New Video Interviews released from SA's office 11/21

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Amy could be Zanny, blah, blah, you know. Ricardo could be Jeff, um, you know. FBIguy could also be Mickey Mouse for all we know.

Here's my guess, Cindy. Casey is generic name for Baby Killer.
Allrighty then. Per CA, when she called Amy she was as sweet as pie and didn't want to worry anyone. Per Amy, CA called and said something to the effect that KC is in trouble and might be in jail really soon. And on the drive home to drop off Amy there was just 'chit chat' and she wasn't paying attention to the conversation. Ya RIGHT!!!!Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. CAN ANYONE IN THIS FAMILY TELL THE TRUTH?

since day one
red flag
ummm, you know

I think the whole family needs to buy themselves a MAJOR CLUE!
If he can pick evidence up from a crime scene (Spector case) and put it in his pocket, I'd be really suspicious of any "evidence" he found while examining KC's car and turning it over to LE. He's an expert...... in his own mind.

I really like being here so I'll refrain from saying what I actually think of Dr. Lee.

Sing out sister...I'll join in..two part harmony.
You know after looking at these interviews I began to step back and see things from a different view point.
I have known men, through working with domestic violence victims, that seemed so straight forward and like they had it all together. Their wives are made out to be "not quit normal" ect. In actuality a lot of times the women act nuts because the men drove them nuts.
GA moves out and moves in with his parents, at over fifty years of age. Seem's like he goes from one situation with someone "taking care of him" to another.
CA seems to be the one who has always worked steady.
I don't know, when I step back I think they both have dysfunction. It's not all CA. GA likes to say that KC is a lot like CA. I don't think all her bad traits come just from CA.

Come on now- You of all people should know what type of man goes for a woman like Cindy! No doubt his mom is much like Cindy, had him good and well trained for a woman just like Cindy. IMO.
Casey is actually starting to look like a sweet little angel in comparison to Cindy.
Allrighty then. Per CA, when she called Amy she was as sweet as pie and didn't want to worry anyone. Per Amy, CA called and said something to the effect that KC is in trouble and might be in jail really soon. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. CAN ANYONE IN THIS FAMILY TELL THE TRUTH?

since day one
red flag

I think the whole family needs to buy themselves a MAJOR CLUE!

Yes, with all the help they can get from Col. Mustard and Professor Plum!
Well, I have studied the dance of dysfunctional "love addiction" and it really is more common then we realize.
A certain type of woman nearly always attracts a certain type of man. They gravitate to each other due to the familiarity of the other one to their dysfunctional family of origin. That sounds complicated and I'm sorry. LOL.
If anyone is interested I have a few articles about it on my web page. Not trying to push it, but it's an interesting subject that I have studied and written about for the last 14 years.
On the member list my web page is listed. Again sorry in advance if me giving it upsets anybody.:)

yeah, ok, I'm glad I saw this because I knew you had to know!
Why do these people accept the premise that their 'innocent' daughter is giving them hints and everyone else is guilty? Why do they permit that? It's so clear everyone unlucky enough to have hooked up with their daughter is pretty innocent. Their daughter is the guilty one. Her friends are her victims. They aren't perps. She's the perp! They need to give up on deciphering her "secret code" and make her tell them the frig what she did with her daughter. Fridge her. Fridge Baez. Fridge the vid cams. Fridge the surveillance. March the fridge into that jail and make her say. If you don't, you'll never know, and it won't be because the cops didn't do their jobs. They can't do their jobs without your lying daughter's co-operation. Put your balls on George. Dwell in reality. Forsake the darkness. Face the truth. Fight for Caylee, not KC, and make KC tell. If you and Cindy can't, nobody else can.
Casey is actually starting to look like a sweet little angel in comparison to Cindy.

It's amazing, isn't it? and I bet no one outside of that home knew. I bet they all think Cindy is just a wonderful lady, let's her daughter still live at home and raises her granddaughter, such a sweet, selfless lady! LOL
Amy could be Zanny, blah, blah, you know. Ricardo could be Jeff, um, you know. FBIguy could also be Mickey Mouse for all we know.

Here's my guess, Cindy. Casey is generic name for Baby Killer.

That cracked me up:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Well well well, Cindy has just cleared up where LP got his story about Blanchard Park and Zanni and her sister and taking Caylee at the park and being pushed to the ground and called a ...hmmm...I am guessing since this story was TOLD to LEE and LP and Lee were quite chummy there for a bit, that Lee must have shared this "confession" with LP...So that should put to rest that LP made that up, as here it is in this interview, Part 4, just like LP told us a LOOOOOOOONG time ago...
Didn't Cindy intially say that she was all the way around the corner from Tony's apartment until Casey had come out and shut the door? Now she is saying that she knew Caylee wasn't there because of the smoke. Story discrepancy. Not that matters what you say after you talk the FBI agents to sleep, but still.

Early on I remember reading somewhere that Cindy went into Tonys apt to get Casey and told Casey she was leaving and Casey said "No" and this went back and forth for a few minutes but Casey gave in because she didnt want all of the details as to what was going on coming out in front of Tony and his roomies. Casey told them she would be back before leaving making it like her mom was havng another crazy moment? I believe this is the acct one of the Tonys roomies gave in an early interview? :waitasec:
Casey is actually starting to look like a sweet little angel in comparison to Cindy.

And maybe that is just what she wants to portray. Poor KC had to grow up with this Crazy mother. She is doing her job then just as JB told her to.:rolleyes:
Come on now- You of all people should know what type of man goes for a woman like Cindy! No doubt his mom is much like Cindy, had him good and well trained for a woman just like Cindy. IMO.

LOL. Yes, I agree with you 100%! That's the type of man who looks for a woman like CA. On the other hand something in her past would make her overlook his lying to her and blowing through their savings. :blowkiss:
I have dedicated the past 14 years to trying to teach women not to make that mistake and why they do. I teach what I learned from my own habit of choosing losers and abusers for years until I figured out why!
Allrighty then. Per CA, when she called Amy she was as sweet as pie and didn't want to worry anyone. Per Amy, CA called and said something to the effect that KC is in trouble and might be in jail really soon. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. CAN ANYONE IN THIS FAMILY TELL THE TRUTH?

since day one
red flag

I think the whole family needs to buy themselves a MAJOR CLUE!

She is also known to have told Amy on that car ride that Casey was a HUGE liar and a thief, and this is what led Amy to check her bank account when she got back home...the things that Cindy told her on the way to find Casey...
OMG, I'm not even through the 2nd interview video with CA and I want to rip her voicebox out. Shut up C :silenced:! Did anyone else feel that way or am I just really tired.

I'm only a 1/4 into #1 and my ears are bleeeeeeding! You are not alone...
And maybe that is just what she wants to portray. Poor KC had to grow up with this Crazy mother. She is doing her job then just as JB told her to.:rolleyes:

naw, this is no act. This woman has a nasty *advertiser censored* scalding case of borderline personality disorder and she makes me want to vomit!
A lot of people take ecstasy without using any of the props. Not saying I think she was using it or not, just that I think she easily could have been without the props.

Impatientredhead, Casey DID have the props.

I wondered why Casey has lollipops in her mouth in so MANY pictures.
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