New Docs Part 2

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That's right...I forgot about the part "no one has the keys"!! The whole shed business never rang true. She lied to Greta too!

why would it make any difference who she did or didn't lie to--- :bang: ya know she probably didn't eat, sleep and stress--and grief over granddaughter and not seeing daughter..... :waitasec:

as for the gas cans...kc had been taking them--remember at that time gas prices were up there big time....why waste her "hard earned money" on gas for a car??????? I still puzzle over finding a car---taking out the battery???? and then just saying (more or less) didn't really know who would bother the car ....... wth with that comment?????? guess kc was right in "everyone lies".....:chicken:

So Cindy did not not papers drawn up to get custody of Caylee if anything happened to Casey, why would she lie about that?

Three words: because she can.

That's all it is. Mistruths, half truths? The lawyer lie was stupid and easily revealed, but CA is controlling and not used to be challenged. She's in for a big wake up call.

I remember when Cindy said this, and I questioned it then......when my kids were small, my husband and I, had papers drawn up to give custody to my sister and brother-in-law if anything happened to us. It was a will.

The way Cindy said would be like my sister and brother-in-law having the papers drawn up. Casey would be the one to have these papers drawn up.

Sorry, just had to comment on another one of Cindy's "mis-truths".
From reading this new set, I found out for the first time that while on the ride to jail - the first time - Casey was told that if she really wanted to help find Caylee, and if she did, now was the time to do so........Left Turn was to Jail, a Right Turn would be to find Caylee.........Casey chose a Right Turn, but wanted to speak to her attorney - at which point, her attorney told the officers to just go ahead and bring her to jail and she clammed up. Now I wonder if that was Caylee's only chance to be found then or was it just another Buy More Time moment from her "mother."

It wasn't her first ride to jail, it was the ride to jail after being arrested for murder.
It wasn't her first ride to jail, it was the ride to jail after being arrested for murder.

Thank you for correcting this for me! This was more reading than I had anticipated in between the peeling and mashing to potatoes!
I brought this over from another thread:

Today, 04:06 PM
Registered User Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 17

Computer forensics recovered a partial email that appears to be from CA to KC. Date of the email undetermined, as far as I can tell. (pg 2802)

"can't sleep, stupid hot flashes wake me up then I start thinking about you and Caylee. Dad said he went to work at 9am and he got home at 630p, he said he did not come home in between. I don't know who or what to believe anymore. You've told me everyday that you were going to call me and you haven't but you choose to call when you know I won't be home. What the hell is going on? I've tried not to bug you to death but I still haven't gotten to see pictures of Caylee or gotten to speak to her. It's been over a month now. Am I ever going to see her again? Are you still with Jeff? Are you going back to work? I saw on the news that Anheiser Busch is being bought by a foreign company that does not want the theme parks only the beer part of the Co. What is that all about they're talking Disney or Universal may get to buy the theme parks. I thought Universal already merged with them? I'm not sure how much longer I can continue on this day to day course. I'm going freakin nuts not knowing whats going on with you. I had a breakdown at work, can't take much more stre "

Bolded by me. I haven't been able to find out how to get to page 2802 yet, so haven't seen this in its context. But I'm intrigued by it because of the lack of date and the "over a month now" statement. If we could date this recovered email it prove very enlightening!

The article about the sale hit the NY Times on July
Thank you for correcting this for me! This was more reading than I had anticipated in between the peeling and mashing to potatoes!

I still haven't caught up on my sleep.....I stayed up until 4:45am Thanksgiving morning and have been dragging since. I will say that my appetizers were not as good as usual and the Bloody Mary's went to my head faster.:tipsy:
Page 2412 - Brittany says that CA told her on 7-16 that Casey had said she was going to Jacksonville for a month for work but she was dropping Caylee at the nanny's beofre she left.
Up until now, hadn't we been hearing that casey was taking Caylee for some bonding time on a minivacation? Or am I remembering that wrong?

Nope. You remember correctly. Cindy used the mini-vacation story as the reason why Casey left the know, Casey getting ready to go to work, a day like any other day.....conflicting comments about the reason she left.
Refers to her statements that she "lost" Caylee and didn't report it. It's called failure to protect within the child welfare system.

That just jumped out at me - "lost". She googled the Lost numbers (TV show with numbers that are key). In the Lost show, Claire disappears and they find her baby in the woods....
Bold is mine.

I know- wtf is up with that?! She gave LE the name of some girl (it's in the docs but I can't remember her name) and said Casey is very good friends with her. Didn't Dante, in his interview with LE, say that he never saw (other than to vist with him) Casey or her car at Saw Grass and that he did not know of any friends Casey had there?

