New Searches based ON CASEY Sightings. JB advises Casey to reveal nothing

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I wonder what "Compelling " reasons JB had for saying this?
Maybe KC's "Compelling" reason for not talking finally made him go" Hmmmmm.........
I guess not wanting to die is compelling enough.

On Nancy Grace the other night, Kobe was a bit too honest and forthcoming with her questions regarding forensic evidence. I actually had to remind myself that he is helping the defense. It sure didn't sound like help though!

I was thinking the same thing that night :waitasec:
Did anybody else pick up on his slip in the video? He says that he doesnt want to give the prosecution any advantage that could put them, then corrected himself and said her, away for life.
Hmmm ......Interesting.

hmmm attorney's make their living with their mouth, they don't 'oops' have a slip of the tongue like that, it was deliberate. He's trying to imply she had help without coming out and saying she did. He really thinks he's so much smarter than everyone else!!:rolleyes:
I wonder if he ever thought to tell her that if she confesses and leads LE to Caylee, her sentence might be softer?
Jose and Casey both make me so angry that I could spit nails!!!!!!!!!!!!! But instead I thought I would throw a little humor into the mix. Here is what I think of you Casey:


You think saving yourself is MORE IMPORTANT than your precious daughter? Well I got news for you,.. the WHOLE WORLD is waiting to find that little girl and once LE throws down murder charges on your dumb a$$ we will all partying and celebrate, just like you did after you disposed of your beautiful little girl!!! You know what? I think this post should have gone in the rants thread,.. oh well,... jmo

Any way you can send that to KC? I like it!!:highfive:
As far as I am concerned this case is way over a$$ over tea kettle as my avator shows now... Jb should have not made the statements the way he did unless he wants out of this case.....
they want a deal - they will get one


From what I heard the limited immunity offered to KC a month or so ago was and will be the only time LE will offer anything in return for information. KC had a chance to tell what she knew and it would not be used against her just certain things will. So Baez has no other chance at a deal. So I have no clue why he is saying this other than he is dumb.

ETA: Baez never called LE up to say they were not taking the deal. LE just let it expire. I know they were not impressed with that.
If this ever becomes a capital case, he couldn't represent her anyhow...right? My understanding is the attorney would be required to have prior experience with such cases...either as lead or co-counsel. If this is true, there's no need to worry about a mistrial/appeal based on his 'boo-boo'.
:It appears KC has been here today, I just went to the Innocent/guilty poll and she has voted, (1) person hit the 100% innocent KC was framed choice!:liar:
Any way you can send that to KC? I like it!!:highfive:

don't worry,.. I am sure she will see it when CA comes on here. She will say look at what all these people are saying, lets sue. I guess Casey's reputation is WAY MORE IMPORTANT than them finding little Caylee. Sad really, that so many people that don't even know her care more about her whereabouts than her own family. jmo
"We have already discounted this sighting as it was posted first on the site which we don't mention here. Anyone or anything associated with that site is not considered credible, imo and many, many others here."

Not trying to cause offense but I think thats a judgemental thing to say. For whatever reason there are some people here that think badly of that site and many others run with it, without proof of any wrong doing and create even more rumors and slander against this person. Those that have ill will towards this guy and his site are certainly entitled to that opinion but I just dont think its fair to perpetuate that anyone who emails or posts to that site is not credible. That is how things are posted there, people write in to him and he shares it on the site, no different than if that person posted here or any other blog. That info is not coming from him or anyone involved with that team. Alot of people here frequent or read that site, regardless of if they believe in that type of thing. Basically what Im saying is, whoever had the tip, whether its credible or not, just emailed that site about it the same way they have posted it elsewhere. Who knows if theres any truth to it or not.

As for what JB said about his client, it does make me sick to my stomach. Hate to break it to you, Baez, but the minute you give birth, your best interest always gets put second to your child's. Theres not a good mother out there that wouldnt put thier child FIRST above all.
Well, imagine that! KC is more concerned with KC than she is with her missing baby! Who knew??


I really don't understand why this is so difficult to grasp. Is Casey the first defendant in the history of the world to maintain her innocence, the first suspect in the history of the world to maintain her innocence, perhaps even (gasp) falsely maintaining her innocence?

She hasn't confessed to anything. Fine. So there'll be a trial and the State will have to put up or shut up. Can we all get over this already?

Or does everyone really think Casey's gonna confess to everything now that she's a suspect?
I wish Casey would come clean. She is going to end up serving time regardless. She is afraid to admit what she did. She isn't crazy, she isn't trying to protect her family. She is afraid to admit the truth and face the facts. Baez is trying to create drama and stuff to make a name for himself. I bet if it was his kid it would be completely different. Maybe not, maybe he is just like Casey? Who knows?
"mother of the year"....CA statement..........I hope her award in a jail cell.......IMO
Has JB ever considered using the phrase, "NO COMMENT"?!?!?!?!? Well, his law practice will certainly benefit from this stroke of genius ..... NOT.

I tend to agree with you. Baez's position is entirely understandable, once all the shrieking hysterical emotialism is removed from the equation. His job is to defend Casey, to minimize or eliminate the possibility of punishment.

But still, there are things better left unsaid, better kept to himself.
Mr. Baez,

You are so wrong on so many counts.

Showing her cards might actually convince some of us that there is an infinitesmal shred of decency in your client's body.

Showing her cards may enable the beautiful child she so callously disposed of to receive a proper burial. Caylee deserved so much more than your pathetic client ever gave her.

Showing her cards will give closure to those who loved Caylee from birth, and to those of us who have loved her from the first moment we saw her precious face.

Showing her cards might even mean that God will have mercy on your client's miserable excuse for a soul.

Perhaps showing her cards may not be such a HUGE WASTE after all.

Spoken like a prayer!
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