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She wouldn't have to admit to anything except that she is not sure what happened. She can say she remembers leaving the house that day with Caylee and nothing after that, except her fear that Caylee was being abused. then her attorney floats the PTSD theory and adds a couple of experts to back it up. No confession needed.
I don't believe that that is what happened. But I do believe that the idea could be used in court. It's more sane than some of the things I have heard so far.
As far as psych evals, you don't have to be sane to pass one, you just have to know how to act sane. Big difference.
i don't believe it will help her defense.
Maybe we finally have an answer as to what prompted JG to get a paternity test and why RG has an enormous amount of sympathy for Casey.

Casey and Jesse didn't get together until December, Caylee is born in August, she was already pregnant when they got together, I think math would have been a clue to get a paternity test.
Don't know if the Abuse story is true but found this website about statistics relating to Abuse in Childhood. One of the things stated is that
36.7% of all women in prison were abused as children.
Another thing it says is that
80% of young adults who had been abused met the diagnostic criteria for at least 1 psychiatric disorder at the age of 21 (including depression, anxiety, eating disorders, & post-traumatic stress disorder).
National Child Abuse Statistics

And according to all the commercials I see on TV I have LOTS of symptoms that require I take anti-depressants, anti-anxiety, anti-heartburn, meds for insomnia, restless leg syndrome, and viagra (ok... maybe not the last one)...

J/K... :)
I'm not saying this excuses what she did and I highly doubt other WSers who think this is the 'instigator' do feel it excuses her actions. It just offers us some insight into the why's and how's of the actions. I can't ever forgive her for murdering Caylee, but this would certainly explain alot of the weirdness in this case. You can't deny that it would.

This entire family is personality disordered
This goes back further than 2005 though if she did indeed inform Cindy of Lee being in her bedroom.

She told Jesse that she told her mother about it. Why? I am more inclined to wonder why, in Sept 2005, she told JG about this incident. She's so manipulative, I'm wondering what was in it for her at that time. Was this after the paternity test? Was he breaking up with her? Just wondering.
Here is my logic. She hasn't said it. She easily could have, several times while out on bail or even while back in jail and she has not said anything. Survivors often have guilt and shame and do not ever tell.. feel noone would believe them. especially if their own mother didn't believe them

That's why, given this new evidence, I am even entertaining the idea that it could be real.

ITA, if Casey was suddenly coming up with this claim after her arrest, then I would doubt it. The FBI agents keep asking what happened two years ago. IMO, they should be asking, what happened three years ago when Caylee was born.
If there were abuse, I think KC would be singing like a canary by now. She told JG this back in Sept 2005. I think it just shows she's been lying for years. When was the paternity test and when did JG break up with her?

Maybe we finally have an answer as to what prompted JG to get a paternity test and why RG has an enormous amount of sympathy for Casey.

Or maybe we have the reason why Jesse was willing to forgive Casey for lying to him and telling him Caylee was his child.
Caylee was born in August of 2005 I think? It makes sense that there was a pretty significant rupture in Casey and Jesse's relationship when those paternity test results came back. I see Casey as the type of person who dodges responsibility by obfuscating the issue and reframing everything so that she's the sympathetic person.
"Why did you lie to me and say Caylee was mine?! Don't you KNOW who her father is??"
"I don't know-- I guess I am promiscuous, I'm so sorry-- maybe it's because I was molested. You're the only man I can trust and I betrayed you... please help me..."

"WHAT?! You were molested??..."

Not saying this is how it happened, but I could and have seen it happen.
I think if all this did happen, that she was molested by her father OR her brother and she tried to tell her mother and she didn't believe her.. I think Casey is probably sighing a breath of relief that it is finally out in the open.. finally.

The thing is I have a hard time believing anything that comes out of that womens mouth. Im sorry maybe its mean of me but I dont believe it.KC lives on lies and anything that gets her some attention or sympathy is what she thrives on.As someone who has gone through that myself as a child I can honestly say if what KC is saying is true that in no way gives you the right to harm your child or another human being for that matter.KC deserves the highest punishment that law pervides! Im so upset its not even funny :furious: Who searches neck breaking:behindbar
Then she will have to admit she killed Caylee and tell where Caylee's body is. (I think she has a personality disorder and therefore won't be able to ever admit what she did.)

Susan Smith and Diane Downs both claimed to have been abused. They were convicted.

Casey is obviously sane and rational. She would not have been released on bond otherwise. Psychological testing was a condition of her release.

