GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - #11

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Didn't see anywhere in that linked post that it said walking was usual for her. Think I will stick with MSM report quote for now.
Others may stick with whatever they wish of course.
Didn't see anywhere in that linked post that it said walking was usual for her. Think I will stick with MSM report quote for now.
Others may stick with whatever they wish of course.

There is an MSM post and quote there saying she took her normal route, I went to grab it and edited it in :)
There is an MSM post and quote there saying she took her normal route, I went to grab it and edited it in :)
Didn't say it was an unusual route and the link you posted spells out the route was usual but no one in that post said walking was usual - only that the route was usual. And I have an MSM posted link that outright says the mother noted Abby did not walk home often and that she had only walked home a few times before. So as I said I am sticking with that report for now.
So the last message was sent to her bf at 2:53 and 14 mins later the phone sends it's last ping, so at that time it was with her. So nearly 40 mins later after school is out the phone is still with her. And it pings. And then it's gone. If someone makes a partial call, like it rings once, would that ping a tower? Could she have been attempting a call and it pinged but then became disabled? That would indicate getting into a car with someone she knew and then when she attempted to call someone or text someone it was disabled. I just don't know. Was she meeting someone? Did she run into someone and try to call home to tell Mom she was going out with so and so for a bit? Had she been given an assignment and needed to pick something up at the store before going home? 14 mins. I keep thinking something happened in that 14 mins.
Do not post negative comments about Abigail's life unless reported by the mainstream media. Zero tolerance.

We are victim friendly here. Read the rules. I've had more than one poster violate our rules in here today and it ends now.
Didn't say it was an unusual route and the link you posted spells out the route was usual but no one in that post said walking was usual - only that the route was usual. And I have an MSM posted link that outright says the mother noted Abby did not walk home often and that she had only walked home a few times before. So as I said I am sticking with that report for now.

That is understandable. I do suggest reading through all of the threads and media (link to much if not all of it in my signature, more via googling if there are certain points one would like more information on) as this has been mentioned many times in the past, there's a lot of conversation about it and a lot of, though small, points to it in the media whether via interviews or articles. I chose the first thing I found easily.
The issue, for me, with anything that is printed in msm is that it's not always accurate. So if msm says she didn't often walk home I'm not sure that means much unless it was a direct quote from LE. That detail may seem small but it really speaks to whether she may have been lured to be alone on a walk home or whether it was a crime of opportunity. MSM just reports on whoever talks to them, sometimes those reports are accurate and sometimes they aren't. I've seen msm report rumors as facts and not that they're rumors, so I'm not sure where they got the information that AH either walked or didn't walk home usually.
Regardless, something had to have happened in that 14 minutes. We had mapped out where someone might have walked in that 14 mins, but we had mapped that according to the N/S road. Maybe she didn't stick to the N/S road, so how do we map a general circular area around where she was last seen by her friends and that 14 minutes? I'm not that good with geometry and I'm wondering if anyone can do that?
Just wanted to add, we have to take into account that it would have to be on the west side of cranmore mountain, since that's the area of the last ping.
The issue, for me, with anything that is printed in msm is that it's not always accurate. So if msm says she didn't often walk home I'm not sure that means much unless it was a direct quote from LE. That detail may seem small but it really speaks to whether she may have been lured to be alone on a walk home or whether it was a crime of opportunity. MSM just reports on whoever talks to them, sometimes those reports are accurate and sometimes they aren't. I've seen msm report rumors as facts and not that they're rumors, so I'm not sure where they got the information that AH either walked or didn't walk home usually. . .
In this case though if the mother did not say what they reported that she said then they would be guilty of making up the story from whole cloth and that is not just sloppy reporting.

Also nearly the only sources we are allowed to use on Websleuths are MSM reports. While I understand they can get times wrong or spell a name wrong or quote un named sources that may spread a rumor sometimes that is a far cry from making up a quote (from a named person) that was never said.

So although I have often heard of posters deciding to not place any belief or faith in any MSM article (especially if it disagrees with a pet theory) those MSM articles remain nearly the only source we are allowed to use in case discussions. LE is pretty busy and seldom tells everything on camera in the televised briefings but often hand out press releases and allow themselves to be interviewed off camera from time to time in various cases and MSM reporters sometimes report what was said in interviews without showing video of every statement made. Video time is costly but text is cheaper and still conveys information.
In this case though if the mother did not say what they reported that she said then they would be guilty of making up the story from whole cloth and that is not just sloppy reporting.

Also nearly the only sources we are allowed to use on Websleuths are MSM reports. While I understand they can get times wrong or spell a name wrong or quote un named sources that may spread a rumor sometimes that is a far cry from making up a quote (from a named person) that was never said.

So although I have often heard of posters deciding to not place any belief or faith in any MSM article (especially if it disagrees with a pet theory) those MSM articles remain nearly the only source we are allowed to use in case discussions. LE is pretty busy and seldom tells everything on camera in the televised briefings but often hand out press releases and allow themselves to be interviewed off camera from time to time in various cases and MSM reporters sometimes report what was said in interviews without showing video of every statement made. Video time is costly but text is cheaper and still conveys information.

