New Docs Part 2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I could be wrong......I have been wrong many, many times before concerning this case.:crazy:

IIRC, the perp texted Jessie in January telling him that she was pregnant and that he is the father.

The perp tries and hides the pregnancy until the 7th month from C and G.

Could it be possible that the perp hid her pregnancy so that Cindy would not force her to have an abortion? Cindy sure went into detail when telling the FBIGuys that she and the perp believe in abortion (vs. just saying that she was pro-choice).

I guess I am just thinking out loud.:crazy:
Why would she make up such an elaborate lie?
Why would they not pursue Daddy for child support if he was alive?
Why would they not apply for social security if Daddy was deceased?
Why would they tell Jesse that he was the father when KC and Jesse had not been together during the time of conception?
I am becoming more and more convinced that there is something (I mean someone) that this family is hiding.
Will someone please help me out here ~ I don't remember if there was a subpoena for Lee's DNA and, if so, when it occurred?

IIRC Lee had to be subpoenaed for DNA.
To be honest, I don't think any of them, including Casey, even know who the father is ..

Sounds like Casey was quite the "active" girl in her teens .. :rolleyes:
Ok, I haven't seen this brought up yet. What about the length of time between the internet searches? For most of them, there was only a minute or so between the searches. Am I reading it wrong? Did she have all of these open in different windows, running at the same time? At the rate she was going, she was only googling words, then hitting google again and typing something else. There was not time for her to read anything on the searches she was conducting. Can someone explain how this works?
Ok, I haven't seen this brought up yet. What about the length of time between the internet searches? For most of them, there was only a minute or so between the searches. Am I reading it wrong? Did she have all of these open in different windows, running at the same time? At the rate she was going, she was only googling words, then hitting google again and typing something else. There was not time for her to read anything on the searches she was conducting. Can someone explain how this works?

maybe she printed it:confused:
Chilly, are you being serious? I can't tell. :) If you are, what purpose would it serve for George to press charges now? And if he did press charges, I would think he would have to include his daughter too. TIA

LOL...ridiculous, right? Hopefully, George has one or two higher priorities right now than that.
While you make some good points I think some others are just not very informed to be honest. In order to be diagnosed with an illness one must meet certain criteria. Everyone must meet approx. 4 of 7 "symptoms" of an illness, otherwise you cannot be given a diagnosis. Everyone has to meet the same criteria, it does not change depending on the person. If you don't have these specific symptoms then you do not have this illness.

So, while of course no one here has had the "exact" experiences as one another or as Casey, many of the actions and behaviors of people with the same illness are lumped into a "like" basket. How on earth do you think studies are done? Where do you think statistics come from?! Why do you think they interview serial killers to try to get into their mind and understand why they do what they do? Why would there be self-help groups and types of therapy that are illness specific? How would psychiatrists and therapists be able to author books that are illness specific and have overwhelming praise for their descriptions of the illness if our symptoms are all that different from each others?

Yes, there are diagnostic criteria but some different disorders share some of the same criteria, some disorders can manifest in different forms and simply having had a disorder doesn't make you qualified to diagnose someone, only to say, "this reminds me of what symptoms I had or have."

If you had hyperactive ADD, you certainly wouldn't recognize a quiet dreamer with inattentive ADD as having the same disorder. If you had OCD and were a hoarder you wouldn't necessarily recognize someone who had the type with obsessive thoughts as having the same disorder.

Remember the story about the blind men examining the elephant? Here it is in case you haven't seen it.
I think it's hilarious that when Casey was practicing writing her "married" name, she misspelled Tony's last name several ways.

That aside, I thiink she was planning to steal one of his checks and claim to be his new wife when she signed and cashed it. If she'd just been daydreaming how her married name would look, why did she cross out most of her attempts?

Just a thought...

Very insightful. I noticed that on the paperwork from AMSCOT Casey put down JG as her husband's name. Could be she was going to do the same with AL?
i dont think he has much of a choice. i dont think he wants to go live with his parents again. he might still leave in the near future

Living in a cardboard box in an alley would be a luxury after having to live with Cindy these past 4 months. If George can get away from her, he will probably come back to reality and eventually be ok. Until then, he's her mental and emotional hostage.
Yeah. Now we gotta figure out why dipschwitz (KC) had to do an internet search for that so-hard-to-understand word "shovel". :bang:

And it was on Wikipedia too, right? Not Google? I could understand searching on Google if you were looking to buy a shovel and if she bought one, that could explain Cindy refusing to turn over credit card receipts.

Okay, I just went to Wikipedia and did that search. It certainly wouldn't be very useful unless you just landed here from the planet without basic tools. There are a few alternative searches listed though, including for an "industrial metal" band by that name.
Ok, I haven't seen this brought up yet. What about the length of time between the internet searches? For most of them, there was only a minute or so between the searches. Am I reading it wrong? Did she have all of these open in different windows, running at the same time? At the rate she was going, she was only googling words, then hitting google again and typing something else. There was not time for her to read anything on the searches she was conducting. Can someone explain how this works?

Could she have googled one word and then searched the second word 'within' the parameters of the first word - does that makes sense? Say you google chloroform and then search again for acetone - but only search within the answers the first search gave you. I am not having much luck trying to explain what I am asking - but I hope it makes some sort of sense.
Could she have googled one word and then searched the second word 'within' the parameters of the first word - does that makes sense? Say you google chloroform and then search again for acetone - but only search within the answers the first search gave you. I am not having much luck trying to explain what I am asking - but I hope it makes some sort of sense.

