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With all due respect, I am a sexual abuse survivor myself and I find it very offensive to read some of the poster's depictions on here of abuse survivors, matter of fact when questions initially began to surface following the trunk hair DNA analysis and the speculations began regarding possible SA between LA & KC, I refrained from commenting, instead I stayed away from WS's for a while. Many poster's comments/opinions are generalizations based upon what little information is available at this point in time. What we do know is that if you compare the number of reported & proscecuted cases to the actual number of cases simply reported, as well as the number of cases that are never reported and only disclosed in a therapeutic setting many years later, (unprosecutable due to statute of limitations) there is a huge gap. It is these sort of generalizations and "labels" that keep so many like myself silent. By revealing that you are a SAS causes others to look at you in a whole new light - even when someone has known you for years and may have even claimed "I would have never guessed!" upon your disclosure, yet from that time on, they begin to attribute everything to it. That is why so many never tell.

I am also a survivor. I know what you mean about people looking at you differently or treating you differently once you reveal that to them. Hey, I'm a survivor ~ not a victim!

It upsets me beyond words when people try to blame their crimes or transgressions on being abused as a child (or whatever).

My hat is off to you my friend for choosing to be a survivor and not a victim! :clap:

Email fragment: "What the hell is going on?"

The following is what appears to be fragments of Yahoo web mail recovered from Casey's computer. It reads:

"can't sleep, stupid hot flashes wake me up then I start thinking about you and Caylee. Dad said he went to work at 9am and got home at 630p, he said he did not come home in between. I don't know who or what to believe anymore." The email goes on, "You told me everyday that you were going to call me and you haven't but you choose to call when you know I won't be home. What the hell is going on? I've tried not to bug you to death but I still haven't gotten to see pictures of Caylee or gotten to speak to her. It's been over a month now. Am I ever going to see her again? Are you still with Jeff? Are you going back to work"? The author of the email goes on to write, "I'm not sure how much longer I can continue on this day to day course. I'm going freakin nuts not knowing what's going on with you. I had a breakdown at work, can't take much more."

Sounds like it's from Cindy to Casey.
An exquisitely appropriate term...! Except, I'm wondering if CA's ridiculous defense of KC is to make up for not believing her earlier.

Could be, but if so, I don't think that's going to matter to KC. To her, it may be "too little too late from Mommy dearest." We shall see.
Email fragment: "What the hell is going on?"

The following is what appears to be fragments of Yahoo web mail recovered from Casey's computer. It reads:

"can't sleep, stupid hot flashes wake me up then I start thinking about you and Caylee. Dad said he went to work at 9am and got home at 630p, he said he did not come home in between. I don't know who or what to believe anymore." The email goes on, "You told me everyday that you were going to call me and you haven't but you choose to call when you know I won't be home. What the hell is going on? I've tried not to bug you to death but I still haven't gotten to see pictures of Caylee or gotten to speak to her. It's been over a month now. Am I ever going to see her again? Are you still with Jeff? Are you going back to work"? The author of the email goes on to write, "I'm not sure how much longer I can continue on this day to day course. I'm going freakin nuts not knowing what's going on with you. I had a breakdown at work, can't take much more."

Who would write this email to Casey?!?!?!?
Ooooh boy is Cindy going to be P.O'ffed tonight! Now THAT would be a "reality show" I'd really watch. Forget about 'Survivor, Paris Hiltons BFF or Celebrity Rehab'!

my sick opinion only.

I share that sick opinion. :)
talk of incest and abuse?????

I've always thought Lee could be caylee's father (RUMOR ALERT I know!!!!) and this could be her sick of way of saying it wasn't consentual, that Lee forced her. Who would want to admit to consentual sex with a sibling??
This may be elementary to some people, but others don't know so... if you press Ctrl on your keyboard and the + sign at the same time, the screen will enlarge. same for ctrl and -... That's what I've been doing.

Also, what I do is hold down control and scroll the wheel on your mouse forward for larger and back for smaller. They are hard to read.
I thought one of the more interesting details was that the neighbor did indeed hear loud fighting between Casey and Cindy, he estimates it to be a month before the "kidnapping" was announced. That puts us on the weekend of the 15th.

Tony says in his statement that Casey couldn't spend the night several times even though he wanted her to. She had to go home because Cindy had the nerve to ask her to act like a mother. He says June 14th is the first night she spent the night. June 15th is Father's Day and speculated to be the day of the big fight.

I wonder if Casey turned her phone off and just said F it, mom doesn't know where I am, neither do any of my friends that she could get hold of, I am not going home, I will deal with it tomorrow. She appears to be home the evening of the 15th, the 16th is the last time Caylee is seen, and Casey spends every night that Tony is in town with him from then until Cindy drags her home.

