Netflix to stream new documentary on Steven Avery - #5

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Everything just seems so far fetched to me, I have a hard time wrapping my head around how this guy could have the worst luck possible. Most of go through are life without being found guilty of a crime we didn't commit (that is horrible don't get me wrong) but then to then have a murdered person remains be found on your property, as you are the last one to be known to see her? And then the theory that everything was planted there, but the people that planted the evidence weren't the actual ones that commited the murder? I can't get behind that. I am obviously the odd one out here, but its my opinion. IMO.

I have to say that it's tough to get a conspiracy to fit in this case. There's a lot of hoops to jump through to get there. JMO
Because I like to discuss the actual evidence. But this thread has turned more into a drama than a fact finding mission.

He was found guilty. So He is guilty in the eyes of the law. If the series is to put light on him being wrongly convicted show me where that evidence is?
No matter what evidence you look at it points to him. If there was something that pointed away from him, I would be all over it. But it is not there.

That is just it, it's not there because it was never INTENTIONALLY looked at...just like they did in '85, they NEVER looked at anyone else! That is the another one of the HUGE, GAPING holes in that investigation! smh
That is just it, it's not there because it was never INTENTIONALLY looked at...just like they did in '85, they NEVER looked at anyone else! That is the another one of the HUGE, GAPING holes in that investigation! smh

If the evidence points towards one person then why would LE look elsewhere? JMO
That is just it, it's not there because it was never INTENTIONALLY looked at...just like they did in '85, they NEVER looked at anyone else! That is the another one of the HUGE, GAPING holes in that investigation! smh

There is a mountain of evidence against him. His DNA, His property where she was found burned and scattered, Her car was there. In any other case, This is a slam dunk. Not even a question.
Well I don't want to discourage anyone from posting their thoughts and opinions. I don't own the thread but there is one specific for the guilty discussion thought id point those who think he is guilty to it. I just wish that some of you who think he is guilty would show me evidence that WASN'T tainted by manitowoc county being on this case. then I could maybe see him as guilty. But since the narrative for KK is the coerced confession of BD, its hard to find guilt in SA at least not the way they say it played out. He was making plans to go out with JS to an alcoholic substance abuse type of class. This did not happen, instead he talked to her twice that night in which he dont sound like hes in the process of a murder and clean up. He was on the phone that day with her parole officer and the substance abuse facility early that day. He made the appointment through Auto Trader. He didnt use 67 for that. He had her come out in the middle of a business day to his own property. Targeting someone I think you would be more secretive. Not just using *67 on two phone calls from one personal cell phone to another personal cell phone. I just cant fit the pieces the state gave me together to complete a picture they said they would in opening statements. In fact their opening said you would see how she was falsely imprisoned. That never came to be either. They did a good job at planting the evidence just not good enough for me to feel he is guilty. From testimony you have the bones in the tire wires, these were not even in the burn pit. They have them contaminating the scene with their own water bottles and cases of water. They have a key that seems to be staged just as much as the car was, Pictures are showing me that they staged it, the cabinet they shook and turned never moved from that position. They have her plates that were called in by AC on the 3rd rolled up in a station wagon right off the road coming up to SA's home. The burn barrel out across the little road. the can in that barrel is not melted but the camera, pda and phone are burnt to the point information could not be retrieved from them. Weird. You have bones in three areas on the property, One in the grass 8 feet south of the pit, off to the side of the pit IMO, the barrel behind the other house, and then 4th area bones are found are in the quarry. It doesnt suggest they were moved. THEY WERE MOVED! thats a fact. question is how and where and when since that cant be answered I can't conclude they were burnt where the state says they were. And they didnt bother to bring in the coroner or anthropologist to take pictures of the scene we just cant be sure they were even in the pit. The disrespected TH and her remains the way they handle them. That to me is huge, She was a person a human a loved one and they just shoved and sifted her into boxes and shipped her off to the crime lab, still sitting as evidence at Calumet County. What else is there the blood that was in the rav4. I do not trust the FBI guy. God I had a hard time even reading his testimony. He just wanted to spout all these big words and hear himself talk. Change his own answers and I just do not trust this guy. So to me he did not prove the blood was not from that vial, maybe someday there will be a test to say otherwise, but who knows. The fact is the Blood vial was in an unsecure location in the clerks office in an unsecured package that was not properly sealed the last time it was opened by Manitowoc in 2002. another reason to find them incompetent of doing their jobs. It left the blood available to be tampered with. Hole or not they had access to poke another needle through the same hole. What am I missing? They say that Netflix is a biased one side of this story. Well I have watched the one sided press conferences, and read the articles of biased towards the prosecution. Also anyone who does think hes guilty they should watch the show DID HE DO IT! first season first episode is about SA.
There is a mountain of evidence against him. His DNA, His property where she was found burned and scattered, Her car was there. In any other case, This is a slam dunk. Not even a question.

