Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery - #4

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Lol... I found a dead deer along with a LEO holding evidence of the murdered deer with no gloves on.

Exhibit-123-Deer-and-Tag-1024x670.jpg good one ;-)

I found a picture of the box that held the box with the vial.. of course it's stored in a secured facility.
Thank you for your extensive and well-thought out response. I agree that the documentary left alot out but they kind of had to or it would have had to have been much more than 10 episodes. It also left out just as much of the defense side of things as it did the "damning evidence" that all the news articles are screaming about. For instance, the documentary barely touched on the one area of that investigation that actually hurts my heart and soul for the victim, and that is the bones. I am sure many here are probably tired of me going on about this subject, but it does weigh on my heart, as I said, because those were not just bones. That had been an actual person at one time. To me, LE showed almost as much disregard and disrespect for her life as the murderer did.

You said, you are in LE, so I would like to get your opinion on the fact that they would not let anyone on site to examine and recover the bones properly. The fact that they just shoveled the bones into buckets to transport them to the Crime Lab for sifting, wouldn't that just damage the bones further before examination? And then they just boxed them up, and delivered them to the medical examiner's office. That cannot be proper procedure, is it?

I would like to apologize for my fixation on this particular subject, but apart from Brendan's mistreatment by LE, this is the one area of this case that haunts me still. I also find it fishy that her death certificate was dated Dec. 5, but the DNA results did not come back until Jan 19. How could they make her death certificate when they did not yet have the evidence that those bones were actually hers?

OMG- Ok, let me clarify again. I work IN law enforcement—I am not an officer. I work for two agencies, volunteer in others and am active in other areas of personal interest. I hate that you or anyone else thought otherwise or were intimidated simply because I was defending the po po. The implication that any of my deputies or State Police would be sniping jurors off the court house roof made me see red!!!
I work closely with hundreds of officers, not thousands. I am defensive of law enforcement, to a fault at times, because of the recent trends I see and how they negatively impact all of us daily. It’s SO SAD! I will never claim that all police officers are saints, but I’d stake my reputation that NONE of MINE would ever do anything like what’s being alleged here. It just DOESN’T happen. Not on this scale. Not in my parts. Won’t go on forever on that, I’m aware that I am lucky.
I do NOT work in forensics at all. And although I have watched FOUR THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND NINETY THREE episodes of “Forensic Files” TWICE!!!!! and prefer to fall asleep to “The First 48”-----
I won’t even pretend to be even remotely qualified enough to pick death certificate type documents apart or try to justify OR dispute their procedures here. It’s almost laughable to suggest that I could.
I guess all I was saying is that SO MUCH goes on behind the scenes that regular civilians aren’t privy to. We can’t and SHOULDN’T assume everything that cannot be explained is SHADY.
I also get left side facial droopage and a bizarre re-occurring eye twitch when I read about how her remains were processed. Don’t apologize for obsessing on that. She IS THE VICTIM afterall. The ONLY ONE WE KNOW ABOUT FOR SURE. It comes off on paper like “Oh hey--- toss this one in there too will ya’ Tom? Might be a tooth”
(Tom simulates hoop shot from 2ft out. He shoots--- he SCORES!!!!! Tooth in the box! Crowd goes wild!”) Grrrrrrrrrrrrr

Again, I’m not in forensics, but it’s not like we are talking about a scene that was processed in 1950. This was 2005? You’d THINK they’d have better resources, firm policies, and directives spelled out for scenarios where outside agencies are handling their cases? The who’s, what’s, when’s of every possible scenario. Or at least some resource manual in the DA’s office entitled “Don’t get jammed up! Handing over your case to a neighboring jurisdiction for dummies”
Like, for example, if they expunge themselves from the investigation WHY ARE YOU EVEN ON SCENE!? If NOT already spelled out in a policy due to it being the first of such events for them and being generally unprepared----- is it not COMMON sense? Was the DA not seeing this transpire and having a friggin stroke?
All I can say is that hindsight is 20/20. NOBODY is ever fully prepared for an active shooter or crime scene consisting of 4000 cars or a case with 36 million reasons to accidentally drop a keychain on a search. But in general—WE HERE cannot possibly know everything.
Was there a preliminary DNA report that’s unavailable online that contained DNA results? Did they get verbal word of mouth to the medical examiner before the lab finalized their report? Was the coroner refused access to the scene (I was unaware of this!) because there was an initial dispute about WHICH coroner to use? From which County? turf war? Who knows, but despite the fact logic says STOP until it’s all resolved—we’re seeing logic went out the door in many areas.
I can pick apart incident reports and court documents and theorize, but only those most closely involved in the case will know all. An example would be the standard incident report. I’ve been involved in several high profile cases, one reaching the national level last summer with escaped cons running around in my county. High volume, fast paced, critical things that are time sensitive just cannot be picked apart in hindsight by non-law enforcement personnel. A missing person’s case that spans 10 days may result in an incident report dated one month later. As each new narrative/update is added, date/time should be noted and obvious to the eye-- depending on the report writing software!
You can’t doubt it’s credibility entirely and suspect a rat if an officer notes in error that he took care of something minor at the incorrect date or time. It shouldn’t happen, but it can. Especially when most of them ALLEGEDLY HAVE HORRIBLE HANDWRTING and are working off 87,000 “notes” of scrap paper shoved in their shirt pocket hours or sometimes days later. Ppl are human.
Were pics taken of the bones in the earth, yet came out over-exposed? Was an entire role of film lost and not mentioned? Or ARE there pics-- just UNAVAILABLE to us now? I haven’t chased down every link yet, but are ALL the “crime scene” / evidence photos taken for this trial logged AND online now? Doubtful.
In closing, just know that anything I ever feel strongly about or comment on will be based on:
A. my professional experience, familiarity with law enforcement and the behaviors of MOST cops
B. my TWENTY FOUR YEAR OBSESSION with all things true crime
C. my trial obsession dating back pre-OJ (but certainly elevated to a METHAMPHETAMINE addiction level once trials began airing on TV!!!)
D. my 24 years as a MOTHER
E. my dabbling in human behavioral science and psychology post-grad
*I apologize if I came off as a rag when I posted at dawn this morning. I was exhausted, hungry, and downright DONE with my “day”. I try not to be an Ahole, but I still have ovaries for a few more years. :devil::devil::devil: Viral throat punches accepted 
View attachment 88654 good one ;-)

