Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery - #4

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I am not sure what PROOF or evidence people want of a possible set-up. Do you want an actual photo of blood or key being planted? Because that, of course, is ridiculous. If they did frame him, they sure weren't going to film themselves doing it. Just the fact that ALL of their "evidence" has been highly questionable kinda suggests that something fishy was going on at the very least. By the same standard, I, for one, want to see the PROOF that TH remains were even found there on the Avery property in the first place.

As a post-note, I cannot wait to see what Zellner has discovered, because she is already declaring she has that new evidence. :worms:

RBBM - Nope but they sure did film themselves suggesting they might be willing to. Recall the video of the search of his closet where the female officer "jokes" about taking all of his shoes and seeing if they match with any unsolved burglaries.
You got that right!:goodpost:

What OFFICER in their RIGHT mind would say such a thing?!
Who was the lowlife Manitowoc cop that said something to the effect of...

"Why would we go to all the trouble to frame Steven Avery, when we could just kill him"?

I don't think it's a stretch for any jury member to fear that could apply to any resident of the area, including themself.
Here is the blood vile. (from Keith M.'s ID show last night)

A couple things i've noticed:
1. That is alot of blood.
2. I see the smearing on the side and that does not appear normal.


1. It was a 10ml bottle, when it went to the FBI it was estimated to have 5.5ml in it. No idea how much was in it to begin with when it was first drawn. I have looked online, I cannot find how much would be 'normal' to draw into a 10ml tube, but I understand that the vials are made and have a 'vacuum' to draw the required amount.
**** I would have to go back to the testimony, but someone did testify to the estimated amount of blood that was found in the SUV. I can't recall the amount right now, but I think it was 2-3ml or 1-2ml, I just remember wondering if it would be reasonable that they would have drawn 8ml into a 10ml tube? To be able to get the proper levels of EDTA in the blood, a certain amount needs to be drawn, I also thought that knowing the original amount drawn into the tube would be pretty important information when doing any EDTA tests, but hey... what do I know LOL

2. I can see how the blood at the top would eventually go between the rubber stopper/glass over time, however; I would expect the blood to not be so "fresh" too.

I think the most important thing with the vial of blood is... there was OPPORTUNITY. It was in the office, in a box, that was sealed with scotch tape.
Everyone gets to decide their own definition of proof, but hearing, "such and such could have happened, therefore it did happen" doesn't work without some corroboration.

For example, if Avery blood from the SUV was tested and showed a level of EDTA that exceeded any level that might be naturally occurring in a human, then that would be corroboration (and proof). Or... if Avery was nowhere near his home or anywhere near the salvage yard between, for instance, October 31 - November 1, and blood was found in TH's SUV, that would be corroborating proof since Avery could not have deposited that blood as he wasn't physically there (ie. no 'opportunity').

I agree and want to see the new testing that I am sure Zellner will be doing in regards to the blood, however, the same rules apply to the prosecution as well. For example, the bones were burned so badly that most of them were just little pieces, and splinters, except for the tibia bone which was "allegedly" found in the Dassey burn barrel. I say allegedly because there was no picture taken of that bone actually IN the barrel, which makes no sense. What possible explanation could they give for that? It was a big enough bone that there was no reason for them to not photograph it before they allegedly removed it, as it would have been more than obvious to see with the naked eye. Yet, they did not do that. They photographed her cell phone and PDA easily enough, but decided not to bother with the human bone supposedly found there. As I said, makes no sense.

By saying, "Just because LE COULD HAVE tampered with the blood and planted it, doesn't mean that they DID.", the same logic could be applied to the bones as well. Just because LE said that the bones were found in the fire pit and burn barrel (and possibly the quarry) from the beginning, doesn't mean that is where they started off at, as there is no PROOF of that other than LE word on that. I don't trust ANYTHING that particular agency says and would need to see it for myself, because they have tended to spin things the way they wanted where this case is concerned.
I didn't watch that show but the Dateline show had an expert who said that the blood that's visible on the side of the stopper is normal. JMO

I work in the medical field and the blood around the stopper is normal and the hole in the top is normal. What I find abnormal and worrisome is the lack of secure evidence tape, the lack of logging and chain of custody and lack of it being in a secure location. A haphazardly handled blood vial in a scotch taped box is the problem. It's just yet another thing that appears to deviate from proper procedure.

Because we all feel we can speak our mind, no matter the situation.

Each and every member on that jury did as well I'm sure.

No one feared retaliation.:rolleyes: From higher up, community, or one another.

Just an educated guess, trying to think positive for a sec

Well, that juror sure should have voiced that fear to the court then wouldn't they? JMO
I work in the medical field and the blood around the stopper is normal and the hole in the top is normal. What I find abnormal and worrisome is the lack of secure evidence tape, the lack of logging and chain of custody and lack of it being in a secure location. A haphazardly handled blood vial in a scotch taped box is the problem. It's just yet another thing that appears to deviate from proper procedure.

I agree with everything you say. I would have liked Buting to word it just the same as you have done.

Who was the lowlife Manitowoc cop that said something to the effect of...

"Why would we go to all the trouble to frame Steven Avery, when we could just kill him"?

