GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - #11

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Thank you, everyone. Everything needs to be discussed again if necessary. The great thing about WebSleuths is that we have rules to protect the victims. There is always great discussion here, thoughtful, respectful discussion - not one line digs at each other or accusing random people based on nothing like some other sites.
I want to be careful and sensitive to the rights and privacy of family and friends of Abby. It isn't easy, but I remember that if Abby walks through her front door tonight you and I will never hear another word about her. Her privacy will be protected as a "private juvenile matter". It IS, in fact a private juvenile matter made public because of the importance of finding her. I look at a case like Jeremiah Oliver and yes I can say things about the parents because I have been given that information.
I find that I have to remind myself that Abby's privacy extends to her loved ones as well. I honestly have been guilty of what can be considered crass and unwarranted speculation and accusations. Not publicly mind you. It's hard not to. It seems recently I have changed theories more often than socks. It's frustrating and I know I am not alone.
Having said that - I got nothing. I have no theory right now. There is no evidence one way or another. This case has fewer leads than Maura Murray and 10 years of speculation have not brought her home.
We have no idea what happened to Abigail Marie Hernandez. We MUST keep sharing her face - her lovely face.

I guess I have nothing to add to the discussion. I know that was a long way around the barn to say I have nothing to say. LOL It's not easy being Stele.

Stele - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Zenya is such a classy lady, every day my heart breaks a bit more for her. I can see the sorrow brimming from within and it would be completely understandable if she were to publicly let her emotions get the best of her and lash out. Instead she acts with such poise and keeps the focus on bringing Abby home.

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She is an absolutely amazing woman and NOTHING will deter her from finding her daughter. Nothing. Thank you for your kind words <3 ~Amanda
This statement was issued by Zenya this morning. We have put it up on the Bring Abby Home facebook page. Im sure someone has shared it here, but Ive been asked to post it. Thank you. ~Amanda

"Zenya and Sarah do not believe Abby ran away. The circumstances of Abby's disappearance are not known, Abby's whereabouts are not known. We continue to search for her daily. We ask that anyone with any information to please contact Conway PD at 603-356-5715, or the FBI at 1-800-CALL-FBI.
This is a high pressure situation for all involved, and any judgments, opinions or consents, are done under extreme stress. Any opinion published as Zenya's should not be considered hers, unless said by her directly. Zenya will continue to do whatever it takes to bring Abby home safely."
TY Amanda&#8230;. yup, it was linked here, but we greatly appreciate your posting it and confirming where it came from :)
It was stated recently by LE (where are the link masters here) that there has been no further communication.

Thing is, as you say the letter wasn't meant to be made public, this is part of the reason I do not think RH was nor likely is privy to the contents of it.

going to go get links.
There is no reason at all to believe that Abby's own father has not seen that letter! NONE! He is not a POI, not a suspect, but a victim. His daughter is missing. Abby is NOT just ZH's daughter! No, Abby has a Daddy! Her father WAS in her life. We have photos of her while with her Dad! No reason for him to be in the dark about any of the investigation! Whatever LE shares with ZH would be shared with RH!! As for 'insider' my gosh, half of Abby's biological profile is RH! How much 'insider' does he need to be??? All those posting on here only know ONE side of the story. ZH's side. Abby's side is not known, and she's not here to tell it. RH's side is only known in bits and pieces. Therefore, NONE OF US know the TRUTH about this case! NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON POSTING!

Abby, if you're reading at all, remember the bond you have with your Dad as well. You know him better than any of us. Reach out to him if you can. :loveyou::please:
TY Amanda…. yup, it was linked here, but we greatly appreciate your posting it and confirming where it came from :)

It's important for people to understand that when an opinion is given for Zenya, it should not be taken as hers unless Zenya HERSELF says so. ~Amanda
It's important for people to understand that when an opinion is given for Zenya, it should not be taken as hers unless Zenya HERSELF says so. ~Amanda

Yes!!!! Wish I had the right words, but this is key. If somebody else types another's opinion, whether it shows in MSM or not, it should not be taken as fact. We can only take the speaker's words from the speaker him or herself as fact. LE is a bit different, of course. When it comes to people involved in a case that are not LE though, different story.
Again, ZH's opinion or thoughts are to be taken as the gospel, but we're questioning RH's?? No, it does NOT work that way at all!!! Neither is a person of interest, or a suspect in this case. Therefore BOTH of their words are to be given equal weight!!

Yes ZH has been more vocal, but added nothing to finding Abby, IMO. RH misses his daughter, as evident by his postings! He wants her found just as much as ZH does!

