New Video Interviews released from SA's office 11/21

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There is no way in hell she'd trust him home alone long enough to even be willing to be held overnight for observation. ITA about recognizing himself in the mirror.. I wonder if he even wipes his own a$$!

Yeah-did you notice when she said he was a detective for years BEFORE she met him, but that was over about a year AFTER she met him because she wanted her husband to be around...I guess meaning she did not want him killed in the line of duty, but to me it sounded like the beginning of Cindy's RULE! He had been doing that for 12 years and along came Cindy and POOF it is over just like that. No way she would trust him for an over-nighter!

Does anyone have a link to the new video of George and Cindy that everyone is talking about today? I somehow missed it and have not discovered it as of RIGHT
LMAO :clap::clap: Halfway through the 1st interview I had to lie down on the sofa in a fetal position. I'm serious. I just woke up.

That is so funny! I also could not watch it in its totality at once. I had to break it up over several hours and even doing THAT it almost got the best of me. I was in the fetal position inside of my SOUL!:bang::waitasec::confused::mad::eek::furious::waitasec::rolleyes:
With all of Amy's information - I wonder if she was setting up her own kidnapping - car parked with the purse in the front seat - Caylee gone, Casey kidnapped - and Casey has become Amy and is somewhere else in the country

Hmmm... interesting theory, trac.
The more I read and the more I hear...the more I have to wonder if maybe this entire ordeal wasn't a hoax that went really, really bad.

1. Family in financial crisis
2. Way too many secrets
3. No One, absolutely No One, in the A family conducting themselves as normal people would in these circumstances
4. 2+2 does not equal 4 (Nothing makes sense)

From "Day One" (Cindism) nothing looked right, not the interviews, not the hostility, no pleading with the public, no tears, no normal emotion that we have seen all to often from parents of other missing children.
Anyone else sense this?

Interesting perspective, Momtective. I'll be keeping this theory in mind...
Now they have us right where they want us, once we are so confused we can't make sense out of the lies or inconvenient questions will dry up.

Exactly. And then they will reduce us to a state of impotent bitterness by putting their 2 famed forensic scientists on the stand--Dr. Henry Lee who "speaks in tongues" (none of which include intelligible English); and Dr. Kobelinski who will not give a straightforward answer to any question, no matter who asks it.
It is nice to listen to george ramble on, but we need to remember a few things about this situation that is different from any other audio's. The FBI is doing this interview as a courtesy to the anthony's and this is not an interrogation, I imagine your warm and fuzzy feelings for this guy would change if you were watching an interrogation. I know that everyone is frustrated with the interrogations of casey (as was I) but we have to remember LE had spent hours and hours and hours being dragged all over orlando all the while casey is lying and lying and lying and a 2year old little girl is missing, LE had had enough of casey by the time she took them to universal to give them yet another round of lies.

I wish they had been a little more patient with her but I can understand why they did not want to hear another lying word out of her mouth.

Okay... I don't get this. Why are the FBI doing this as a "courtesy to the Anthony's"?! I have been thinking this is an interrogation, so I'm quite shocked, and I don't know what to make of this.

(I'm Canadian, so perhaps this has something to do with it. No FBI up here. Insert graphic of Annie waving a Canadian flag here.)
I know they were that was the point of my post, but the last part was in reference to the audio tapes.

I think LE did a hell of job with this evil woman (I am almost certain I would have belted her), but a lot of people complain about the interrogation versus this soft pedal interview by the FBI and that was what my post was about.
That's all.

I am NOT a violent person, but I can see myself pushing her up against a wall by her throat trying to get information out of her. She is a waste... huge waste.
After watching all 7 videos of George, I learned four things I didn't know before:

1. Lee felt betrayed that Casey hid her pregnancy
2. She stole from Caylee's piggy bank
3. She had put "Nanny" on her resume
4. George fell for an email scam

Everything else we already knew, right? Or did I miss something?

Please forgive me while I comment on this. They were apparently very close and I think (if this is true), LA felt betrayed because Casey hadn't confided in him before he found out by looking at her.
Clover or shamrock symbols are a common marking on the "club drug" Ecstacy. Is this why she was so into the symbol? She had a 4-leaf clover symbol sticker on her car, had one on a lanyard inside her car (now missing according to Cindy) and even wore one around her neck. Ecstacy is a stimulate and perhaps the chloroform was used to bring her down from the high. She could have accidentally left the chloroform rag in the trunk of the car with Caylee.
"Ecstacy is most often available in tablet form and is usually ingested orally. It is also available as a powder and is sometimes snorted and occasionally smoked, but rarely injected. Its effects last approximately four to six hours. Users of the drug say that it produces profoundly positive feelings, empathy for others, elimination of anxiety, and extreme relaxation. MDMA is also said to suppress the need to eat, drink, or sleep, enabling users to endure two- to three-day parties. Consequently, MDMA use sometimes results in severe dehydration or exhaustion." info/batch1.gif


My step-son had an e problem. May I add, he displayed heightened sexual activity and days without sleep, or very little sleep at best. Oh...and other than some depression, he experienced no withdrawal symptoms to speak of, after, at min., weekly use for a year or two. Boy, I'd come home to cartoon characters in my driveway...glad that's over! ;)
They were fully aware days before Casey's high school graduation that she was NOT going to graduate, she was 1/2 credit short. This confirms to me that Cindy KNOWINGLY lied under oath on the stand during the bond hearing when she said Casey had graduated from high school.