I don't think it's a stretch for any jury member to fear that could apply to any resident of the area, including themself.

Sheriff Ken Peterson, and he was the BOSS at the time. So if the boss was comfortable to state that opinion on national television live, it's not a stretch to think that the people under him wouldn't think twice about doing ANYTHING possible to make sure they got that conviction. As you stated, I cannot believe that that jury did not worry about their and their loved ones future, should they have came back with the wrong verdict. smh
I work in the medical field and the blood around the stopper is normal and the hole in the top is normal. What I find abnormal and worrisome is the lack of secure evidence tape, the lack of logging and chain of custody and lack of it being in a secure location. A haphazardly handled blood vial in a scotch taped box is the problem. It's just yet another thing that appears to deviate from proper procedure.

Just curious...since you are in the field.... my hubby has blood drawn regularly.... although he hasn't watched the show, I have discussed this with him... and I have shown him the pictures... in all the blood he has had drawn in the last month, he said none of the holes were nearly that big and he really had to look to see them.
I am not sure what kind of needles they use to draw the blood out for testing, but I imagine they don't have to be big since a large amount is not needed for testing. It just seems like such a big hole LOL I guess it could be dried blood and it's just giving the hole the appearance of being larger?

Because we all feel we can speak our mind, no matter the situation.

Each and every member on that jury did as well I'm sure.

No one feared retaliation.:rolleyes: From higher up, community, or one another.

Just an educated guess, trying to think positive for a sec

Well, that juror sure should have voiced that fear to the court then wouldn't they? JMO
Was this not the same man who thinks SA did actually commit the PB assault and not GA? He said that he wasn't convinced of the DNA result.
My thoughts exactly.
Sheriff Ken Peterson, and he was the BOSS at the time. So if the boss was comfortable to state that opinion on national television live, it's not a stretch to think that the people under him wouldn't think twice about doing ANYTHING possible to make sure they got that conviction. As you stated, I cannot believe that that jury did not worry about their and their loved ones future, should they have came back with the wrong verdict. smh
Was this not the same man who thinks SA did actually commit the PB assault and not GA? He said that he wasn't convinced of the DNA result.

That was Kusche. Civil deposition he asks and answers his own question....
Kusche "Has DNA evidence been fabricated before? YES!"
Lawyer "You think that happened here"
Kusche "I don't know, I don't know."

Since he is so aware of fabricated evidence, it makes me wonder how much he himself fabricated. Oh yeah he drew the picture from SA's jail picture to show PB in that 1985 case.

Shakes head.

the Sheriff KP was the arresting officer in the 1985 case against Avery for the PB rape.
UNLESS you live in a smaller town or even a city where EVERY person knows you, your family, your business.

The teachers you had in school may now be teaching your own children, if they aren't retired. A couple are even principles. Members of LE's participate in many activities in the community, etc.

You really haven't a clue what these jurors may have been feeling, if indeed any of them were afraid to speak up.
That is all.
Was this not the same man who thinks SA did actually commit the PB assault and not GA? He said that he wasn't convinced of the DNA result.

No, that was Gene, "the pencil", Kusche (sp?) the one that framed his amazing art with SA mug shot and hung it in his office.
UNLESS you live in a smaller town or even a city where EVERY person knows you, your family, your business.

The teachers you had in school may now be teaching your own children, if they aren't retired. A couple are even principles. Members of LE's participate in many activities in the community, etc.

You really haven't a clue what these jurors may have been feeling, if indeed any of them were afraid to speak up.
That is all.

I don't live in a small town.

It seems that your saying that all small town people fear the police because they know everyone more intimately? Interesting.
1. It was a 10ml bottle, when it went to the FBI it was estimated to have 5.5ml in it. No idea how much was in it to begin with when it was first drawn. I have looked online, I cannot find how much would be 'normal' to draw into a 10ml tube, but I understand that the vials are made and have a 'vacuum' to draw the required amount.
**** I would have to go back to the testimony, but someone did testify to the estimated amount of blood that was found in the SUV. I can't recall the amount right now, but I think it was 2-3ml or 1-2ml, I just remember wondering if it would be reasonable that they would have drawn 8ml into a 10ml tube? To be able to get the proper levels of EDTA in the blood, a certain amount needs to be drawn, I also thought that knowing the original amount drawn into the tube would be pretty important information when doing any EDTA tests, but hey... what do I know LOL

2. I can see how the blood at the top would eventually go between the rubber stopper/glass over time, however; I would expect the blood to not be so "fresh" too.

I think the most important thing with the vial of blood is... there was OPPORTUNITY. It was in the office, in a box, that was sealed with scotch tape.

I also think it's possible they can withdraw the blood via syringe and put other blood in it to "refill" it.
Sheriff Ken Peterson, and he was the BOSS at the time. So if the boss was comfortable to state that opinion on national television live, it's not a stretch to think that the people under him wouldn't think twice about doing ANYTHING possible to make sure they got that conviction. As you stated, I cannot believe that that jury did not worry about their and their loved ones future, should they have came back with the wrong verdict. smh

I believe his actual quote used the term "eliminated" him. [emoji102]

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