New Leads in Hailey Dunn Case

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Mac says he spent several hours Wednesday night with Billie, combing through the internet for any possible link.

Sanford's not the only investigator following leads, Billie says the FBI and Texas Rangers met recently to discuss starting anew in some ways, revisiting areas and conducting more interviews.

Billie says she has asked the investigators to look at one person in particular.

Sanford says he's already been digging around for information on that person.

Who would that one person be? Are we back to looking at Clint's brother again?
Surely she would have an iota of something more concrete...ugh. I was REALLY hoping that MAYBE we would get something out of this. I guess not. Darn.

Here is what I don't understand about this letter. BBM

"Rene basically confessed to being a part of the disappearance of Hailey Dunn," said Harrell."

Is she trying to say her sister Renee was involved in the kidnapping?

"She said that Hailey was kidnapped. That they had took her. She was in a drug house in Odessa and that they took her because Billie owed them money," added Martin."

This quote would indicate she was pretty close to the situation if she knew why she was taken. and how would she know Billie was involved in drugs? Just a guess? Could be some truth to this part I think.

In the letter, Sonia tried describing the event saying,

"A little kid, she 15 year old... Happened 2 year ago.. you know what I mean? "

2 years ago Hailey was 13, not 15 and I don't get the impression this overdose happened recently. Hailey would not have been 15 until August 28, 2012. LE has had this letter for 4 months, before Hailey would have turned 15. How does this lady know she is 15? If this overdose happened this year she still would have been just 14. Parts of this story appear to be made-up, but I think some of what she is saying is true.

And then in this telephone interview from a federal prison she acts like she just saw her and knew it was her. She tried to talk to her but was advised not to, to shut up and don't tell anyone or they would kill her. Sounds a little far fetched to me.

Callahan says, she wanted to say something to Hailey, but was quickly advised not to.

"They said that if I said anything, I was going to get hurt," she explains.

I don't know what to believe here. In the interview she gives her friends name she went to buy drugs from, but it was bleeped out. Surely she gave that name to LE. Wish we knew the name..wonder who he could be connected to in Hailey's life<

Great, her PI is a debt collector ...

Eyeroll... no wonder he's probono, better than any ad if this pans out. Billie knew about the letter for at least "weeks" now and that was the catalyst for getting a PI, imo. She said Hailey supporters helped find him (he's probably a good guy, not disparaging him at all)... and it turns out they've known there was a letter.

All they knew (according to 9west news) was that there was a letter about Hailey being held in Odessa. How devastating is that! Now it turns out that she was murdered and dumped in Odessa, not just being held there.
This Sonja doesn't seem like the brightest bulb, so the age thing... Hailey did look older.

And, while I want to rant... wth is it with these news writers? Last night Hope was Harrell and the other sister was Martin.
luv seeing movement on Hailey's thread.
Praying one day soon there will be concrete solid evidence as to what happened to Hailey.

Here is what I don't understand about this letter. BBM

"Rene basically confessed to being a part of the disappearance of Hailey Dunn," said Harrell."

Is she trying to say her sister Renee was involved in the kidnapping?

"She said that Hailey was kidnapped. That they had took her. She was in a drug house in Odessa and that they took her because Billie owed them money," added Martin."

This quote would indicate she was pretty close to the situation if she knew why she was taken. and how would she know Billie was involved in drugs? Just a guess? Could be some truth to this part I think.

In the letter, Sonia tried describing the event saying,

"A little kid, she 15 year old... Happened 2 year ago.. you know what I mean? "

2 years ago Hailey was 13, not 15 and I don't get the impression this overdose happened recently. Hailey would not have been 15 until August 28, 2012. LE has had this letter for 4 months, before Hailey would have turned 15. How does this lady know she is 15? If this overdose happened this year she still would have been just 14. Parts of this story appear to be made-up, but I think some of what she is saying is true.

And then in this telephone interview from a federal prison she acts like she just saw her and knew it was her. She tried to talk to her but was advised not to, to shut up and don't tell anyone or they would kill her. Sounds a little far fetched to me.

Callahan says, she wanted to say something to Hailey, but was quickly advised not to.

"They said that if I said anything, I was going to get hurt," she explains.

I don't know what to believe here. In the interview she gives her friends name she went to buy drugs from, but it was bleeped out. Surely she gave that name to LE. Wish we knew the name..wonder who he could be connected to in Hailey's life<

I don't know what to believe either.
There has to be a connection in some form or fashion.
The woman says they kidnapped a girl from C-City...No other girls are missing from C-City are they?
One of the very first places CD went to look for Hailey was Odessa. With all the towns/cities in the gigantic state of Texas, why Odessa? This story of the woman's unfolds in Odessa.
Drug use is prevalent on Hailey's side of the family and drug use is at the very core of this woman's story.
Coincidental? Maybe.
I have also been giving some thought to LE pretty much saying nothing has come of this letter. Maybe because the media got wind of the letter, LE decided to downplay the letter so they could continue to investigate without alarming the people involved.
Just some rambling thoughts.....praying for Hailey.
Scared to get my hopes up because the last time when the body turned up near SA family I thought they found her. I can believe she may have been taken because of drug related things going on. Drugs were all around this child from both sides.
I don't know what to say. My feelings are perplexed. If this true, then HD is gone, however; like someone else mentioned, it wouldn't surprise me if it was connected in some way. Can't help but wonder about the timing...and if it has anything to do with the split of BD & SA. As much as it bothers me concerning CD's actions/non-actions within this case, I do believe SA and/or BD could use the knowledge of his going Odessa---if this is anyone of their doings...for some D STRANGE reason. I'd think SA more than BD, but anything is possible with this group. And lets not forget CD's wife's mother!! Glad to hear the FBI is still involved also. We'll just have to wait and see where this goes. It will always stick in my mind regarding SA leaving/quitting work that day. IMO
I don't know what to say. My feelings are perplexed. If this true, then HD is gone, however; like someone else mentioned, it wouldn't surprise me if it was connected in some way. Can't help but wonder about the timing...and if it has anything to do with the split of BD & SA. As much as it bothers me concerning CD's actions/non-actions within this case, I do believe SA and/or BD could use the knowledge of his going Odessa---if this is anyone of their doings...for some D STRANGE reason. I'd think SA more than BD, but anything is possible with this group. And lets not forget CD's wife's mother!! Glad to hear the FBI is still involved also. We'll just have to wait and see where this goes. It will always stick in my mind regarding SA leaving/quitting work that day. IMO

