Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery - #4

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I agree! What I dont understand is how he supposedly kills TH in his bedroom but they found no dna from her in his home. Surely there would have been a small amount of dna or some loose hairs.

I did see an interview or something a few weeks ago where the prosecution stated they never said she was killed in the bedroom and if you listened to the entire 3 hour interrogation of BD, that would be clear, but beyond that, I've never seen that explained. What exactly did they mean by that and why would the prosecution believe parts of what BD says and disbelieve other parts??
I did see an interview or something a few weeks ago where the prosecution stated they never said she was killed in the bedroom and if you listened to the entire 3 hour interrogation of BD, that would be clear, but beyond that, I've never seen that explained. What exactly did they mean by that and why would the prosecution believe parts of what BD says and disbelieve other parts??

I didnt watch the whole interview. When BD first started confessing I thought he said something about they had her chained to the bed and he stabbed her and stuff like that and then he said they shot her in the garage. I would have thought they would have found more of her dna in his home and garage. Seems very off to me. There are so many loopholes in this case.
I didnt watch the whole interview. When BD first started confessing I thought he said something about they had her chained to the bed and he stabbed her and stuff like that and then he said they shot her in the garage. I would have thought they would have found more of her dna in his home and garage. Seems very off to me. There are so many loopholes in this case.

I believe he also said he heard her screaming as he approached the house, didn't he?
I believe he also said he heard her screaming as he approached the house, didn't he?

Yea I believe your right. Im not sure how she could have been in his home and not left any dna behind.
I believe he also said he heard her screaming as he approached the house, didn't he?

IMO, there is no way SA would not have prevented TH from screaming, given the Dassey's house being so close.
Yea I believe your right. Im not sure how she could have been in his home and not left any dna behind.

I suppose it's possible that they did rape her in the house and kill her in the garage. Astronomically small probability though that SA/BD could clean up both the bedroom and the garage and not leave any of TH's DNA. Also, BD stated on more than one occasion that TH was put in the back of the RAV4 after being stabbed. I find that hard to believe, given the limited amount of TH's blood in the back.
thank you
and here ?


Yeah--It's there--it looks like it may have been pushed down when they transported the car.


  • car2-1.jpg
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I suppose it's possible that they did rape her in the house and kill her in the garage. Astronomically small probability though that SA/BD could clean up both the bedroom and the garage and not leave any of TH's DNA. Also, BD stated on more than one occasion that TH was put in the back of the RAV4 after being stabbed. I find that hard to believe, given the limited amount of TH's blood in the back.

This sounds mean but I dont think SA or BD had the mental capacity to clean up that well. Something that I found odd with the dna as well was they found the key in SA's bedroom but if I understood correctly it didnt have TH's dna just SA's. That makes me think it was wiped down somehow and his dna planted on it because if it her key it should have definitely had hers as well.
There is a conversation going on on the link I am providing about if there was even a bonfire that night on 10/31, because since all of the initial interviews have been made accessible it is becoming clear that none of the Avery's or Dassey's mention a fire that night when they first speak to the police. Even on Scott Tadych's (who became so adamant that he was guilty) first interview, he tells LE that when he got there he saw Barb, SA and one of her sons talking outside but there is no mention of a fire. Same with SA, BD, Bobby, and Blaine. None of them say anything about a fire that night. Everything about this case is twisted.

I realized this last week, all the interviews that we have available, all the first interviews, no one mentions a fire. Not one. Some of the boys mention that they were supposed to have a bonfire that week (not on Monday), but it never happened. This to me, supports the bones not being burned there and later being moved. IMO

I would like to see Barb's first interview. In the new audio released of calls to the MCSD around those days that she was reported missing, at 7:30 of the audio, someone calls from the Jail asking what to do about the female Janda, he is told to kick her lose, but be apologetic, and then he is asked about Jodi, and he says they are done with her too. (No indication of what time these calls were, but the call after, the guy says good evening)

I checked the Wisconsin Court records, Barb was picked up for possession I think.

Possess THC, on 11-05-05. Initial appearance set for 12-12-05 at 1:30 p.m.[/QUOTE]

There was...Steve T testified about it...I looked it up last night....You'll have to look for the day he testifies...
Yea I believe your right. Im not sure how she could have been in his home and not left any dna behind.

Me too, and that's what I'd really like to hear the prosecution comment on.
Me too, and that's what I'd really like to hear the prosecution comment on.

He spent 18 years in prision with other murders---what do you think they talked about? Also, Steve Avery was the first one to ask that his DNA be tested. That means he did some research about DNA testing. It is possible on this wide-wide-web there is mention of how to remove DNA.

A 30 second look on Google I came up with this website....



Commenting on the spray, Dr John Bond from Leicester University told MailOnline: 'It is easy to remove DNA with a good clean, with biological washing (Borax) powder for example.

He spent 18 years in prision with other murders---what do you think they talked about? Also, Steve Avery was the first one to ask that his DNA be tested. That means he did some research about DNA testing. It is possible on this wide-wide-web there is mention of how to remove DNA.

A 30 second look on Google I came up with this website....



Commenting on the spray, Dr John Bond from Leicester University told MailOnline: 'It is easy to remove DNA with a good clean, with biological washing (Borax) powder for example.