I get what you're saying, in the absence of a direct quote or the words coming from the horse's mouth we have to have some expectation that what is being relayed is correct. I'm just saying it's been my experience that not only has information been wrong (for example they said AH made it home, they said AH made a phone call at 6:30) but sometimes things aren't worded correctly or quotes themselves are misleading. We do have Zenya herself in an interview saying AH was supposed to take the bus home for at least that day, so I think that while she may have walked home before (don't know how usual it was since she was only a new freshman at the high school) on that particular day it was expected that she was going to take the bus.
And trust me, sometimes I think journalists purposely misquote things to get a reaction and some interview time with those intimately involved and also know that sometimes LE can tell those who are misquoted that they shouldn't respond. I'm speaking from experience on this one.
I get what you're saying, in the absence of a direct quote or the words coming from the horse's mouth we have to have some expectation that what is being relayed is correct. . ..
That is only part of what I am saying. I am also saying that MSM is nearly the only source we at websleuths are allowed to use. So whether one likes them for accuracy or not is pretty much a moot point. If you only go by what you see in video statements you will have precious little to go on in cases. And even in video statements you are trusting that the MSM hosting that video has not edited it (remember the alleged video of Joran V. from that Aruba case that was found to have been edited?) And sometimes due to time constraints pieces of video statements are often edited out.

So for the most part we must hold our noses and wade in and do the best we can with the sources we are allowed.

I have about as much trouble accepting verified insider info as I do MSM because of past experience where it became obvious the insider had an agenda of their own, whether it was to support/push a particular family's point of view of a case or attempt to limit opposing views etc. I listen and consider.

About MSM: No offense meant to anyone: Since we are supposed to use MSM reports as a base for what we say I do get tired of hearing over and over in cases that MSM is not to be trusted. MSM is what it is . . . . and we are supposed to be using it unless or until websleuths mods/owners say different so it is what I will use.

Note: I am not telling others what to do. If others use other sources that is between them and websleuths. I am staying out of that.
Right now, msm for reference is what we have. As a journalist who is local I have done my own fact checking and I am comfortable that corrections made during the coverage of this case have reflected accuracy and I am confident that the most up to date info at this time is accurate.
I want to be careful and sensitive to the rights and privacy of family and friends of Abby. It isn't easy, but I remember that if Abby walks through her front door tonight you and I will never hear another word about her. Her privacy will be protected as a "private juvenile matter". It IS, in fact a private juvenile matter made public because of the importance of finding her. I look at a case like Jeremiah Oliver and yes I can say things about the parents because I have been given that information.

I was just curious as I am not a veteran of WS- so, if Abby did appear tomorrow, you mention her privacy is protected. What happens to this discussion on WS, does it stay in cyberspace for eternity where Abby could go read it or does it get deleted in the name of protecting her privacy moving forward?

The reason I ask is maybe obvious but, I know for one, I would think for the victim it would be incredibly traumatizing to go out and see things that have been written about you, judgments made about your behavior, family or friends.
I was just curious as I am not a veteran of WS- so, if Abby did appear tomorrow, you mention her privacy is protected. What happens to this discussion on WS, does it stay in cyberspace for eternity where Abby could go read it or does it get deleted in the name of protecting her privacy moving forward?

The reason I ask is maybe obvious but, I know for one, I would think for the victim it would be incredibly traumatizing to go out and see things that have been written about you, judgments made about your behavior, family or friends.

I would assume it stays here forever, becomes archived, but yet is searchable til the end of time..... that is exactly why so many times I have said why straight out say things about Abby that are not even remotely close to fact based, just assumptions. its hurtful.
Has anyone heard if there were any daylight home burglaries in the area of her home?
I feel like I have read on another thread that a family can request a thread be removed after a missing person has been found.

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Color changed by me:
docwho3 said:
Has anyone heard if there were any daylight home burglaries in the area of her home?

when do you mean? When she went missing? Or since then?? Or recently???
I meant within two or three weeks of time prior to when she went missing. (Sorry, I meant to put that in and actually had it in another posting box but changed my mind about posting the question and closed out of the post but then later went back and decided to post the question but left out the time frame- oops.)
Color changed by me:

I meant within two or three weeks of time prior to when she went missing. (Sorry, I meant to put that in and actually had it in another posting box but changed my mind about posting the question and closed out of the post but then later went back and decided to post the question but left out the time frame- oops.)

I didn't read any in the police logs in September. They haven't listed the area police logs since 9/21/2013 so I'm not sure if any happened during that couple of weeks before AH went missing.
If the chief investigator states she could have left willingly, then why it is so hard that others may think the same? Does it matter in the end?? Well, maybe, maybe not. If we knew WHY she may have left, could point in directions of where she could be getting help. Through some means, had contact with someone to give her a ride, and help her hide. Did this person know it would be long term? Did they suspect she wanted to run away, but would change her mind in a week or so? Now that 6 months has gone, are they afraid to call in, or encourage Abby to go back home? We don't know!!

I would hope that if Abby ever reads these threads, or is reading them today, she realizes that no matter why she is missing, she indeed is missed! That many people care. Many people would love to know she is safe, and OK. Many people offer their prayers to her, and her family during this time. I would also hope she keeps her faith, and continues to rely on the One who can help her! I personally don't see how it could be bad that she knows these things!

But, eh, JMO!
I am still bothered by the possible assistance of an adult or adults. Even if she went missing by her own will, if she was indeed assisted by adult(s) I must question that person's motives and agenda in doing so.
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