I've seen some suggest that since all this evidence pointing to Avery was found it must have been planted because he would have done a better job covering his tracks.

Criminals frequently fail to cover all of their tracks. That's how they get caught and convicted. Looks like that's what happen in this case. JMO.
We can disagree till we are blue in the face, but in the end all of our theories and opinions hold the exact amount of water. e. I mean, how is any of us that agree with the verdict trying to prove our point going to change anything? We aren't the prosecution, the Defense or the Jury. So I don't feel to really need to prove my feelings on why he is guilty, because well at the end of the day my opinion doesn't matter. It's not going to change anything. IMO.
If the evidence points towards one person then why would LE look elsewhere? JMO

I think because they owed him that much. In 85 he claimed his innocence and they did not look else where. He then spent 18 years in prison wrongfully. They even could have looked into the real culprit they chose not to. So how do we know there wasnt evidence pointing to someone else? He said he saw her leave, they owed it to him to follow other ways, tunnel vision did not get the right result the first time. There were plenty of others LE should have asked for alibis and did not. If they do not have alibi's do not check them how do we know there wouldn't have been other evidence leading to another POI. They should have looked at others to rule them out if nothing else. They did not. They chose to conduct the investigation the same way they did in 85. wearing huge tunnel vision blinders. This time tho the stakes were much much higher. You had the reputation of the sheriff's department and county on the line, and on top of that 36 million other reasons. They should not have been on the property, They themselves knew it, they supposedly recused themselves to the public. Lying to the public and omitting other facts on warrants and other things. The two warrants alone can't decide what day the key was found. one says the 7th a second warrant says it was found on the 8th. This investigation holds no credibility in my opinion. All Manitowoc County had to do was back off as they claimed they did. If all that evidence was there to be found it would have been by Calumet and there wouldn't be this questioning of the ethics of that county as I am having now.

Of course all just my opinions.
We can disagree till we are blue in the face, but in the end all of our theories and opinions hold the exact amount of water. e. I mean, how is any of us that agree with the verdict trying to prove our point going to change anything? We aren't the prosecution, the Defense or the Jury. So I don't feel to really need to prove my feelings on why he is guilty, because well at the end of the day my opinion doesn't matter. It's not going to change anything. IMO.

Your opinion matters to you and that's all that really matters.

The only place anything is going to really change is in court. Courts rely on facts not possibilities. JMO
I think because they owed him that much. In 85 he claimed his innocence and they did not look else where. He then spent 18 years in prison wrongfully. They even could have looked into the real culprit they chose not to. So how do we know there wasnt evidence pointing to someone else? He said he saw her leave, they owed it to him to follow other ways, tunnel vision did not get the right result the first time. There were plenty of others LE should have asked for alibis and did not. If they do not have alibi's do not check them how do we know there wouldn't have been other evidence leading to another POI. They should have looked at others to rule them out if nothing else. They did not. They chose to conduct the investigation the same way they did in 85. wearing huge tunnel vision blinders. This time tho the stakes were much much higher. You had the reputation of the sheriff's department and county on the line, and on top of that 36 million other reasons. They should not have been on the property, They themselves knew it, they supposedly recused themselves to the public. Lying to the public and omitting other facts on warrants and other things. The two warrants alone can't decide what day the key was found. one says the 7th a second warrant says it was found on the 8th. This investigation holds no credibility in my opinion. All Manitowoc County had to do was back off as they claimed they did. If all that evidence was there to be found it would have been by Calumet and there wouldn't be this questioning of the ethics of that county as I am having now.

Of course all just my opinions.

The State did not owe Avery anything during the investigation of Teresa Halbach's murder.

They only owed her justice. The jury imposed that justice when they found Steven Avery guilty.

I think because they owed him that much. In 85 he claimed his innocence and they did not look else where. He then spent 18 years in prison wrongfully. They even could have looked into the real culprit they chose not to. So how do we know there wasnt evidence pointing to someone else? He said he saw her leave, they owed it to him to follow other ways, tunnel vision did not get the right result the first time. There were plenty of others LE should have asked for alibis and did not. If they do not have alibi's do not check them how do we know there wouldn't have been other evidence leading to another POI. They should have looked at others to rule them out if nothing else. They did not. They chose to conduct the investigation the same way they did in 85. wearing huge tunnel vision blinders. This time tho the stakes were much much higher. You had the reputation of the sheriff's department and county on the line, and on top of that 36 million other reasons. They should not have been on the property, They themselves knew it, they supposedly recused themselves to the public. Lying to the public and omitting other facts on warrants and other things. The two warrants alone can't decide what day the key was found. one says the 7th a second warrant says it was found on the 8th. This investigation holds no credibility in my opinion. All Manitowoc County had to do was back off as they claimed they did. If all that evidence was there to be found it would have been by Calumet and there wouldn't be this questioning of the ethics of that county as I am having now.