Susan Smith and Diane Downs were diagnosed with personality disorders. IMO, Casey follows in their footsteps.

I don't think being abuse should be an excuse for murdering someone. Many people have been abuse and didn't commit murder... the abuse probably contributed to their actions but like you said she seems sane and rational so she knew what she was doing.
Would you really be surprised if CA had maybe once said to KC...I'm fed up, you're not acting responsibly with Caylee...I would give up my house and move out, just as long as I could get custody of Caylee.

After all we've seen and heard from this woman...Would that really surprise?

It wouldn't surprise me. And I think that CA knows whatever stupid thing(s) she's said and she is now aware of the impact that it might have had.
She told Jesse that she told her mother about it. Why? I am more inclined to wonder why, in Sept 2005, she told JG about this incident. She's so manipulative, I'm wondering what was in it for her at that time. Was this after the paternity test? Was he breaking up with her? Just wondering.

I read it as though she told AL in '05 about Lee touching her and being in her room, and told JG about Lee pressuring her to sleep with him.

Will have to go back and check.
And according to all the commercials I see on TV I have LOTS of symptoms that require I take anti-depressants, anti-anxiety, anti-heartburn, meds for insomnia, restless leg syndrome, and viagra (ok... maybe not the last one)...

J/K... :)
I didn't just want to make a statement without linking to a website - my point was that there are a lot of people in prison that were abused in childhood and as a defense, doesn't appear to work with 33.7% of women in prison having been abused in childhood
And according to all the commercials I see on TV I have LOTS of symptoms that require I take anti-depressants, anti-anxiety, anti-heartburn, meds for insomnia, restless leg syndrome, and viagra (ok... maybe not the last one)...

J/K... :)

:crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

Too funny.
Or maybe we have the reason why Jesse was willing to forgive Casey for lying to him and telling him Caylee was his child.
Caylee was born in August of 2005 I think? It makes sense that there was a pretty significant rupture in Casey and Jesse's relationship when those paternity test results came back. I see Casey as the type of person who dodges responsibility by obfuscating the issue and reframing everything so that she's the sympathetic person.
"Why did you lie to me and say Caylee was mine?! Don't you KNOW who her father is??"
"I don't know-- I guess I am promiscuous, I'm so sorry-- maybe it's because I was molested. You're the only man I can trust and I betrayed you... please help me..."

"WHAT?! You were molested??..."

Not saying this is how it happened, but I could and have seen it happen.

Makes perfect sense to me. And KC also stole from JG. She presented herself to him as a very sympathetic pitiful thing that couldn't help herself, IMO.
A lot of times, yes, abused victims of incest are exposed to theri abusers for a long time.
HOWEVER...they don't high five with them enthusiastically upon their release from jail.
they don't disclose more info to the abuser than they do to someone that could help.

Sometimes they do. Sometimes it's all they know. Sometimes, if the abuse started early enough in life, they may even seek out their abuser.
I have a Cindy version I run through in my head that's similar.
So do I. Told it to my husband the very first week this came out, and he was kind shocked I could say such a thing about a woman who had lost her granddaughter. So I tried to let it go. It's always in the back of my mind, though.
Casey's behaviours are not limited only to the profile of sexual abuse survivor. And if this story were true what happened to Lee as a child and by whom? He just spontaneously became a sex offender towards his sibling, and only his sister from what have seen dug up on him? Cindy is severly BPD, being raised by a crazy woman can create a lot of what you see in Casey's behavior.

Unfortunately the sibling incest issue has become more common. (i think the study i saw said 1/10 females admitted to it , and 1/15 guys did.)
And these days, it doesnt always stem from having been abused, and carrying on the cycle. The absolute saturation of pn in society now is staggering.
Kids arent just sneaking a quick look at playboy. really young kids are spending hours and hours learning about sex from the internet. They are seeing things that I have never even seen in my lifetime, and they learn that is what sex is about. Immediate gratification, no boundaries, and if a girl says no, then its just part of the game.
Over here clinics are being set up to deal with sibling incest exclusively, and almost always it has stemmed from excess pn exposure.
Now CA said she never even saw a magazine in lees room, she also didnt believe that casey was having risky unprotected sex, so lets not take her word for it.
My ex was a serious pn addict.I cant tell you how much it changed him and scared the hell out of me. Even Ted bundy confessed his pn addiction just hours before his execution. HE wasnt saying it to get out of DP, he knew there were no more last minute reprieves. He said it because he knows how damaging it is and how it changes a person, just like any other addiction.
There were lots of escort sites found in the pc search.
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