Prayers offered to just ZH and SH are a smack in the face. Include RH in those prayers as well!!! For gosh sakes, that's ABBY'S DADDY!! Do you really think she would want her Daddy left out?
I would like to make a point about what we don't know. there has been much speculation about people who might be close to this case.
About parenting, I will say this. I will only speak about my own life and experience. That is what I know.
There are, in fact, situations where a non-custodial parent has been denied certain rights. So I will say this. My wife is a strong and capable woman. If she thought for one minute that I was a dangerous person, or that she needed to flee from me, or had to take out a TRO on me, Or in any way had to be concerned about the safety of our 2 girls, there is NO WAY, No way, that she would include me in any important communications regarding either of our children.
I do not say this in any way as some kind of conviction of someone. NO! I am saying this because there is no way to ever know the private lives of parents experiencing this kind of tragedy.+
Thanks Be to God my wife and I have been together nearly 38 years - 28 of those as husband and wife. The poor dear. That alone makes her a Saint... Someone should send a PM to Pope Franny.

I think what I am saying is that these ideas that one parent or another would see this or know that is a chase after wind.

We don't know.
Again, ZH's opinion or thoughts are to be taken as the gospel, but we're questioning RH's?? No, it does NOT work that way at all!!! Neither is a person of interest, or a suspect in this case. Therefore BOTH of their words are to be given equal weight!!

Yes ZH has been more vocal, but added nothing to finding Abby, IMO. RH misses his daughter, as evident by his postings! He wants her found just as much as ZH does!

Prayers offered to just ZH and SH are a smack in the face. Include RH in those prayers as well!!! For gosh sakes, that's ABBY'S DADDY!! Do you really think she would want her Daddy left out?
No...I think words are being taken the wrong way here. If somebody expresses their own opinion that is perfectly fine, but there is no other opinion to be had from that. If ZH spoke of RH well, I'd personally never assume it was truly RHs opinion unless I saw where he said so. So, to ascertain opinion from ZH from something somebody else says makes no sense to me.

There is only one person that can speak for one's opinion. To assume others hold the same because their name is associated or typed or quoted isn't something I believe to be valid information! certainly not fact.
Fact is, we have two people who disagree about what happened. Fact is, even we disagree about what happened to AH that day. I think I've got split personality sometimes because I disagree with myself about what happened to AH! One minute I'm convinced she was abducted, the next I'm convinced she ran away. What's especially frustrating is that no one saw anything. Just unbelievable that no one saw anything that day. Her phone was disabled quickly, could have been done by a person who abducted her or she may have known enough to do that so no one could track her. She wrote a letter, the letter may have said "I'm fine and I left because..." and that may have been her true feelings or she may have been coerced to write those words. At this juncture we just wait and see.
I've been divorced for 11 yrs, raised kids since toddler years. Though it is not the case, if I thought there was reason I can assure you there is no way my ex would see a private letter from child to mom. Heck, we have a good relationship, my ex and I, and we are still not privy to private communications. IF a letter was received as a piece of major evidence to a mom from a daughter, and there were any custody issues (I do not know that there were) well Le would act accordingly, in which case it is very possible both parents would not read the piece of communication.

Nobody is a suspect, nobody has been stated as cleared. Nowhere does it state anyting that makes me (MEEE) think that dad has read the letter. Do I wonder, sure... do I know, nope. Do I need to know, now ay. Nobody knows for sure. It is my opinion based on my knowledge of this case and how I interpret it.

LE has stated many times (check the MSM link in my signature) that they do not know where Abby is.
Maybe we should look up the federal laws on mail, to whom it is addressed, etc. If a piece of mail is addressed to one person, even if a blood relative, does it make it fair game for another blood relative? (going to google)
Well, I'm going to put my hat into the ring here...

No..I'm not.

Yes..I am...

Since we ALL agree we don't know anything...IMO...

It would be appropriate to give RH the same support as ZH. He is dear Abby's daddy and, as a mom of two girls, I know firsthand how important that relationship is to them. RH has the support of ZH and LE in maintaining his privacy. We have spent countless hours trying to figure out why to no avail. IMO, RH's choice to remain out of the public eye creates speculation and shrouds him in a mysterious cloak. We don't know what Abby's relationship was like with her dad. No one has come out with any anecdotes, positive or negative, for us to get any type of understanding. Not even RH, himself. He has chosen not to stand by the mother of his youngest daughter during any pressers or in the media (I'm guessing to maintain his privacy). He has also chosen to write a few, what seem like loving, letters to Abby, showing his faith and his frustration and his pleading for her to contact him.

ZH, who has been at the forefront since Abby went missing, hasn't publicly addressed any of RH's letters. She did, however, let NHGirl release a statement today saying, "any opinion published as Zenya's should not be considered as hers, unless it is said by her directly." I think it's fair to assume she is directing the public to attribute this request to past and future published opinions.

Okay, so now what are we left with? Two sides that are not on the same page about what happened to their daughter and how to communicate with her if she's out there listening, IMO. We don't know if what RH wrote is true or not. ZH is clearly not publicly backing him. (These two sentences, if we weren't bound by TOS, would be interesting to speculate about, IMO.) The disconnect between RH and ZH is deafening. I can only imagine how frustrated both sides must be; I'd be a lunatic if my husband (he's not an ex...yet) had different beliefs than I did and made those public without my knowledge or consent (or disclosed a private conversation). And, I'm sure he'd be pissed I wasn't backing him.

