News conference with the A's 11/25

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Cindy begged the kidnappers to return Caylee right? Or did I miss that?

Never has she publicly asked for her return. She knows they can't because they don't exist.

If she did, I missed it and you are right...this is the first time she did beg "kidnappers." This was brought up recently, I believe by one of the talking heads on NG. She must have been watching and thought she would slide that in there.....A little late in the game for that now....
If Casey were my daughter, I would have beat the crap out of her until she told me everything. I can believe these people defending her. I would have beat the crap out of her just becuase of the story she told. "you LOST your baby?! ! ! "


Respectfully snipped: Cindy won't last much longer, the way she looks. She can spin all she wants, but her appearance is very telling.
These are some things I'm kicking around, IMO. Also wondering if there is one potential juror out there that ses this, we could have another OJ trial. Must acquit. :mad:

Maybe that's KCs intent -- to kill her parents with the stress. In her warped thinking, she'd get the house and be free of all the encumbrances she had before. As for the OJ Trial -- I certainly hope that LE has all their Ts cross and I's dotted before they take this to trial, and that they only go for what they strongly believe they can get a conviction on. Worst case scenario would be that KC be found Not Guilty like OJ and then she can't be tried again for it (Double Jeopardy).
If she did, I missed it and you are right...this is the first time she did beg "kidnappers." This was brought up recently, I believe by one of the talking heads on NG. She must have been watching and thought she would slide that in there.....A little late in the game for that now....

I was being a bit sarcastic. She did NOT ask them to return Caylee once again. She never has. I want to spit.
This is going to seem hugely farfetched...

Given that we are pretty much "real time" here in the bb... what are the chances that someone was sitting with a laptop lurking and reading what was being posted here?

About the madness of what was being said at this presser? The appearance of MB and CA's "demeanor on demand"?


Would explain why they had the plug pulled. LOL
I am very sorry but what credentials does this women have to say that LE & FBI should be working with her organization to find Caylee?

Isn't there some sort of organization where you can report DM from KFN and MB from HH and have their credentials checked? These people are preying on peoples misfortunes and who knows if they are scamming them ($$). I would'nt want either of these organizations involved around anyones children, especially after posting a pic of an innocent little girl all over the internet and newspaper claiming to be someone she's not! :waitasec: (JMO)
OMG, when will they just stop with all this?? I have seen the picture of the last little girl and that is not Caylee.. Nobody in their right mind, if they had Caylee would take her out in public in Florida. I believe it's a family that probably has no idea the A's are claiming their daughter is Caylee. I can say in Michigan where I live there is no coverage on Caylee at all. The only coverage I see is on NG, and not everybody watches NG. I think they are going to keep putting all these little girls on the news of these sightings and some parents are going to start getting really upset over their childs photo being put out there. If they truly believe this that someone kidnapped Caylee why have they not since the first day been on tv day and night pleading for the safe return of Caylee?? After the evidence of decomp. why would they continue with this, at the end of the day it benefits nobody but KC. It does not help bring Caylee home at all. MOO......
What about the hair with the death band in the trunk that belongs to someone with the same m-dna? They are all alive and accounted for except for Caylee......who elses hair could it possibly be????

That's reality. We are talking "Anthony Land"...reality isn't allowed in "Anthony Land"...
All Baez has is reasonable doubt.
That is IT.
And there is no way these "press conferences" are happening without his O.K.
Without doubt sown in people's minds...he is gonna lose this case.
And that it what this is ALL about...
OMG, I'm starting to believe some of what they are saying. Ok kill me for this, but I saw the little girl's picture in question. The one with her playing on that thingie.

One thing that stood out for me was that her hairline was the same as Caylee's. It is very distinct when her hair was pulled back she had an obvious( I call it a bald spot, I know it not) but you get the picture.

Look at the picture, look behind and to your left and look at the little girl in the striped shirt.

She has the same "bald spot". If you have a little girl and they have bangs, some even if they don't have bangs (my dd's included in the last part), all have those spots.

It's amazing how anyone can look at something and believe it's something else. The mind is an amazing thing, if you want to believe badly that's what you'll see. Kwim?

It is hard to listen to them day in and day out and not get a little "Anthony-ish" for lack of a better word! This is exactly what they are hoping for to spin their "reasonable doubt".

I just keep thinking, you know, well, you know, AH goes to that mall, and she could be Zanny! See? I TOLD you it was her! :eek::eek::eek:

This case is one for the books for eternity.
I think they probably pulled the presser because they were up against real airtime for the noon newscast. ;)
[Respectfully snipped]
Also wondering if there is one potential juror out there that ses this, we could have another OJ trial. Must acquit. :mad:

Dunno if you saw Joran on GVS last night but he was seeding another lie about selling NH to someone, think he wants to relieve his conscience by telling a half-truth -- anyway -- if KC ever gets acquitted due to a technicality or juror I see KC heading down the same downward spiral as JVS.

