New Video Interviews released from SA's office 11/21

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I have only gotten through 4 of George's videos. I am exhausted I a will resume tomorrow. BUT I will tell you this,.. I am not going to listen to Cindy's! None of it will be anything factual and I am not putting myself through her BS! jmo

I don't think I am either. It will be mostly lies, and I figure NG has pretty much covered the highlights. I listened to 1-4 of Georges and that just about did me in.
Cindy is such a control freak based on what Geroge is saying. I actually feel really bad for Casey that her mother controlled her like that. Don't get me wrong I am not excusing her for what she did to Caylee I am talking about HER life with Cindy as her mother.

I think Cindy controlled her so much that she even controlled Caylee and what Caylee did. I get the impression that she didn't let Casey act like Caylees mother at all.

WillenFan, I think you have hit upon something very true. We have no idea the dynamics between Casey and Cindy when it came to raising Caylee. When I heard the tape of little Caylee singing "You are my sunshine," I immediately wondered who taught her to sing that? Also with the bundle of photos we have seen of Caylee, who took those shots? I know Casey like to take photos, but I think Cindy was the one who dressed this little girl so sweetly and arranged for these cute photos. Maybe I'm wrong. But it's just a feeling Cindy was more of a mom that Casey. This could have made Casey either furious with her mom or mad at herself for allow it. Can you imagine the tension between these two females.
To not have to face their own issues, right, but don't allow the fact that Cindy created Casey get lost in all that. Cindy isn't only covering for Casey, she is covering for Cindy.. IMO it's a bit deeper than simple co-dependence when the caretaker created the whole problem to begin with.


I cannot express how much I agree with you! Spot ON!!
I don't think I am either. It will be mostly lies, and I figure NG has pretty much covered the highlights. I listened to 1-4 of Georges and that just about did me in.

#7 I think is the one that I decided I have had it with him.
It is so obvious when you put two and two together and listen to Cindy's interview and then to George's that Cindy is trying to paint a pretty picture of Casey that LOOKS and SOUNDS good and taking the "facts" as she sees them and warping them into a workable theory of what REALLY happened, and George is just trying to believe that Caylee is alive in the face of his own KNOWLEDGE that there was indeed a decomposing body in the trunk and the certainty that his granddaughter is gone.

Very good points you make!! The FBI saw it the same way as you and even said as much to George! Boy, you got their number, go girl!
When CA repeated what KC told them that Zanny said to her at the park after she pushed her to the ground, 'Listen *advertiser censored* I'm going to teach you a lesson'. That statement made my skin crawl. I wonder if that is what KC said to Caylee?

CA interview part 4.
Cindy is almost complaining that the police took so long, but she's not saying anything about the lying, thieving sorry excuse for a mother who took 31 days.

It's not Cindy's 'style' to shake, or strike her children. She just talks to them.:bang: Seriously, would you rather have Cindy talk to you for two hours or just shake you!?
Where is the rest of the interview? At the end of part 4 she is still talking. Did I miss something??? TIA
When CA repeated what KC told them that Zanny said to her at the park after she pushed her to the ground, 'Listen *advertiser censored* I'm going to teach you a lesson'. That statement made my skin crawl. I wonder if that is what KC said to Caylee?

CA interview part 4.

Or it could be what Amy said to Jeff or what Mickey Mouse said to FBIguy....

But, yes, I see what you mean. Ewww. Could very well have happened that way.
George makes this statement in regard to the smell inside the car:
"I wish in some ways that I would have left it the way it was, but I couldn't stand the smell. I mean, even the pizza had a particular odor to it that was just shweh...But this specific odor that I...It was a totally different smell. Garbage and this other decomposition smell are totally different. I mean, that's very distinguishable."

And strangely enough Cindy denies that there even WAS a stain...Something is very wrong with Cindy.
Cindy is almost complaining that the police took so long, but she's not saying anything about the lying, thieving sorry excuse for a mother who took 31 days.

