New Leads in Hailey Dunn Case

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I agree with you, too, I've always had the gut feeling that her scent being at that motel was very significant. Her age at the time would be about right for what these human traffickers prefer.

The problem with that is that typically in those sorts of situations the girl willing gets involved. Usually they are runaways and get dependant on their new "friends" through shelter or drugs.

If HD was being used as collateral by someone in the family then it is certain that she went along with it. If she wasn't cooperative then as soon as she was released she was going to complain to one or both of the parents, and that would not go well for the person who used her that way. That would rule out SA in that scenario, since there appears that there was no way that HD would cover for SA like that. The only people she would do that for would be BD, CD or DD, not their significant others, not their friends and not for relatives.

Also, if someone did that, they wouldn't be going to the police immediately as the people holding the collateral would likely get a bit upset if that happened. So if that is the case you can pretty much rule out BD as having anything to do with it. If it is a drug collateral thing, it would more likely involve CD in some way, which actually would fit with all the bizarre behaviour he showed the day she dissappeared and subsequent to that.

You have to wonder if this may have happened before though, remember that at one point she spent time living with friends of her parents, which I allways thought to be very odd. If her parents were having issues, wouldn't she have been living with one or the other, or one of her grandparents, or one of her relatives? Most of them appear to live in the general area, so it seems strange that she would live with family friends.

Lastly, there is another possibility, that HD was up to something that no one knew about. She was at the age when kids start experimenting with adult things, such as alcohol, drugs and sex. If she was doing anything like that she would not be telling many people and certainly not her family. The thing that makes me think this is possible is the text message on the day she dissappeared to her friend, which read "where are you?" or something along those lines IIRC. It is the sort of question you would ask if you were expecting someone and they didn't show up. It may be possible that HD was up to something secret with some adults, involving her friend perhaps, who got cold feet and didn't come. The friend would not subsequently want to get involved or get in trouble so she would have kept quite when asked about it later. Then, when SA arrived home unexpectedly, HD quickly took off to meet whoever she was planning to meet. And if they were older with sinister plans to use her, she may have found herself in a bad situation very quickly. That might account for the scent hit at the motel.
I don't believe if someone took her as collaterial for a drug debt...she would know it...nor would the family... till they were told or could figured it out. IMO. According to this woman, she was being drugged to make her more compliant. I just can't picture even a drug dealer telling their teen "hostage" why she is there and being held. If the possibility existed she was to be released upon payment of the debt...they chance her telling. Not that I'm buying into this woman's story ATM. IMO
The interesting thing is that both BD and CD appear to know that SA wasn't involved. That is one of the things that has allways struck me as pretty odd in this case, considering that LE have been pointing only at him.
I've never doubted the motel theory of him taking Hailey there to be sold or whatever since the dogs tracked her scent there. Correct me if I'm wrong as it's been a long time since I've been here. I read but there's too many to follow full time for me. I take breaks. It's terribly heartbreaking Hailey hasn't been found & someone arrested already.

I dislike liars, someone is lying here.

Hailey does have other family besides Billie. We all know that her dad was a drug user and some of his family as well.

Her Dad smoked pot. That is the only drug that he was ever found with and accused of using.

Billie was selling cocaine and she was using pills and coke regularly. As was Shawn. Big difference, imo.
Her Dad smoked pot. That is the only drug that he was ever found with and accused of using.

Billie was selling cocaine and she was using pills and coke regularly. As was Shawn. Big difference, imo.

According to who? Better not be CD, he has made a number of dubious claims. BD has no record as far as I'm aware. The only thing we know about were the prescription drugs found when they were looking for SA, but those apparently were hers.

And how do you know what drugs CD used? He has an arrest record for pot, but you have no idea what else he has used.
I don't believe if someone took her as collaterial for a drug debt...she would know it...nor would the family... till they were told or could figured it out. IMO. According to this woman, she was being drugged to make her more compliant. I just can't picture even a drug dealer telling their teen "hostage" why she is there and being held. If the possibility existed she was to be released upon payment of the debt...they chance her telling. Not that I'm buying into this woman's story ATM. IMO

I don't believe that woman's story either, especially the part about the drug debt. I find it difficult to believe that these guys were holding a girl that was making national news openly enough for a random person to witness. And then they would tell her why they had the girl, that they basically killed her and where they got rid of the body??? No way. Why on earth would they do that?

The other thing is that anyone who held someone else's child like that would have to rely on the parents not going to the police, otherwise it would present an enormous risk to them. The concept behind that sort of thing is that the dispute would be resolved privately, not with the police involved.

If they released the kid, the parent not involved would have no incentive to keep quite about it, and if they didnt and killed the kid, the parents would turn them in for sure. Granted, they could just sieze the kid and basically blackmail the parents, but that wouldnt work if the incident was reported. And what would they do when the kid got home? A teenager is not going to shut up about something like that. There is no upside for them unless they could be certain that the police would not be called in. So it just seems very unlikely to me.

