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If this is from Cindy which it sounds like it is - it sounds totally genuine and she's worried sick not knowing where Caylee is, what is going on with Casey - are they safe?

I would be worried too if I hadn't heard from my daughter for a month

I agree.
What an awful thing to say when you are going out with a girl who has a daughter!

I had a guy once tell me that he doesn't know how to deal with dating a woman with kids.....he knew that I had 2 children at the time. I told him than I guess I am wasting my time, and never spoke to him again! Too many fish in the sea and this isn't the first time a woman gets rid of the kid for a man.........:furious: It's too bad that these mothers don't feel as though their children are more important.
Among other things the Wikipedia "death" article tells how to tell when someone is dead.

If you looked this up during the same session as you looked up "chloroform" you might be wanting to know how to tell if the chloroform worked.

Seems to be alot of research and work on how to kill a two year old? Self defense? Household items as a weapon? And the multiple chloroform searches. That paired with telling everyone in town that she was going to have the house makes me wonder who she really wanted to kill.
Opps...didnt see the original post!

Why would she comment on what time "Dad" went to work and came home?

That is a very good question...surmising somewhat, sounds to me like there might have been a discrepancy between what George said and what Casey said, imo...George saying he never came home between certain hours and SOMEONE saying he did?? Cindy goes on the say she doesn't know who to believe anymore...

But WHAT was the issue?
Please forgive me if this has been posted already, as I am way behind on reading this thread, but found this on another site.

Further searches were allegedly conducted that same month at Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia Website, for "inhalation," "chloroform," "acetone," "shovel" and "death."

Other sites that were allegedly used for online research include:, and The documents further allege that the search terms used at those sites consist of "making weapons out of household products," "chloroformhabit," "how to make chloroform," and "chloro2."
Hm. So perhaps a bit of a Diane Downs/Susan Smith hybrid....

As for the name signing...this girl was totally socially stunted. The party girl thing was just another mask she donned for effect.

She was obsessed.

I think one of the early forensic psychologists that gave an opinion compared Casey to Diane Downs and Susan Smith. She said these women had the "Prince Charming" syndrome. They wanted a man to fill their holes and remove all problems.

That is a very good question...surmising somewhat, sounds to me like there might have been a decrpency between what George said and what Casey said, imo...George saying he never came home between certain hours and SOMEONE saying he did?? Cindy goes on the say she doesn't know who to believe anymore...

But WHAT was the issue?

Maybe Casey was in the house after George left and Cindy didn't know how it was. Was Cindy home on one of Casey's secret mission.
That is a very good question...surmising somewhat, sounds to me like there might have been a decrpency between what George said and what Casey said, imo...George saying he never came home between certain hours and SOMEONE saying he did?? Cindy goes on the say she doesn't know who to believe anymore...

But WHAT was the issue?

Can we tell what date that email is written on. Cindy says Casey calls when she knows Cindy is not there to get the call. We know Casey was coming in and out of the house. I think Cindy asks Casey if she has been in the house (who knows what was missing) and Casey says no, George says he wasn't in the house.

She could also be asking about the gate being open and the ladder being up. Casey says I haven't been there. George says I didn't do it. Cindy doesn't know what to believe.
She was obsessed.

I think one of the early forensic psychologists that gave an opinion compared Casey to Diane Downs and Susan Smith. She said these women had the "Prince Charming" syndrome. They wanted a man to fill their holes and remove all problems.


So true...reading the back and forth in the texts between AH and KC, one can clearly see "boys" were their life...boys and drinking, it seems...
Hm. So perhaps a bit of a Diane Downs/Susan Smith hybrid....

As for the name signing...this girl was totally socially stunted. The party girl thing was just another mask she donned for effect.

This made me go 'whoa' - if she has the Diane Downs sociopath effect this is would be a major break
Remember how he said he came close to taking his life over everything that had happened? I wonder if buying this gun was part of that plan.....