It's not Cindy's 'style' to shake, or strike her children. She just talks to them.:bang: Seriously, would you rather have Cindy talk to you for two hours or just shake you!?

PLEASE just shake the shi$ out of me!!!:eek:
dang.....poor FBI dude. KC told CA that the pic of Caylee with the drums was taken at the apt. of, let's go with that! Caylee was musical from birth and could beat out a song and so she and GA were planning on a drum set for her 3rd, 4th or 5th BD and Zanny had Rock Star and KC said this was Zannys apt. but Amy and Ricardo lived there so this is a red flag and very important in decoding what KC has been attempting to tell us because even though it makes no frigging sense Amy and Ricardo are Zanny but KC can't SAY that because she just can't and another red flag is JG stalking KC and not shaking GA's hand at the hosp. when Caylee was born, and handed to CA before KC which caused some angst which made JG lay on the bed with KC and the red flag of the car at Amscot which could be seen if your driving in the correct lane and Amy had a wreck which is a red flag to explain the clue of Zanny having a wreck....blah, blah.....KC is an excellent mother and responsible money manager and the OCSD stole her cute shamrock badge thingy...blah, blah.....:bang:
When CA repeated what KC told them that Zanny said to her at the park after she pushed her to the ground, 'Listen *advertiser censored* I'm going to teach you a lesson'. That statement made my skin crawl. I wonder if that is what KC said to Caylee?

CA interview part 4.

I wonder if there is a movie out there somewhere that has this line/story in it?
so ricardo did it? ricardo=zanny? wow this woman is off the charts. cindy spends all of her time reading logic into kc's lies.
Cindy is almost complaining that the police took so long, but she's not saying anything about the lying, thieving sorry excuse for a mother who took 31 days.

It's not Cindy's 'style' to shake, or strike her children. She just talks to them.:bang: Seriously, would you rather have Cindy talk to you for two hours or just shake you!?

I'd rather be shaken, stirred, and slapped!:)
Where is the rest of the interview? At the end of part 4 she is still talking. Did I miss something??? TIA

You're actually wanting to hear more? You're a better person than I am.
I listened to about 5 minutes of each of her videos, now I need to scream into a pillow.
dang.....poor FBI dude. KC told CA that the pic of Caylee with the drums was taken at the apt. of, let's go with that! Caylee was musical from birth and could beat out a song and so she and GA were planning on a drum set for her 3rd, 4th or 5th BD and Zanny had Rock Star and KC said this was Zannys apt. but Amy and Ricardo lived there so this is a red flag and very important in decoding what KC has been attempting to tell us because even though it makes no frigging sense Amy and Ricardo are Zanny but KC can't SAY that because she just can't and another red flag is JG stalking KC and not shaking GA's hand at the hosp. when Caylee was born, and handed to CA before KC which caused some angst which made JG lay on the bed with KC and the red flag of the car at Amscot which could be seen if your driving in the correct lane and Amy had a wreck which is a red flag to explain the clue of Zanny having a wreck....blah, blah.....KC is an excellent mother and responsible money manager and the OCSD stole her cute shamrock badge thingy...blah, blah.....:bang:

It is apparent to me, having been raised in the midst of lies and liars, what Casey is doing here. She takes bits and pieces from the reality of what she is ACTUALLY doing and she MOLDS these bits into acceptable form for her mother. For instance, I am not spending the night with a man that you know nothing about with Caylee sleeping in the bed with us (Ricardo) I am at Zanni's apartment and she is teaching Caylee the drums.(Ricardo is whom played on the drums with Caylee). She is just living her life as she pleases and then lying her A$$ off to her parents. Period, plain and simple...It is not this huge conspiracy Cindy, it is that your daughter is ABSOLUTELY a HUGE LIAR!!!:furious:
Is there any psychiatrists on this board? There has got be a name for this disorder (besides the obvious, crazy).

I have never seen anything like this.
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