I found a picture of the box that held the box with the vial.. of course it's stored in a secured facility.
View attachment 88655

It appears someone new has entered the picture. Robert Dassy murdered this deer. And that cop has some lovely, well manicured, baby soft hands.

And that box looks totally secure. Secure enough for people to post their raffle tickets and weekend yard sale notices right over top of it.
Nocturnal... just to touch on a few things in your post that it seems you weren't aware of or are just learning.

The coroner was blocked from the scene. She heard they found remains, she went to the scene and she was told it was a conflict. I think it's reported that she got a call from Dept of Justice or something too. (I'm going to ignore the fact that they had MCSD on scene, actively searching SA's trailer). So they tell her she can't go to the scene, she's hopping mad because it's protocol. Why didn't they call in the coroner from Calumet County then? I believe Dr. Eisenberg was unavailable until the 10th, so they sent some (or maybe 1?) fragments to a retired anthropologist (can't remember his name), he says, yep, looks like human bone to me. Did they call in an anthropologist? Even an experienced crime scene technician (I think Ertl was there "good" guy for something like this but he was out searching cars or something silly like that lol). Nope... they didn't do that either. They got a shovel, some buckets, an earth mover (we call them bobcats here in Canada) and started packing it all up. There are no photo's... or what photo's they do have, are very very poorly done. According to Dr. Fairgrieve (anthropologist that testified for the defense), they didn't have a photographer available so they got a student to take the pictures!!!!! Stang and Buting told him. There is no indication from the transcripts that any photo's of THAT scene exist. No markers where they found the first bone, which was reportedly 8 feet away from the burn pit.

***It might also be good to note that there is a podcast with an investigator with the defense (the guy was in the documentary) that MCSD didn't like the coroner... why?.... because she wouldn't falsify a report because they ran over an already dead hit and run victim when they got to the scene.

All the photo's are slowly being uploaded... by the crowdfunded guy LOL He is trying to prioritize them because they are stupid expensive, something like $7 a photo. <<<< that should be a crime LOL

The burn pit was handled terribly.... from an investigative perspective and from a human perspective. (Anyone ever follow or see how they did the Pickton case here in Canada? It took them months, but they did the best they could under the circumstances, and even then there were issues. I don't think the investigators tried in this case IMO)

Ok.. now I'm rambling like you baaahahaha Thanks for your input, I know I appreciate it :)

ETA: here is a podcast with Dr. Fairgrieve... he talks about the documentation.... what should have been done... what wasn't done... and he throws in some tidbits about what he talked to Buting/Stang about.
Volunteer? In what capacity? We have volunteers that tend to our memorials (landscaping) and volunteers that help with "shop with a cop", etc. Was is something of that nature or for ex: retired LE, coming in to volunteer and stay plugged in? Some would have more motive to care about the verdict I would think?

As far as Mr. D-- sounds like she had lingering doubt for sure. I can say I would do the same thing if it was eating at me. Go to the other trial to hear as much as I could to help me determine WHAT to do about my doubts OR put them to rest? Seems human....
I wouldn't even need doubt in my own verdict I'm so nosey. I'd go to the next trial simply because I was uber invested after sitting on a jury. I attend trials NOW in my spare time simply because they are so interesting. Just my thoughts....
Noctural, I really don't think you intended it this way---but you actually intimidated some on this forum. Ironic--because it could be seen as the same way BrD was intimidated. So--I have to agree with Missy---Pitti_mcclure---Do be intimidated for posting your theories, thoughts, conspiracies--whatever!

With that said---I came here thinking he was dead guilty--I still think he is guilty--but after doing a lot of research--I think there is a SLIGHT possibility of him being not guilty. Like maybe 1%--which if I was on the juror--I would definitely have voted for guilty even with that 1% doubt.