It is possible that she might have seen HD at this house, but if she did I doubt she would have been told why HD was there or what happened to her. If HD was there, it is more likely that she got mixed up with something over her head IMO.
I've never doubted the motel theory of him taking Hailey there to be sold or whatever since the dogs tracked her scent there. Correct me if I'm wrong as it's been a long time since I've been here. I read but there's too many to follow full time for me. I take breaks. It's terribly heartbreaking Hailey hasn't been found & someone arrested already.

I dislike liars, someone is lying here.


This thread has a very good discussion of the dog/motel story:


It probably has no investigative value. They were scent dogs from the prison and they didn't track her scent from her home to the motel - they just got a hit when taken to a motel. And, if it were truly Hailey's scent, it could have come from days before (maybe she went to the hotel to use their WiFi at some point in the days prior to her disappearance).
I still believe Her mother and that evil boyfriend had something to do with it. Hailey was probably sold to settle a drug debt. Sad case and I hope they find her soon.

Sent from my SCH-R720 using Xparent Pink Tapatalk 2

I too feel the same way.. I always have.:furious:
It's so frustrating in this thread. Seems we just go round and round the same old subjects, with no resolution to anything.

Poor Hailey Bug, will she ever be found?
BD and SA (and CD for that matter) don't seem to be the nicest people or the best parents in the world, but that doesn't make them murderers or child abusers.
BD and SA (and CD for that matter) don't seem to be the nicest people or the best parents in the world, but that doesn't make them murderers or child abusers.

That's true carbuff, but their lifestyle makes their involvement seem all the more plausible.

I respect your opinions, not arguing with you :seeya:
BD and SA (and CD for that matter) don't seem to be the nicest people or the best parents in the world, but that doesn't make them murderers or child abusers.

But it is more than just that. Shawn threatened Billie and her son and she called 911 because of it. Shawn had a lot of very twisted, obsessive fixations on serial killers and even collected handmade leather masks that he would wear, pretending to be a SK. That is more than just not being the 'nicest' parent, imo.

Also his hinky behavior that day. He told people he quit his job that morning and had no explanation for why, even they they had no $ and were in debt. And it was a good well paying job. And his description of what he did and where he went that day was shady and inconsistent.

Add to that, HD did not do what she normally would have, being home alone with a cell on a vacation day. She called none of her friends, texted none of her friends and that seems odd to me. There is only that one lone text that she supposedly sent. It does not ring true to me that if she had plans to sleep at her friends, that she would only send one short text that entire day. IMO, she would have sent texts to other friends and/or sent another to her friend that she had plans with. I just don't believe a 13 r old would sit home all alone without communicating with any one if she had that cell with her all day. JMO
But it is more than just that. Shawn threatened Billie and her son and she called 911 because of it. Shawn had a lot of very twisted, obsessive fixations on serial killers and even collected handmade leather masks that he would wear, pretending to be a SK. That is more than just not being the 'nicest' parent, imo.

Also his hinky behavior that day. He told people he quit his job that morning and had no explanation for why, even they they had no $ and were in debt. And it was a good well paying job. And his description of what he did and where he went that day was shady and inconsistent.

Add to that, HD did not do what she normally would have, being home alone with a cell on a vacation day. She called none of her friends, texted none of her friends and that seems odd to me. There is only that one lone text that she supposedly sent. It does not ring true to me that if she had plans to sleep at her friends, that she would only send one short text that entire day. IMO, she would have sent texts to other friends and/or sent another to her friend that she had plans with. I just don't believe a 13 r old would sit home all alone without communicating with any one if she had that cell with her all day. JMO

BBM-Good point!!!
BBM-Good point!!!

Remember those witnesses who reported seeing her many times, on previous days, standing in the backyard talking on the cell phone. That is my memory of my kids at that age. ---ALWAYS calling or texting someone.
I said SA wasn't a nice guy. That doesn't make him a child murderer.
This thread has a very good discussion of the dog/motel story:

It probably has no investigative value. They were scent dogs from the prison and they didn't track her scent from her home to the motel - they just got a hit when taken to a motel. And, if it were truly Hailey's scent, it could have come from days before (maybe she went to the hotel to use their WiFi at some point in the days prior to her disappearance).

Except the hit was in a room. So even if she waas using the free wifi ,why would she need to go into a hotel room?
Kampfer also clarified the reports about dogs tracking Hailey to the Western Suites motel.

“The dogs did not trail Hailey’s scent to the motels,” He said. “They took the dogs to different places trying to pick up the scent. Motels are good places to start. The dogs did get a hit.”

Kampfer went on to explain that investigators cannot determine when a trail has been made.

