New Jail Video, Misty and Tommy Croslin 02/12/2010 - (Patty G made videos viewable)

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Exactly.....they coddle her to keep her mouth shut.JMO
There's no way TN and Ron believe that Crystal had something to do with taking Haleigh to Montana (or Mars, or whatever).

I don't think they ever behaved as if they believe that. TN's body language has always appeared very compassionate towards Crystal.
That Ron clings to this idea is pretty darn weird. He knows no one believes it to be even a remote possibilitiy. Is he trying to comfort himself, or his mother with a Crystal-kidnapping-Haleigh scenario where Haleigh is alive and well?

TN's not interested in the Crystal fantasy. She focuses on getting Misty to talk. Ron agrees: of course, THAT's why he's in jail - he did it to get Misty to talk. THIS fantasy, (how Ron ended up in jail), TN willingly goes along with.

Mother & son support each other's fantasies (lies) all day long. Time and time again, their words conflict with what we observe them doing. This is very troubling.

But does this make them a) guilty of a major cover-up?
Or does it just make them b) beyond dysfunctional.

If we refer back to the Caylee Anthony case, it's easy to convince that c) it's both. Maybe too easy.

The Cummings family dynamic feels wrought with deception and deep fear. Ron scares me because he seems cold and soul-less. Often transparently so. I think he scares his mother, he scares Misty, and I know he scares GGMS. I think they never know when he's gonna blow. I see TN working overtime to soothe the hotheaded beast that is her child.

It's become no easier to figure this case out, IMO from what we've heard on these tapes. We can only hope LE is having a different experience.

BBM.. I respectfully disagree, TN has never exhibited any compassion for Crystal..
And as far as them being a dysfunctional family... I say yes, they are.. but IMHO they are also guilty of being involved in a major coverup for Ron C and now themselves...JMO
If Tommy did molest her and the family knows about it then I can sorta see why the family is coddling her and possibly why Tommy isn't furious with her. Guilty conscience, maybe? Tommy feels like he's got Misty's ire coming at him with good reason?

Nothing else makes sense to me. Ron and Misty have always seemingly been willing to drop Tommy in the grease with great ease. I find it very strange.
At the beginning of the tape, she asked her father if he heard from "Ronald". She wants to hear more from him and she seems dependent on it. I was encouraged later by misty's anger at rc though.

The antidepressents have taken the edge off of her. I wish neither of these two got meds. This is stalling everything. They will both be less anxious and not so angry. We needed them the way they were.....drats. I wish Mental Health wasn't so readily available in prison. It is BIG time out here. In fact we have the County Mental Health sattilite center located within the walls of the State prison. It's complicated.
I thought Emma was talking about Crystal Cummings

ETA....maybe bad...
I don't think so Elle. RC has made references since day one about CS taking Haleigh. He told his previous lawyers and they alluded to it in a press release. He told a stranger in the ER when he took misty there and now he is putting it out there for public consumption.

Heck, it worked before...many bought it.

I think rc and tn are manipulating or trying to steer the crime to Crystal. Now, since rc is in jail, they have a new fish to fry, misty, so to speak. They are slowly going after her. IMO, they should have gone after her on Feb 10. Nope they supported her and told us she was home, when they both knew better. So now, since rc is locked up the revenge is starting. RC is about revenge, make no bones about it.

Why bring Crystal into it? I say now it is because she has JR. He still isn't throwing both barrels at misty....but it's coming. I always thought misty did something but now that I have proof that rc lies straight up, I have to say it is a toss up.
BBM.. I respectfully disagree, TN has never exhibited any compassion for Crystal..
And as far as them being a dysfunctional family... I say yes, they are.. but IMHO they are also guilty of being involved in a major coverup for Ron C and now themselves...JMO

compassion - on NG, no. but on various tv reports covering searches & services, I just feel like I've seen some.

whatever the problem is in the dynamic trio, it's very dark, emeralgem. I don't know what it is, but it makes me feel uneasy. And yes, she certainly does cover for him. She lies for him. It's as easily as breathing for her. She's earned her tattoo many times over.
The entire family has been walking on eggshells around rc forever. They try to please him by being nice to the girls he chooses. They ignore his rudeness. They ignore all of his problems because to confront them, is scary. They should have got him in treatment when he was a child. I bet he was too much too handle.

