New Docs Part 2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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At least we now know the shovel wasn't used to bust into the shed to get the gas cans - AL admitted to using a tire iron.

Yeah. Now we gotta figure out why dipschwitz (KC) had to do an internet search for that so-hard-to-understand word "shovel". :bang:
Yeah. Now we gotta figure out why dipschwitz (KC) had to do an internet search for that so-hard-to-understand word "shovel". :bang:

:whistle: And btw she must be one of those persons who think that if you hit the delete button everything is gone.Live and learn. :whistle:
After reading this last set of docs it's quite obvious to me that Casey was not able to handle being a mother from the time she was pregnant on.

She apparantly was in denial that she was pregnant (along with her family). At 7 months she never addressed the issue.

I am also quite disturbed how Cindy did not let on to the FBI that they did not find out she was pregnant until 7 months. Instead she chose to go down the path with the FBI that she helped Casey introduce music to Caylee in the womb including Mozart etc. She created a false impression of Casey's pregnancy.

The Grunds stated that Casey dropped Caylee off there 3x a week while she worked. But we all know now she never went back to work after she had Caylee. It's apparant to me that she did not properly bond with that child or take to mothering. Otherwise she would not have been dropping that kid off so she could go to her fake job. She did not bond with that child even then instead she was dumping her on the Grunds until Mr Grund got wise.

This is not something that happenned recently. She had issues with Caylee and mothering since Caylee was born.

And just like Cindy did with the FBI, she ignored the 'red flags' during Caylees first 2 years of life and instead saw a wonderful 'mother of the year'.
Now that is just sad. Maybe he couldn't stand to be cooped up in the house any longer.

thats pretty sad. the whole family is destroyed completely and forever. regardless of his history of gambling and cheating, i think he was the most forth coming in that family. he knows what happened imo.
Yes I agree,I am not one of his fans but sometimes I really don't know how he manages to survive all this.
Yes I agree,I am not one of his fans but sometimes I really don't know how he manages to survive all this.

i dont think he has much of a choice. i dont think he wants to go live with his parents again. he might still leave in the near future
We've also learned Casey's father, George Anthony, spent part of his Thanksgiving alone as well.

George was seen driving by himself around downtown Orlando and Winter Park towing his "Where is Caylee billboard."

When I read that yesterday, I thought KFN has got George doing this or they will pull the pics of Caylee, or George just wants to get out of the house. It sure is pathetic. When in fact he is the first one to say "decomposition".
When I read that yesterday, I thought KFN has got George doing this or they will pull the pics of Caylee, or George just wants to get out of the house. It sure is pathetic. When in fact he is the first one to say "decomposition".

i agree-it makes them look like fools when they do this.
i'm surprised that they didnt comment on these docs yet. very quiet now.
I just finished reading the doc's and I just wanna say, WOW! Rick really tells it like it is. no pussyfooting around with this guy. :clap:
i agree-it makes them look like fools when they do this.
i'm surprised that they didnt comment on these docs yet. very quiet now.
Not much they can say when the docs and videos seem to verify things others have been saying are true.
Not much they can say when the docs and videos seem to verify things others have been saying are true.

you know the funny part, is that they asked for it themselves.
prosecutor wanted gag order-they objected
prosecutor took the high road without comments-they went all over and dissed them

i knew this would happen :)
When you have people who are hellbent on destroying every one around them...they usually implode at some point. It is so difficult to continue hating others and blaming everyone else for your problems.

The Gag Order would have served no purpose since it would only silence the person who isn't talking anyway, imo.
At least we now know the shovel wasn't used to bust into the shed to get the gas cans - AL admitted to using a tire iron.

George should press charges.

Chilly, are you being serious? I can't tell. :) If you are, what purpose would it serve for George to press charges now? And if he did press charges, I would think he would have to include his daughter too. TIA
The new docs must contain some info re the visit to the lawyer by the A's to gain custody of Caylee in case anything happened to KC, because people have made reference to it on this forum. This really interests me. If the lawyer denies any such meeting (as posted here) it makes me wonder what CA's motive would have been to lie about it.

Can anyone tell me where I can find this in the new doc dump?
Are you saying the lawyer know nothing about drawing up paper re custody, or that he didn't know anything about Eric?

Exactly Friday. At the bottom of the page in a footnote it clearly states that LE contacted the lawyer in question and he new NOTHING of an Eric, nor did he draw up any paperwork concerning Caylee.

A bold and bare-faced LIE by CA concerning Caylees parentage.
Exactly Friday. At the bottom of the page in a footnote it clearly states that LE contacted the lawyer in question and he new NOTHING of an Eric, nor did he draw up any paperwork concerning Caylee.

A bold and bare-faced LIE by CA concerning Caylees parentage.

Sammiejam -- Thank you. I thought I had read it somewhere here. Do you have the reference to it in the new docs?

The only reason I can think of for CA to fabricate this story is to stop any further speculation about who fathered Caylee. Why is she working so hard to keep this a secret? Her effort has only highlighted this issue for me . . .
Sammiejam -- Thank you. I thought I had read it somewhere here. Do you have the reference to it in the new docs?

The only reason I can think of for CA to fabricate this story is to stop any further speculation about who fathered Caylee. Why is she working so hard to keep this a secret? Her effort has only highlighted this issue for me . . .

Why would she make up such an elaborate lie?
Why would they not pursue Daddy for child support if he was alive?
Why would they not apply for social security if Daddy was deceased?
Why would they tell Jesse that he was the father when KC and Jesse had not been together during the time of conception?
I am becoming more and more convinced that there is something (I mean someone) that this family is hiding.
Will someone please help me out here ~ I don't remember if there was a subpoena for Lee's DNA and, if so, when it occurred?
you know the funny part, is that they asked for it themselves.
prosecutor wanted gag order-they objected
prosecutor took the high road without comments-they went all over and dissed them

i knew this would happen :)

Ahhhhhhhh ..
Sweet Poetic Justice!

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