Of course all just my opinions.

He first said he never saw her that day. Then later he said he did. That is a problem. Why change that story??
I agree the first case is a travesty. And I will be the first to admit some mistakes were made with this case in how it was handled but that does not change the amount of evidence that convicts this guy. Every one on that jury had to know he was the guy who was found innocent after being in jail forever. They were not going to send him back unless they were sure.

For me we have to start from here he is convicted. Now what makes us reverse that process.. and I don't see it. I see too much that points to him.
Possibilities are not evidence. JMO.

While that is true, it can lead to new evidence being uncovered whether that points to definitely guilty or innocent.

That's why you see so many LE's on this site looking at the possibilities to help them in their cases. :)
Your opinion matters to you and that's all that really matters.

The only place anything is going to really change is in court. Courts rely on facts not possibilities. JMO

Only if the court looks at them and allows them. I'm still waiting for the judge to decide if the deleted messages was valid or not to hear as testimony.


Or for the state to look into it.

So what was the COURT waiting for? For the state to produce the explanation and circumstances of this call?
While that is true, it can lead to new evidence being uncovered whether that points to definitely guilty or innocent.

That's why you see so many LE's on this site looking at the possibilities to help them in their cases. :)

I'm not suggesting that people not look at possibilities in this case.

Further investigation could lead to evidence that may be useful and have a bearing on this case.

Only if the court looks at them and allows them. I'm still waiting for the judge to decide if the deleted messages was valid or not to hear as testimony.


Or for the state to look into it.

So what was the COURT waiting for? For the state to produce the explanation and circumstances of this call?

This is a real question.. Do you think those messages had the power to make the jury vote not guilty? Because that is what matters here. Something that would have changed the outcome of the trial.
Only if the court looks at them and allows them. I'm still waiting for the judge to decide if the deleted messages was valid or not to hear as testimony.


Or for the state to look into it.

Is it the State's job to look for exculpatory evidence at this point? Wouldn't that be Avery's attorney's job?

Relevance is important. If something is deemed irrelevant by a judge then it doesn't get in. For good reason I should add.

Not sure if this has been shared yet, but wow...I have to warn my fellow websleuthers about what you will read here, but unfortunately, the quotes come straight from this forum, back when the case first hit the news. It breaks my heart that these quotes are being used to sully the reputations of our fabulous sleuthers here. It's kind of ironic for people to cast a huge net over an entire forum of individuals with the quotes of a few, when it is this very thing that they are accusing those people of. Posting things that aren't true and are generalized. They called us a bunch of Nancy Grace types!!! I think most of us here would agree that is possibly the worst insult many of us could be given.

Thanks for the update!

Thanks to mzmarymac for sticking up for those of us on the other side of the river. mzmarymac :yourock:
I'm not suggesting that people not look at possibilities in this case.

Further investigation could lead to evidence that may be useful and have a bearing on this case.


I won't lie sometimes I do feel discouraged to post when I read some of the replies. I do believe that new evidence needs to be found in this case to prove either way that he is innocent or guilty. I mean I can see how he was found guilty with some of the evidence that is given heck hes got all the things conveniently placed for finding all over his property. That is what makes it so suspicious to me. Everything was all out in the open pretty much to be found, including the key. Yet the only thing he cleaned up was the DNA of TH in and around his house and garage. And he some how miraculously knew which DNA and possible blood was hers and hers alone. Not his or the deer but only hers. The bullet yes found in the garage was flattened ballistics couldn't conclusively say it was from that specific gun. The gun did not have any DNA of his or hers on it. It was hanging over his bed. And it was testified by the man who owns the property that the gun was his and possibly the shells laying around the garage. They did not finger print the gun or the bullets. The key the DNA is only his. The DNA on the bullet was compromised, and it probably did have TH's DNA on it. but they could not say it was blood, and they found it many months later after doing numerous searches in the garage. Such a small piece of evidence that could have been dropped while they were doing their luminol test somewhat dark in there when they do that no? Even after picking up shells they didn't look for bullets? they found the body on the 8th, they had the property till the 12th. They had 4 days to look for bullets, and other possible weapons, after they found her near the pit. The way the Rav4 was covered, and concealed in a way that pointed directly to it. Sure I can see on the surface it sure looked like he was the culprit but then all the broken protocols, the time it took to find some of the evidence the fact that out of 200 on the scene only 2 were there for all the evidence to be found. But when you do look under all the surface you see that nothing was conclusive and to many protocols were broken for this theory of the states to make sense.
We can all agree to disagree, respectfully to each other...Come on everyone....Group Hug...:grouphug:
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