I'm not a Sleuther.. if I was- I'd check this woman out. I'd love to find some information on her and the girl she says lives at Saw Grass and was good friends with Casey.

There is a thread Kiomarie I think who moved from Hopespring to Sawgrass - friends w/KC. Wanted to adopt Caylee when KC was pregnant. Husband didn't want to give phone records to LE because he is a "private person" I think...
Great minds, ya know. And honestly, not only what was she using them for, where was she storing them? There are only so many places you can store a large quantity of gas cans and no thave someone get curious.

Keeping gas cans in a car or trunk in FL in June is INSANE!!! The inside of a car here in high summer can get well over 100 degrees in MINUTES. Can anyone say boom??:eek:

Disconnecting the battery? I would do that if I didn't want someone with a key to drive it - check out where she travelled to by pings July 15 and 16 before maps in the sticky threads
That just jumped out at me - "lost". She googled the Lost numbers (TV show with numbers that are key). In the Lost show, Claire disappears and they find her baby in the woods....

OMG!!! Everything she googled had to do with kidnapped children or hurting somene, is wrong with her?! :eek:
Pizza box...NO pizza. So much for the "rotting pizza excursion" we all took for 4 months. (Desperate times call for desperate other way to get around the smell so use the handy props in the trunk). :waitasec:
So where did the pizza go 'cause it sure was in the lab reports?!!
OMG!!! Everything she googled had to do with kidnapped children or hurting somene, is wrong with her?! :eek:
Yea, but the baby turns out ok and Claire is the one that is "lost". I wish this could be the case for this situation.
Keeping gas cans in a car or trunk in FL in June is INSANE!!! The inside of a car here in high summer can get well over 100 degrees in MINUTES. Can anyone say boom??:eek:

Disconnecting the battery? I would do that if I didn't want someone with a key to drive it - check out where she travelled to by pings July 15 and 16 before maps in the sticky threads
She wasn't in her car, right?

Just wanted to make sure this wasn't a trick question. LOL
There is a thread Kiomarie I think who moved from Hopespring to Sawgrass - friends w/KC. Wanted to adopt Caylee when KC was pregnant. Husband didn't want to give phone records to LE because he is a "private person" I think...
...and Katie R.?
Nope. You remember correctly. Cindy used the mini-vacation story as the reason why Casey left the know, Casey getting ready to go to work, a day like any other day.....conflicting comments about the reason she left.
Oh, better yet...Caylee was up in Jacksonville with Casey and JH and they were test driving being a family. His mother even watched the kids (remember he has a son-NOT!)
Great minds, ya know. And honestly, not only what was she using them for, where was she storing them? There are only so many places you can store a large quantity of gas cans and no thave someone get curious.
Ya think?!
So where did the pizza go 'cause it sure was in the lab reports?!!

I have to type Janis' favorite Cindy quote, "No odor." :eek:

Just like the odor appears and reappears by cindy's accounting, so does the magical (rotting, but non existent) pizza. Here are some links to Nancy Grace and Scared Monkeys Front Page, which is the better of the two. CNN

http://.com/2008/11/28/casey-anthon...nd-incest-oh-my-and-the-pizza-that-never-was/ scared monkeys front page
Maybe the shed was usually unlocked when Lee lived there and they recently starting locking it because of Caylee?
A pretty bold statement then if you ask me. That could very well be the case, but I have this nagging feeling Cindy was trying to portray the fact that THEY were never careless for a reason. My she did go on about it. Less is usually more so, yes, to me it's a red flag. (I just had to say it!)
I want to know if there is truth to JG relaying Casey saying Lee pressured her for sex. I want to know if there is truth in Casey relaying to AL and Nathan that Lee groped her in her bed when she was in middle school. I want to know what abuse, if true, George put upon Casey.

I think those may the be the critical points in a girl starting down a slippery path to murder out of spite and resentment. I have believed Lee as the father ever since Padilla postulated it and as more information is released I begin to see where this came from. It explains everything, from what happened to Casey, what happened to Caylee and why, and why Cindy and George have obfuscated LE from the end of the 3rd 911 call. I think it would explain the bizarre behaviors as well as explaining Casey's hold over the family even after committing a heinous crime. It would never excuse one part of it, but as I have speculated time and time again it explains it. Maybe this is what Baez means when he says we will all understand.

Why did it take a subpoena Lee?

What does Annie know?

I believe all the same things:
but my post was removed because we have no proof about Lee;
yet let's remember that Lee refused a DNA test.
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