BBRBM...Me too. Since the news of this letter broke, my mind has been going round and round trying to figure out if this scenario in the letter is even plausible. Like you, my mind travels back to SA quitting/leaving work that day.
The way Hailey's room appeared in the photographs and what was there and what wasn't. The fact that Hailey did not take the cell phone with her "Dad's House" and the final one that continues to bug me to this day is BD leaving/moving from C-City. The only place that Hailey would know where her Mother is if she was able to escape her captors.
big country homepage KTAB has posted the raw interview. (sorry, i dont know how to post a link). Its 23 minutes long. The reporter says that Sonya Callahan (the author of the letter) was staying at SAs grandmothers house at the same time SA was there (shortly after Hailey disappeared). The reporter actually gives billie the address of the drug house. She asks if the reporter has been there...not once did she ask if the police had checked in out. Most mommas would have been grabbing their keys and a map. She just sat.
There is a new 25 minute video on big country homepage, sorry, I am computer illiterate and I don't know how to post it,, it is labeled raw interview with Billie dunn,, there is also a new video on Channel 7 news from Odessa,,, In the raw interview, the newsman states that this Sonja was living at SA granma's house and her probation officer told her to move because SA moved into the house(From the time BD kicked him out) and on the Odessa news, they state that the letter ties to CD family??
wow, texasmom> our posts are nearly identical. too bad one of us is not smart enough to post a link. Did your jaw drop also when the reporter said Sonya was living with grandma. Way too much coincidence in all this. way too much intermingling of names
Scared to get my hopes up because the last time when the body turned up near SA family I thought they found her. I can believe she may have been taken because of drug related things going on. Drugs were all around this child from both sides.

wow, texasmom> our posts are nearly identical. too bad one of us is not smart enough to post a link. Did your jaw drop also when the reporter said Sonya was living with grandma. Way too much coincidence in all this. way too much intermingling of names

Oh wowsa... First of all, concernedmother, that's the one thing I absolutely think could be true about what Sonja is saying: that BD could have owed drug money. Drugs were all around this poor girl. And if BD's mom was dealing... there was a supplier somewhere.

And also if she really was living with SA's grandma. I'm speechless. I don't know what to believe.
My thought are she may not have been kidnapped. She may have just been handed over.
BBRBM...Me too. Since the news of this letter broke, my mind has been going round and round trying to figure out if this scenario in the letter is even plausible. Like you, my mind travels back to SA quitting/leaving work that day.
The way Hailey's room appeared in the photographs and what was there and what wasn't. The fact that Hailey did not take the cell phone with her "Dad's House" and the final one that continues to bug me to this day is BD leaving/moving from C-City. The only place that Hailey would know where her Mother is if she was able to escape her captors.

Let's assume this woman is telling a somewhat truthful story. MAYBE she wasn't taken but was SOLD to someone in exchange for the debt. If that were the scenario, someone would have to set up the trade. SA had motive to get rid of BD debt (If it really was hers) and quitting his job gave him the opportunity to help in the exchange.

I still think SA actions that day are way too strange to be totally innocent. BD's actions seem to be as usual. The fact he quit his job and lied about it is still very suspicious. And I have always thought it very strange that BD left CC and her home.

I am not a fan of BD. I don't think I could ever leave the home my child went missing from, but then I am not a single mom trying to make a living in a small town and no one will hire me. I am sure she had to go to a larger city to find work to pay bills when contributions and money flow slowed in her case. That might also explain why Hailey didn't take any of her possessions.

As usual, these are just my ramblings and trying to make heads or tails of this woman's story.
There is a new 25 minute video on big country homepage, sorry, I am computer illiterate and I don't know how to post it,, it is labeled raw interview with Billie dunn,, there is also a new video on Channel 7 news from Odessa,,, In the raw interview, the newsman states that this Sonja was living at SA granma's house and her probation officer told her to move because SA moved into the house(From the time BD kicked him out) and on the Odessa news, they state that the letter ties to CD family??

Guys do you remember this? We assumed the parole officer was there because of Shawn's sister. What did she do, something like set a house on fire? Do any of you remember this?

I'm shocked, how all this comes full circle and is linked back to Shawn Adkins again!!

Billy owed money for drugs? Did she EVER tell LE this?!! It would never occur to her that Hailey's disappearance could possibly be linked to this? I tell you I am a compassionate person, but from the get-go in this case I have had a visceral reaction to Billie Dunn. Shawn too, but more so to her. I had a hard time listening to her in that short clip the other night. Not nice feelings come over me, when I see her or listen to her speak.
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