Email fragment: "What the hell is going on?"

The following is what appears to be fragments of Yahoo web mail recovered from Casey's computer. It reads:

"can't sleep, stupid hot flashes wake me up then I start thinking about you and Caylee. Dad said he went to work at 9am and got home at 630p, he said he did not come home in between. I don't know who or what to believe anymore." The email goes on, "You told me everyday that you were going to call me and you haven't but you choose to call when you know I won't be home. What the hell is going on? I've tried not to bug you to death but I still haven't gotten to see pictures of Caylee or gotten to speak to her. It's been over a month now. Am I ever going to see her again? Are you still with Jeff? Are you going back to work"? The author of the email goes on to write, "I'm not sure how much longer I can continue on this day to day course. I'm going freakin nuts not knowing what's going on with you. I had a breakdown at work, can't take much more."

If this is from Cindy which it sounds like it is - it sounds totally genuine and she's worried sick not knowing where Caylee is, what is going on with Casey - are they safe?

I would be worried too if I hadn't heard from my daughter for a month
Email fragment: "What the hell is going on?"

The following is what appears to be fragments of Yahoo web mail recovered from Casey's computer. It reads:

"can't sleep, stupid hot flashes wake me up then I start thinking about you and Caylee. Dad said he went to work at 9am and got home at 630p, he said he did not come home in between. I don't know who or what to believe anymore." The email goes on, "You told me everyday that you were going to call me and you haven't but you choose to call when you know I won't be home. What the hell is going on? I've tried not to bug you to death but I still haven't gotten to see pictures of Caylee or gotten to speak to her. It's been over a month now. Am I ever going to see her again? Are you still with Jeff? Are you going back to work"? The author of the email goes on to write, "I'm not sure how much longer I can continue on this day to day course. I'm going freakin nuts not knowing what's going on with you. I had a breakdown at work, can't take much more."

Who would write this email to Casey?!?!?!?

Email fragment: "What the hell is going on?"

The following is what appears to be fragments of Yahoo web mail recovered from Casey's computer. It reads:

"can't sleep, stupid hot flashes wake me up then I start thinking about you and Caylee. Dad said he went to work at 9am and got home at 630p, he said he did not come home in between. I don't know who or what to believe anymore." The email goes on, "You told me everyday that you were going to call me and you haven't but you choose to call when you know I won't be home. What the hell is going on? I've tried not to bug you to death but I still haven't gotten to see pictures of Caylee or gotten to speak to her. It's been over a month now. Am I ever going to see her again? Are you still with Jeff? Are you going back to work"? The author of the email goes on to write, "I'm not sure how much longer I can continue on this day to day course. I'm going freakin nuts not knowing what's going on with you. I had a breakdown at work, can't take much more."

Who would write this email to Casey?!?!?!?

I am pretty sure it is CA. She mentioned hot flashes in one of the FBI interviews too. She thought KC & Caylee were staying with Jeff in Jacksonville, only to find out about the car at the tow yard. Sorry I don't have the link to where Jeff, hot flashes etc... are. (And you can't make me look for them either! I can't watch CA again)
Opps...didnt see the original post!

Why would she comment on what time "Dad" went to work and came home?

I don't know. Perhaps she had suspected that Casey was in the house when they were not home for some reason and asked Casey. Casey said it wasn't me, it must have been dad...and she replies back it couldn't have been Dad because he didn't come home in between work. Who knows??????

Hot flashes and missing Caylee for a month though is Cindy.

Open Internet explorer the go to fox, bring up the docs. In the bottom right there is a magnifying glass, click on it and you can adjust the font.

I'm ready to start a thread with these directions! lol
Open Internet explorer the go to fox, bring up the docs. In the bottom right there is a magnifying glass, click on it and you can adjust the font.

I'm ready to start a thread with these directions! lol

That only works if you are updated to the latest version.
Among other things the Wikipedia "death" article tells how to tell when someone is dead.

If you looked this up during the same session as you looked up "chloroform" you might be wanting to know how to tell if the chloroform worked.
"Another page of the documents showed a sheet of paper taken from Casey Anthony's car after it was found abandoned at an Orange County Amscot June 27 showed Casey Anthony's name written repeatedly in different variations with the last name "Lazzaro" being used with it. Tony Lazzaro was Casey Anthony's boyfriend, and he said that he told Casey Anthony that if he ever did start a family, he wanted to have sons, not daughters, according to the documents."
Hm. So perhaps a bit of a Diane Downs/Susan Smith hybrid....

As for the name signing...this girl was totally socially stunted. The party girl thing was just another mask she donned for effect.
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