It made sense, I've seen on some search engines how you can hit "Search with results". I hadn't thought of that though.
Or the other idea that she printed it, maybe that didn't cross my mind because I have an old printer that takes forever.
Ok, I haven't seen this brought up yet. What about the length of time between the internet searches? For most of them, there was only a minute or so between the searches. Am I reading it wrong? Did she have all of these open in different windows, running at the same time? At the rate she was going, she was only googling words, then hitting google again and typing something else. There was not time for her to read anything on the searches she was conducting. Can someone explain how this works?

Easy ..

Search .. open new window ..
Search .. open new window ..
Search .. open new window ..

You need only search for a second, find what you need, open a window and start all over again ..
Ok, I haven't seen this brought up yet. What about the length of time between the internet searches? For most of them, there was only a minute or so between the searches. Am I reading it wrong? Did she have all of these open in different windows, running at the same time? At the rate she was going, she was only googling words, then hitting google again and typing something else. There was not time for her to read anything on the searches she was conducting. Can someone explain how this works?

What a good observation! Makes you wonder if she was more fanticising rather than planning, huh?
Okay, I just went to Wikipedia and did that search. It certainly wouldn't be very useful unless you just landed here from the planet without basic tools. There are a few alternative searches listed though, including for an "industrial metal" band by that name.

Not true. The wiki search breaks down all type of shovels on the market and their uses. If you want to know the best shovel to dig in hard dirt or to bury a body the wiki search for shovel was quite were the ones that my have interested her:

  • A Trench (or post hole) shovel (also known as a sharpshooter, a grafter, or a drainage shovel) is long and narrow, used for digging fairly deep, but narrow trenches, or post-holes.
  • An entrenching tool is a collapsible and/or compact shovel designed for the military. It may have a spade-like point with sharpened or even serrated edges for secondary use as an axe or saw, respectively. Some militaries of the world (most notably units of the Soviet Union) train their servicemen to use entrenching shovels as makeshift close combat weapons. This tactic has been widely used in the battlefields of World War I and World War II.
  • Garden Shovel used a spade like blade to dig into hard dirt
Not true. The wiki search breaks down all type of shovels on the market and their uses. If you want to know the best shovel to dig in hard dirt or to bury a body the wiki search for shovel was quite were the ones that my have interested her:

  • A Trench (or post hole) shovel (also known as a sharpshooter, a grafter, or a drainage shovel) is long and narrow, used for digging fairly deep, but narrow trenches, or post-holes.
  • An entrenching tool is a collapsible and/or compact shovel designed for the military. It may have a spade-like point with sharpened or even serrated edges for secondary use as an axe or saw, respectively. Some militaries of the world (most notably units of the Soviet Union) train their servicemen to use entrenching shovels as makeshift close combat weapons. This tactic has been widely used in the battlefields of World War I and World War II.
  • Garden Shovel used a spade like blade to dig into hard dirt

maybe she was gonna use the shovel as household weapon in self defense then changed her mind
Maybe early on in the year KC was planning to "off" GA?? Or even both parents?? We all know she didnt like her father, and that CA was only staying in her marriage because of not wanting to give him half of everything....That didnt pan out because of the fight on the 15th of June...and to get revenge on her parents, she did what we all know she did. Rid herself of the baby. KC has a warped, twisted mind and I believe she flip flopped alot on what she was going to do, hence all the different computer searches. Self defense was prob if something went wrong in her little plan and needed to use it. No one will ever know.
Very insightful. I noticed that on the paperwork from AMSCOT Casey put down JG as her husband's name. Could be she was going to do the same with AL?

It sounds like this was a girl who wanted a man's love desperatly and thrived on the attention of men being inlove with her. In one of her text messages to her friend she said it sucked because she wants and is ready to settle down but only knows TL for 7 weeks (or something like that). TL admits to police that he told KC when he settles down he hopes to have only boys because of his experience with nieces or cousin or something.

TL seemed like a party guy and his friends as well. She was trying to fit in. Sometimes I wonder if she would have found a guy fully open to her child and a man who WANTED to spend time with her and her daughter, maybe KC would have had a chance and would be able to be herself.

I know this does not excuse her and in NO WAY am I showing sympathy, but I had my son at 15 and I ran into many a situations like some that she faced and it was freakin hard and I would cry myself to sleep while my friends went out. I had a boyfriend that I really really liked and one day he said that when he gets married he wants to marry a woman without kids, so that they can start a family together. I cried for hours about it, the difference is, the very next day - after I cried - I told him to kiss my arse and it was over and one day he will regret his comments.

I didn't off my kid. I loved my son no matter what pain I felt at not being a normal teenager.
What a good observation! Makes you wonder if she was more fanticising rather than planning, huh?

Not at all. There's a setting in Google to open a new search results window with each search you run. So if you're putting your search terms into your Google toolbar (as I do) and you have this setting on (as I do) you can put in lots of different search terms, one at a time, (as I do), and then have all your search result windows opened and ready for you to do your research.

ETA: removed a comment of mine that came off snarky.
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