Oh---sorry Pitti_mcclure....I meant to say DON'T be intimidated for posting your theories, thoughts, conspiracies--whatever!

Just realized I typed it wrong.
Oh---sorry Pitti_mcclure....I meant to say DON'T be intimidated for posting your theories, thoughts, conspiracies--whatever!

Just realized I typed it wrong.

Giggles. This is what happens when you spend hours and hours reading and typing and the eyes start to wiggle around in your head, but you can't stop to sleep. I have to edit my stuff all the time.
I know Mystic... I keep saying, I'll just read one more... then I find another LOL
Just wondering if you all think the same person could have wrote both of these??

I'll let you all know who wrote each one, after you all tell me if you think the same person wrote both of these?

Ok...sorry so late in posting...

Missy originally said "uhmmm that looks like an Avery wrote it LOL what does Sikikey mean"

So, I decided to test out her theory here....

Yes, the same person wrote it: 2 (I included myself, but did not post my answer until now)
No, I don't think so: 2
Maybe: 1

The person who wrote all the samples is SA.

LOL BCA... SA was in jail already around that time, so pretty sure it couldn't have been him. After seeing it so much the last day or so, it looks like someone writing with their left hand when they are right handed. It just looks like someone trying to look not like themselves lol if that makes sense ;-)
LOL BCA... SA was in jail already around that time, so pretty sure it couldn't have been him. After seeing it so much the last day or so, it looks like someone writing with their left hand when they are right handed. It just looks like someone trying to look not like themselves lol if that makes sense ;-)

I saw somewhere...and I looked a little tonight for it...darn should have bookmarked it when I found it....but a note from JS to SA saying Go F yourself, Steve....signed JT.....

I haven't ruled out that she mailed it from Green Bay....I know he was up in the prison in Green Bay, but I'm not sure of the timing...
Did we ever discuss the damage to the right hand side of SA's vehicle? I noticed in the pictures Missy posted earlier--there was damage to his right turn signal....actually it was missing also

Right hand turn from SA vehicle -- left hand turn from TH vehicle---maybe how the accident occurred...just a thought


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All the photo's are slowly being uploaded... by the crowdfunded guy LOL <<<--------- "crowdfunded"? No clue what that means?

And holy CRAP on the rest! So watching podcast asap. I'm only on ONE Avery thread (this one) of the MANY and I literally can't keep up with all of the "links" for later and pics and screenshots I'm grabbing to remind myself to look at. THANKS so much!! I wish I had more time to be as resourceful and organized as you seem!

Sidebar: One of the links here or some article took me to the Justice for Avery ?? or something FB page. All I can say is OMG. Anything is worth researching, but some of the theories make my eyes physically hurt. Tidbits I picked up tonight:

The serial kiiler guy _ Edward whomever that Cameron dude believes responsible: NOT him in the still shot of the courthouse scene of documentary evidently. Different old guy, identified by??

There's a theory floating about the car. Something like there's a CODE in the letter written and sent in stating that the car was burned elsewhere. You guy were discussing it yesterday-- basically that some key phrase in that letter was secret code for RAV 4 computer code??? They're saying that the left battery terminal was disconnected to RESET computer in an IMPOSTER RAV 4-- (the one found on the property was not hers they allege) to reset computer in an attempt to hide a previous wreck it had had. TH's real car was crushed, etc etc, etc... I can't even properly reiterate this story. It was so confusing I caught mild Alzheimers from it.

And on the Kratz thing-- Um, yeah. Sure sounds like him or a very good friend, wife, relative. Assuming he has any wives or friends left. :) Many moons ago I WAS ACCUSED of being someone else on a crime blog. Not here I don't think? Was during Samantha Zaldivar disappearance and the subsequent discovery of her body and prosecution of her step-father. I was simply friends with the family. Introduced 2 days after she went "missing" via legal circles and I rapidly became close with Samantha's mother. So I wont directly accuse or assume 100% it's Kratz, but WOW.

I have seen this website mentioned on the news, during trials, I've suspected stealth posters from the Arias team on here and others
AND most importantly--- GLEAMED with pride when one of "us" solved "my" local area Livingston County Jane Doe case from 79. People are peeking and NOTICING us for sure. I must have lost my original username and had to create a new account in March 2013 it appears, no clue what I used to call myself--- but I've been a websleuther since
1996? I remember when this lil ole website was still in half-day kindergarten
:) and now you're all makin national news- n- sh+t!!

So I'll use my 30 seconds of fame to say that I'd like to rip Ken Kratz's nasty MOLESTACHE right off his arrogant, opportunist face. He's probably making death threats to himself to increase book sales. Guilty or Not guilty...... the voice coming out of his lying liehole makes me want to drink bleach and I hope he gets a karma shower for misleading SO MANY PPL with that low-budget, B-movie press conference. I hope Brandon Dassey is innocent, proves so, gets out and KICKS HIS arse.
Oh....Missy....where are you when I need you....

Do we know what DATE this picture was taken???


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