On Friday, bloodhounds were taken to the six motels in Colorado City. At one of them, the Western Suites, which is adjacent to Interstate 20 and near the Dunn home, the dogs picked up on the girl's scent in the parking lot. It led to a ground-floor room, but no further. A search of all 24 rooms produced no other evidence.

Hailey Dunn disappeared without a trace until bloodhounds searched the area. Officials say the dogs picked up her scent near the Western Suites off Interstate 20. Even though the dogs responded strongly to the area, there was no sign of Hailey. She was last seen with her mother's boyfriend.

GRACE: I want to go back to Billie Dunn. Billie, you`re Hailey`s mother, and tonight you are making a public plea for her return. What can you tell me about these bloodhounds? We are learning police have brought bloodhounds out to your home, and they went from your home to a local motel?

BILLIE DUNN: Yes. I kind of don`t know what to say now since I heard police were being tight-lipped about it, but I`ll go ahead and say they started toward her dad`s house. They didn`t go there. They stopped, turned around, went to her friend`s, went to that motel, where they told me they`re reviewing video surveillance. There was video surveillance there. But didn`t have much luck there.

GRACE: And what motel is it, Billie? What is the name of the motel?

BILLIE DUNN: Western Inn or Western Suites. It`s a new motel close to my house.

GRACE: How far away is it?

BILLIE DUNN: Three to four blocks.

GRACE: Just three to four blocks.


BBM-This is the most detailed statement I could find on the dogs and motel.

It's poorly phrased though, what is the "it" that led to the room?
BBM-This is the most detailed statement I could find on the dogs and motel.

It's poorly phrased though, what is the "it" that led to the room?

My problem with Billie's version of the dog scent scenario is that it does not fit with what LE said about it. They said distinctly that the dogs DID NOT follow a scent trail from the home to the motel.

But Billie said they did follow a scent trail, and she describes a very specific trail, ---' goes towards dads' house, stops turns around, goes to the friends house, then to the motel...'

But LE NEVER said anything like that. If that had been true, then they would have done extensive interrogation and investigation of the friend and the people in her home etc. But that never happened.
But it is more than just that. Shawn threatened Billie and her son and she called 911 because of it. Shawn had a lot of very twisted, obsessive fixations on serial killers and even collected handmade leather masks that he would wear, pretending to be a SK. That is more than just not being the 'nicest' parent, imo.

Also his hinky behavior that day. He told people he quit his job that morning and had no explanation for why, even they they had no $ and were in debt. And it was a good well paying job. And his description of what he did and where he went that day was shady and inconsistent.

Add to that, HD did not do what she normally would have, being home alone with a cell on a vacation day. She called none of her friends, texted none of her friends and that seems odd to me. There is only that one lone text that she supposedly sent. It does not ring true to me that if she had plans to sleep at her friends, that she would only send one short text that entire day. IMO, she would have sent texts to other friends and/or sent another to her friend that she had plans with. I just don't believe a 13 r old would sit home all alone without communicating with any one if she had that cell with her all day. JMO

She made quite a few phone calls that day. The threat was allegedly against her and HD btw, not DD. But, she was POed about a dispute they had and it appears that what she was really concerned was the possibility of him removing property, not assaulting her. In any event there was no follow up, probably because it was just her allegation without any sort of corroboration. If there was corroboration LE would have arrested SA at a minimum, and there is no idication that anything like that happened.

SA did give a reason for quitting, he claimed it was due to a conflict of some sort with his boss. LE assumed that it was something that happened that morning, and the boss said nothing happened. But, if you look at the affidavit, LE does not say what SA specifically said. If he had claimed that the dispute was that morning, they would have reported that for sure because it would have been direct evidence of contradiction, but they did not. The police don't have to tell the full story on an affidavit, but they cannot lie. Therefore it is reasonable to conclude that either they did not ask SA the details or they left his version out on purpose. So, we can conclude that the dispute with the boss was some incident that happened earlier, probably before the christmas break, and SA was just stewing in the mean time. The dispute may very well have been something trivial and unremarkable to the boss, but intolerable to SA. That sort of thing happens all the time in the work place, especially when you are dealing with unskilled labour. His account of what he did after he left work is reasonable and what you would expect under the circumstances, nothing odd there.

We have no idea what HD would have spent her time doing during the day. She may have had rules about use of the phone and when that was allowed. Eye witness accounts have her doing various things, such as using the phone and hanging out with friends. Keep in mind that if she was secretly up to something she wasn't supposed to be doing, besides not telling anyone about it, she also would also be paranoid about leaving evidence of it in the form of phone records. The phone was her mothers, not hers, so using it for that purpose would leave her vulnerable to discovery. For all she knew a phone call could come in from the wrong person at the wrong time and her mom could pick up. So, a lack of phone use is consistent with an alternative scenario.
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