News conference with the A's 11/25

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Or it could be a Family vacationing in Florida, many do, who doesn't realize Cindy rules the World and hasn't checked in with her yet...:rolleyes:

Could be, but even though, did this "person" called 911 and nobody came ?? Did they wait to see WHO this girl was with ?? I'm sure she wasn't there by herself. Maybe just yell "Hey, Caylee" if she was sooo certain, she didn't have to chase the poor child around or anything, just call her name. AND, are there security camera's recording that area so they could look at...or is it just coincidently too late to see them ??
:dj::crazy:What happened to the press conference they were going to have to give us all that evidence that Caylee is alive...the one with the big news and all that previously withheld info that would shock us?
Was this that one or did they forget this was that one or is it going to be later?

Good question. Last chance for a presser before the gag order, and that was it??? Nothing more credible than that?
Can this seriously go on for months or years?? Because there is no actual LIVE Caylee, the A's can continue with this forever! I mean, there is no shortage of 3 year old little girls with brown hair in this world!!

I think it is a final act of desperation to prevent the inevitable and seek a happy ending.

Lets invest huge amounts of resources and money on a poor child who is believe to be deceased in a bizarre case, where her Mother knows rather than on those kids who can be found!!!!!!!!
Here is the thing. If a professional person thinks they see Caylee on an airplane kicking the back of a seat saying that the adult is not their mommy, then why didn't that professional person inform the Captain of the plane???? These so called creditable sightings are BS if they don't do something at the scene of the sightings. Get real, these people are trying to create a panic and innocent children will be exploited until it is stopped.
Things are getting pretty bad for the Anthony's they are losing control of the situation and that is not something CA does. It is the end for them. I am sure Cindy watched george's interview and I bet she was not happy about the things he admitted to.
I don't believe this would be happening if "the accused" were anyone but Casey.

If the "accused" was a local tree trimmer and HIS lawyer was giving pressers and saying Caylee is alive, I think the Anthony's would be among the loudest to boo and hiss. I think they would be all for "justice for Caylee" and avenging the loss of their grandchild.

I do not doubt their love for Caylee. I think their grief is real. I think they are heartsick and broken.

But, parental instinct has kicked in. They are afraid for what will happen to Casey in general population.

Once Caylee's home? Once Caylee's home she'll be planning her funeral, if that's not left up to everyone else, too.

OMG, this is madness!

This borders on insanity....this is making ME crazy!! Thier grandaughter is dead and thier daughter is withholding the information about the crime and they call a presser??? Nuckin' Futz!!!
OMG, I'm starting to believe some of what they are saying. Ok kill me for this, but I saw the little girl's picture in question. The one with her playing on that thingie.

One thing that stood out for me was that her hairline was the same as Caylee's. It is very distinct when her hair was pulled back she had an obvious( I call it a bald spot, I know it not) but you get the picture. No pun intended.
Now she would look alittle different as children change so quickly. So face wise she looks alittle older than what we have seen previously. But she would be almost 1/2 yr. older. I'm basing it on a resemblance and the apparent lack of hair, the SAME as Caylee.
The I find myself swearing and outraged that their darling daughter won't put an end to this crap. Like TM said, " Damn you KC."
Cindy won't last much longer, the way she looks. She can spin all she wants, but her appearance is very telling.
These are some things I'm kicking around, IMO. Also wondering if there is one potential juror out there that ses this, we could have another OJ trial. Must acquit. It has also crossed my mind that people are superimposing pics of Caylee onto other children. May even be from the A's camp. Who knows.
Things are getting pretty bad for the Anthony's they are losing control of the situation and that is not something CA does. It is the end for them. I am sure Cindy watched george's interview and I bet she was not happy about the things he admitted to.

I still can't get past the human trafficking comment.

At last! A way for the A's to blast the FBI for negligence as well as OCSO.

Can anyone else smell a frivolous lawsuit in the making?
Geez, you guys ..
Such skeptics .. :rolleyes:

There are CLUES ..
You just need to follow them ..

Cindy begged the kidnappers to return Caylee right? Or did I miss that?

Never has she publicly asked for her return. She knows they can't because they don't exist.
Sure. It went something like this:

MB: I had no idea there were hundreds of thousands of missing children or people until this case.

MB: We have people including a doctor from Louisiana who has "everything to lose" who stated she saw a child sitting on the lap of someone while kicking the seat saying, "You are not my mother" (no mention if that child looked like Caylee tho).

CA: We are going to work to change things for missing people, but not sure how yet.

MB: We have sightings that LE won't follow up on.

PI: We have two independent thinking people (meaning they could have been together at the time and reported it together, but they have different brains) who gave witness statements saying they "think" it was Caylee at the same time at the same place in the Fl mall.
Maybe I have gone totally crazy, but they mean to tell me that they, Anthonys, can't look at that picture and tell if it is Caylee or not. If they felt it was even a slight chance wouldn't they take the picture to have it magnified to be sure?
I can't believe MB brought up an Amber Alert! OMG! Who doesn't know that you don't issue an AA 31 days after a child goes missing on a story from a parent that is based only on confirmed lies?! WTH?!

AND....why doesn't someone from the media just call them out on this BS excuse/blame game about an Amber Alert.
I also thought they had said her appearance was probably changed by the invisible kidnappers....or drug lords...or people in PR...or human trade???
Geez, IF I were taken by someone I sure as heck would want to be with these people who take me to malls to play and everything !!
OMG, I'm starting to believe some of what they are saying. Ok kill me for this, but I saw the little girl's picture in question. The one with her playing on that thingie.

One thing that stood out for me was that her hairline was the same as Caylee's. It is very distinct when her hair was pulled back she had an obvious( I call it a bald spot, I know it not) but you get the picture. No pun intended.
Now she would look alittle different as children change so quickly. So face wise she looks alittle older than what we have seen previously. But she would be almost 1/2 yr. older. I'm basing it on a resemblance and the apparent lack of hair, the SAME as Caylee.
The I find myself swearing and outraged that their darling daughter won't put an end to this crap. Like TM said, " Damn you KC."
Cindy won't last much longer, the way she looks. She can spin all she wants, but her appearance is very telling.
These are some things I'm kicking around, IMO. Also wondering if there is one potential juror out there that ses this, we could have another OJ trial. Must acquit. :mad:

What about the hair with the death band in the trunk that belongs to someone with the same m-dna? They are all alive and accounted for except for Caylee......who elses hair could it possibly be????
I got it! Caylee is alive, with Elvis, at the mall IN OZ!!! The A's are mad that no one is following the yellow brick road but they don't go down that yellow brick road because of the flying monkeys, but LE should!

Lions and tigers and A's oh my!

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