Scary thought.
Seems to be alot of research and work on how to kill a two year old? Self defense? Household items as a weapon? And the multiple chloroform searches. That paired with telling everyone in town that she was going to have the house makes me wonder who she really wanted to kill.

I've always thought chloroform was overkill for Caylee.

But, if you want your parents down so they can't fight back it makes some sense. If Casey even googled "shovels" to decide what to use to dig the graves, it sounds like she was fantasizing and into the subject.

Don't most of these kinds of crimes start with ideation and fantasy?
She was obsessed.

I think one of the early forensic psychologists that gave an opinion compared Casey to Diane Downs and Susan Smith. She said these women had the "Prince Charming" syndrome. They wanted a man to fill their holes and remove all problems.


Otherwise known as Borderline personality disorder
These are the docs in a readable form. Thank gawd, my head hurts from trying to read those. If I knew you better I would give you a big sloppy kiss ;)

Yeah - my eyes were crossing trying to focus on blurred documents when I had to make them bigger!
Can we tell what date that email is written on. Cindy says Casey calls when she knows Cindy is not there to get the call. We know Casey was coming in and out of the house. I think Cindy asks Casey if she has been in the house (who knows what was missing) and Casey says no, George says he wasn't in the house.

She could also be asking about the gate being open and the ladder being up. Casey says I haven't been there. George says I didn't do it. Cindy doesn't know what to believe.
If Cindy hadn't seen Caylee in a month, the email had to have been written long after the pool ladder incident - wasn't that in mid June? It does sound like Cindy asked Casey about something being amiss in the house and Casey said George was responsible, but George said he wasn't home when it happened..whatever it was.
Read this at the bottom:

It says "Jesse mentioned that in September of 2005, Casey mentioned that she didn't feel comfortable around her <blacked out>. Casey allegedly told him that before this day, <blacked out> had tried to have sex with her. Jesse didn't elaborate, but from the context of the conversation, he believed that Casey meant <blacked out> had tried to pressure Casey into having sex with her."


"tried to pressure Casey into having sex with her..."

With HER?! OK, 'm sure someone already brought this up but huh
She, on a seperate occasion, told Tony's roommate Nate, that her father had "abused her" in the past, but did not elaborate how, where, when, etc.

(respectfully snipped)

Let's remember that in Caseyworld, "abuse" from George might mean that he didn't go along with all of her nonsense and dared to challenge her from time to time.

"Abuse" needn't be sexual. It can be verbal. And merely disagreeing with a sociopath is tantamount to tormenting them.

What on God's green earth would you find by doing a google search on "shovel"? That's kinda weird. What... she didn't know how to use one? :confused:
Maybe just a little comparison shopping? Buying online so she could use Cindy's credit card?

Casey: 'I Hate Myself...I Am The Worst Mother'
That's the only true thing I have ever heard KC say and I don't believe her!
I don't believe her, either. This is not an expression of remorse; it's another manipulation of someone else.
Email fragment: "What the hell is going on?"

The following is what appears to be fragments of Yahoo web mail recovered from Casey's computer. It reads:

"can't sleep, stupid hot flashes wake me up then I start thinking about you and Caylee. Dad said he went to work at 9am and got home at 630p, he said he did not come home in between. I don't know who or what to believe anymore." The email goes on, "You told me everyday that you were going to call me and you haven't but you choose to call when you know I won't be home. What the hell is going on? I've tried not to bug you to death but I still haven't gotten to see pictures of Caylee or gotten to speak to her. It's been over a month now. Am I ever going to see her again? Are you still with Jeff? Are you going back to work"? The author of the email goes on to write, "I'm not sure how much longer I can continue on this day to day course. I'm going freakin nuts not knowing what's going on with you. I had a breakdown at work, can't take much more."

Who would write this email to Casey?!?!?!?

CINDY! ["Dad" could be what Cindy calls George to Casey.]
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