Absent punishment KC will never rehabilitate, why should she? -- she would have gotten away with the most heinous of crimes. How does GA stay around KC based on what he testified? How does the A family stay together? Who does KC bump off next? A black widow?

KC is better of with LWOP.
Same old stuff.

How do July sitings that the police were not informed about have anything to do with this case? Bart obviously knows very little - she doesn't even know what an Amber Alert is about.

She's making as much sense today as she did when she said they should take fingerprints from the play equipment at the Mall. GMAB. More koolaid for Bart, please.
Or they had to go to the courthouse and check out the other BS that their daughter's attorney is spewing.
The hearing starts at around 2pm .
Looks more like she slept in the pony tail too! :eek:

What a mess ..
She fits in perfectly with the Adams, err, Anthony family .. :D

I like your Avatar Marla. It shows the horns in her head, even though her hair is covering it. All she's missing there is buck teeth. :behindbar
I can't believe MB brought up an Amber Alert! OMG! Who doesn't know that you don't issue an AA 31 days after a child goes missing on a story from a parent that is based only on confirmed lies?! WTH?!

Yeah, alot of nerve bringing up the Amber alert and how none was issued, insinuating LE should have done so. She should know that the Amber Alert system was designed to get the word out on the missing ASAP because the first 48 hours are so critcal. The Alert system would have done no good in this case for one, 31 days gone by makes the task difficult if not impossible. And no credible info regarding the disappearance...only all the lies that Casey told.
OMG, I'm starting to believe some of what they are saying. Ok kill me for this, but I saw the little girl's picture in question. The one with her playing on that thingie.

One thing that stood out for me was that her hairline was the same as Caylee's. It is very distinct when her hair was pulled back she had an obvious( I call it a bald spot, I know it not) but you get the picture. No pun intended.
Now she would look alittle different as children change so quickly. So face wise she looks alittle older than what we have seen previously. But she would be almost 1/2 yr. older. I'm basing it on a resemblance and the apparent lack of hair, the SAME as Caylee.
The I find myself swearing and outraged that their darling daughter won't put an end to this crap. Like TM said, " Damn you KC."
Cindy won't last much longer, the way she looks. She can spin all she wants, but her appearance is very telling.
These are some things I'm kicking around, IMO. Also wondering if there is one potential juror out there that ses this, we could have another OJ trial. Must acquit. It has also crossed my mind that people are superimposing pics of Caylee onto other children. May even be from the A's camp. Who knows.

That girl looks nothing like Caylee. Look at the jawline, the cheeks and chin, and most importantly, the Nose!
Maybe I have gone totally crazy, but they mean to tell me that they, Anthonys, can't look at that picture and tell if it is Caylee or not. If they felt it was even a slight chance wouldn't they take the picture to have it magnified to be sure?

There are people who specialize in that sort of thing. They can take the photo, take the person's features, and turn the person's face forward, filling in the other side of the face using the features that can be seen.

But more importantly, why wasn't the pic taken with the child's face forward in the first place?
OMG, I'm starting to believe some of what they are saying. Ok kill me for this, but I saw the little girl's picture in question. The one with her playing on that thingie.

One thing that stood out for me was that her hairline was the same as Caylee's. It is very distinct when her hair was pulled back she had an obvious( I call it a bald spot, I know it not) but you get the picture. No pun intended.
Now she would look alittle different as children change so quickly. So face wise she looks alittle older than what we have seen previously. But she would be almost 1/2 yr. older. I'm basing it on a resemblance and the apparent lack of hair, the SAME as Caylee.
The I find myself swearing and outraged that their darling daughter won't put an end to this crap. Like TM said, " Damn you KC."
Cindy won't last much longer, the way she looks. She can spin all she wants, but her appearance is very telling.
These are some things I'm kicking around, IMO. Also wondering if there is one potential juror out there that ses this, we could have another OJ trial. Must acquit. :mad:

There were pictures of Maddie too. They looked JUST like her.

There are people to this day that swear Trenton was pushed down to the floor of a car during a pursuit and LE stopped chasing. Trenton has been seen all over Florida, Texas, Illinois and on a cruise since he disappeared.

A person from a nearby Wendy's swore she saw Melinda and Trenton the day Trenton disappeared. She even passed a polygraph. Most of LE thinks the Wendy's witness was mistaken.

That people "think" they have seen Caylee shows how effective the campaign to get her picture out was. It is not evidence of more.

Unfortunately finding the remains of a small child in swamp, forest and water is almost impossible. Seeing a child who remembles Caylee out and about is very likely.

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