I bet deep down tn and gma can breathe much easier with him in jail. He was a full time job.
I don't think so Elle. RC has made references since day one about CS taking Haleigh. He told his previous lawyers and they alluded to it in a press release. He told a stranger in the ER when he took misty there and now he is putting it out there for public consumption.

Heck, it worked before...many bought it.

I think rc and tn are manipulating or trying to steer the crime to Crystal. Now, since rc is in jail, they have a new fish to fry, so to speak. They are slowly going after her. IMO, they should have gone after her on Feb 10. Nope they supported her and told us she was home, when they both knew better. So now, since rc is locked up the revenge is starting.

Why bring Crystal into it? I say now it is because she has JR. He still isn't throwing both barrels at misty....but it's coming...

I always thought misty did something but now that I have proof that rc lies straight up, I have to say it is a toss up.

I never bought it, as far as Crystal is concerned. I will admit I explored numerous theories involving Marty S, but have always come back to the Croslin's because they....well.....they just make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Always have.
Funny, elle, my red flags go up with the Cummings family. The Croslins don't bother me at all......different perspective, I guess.
This is totally off topic and pertinent at the same time...

I want everyone to know that I am really enjoying the exchange going on today regarding the video tapes! :highfive: It is interesting and informative and I look forward to the next release. :)

Funny, elle, my red flags go up with the Cummings family. The Croslins don't bother me at all......different perspective, I guess.

Keep sleuthing and don't leave any stone unturned no matter what. I think it was Raisincharlie who said LE would keep an eye on ALL the players. Just remember that. :wink:
If Lindseys family has given her and the kids a place to stay. WHY in the hellO are they not helping with food? I can understand them not giving her cash thinking she will use it on Tommy. But someone go buy the children some food!!

Also why doesn't she go to a food pantry or a church and ask for help?

Lastly, I watched the prison wives show on the ID channel the other night. I truly hope Lindsey has more sense than these women. I just don't get how someone could stay with a man doing life w/o parole (refering to the men on the show). He is doing nothing to support them.

I watched "Prison Wives" too and it was really mind boggling to me. One of the wives thought of the murdered wife of one of the prison husbands as all the problem and thought of her inmate murdering husband as a victim...Go figure.:waitasec: It seems as if all of these inmates (Croslins and Cummings and Brock) think of themselves as victims. Everything is just so unfair............
I just thought they were referring to the burglary...IDK.

The other part where Tommy referred to doing stuff before and not getting caught...I think it is public kge he smoked pot. It was all over his web page. I think he was referring to doing weed and maybe some pills but never got in trouble....till after February 10, 2009.

He never mentions Haleigh or even throws us a crumb about the case.

Well on the audio of Ti C & To C -To C brags about how he wasn't giving up any info on anything without getting a ciggie and a dr. pepper. I, personally can't help but wonder what info he would give up for an oxy. Dang, I went there....
I'm slowly getting to see and hear the videos thanks to a lot of hard work of Patty. Is it just me or does it appear that Hank Sr. is really working on getting all the information out there that he can. He seems to be the only one who is trying to get one or both of his children to tell the truth. IMO, that is the reason that LP got him a car to drive.
Was their any motive for Misty to do this? I fail to see it.
She went with rc to deliver the headless rat to Tommy.
She file a RO against Tommy
She gives info on a minor break-in and gets Tommy's bond revoked.
She has accused Tommy of molesting her.

Tommy should be really pizzed at misty. In fact the whole family should be pizzed at her. Instead they are coddling her. Well, Hank sr. is the only one trying to make headway but misty is stubborn.

BBM Maybe not, but if something isn't meant to happen thats why it's called an "accident."
Funny, elle, my red flags go up with the Cummings family. The Croslins don't bother me at all......different perspective, I guess.
For some reason that I can't quite put my finger on, I AM bothered by Tommy. He acts like he's hiding a secret & thinks that if everybody will just keep their mouths shut, he'll get away with it. In the 1st audio with Lindsey, he made a weird statement-something about how Misty needed to stop trying to help him & to keep his name out of her mouth. could her ratting on his thefts be an attempt @ helping him? He didn't seem particularly bothered by those accusations or the earlier molestation accusations, so, what is he worried about? & he is worried. about that, I have no doubt.
Funny, elle, my red flags go up with the Cummings family. The Croslins don't bother me at all......different perspective, I guess.

for me too sorta, Whisperer.

red flags with cummings; criminal minds music.

cartoon network with croslins; hanna barbara music

either way, I seem to keep tuning in.
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