non-competitive distance runners because, after all, you train to go the distance. All bets are off if he was upset, scared or on something.

That was why I said potentially 3 or 4 miles. He seemed to be running pretty quickly in the video, and if he was able to maintain that speed over a long distance, who knows how far he could have gotten. Most of the searching seems to have been fairly close to the house, but it's possible he was far away within minutes.

If he was running barefoot I'd think there's a good chance he could cut his feet and leave a trail of blood?
As a former marathon runner just throwing out that most of us distance runners aren't necessarily fast and do not tend to sprint. 3 or 4 miles in 20 minutes would be pretty fast for most non-competitive distance runners because, after all, you train to go the distance. All bets are off if he was upset, scared or on something.

I think that @Centaurus may be on to something about him being barefoot. That could definitely cause that gait we see in the video.
I believe the description says he had on running shoes. I don't know if we can tell from the video, but I would think the shoes are unaccounted for at the house, maybe?

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