Hopefully, there's a perjury charge awaiting her on at least that lie.

Pardon my differing perspective... I think rather than saying Casey had graduation from HS, she referred to high school grad taking place. Do you see what I'm saying? Not meaning to argue...
Is it just me or does Cindy appear to be practicing Chinese Acupressure techniques every other minute!lol I've never seen anyone hold their temples as often as she does! I'm sure attempting to keep someone else's story straight is quite stressful! :bang:

LOL! I have noticed that too and I know it sounds mean, but why is she always scratching at her feet and legs too? I start itching just watching her! :eek:
Clover or shamrock symbols are a common marking on the "club drug" Ecstacy. Is this why she was so into the symbol? She had a 4-leaf clover symbol sticker on her car, had one on a lanyard inside her car (now missing according to Cindy) and even wore one around her neck. Ecstacy is a stimulate and perhaps the chloroform was used to bring her down from the high. She could have accidentally left the chloroform rag in the trunk of the car with Caylee.
"Ecstacy is most often available in tablet form and is usually ingested orally. It is also available as a powder and is sometimes snorted and occasionally smoked, but rarely injected. Its effects last approximately four to six hours. Users of the drug say that it produces profoundly positive feelings, empathy for others, elimination of anxiety, and extreme relaxation. MDMA is also said to suppress the need to eat, drink, or sleep, enabling users to endure two- to three-day parties. Consequently, MDMA use sometimes results in severe dehydration or exhaustion." info/batch1.gif


OMH If this is true, it could explain the marked change Casey went through in a short period of time since hanging out at the Club Fusion with her new friends.

I remember an Oprah show where Dr. Oz showed a human brain resulting from the cadaver taking a lot of Ecstacy. It was honestly like swiss cheese!
Come on Cindy. make up your mind. Find your mind, then make it up.

We have walking dead squirrels and disappearing maggots. I think I'm gonna go jump off a bridge. I literally don't know whether to laugh or cry.

Thanks for the laugh. At times like this laughter really helps clear my head.
Okay, fixed post. lost my mind there for a minute. Whoever used the words crazy making, they were right.

That was Kiki's expression, and I sort of latched onto it. It describes this entire case.
Geez..CA is really trying to put the blame on Amy. I can't believe it!! I believe it's in the third interview.

He puts the blame on Amy... or Jesse... or anyone else who is handy. Certainly not his Little Princess who is the cause of this entire mess.
Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but did anyone notice that George told the FBI that Cindy was at home and had given Casey permission to use her car on the day that George tried to follow Casey? IIRC, back in the original interviews Cindy denied ever having knowledge of Casey using her car even after George had told LE about the "chase incident". Why would she want to cover that up?
OMG, I'm not even through the 2nd interview video with CA and I want to rip her voicebox out. Shut up C :silenced:! Did anyone else feel that way or am I just really tired.

Would someone please post the links to these interviews so we can see if we want to rip CA's voicebox out too? :) Thanks.
George said that in the other interview also. In fact he said Cindy didn't want him to tell them about it. Notice in this interview as well as the the ones we saw before with LE his asks for their confidence.

I gotta say though when Cindy started about the "clues" Casey had been giving and then started the details like the car accident thing and all I just really could not believe it!!! I have never seen anything like it and hope I never do again.

Also notice the story from LP about Casey changing her story and saying the nanny knocked her down, etc. is true after all.
George said that in the other interview also. In fact he said Cindy didn't want him to tell them about it. Notice in this interview as well as the the ones we saw before with LE his asks for their confidence.

I gotta say though when Cindy started about the "clues" Casey had been giving and then started the details like the car accident thing and all I just really could not believe it!!! I have never seen anything like it and hope I never do again.

Also notice the story from LP about Casey changing her story and saying the nanny knocked her down, etc. is true after all.

The whole thing was just mind boggleing! Amy is Zani, Ricardo is Jeff. The FBI just needs to listen to Cindys "pertinent clues" that she has pieced together! :mad: Don't they know that? I must say, I bet they had a splitting headache after that interview. Wherever they get their patience from, it's impressive IMO.
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