Im sure its possible to get rid of dna but Im not sure SA or BD would have had the intelligence to make sure they got every single piece of dna out of the home and the garage. Its possible but slim.
He spent 18 years in prision with other murders---what do you think they talked about? Also, Steve Avery was the first one to ask that his DNA be tested. That means he did some research about DNA testing. It is possible on this wide-wide-web there is mention of how to remove DNA.

A 30 second look on Google I came up with this website....



Commenting on the spray, Dr John Bond from Leicester University told MailOnline: 'It is easy to remove DNA with a good clean, with biological washing (Borax) powder for example.

I'm sure if he did research about DNA, his first tip would have been to try to remove or get rid of the evidence.

After much research he transformed into a stealth cleaner and was able to remove TH's DNA but leave others, including his own all over his trailer, in his research he skipped the part that told him how to get rid of the blood in the RAV4. *shrug* I really think I would look at the blood evidence differently if there was any indication that someone tried to clean it up, but I don't and have not seen any evidence of that.

Some people ask that their DNA be tested because they are innocent and do not believe it would match. (according to Zellner anyway) JMO
The picture is deceiving, the antenna is on the driver's side. If you look closely in the pictures of her vehicle went it was found the antenna is there.

This hiding spot was apparently concocted by the child in this photo:

Im sure its possible to get rid of dna but Im not sure SA or BD would have had the intelligence to make sure they got every single piece of dna out of the home and the garage. Its possible but slim.

Oh sure. SA and BD have a sophisticated tool that allows them to highlight TH DNA to separate it out from other DNA and only erase that DNA, yet miraculously leave the years of filth around it.
He spent 18 years in prision with other murders---what do you think they talked about? Also, Steve Avery was the first one to ask that his DNA be tested. That means he did some research about DNA testing. It is possible on this wide-wide-web there is mention of how to remove DNA.

A 30 second look on Google I came up with this website....



Commenting on the spray, Dr John Bond from Leicester University told MailOnline: 'It is easy to remove DNA with a good clean, with biological washing (Borax) powder for example.

I would think he'd know about DNA for no other reason other than that's what got him released from the prison he spent 18 years in for a crime he did not commit. (You may have meant that too!) I could argue him saying "test for my DNA" stems from his knowledge about how it got him off the first time, so he wants them to do that right away to prove his innocence, not because he's so smug from his research he's convinced he's moved every ounce from everywhere. I suppose I could stretch my brain and think he was so preoccupied with the DNA removal he forgot about a big ol' car that was hidden in a clumsily and obvious fashion (and finding the car prompted LE to even look for DNA) & poor Theresa's body right behind his home, and in two other locations close by. But again if he's going out of his way to separate himself from the murder I will never understand why he left some of the most obvious evidence behind. I mean he knew he could go to jail in a heartbeat because 18 years of his life proved that to be true. Why spend hours and hours with an extremely hot fire but leave a car in tact on the property? I know most of these are rhetorical questions. And I understand that murder has no logic, but if he was doing research and possibly planning for something like this, and going to such lengths to get rid of her body, it suggests there was premeditation and one would assume some "logical reasoning" going on to plan to clean up the evidence.

I'm so on the fence with this one, as everything feels so all over the place. Some discrepancies I can't seem to move on from even if I can't say SA did not do this. Ugh!
In episode 8 Kratz says they killed her in the garage when he was explaining why there was no blood on the bedroom.

Then in the beginning of Episode 9 Brendens trial Krats says Brendean heard the screams as he went to the door then raped her at Stevens urging then they Stabbed her. Cut her throat.

So what the Hay?

I hate that mans voice lol
It depends the vacutainer blood collection devices use different gauge needles. One end is designed to go into the vein and the other is designed to place the blood tube on its cap puncture needle and draw the the blood from the vein into the vacuum blood tube. The blood does dry on the cap around the needle mark. The needle doesn't determine how much blood you get in the tube, the size of the tube (4ml, 5ml, 10 ml)and the quality of the venipuncture determines how much blood you can collect. I suspect the large appearance of the hole in the documentary was a little camera magic..
Regarding the planting of blood- a person "could" use a syringe and puncture the old hole in theory but it would be easier to just open the cap and draw out 1 or 2 mls cap the syringe and place the blood back. You can also add some medical grade saline to give the appearance of a full tube. That person would have to be so sure the blood would never get tested again.

BBM ~ Thank you so kindly for answering my question. Exactly, if the tube was opened and another blood source or saline replaced it, that would be very risky.
But, something tells me the new forensic evidence leads back to the blood vial.
I did see an interview or something a few weeks ago where the prosecution stated they never said she was killed in the bedroom and if you listened to the entire 3 hour interrogation of BD, that would be clear, but beyond that, I've never seen that explained. What exactly did they mean by that and why would the prosecution believe parts of what BD says and disbelieve other parts??

That sticks out like a sore thumb for me, If TH was tortured in the trailer or garage, logically, there would have to be more than a spent .22 bullet with THs DNA on it.
I don't care how good of a clean up job there is, including bleach stained jeans (which again, we never saw these in evidence).
There would be blood somewhere! :pullhair:
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