News conference with the A's 11/25

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The odd thing is, I heard MB on the phone with a fox35 Orlando newsman this morning, 8am broadcast, and she stated clearly that there would be no presser today, that they were not ready. So I went on my merry way and left to buy T-day dinner stuff and return to find it over! Grrrrrrrr

Story link, no video yet.
Give me a break! If there hadn't been human decomp in the trunk of KC's car I might believe it, but get real CA.

Folks in Florida have to be so damn sick of the A's antics. I feel bad for anyone who have to have them constantly on thier airwaives down there. Thier immediate comunity must have had thier fill of them by now.
Hopefully Justice will be swift for Caylee Marie and we will see an end to the side shows for good.

I agree. I can't imagine.

This just kills me...

from the story posted said:
“Caylee Marie has rights…she should have the right for everybody to look for her,” Cindy Anthony said.

Wake up, Cindy. Caylee Marie had those rights before she was killed by your daughter. She had the right to have a grandmother be concerned about her welfare and safety. She had a right to have a grandmother look for her long before the "damn" car smelled like there'd been a dead body in it.

She had a lot of rights. Pity none of her alleged loving family took the time to protect them before she died at her mother's hand. :(
Frustration with the Anthony's is an understatement for most of us. But even so, can we raise the level of discussion in here? My mailbox is full of alerts regarding the posts in here.
One reason I think this presser was done... I heard this talked about last night on NG. The A's want to get the word out that LE is not following up on sightings.... because when it goes to trial, all they need is ONE juror to think, 'how does LE KNOW that Caylee is not alive... they didn't bother to check out these sightings, they never searched for her... what if she really IS alive?'
Yes, I know they have enough evidence to prove she is dead... they say. But is it enough?
It is the defense team's job to create reasonable doubt. And that is EXACTLY what they are doing!
You can gripe about it till the cows come home, but it's their job to defend Casey and create enough doubt... and they are doing pretty well with it, because there are still a lot of people who believe Caylee COULD be alive. Believe it or not.
No. I don't believe it.

I am not worried that when the jurors see the all evidence and the totality of this case laid out in front of them and when the 80+ witnesses finish their testimonies, they will be intelligent enough to know the body was Caylee, Casey killed her, and it will be shown beyond a reasonable doubt.
Frustration with the Anthony's is an understatement for most of us. But even so, can we raise the level of discussion in here? My mailbox is full of alerts regarding the posts in here.

Sorry, JBean.

Yes. I'm sure I'm one of the offenders. I am frustrated with them.

I'll cease now.
Just wanted to say that the press conf. just hit my last nerve and I couldn't even control my fingers to keep them from posting my first post to this site. I have been lurking here a long time and just can't say enough how great it is here. So many smart and dedicated people. I can now say I am a true addict to this site and the Anthony case. Thank you for giving me a place to come to each day. Of course my family has given up on me and believe I have gone totally nuts. I think they are right!
All I can say is the As and the entire circus surrounding them are so very PATHETIC. Is there not anyone in their lives that can tell them to just BE QUIET?
Frustration with the Anthony's is an understatement for most of us. But even so, can we raise the level of discussion in here? My mailbox is full of alerts regarding the posts in here.
quoting myself..go self edit if you think you should.
I need to know who that doctor is from Louisiana so that I can be sure to never see her for any medical needs! LOL

The Anthony's are certainly grandparents who have lost a loved grandchild, but the other side of the coin is that their OWN DAUGHTER is accused of first degree murder in that grandchilds murder. They have spent so much time talking about 'Casey this, and Casey that' that they have lost the sympathy from the public they would have normally had. It is too little too late, IMO. As Cindy has said, "It is what it is!" And we know what it is - the murder of a beautiful, innocent child!

This motley crew that has held this press conference fails to illicit any sympathy now due to their actions from the beginning and saying how perfect the 'mother of the year' is. Casey was such a good mother according to them.

IMO, what they all need to do is just go in the house and shut up. Can't wait to see if the Gag Order is put into place!
Sorry, JBean.

Yes. I'm sure I'm one of the offenders. I am frustrated with them.

I'll cease now.
I have not read the whole thread but I have a feeling no one can be singled out JorJ.
It is one thing for us to discuss and analyze their statements and it is quite another to have a thread that is nothing but bashing posts.
Personally, I would be happy if they produced a live ZFG in time for the trial, the one KC was referring to, or the real Juliette, Raquel or, the other JMH if no ZFG -- or her sister, Samantha.

The Defense should at least produce those that KC told Caylee was missing, if they can pull them out of KC World.
JBEAN, we posted at the same time! I do hope my post is not in violation.
Oh you are so banned.

just kidding. I am making a point of not reading all the posts yet. I am hoping that everyone that thinks they may be just bashing will go edit their posts. I am home sick today and I don't want to have to do it LOL.
If you thought it was Caylee, why not take multiple pictures of the girl and the folks around her? Snap, snap, snap, snap?

I honestly believe that this was someone who took the photo of the kids playing and then . . . . after the fact, reviewing them, thought that looks a bit like that Caylee and wondered either if the A's could use it to support the search or wanted in on their 15 mins of fame.

IMO Lee is running around the state taking pictures of little girls on his cell phone (creepy, I know). All the pictures are at angles that you CANNOT see the face, or an arm is covering the face (like the one with the hat) - why not take multiple pictures of the child, and the people with the child, a direct picture of the face of the child, if you suspect that you're "seeing" a very high-profile missing (murdered, really, but this sake missing) child? They truly believe they can manipulate us like they seem to manipulate each other. Not credible, in fact, the result is ridiculous.
At some point, the A's will call a press conference, and no one will show up. It'll happen.
Oh you are so banned.

just kidding. I am making a point of not reading all the posts yet. I am hoping that everyone that thinks they may be just bashing will go edit their posts. I am home sick today and I don't want to have to do it LOL.
For anyone cooperatively editing their posts,that would include name calling by the way.
I am making a point of not reading all the posts yet. I am hoping that everyone that thinks they may be just bashing will go edit their posts. I am home sick today and I don't want to have to do it LOL.
I hope you feel better! (I checked mine for you so you don't have to look at them. LOL Just skim on by. hehehe)
MB is blasting the police for stopping the search for a live Caylee. Saying what would it hurt?! Snip...

If LE and the FBI had nothing better to do that eat Krisy Kreme doughnuts then I would agree "what would it hurt?" However, we have tons of crime in Orlando, more than they can handle in one day. What would it hurt? It hurts our community when LE is spending time chasing ghosts and phantom leads rather than doing real work.
I agree. This isn't the only case the OCSO and the FBI have to work on. Their resources have been stretched very thin and they have gone far beyond their normal capacity to appease this family, imo.

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