I think, with my own little brain, that there are many different factions all with one common goal: BRINGING ABBY HOME. Some side with ZH, some with RH, some with both, some with none and everyone has their opinion of what may have happened to Abby. Someone posted up thread (either Looking or Mom24) that it doesn't really matter at this point if she was kidnapped, ran away willingly, got a ride from an acquaintance and is now being held against her will, etc. She is missing and all that matters is finding her and bringing her home. As a bottom line, yes, I agree. I do, however, think that answering the how and why of Abby's disappearance may make it easier to find her (along with diligent sharing of her image).

I have my own opinions about the parties involved and their actions all along and my own theory about what may have happened on October 9, 2013. Sure, it's based on the reported facts of her case, LE pressers, the FB pages, and RH's letters and a bit of my own juju. Whether it is accurate or not remains to be seen.
Fact is, we have two people who disagree about what happened. Fact is, even we disagree about what happened to AH that day. I think I've got split personality sometimes because I disagree with myself about what happened to AH! One minute I'm convinced she was abducted, the next I'm convinced she ran away. What's especially frustrating is that no one saw anything. Just unbelievable that no one saw anything that day. Her phone was disabled quickly, could have been done by a person who abducted her or she may have known enough to do that so no one could track her. She wrote a letter, the letter may have said "I'm fine and I left because..." and that may have been her true feelings or she may have been coerced to write those words. At this juncture we just wait and see.


This is so true! Everyone is making a good argument for what they believe. Lately, I find myself trying to be open and, in turn, agreeing with posts that make sense as I read them but then, when I read a contrary opinion, I can agree with it as well. I think this makes me fickle!
All of this is JMO, put as succinctly as I can: 'The letter' has been confirmed by professionals and Z to have been written by her, and it has been subjected to handwriting analysis, so I am going to assume it is authentic. There has been no explicit statement that Abigail has been abducted, and it would be a fair guess that if her letter said as much that we would hear about it -- but who knows? In my opinion, even if she left voluntarily, she is too young (forgive me Abigail, but this is the law) to consent to such an arrangement. Z has been steadfast and the sort of ferociously loving mother that anyone would want.

And so, alas, I think we're all just waiting for (forgive the expression) another shoe to drop. I don't pray so I can only hope that we hear something good soon.
All of this is JMO, put as succinctly as I can: 'The letter' has been confirmed by professionals and Z to have been written by her, and it has been subjected to handwriting analysis, so I am going to assume it is authentic. There has been no explicit statement that Abigail has been abducted, and it would be a fair guess that if her letter said as much that we would hear about it -- but who knows? In my opinion, even if she left voluntarily, she is too young (forgive me Abigail, but this is the law) to consent to such an arrangement. Z has been steadfast and the sort of ferociously loving mother that anyone would want.

And so, alas, I think we're all just waiting for (forgive the expression) another shoe to drop. I don't pray so I can only hope that we hear something good soon.

Again please show me where Law Enforcement said anything about Handwriting Analysis. LE, now, not some reporter because they didn't say it here.
Or here.

Do you have a better source where LE mentioned Handwriting? I am sure they also did a pollen analysis - what did that show? ridiculous.
The fact is that we have no data on exactly what analysis was done other than some reporter speculating.

Montjoy I ABSOLUTELY Agree with everything else you said but I have seen this thread get lost on an assumption and run with it. I understand we use MSM as well as LE but in this instance I think LE trumps MSM

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - NH NH - Abigail Hernandez, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - #11
All of this is JMO, put as succinctly as I can: 'The letter' has been confirmed by professionals and Z to have been written by her, and it has been subjected to handwriting analysis, so I am going to assume it is authentic. There has been no explicit statement that Abigail has been abducted, and it would be a fair guess that if her letter said as much that we would hear about it -- but who knows? In my opinion, even if she left voluntarily, she is too young (forgive me Abigail, but this is the law) to consent to such an arrangement. Z has been steadfast and the sort of ferociously loving mother that anyone would want.

There has been a pretty long obsession by many (not just here, using the generic "many") on wishing to know the contents of the letter. As someone very close to the case, I am comfortable not knowing the contents of the letter. I think the letter serves one and only one purpose:

It proves to me that as of the date of that letter, Abby Hernandez is alive and that gives me hope to continue searching for her. Anything past that is complete speculation and always will be.

None of us could read a letter from a daughter written to her mom and have any clue on whether it was the daughter being coerced to write it, whether it was genuine or what it actually meant. We like to think we could but we can't because we are neither the daughter or the mother. We would just be applying our own relationship experience and judgements about it, which are always unique. That's why I am comfortable without ever knowing the contents of the letter- I re-focus on the fact that when it was written, Abby is alive and that continues to give me hope.

Past that is just more noise.

CONWAY &#8212; [SNIPPED--because I don't think you can quote the whole article]

&#8220;We are still very concerned for her safety and well-being,&#8221; FBI Agent Kieran Ramsey said.

Zenya Hernandez does not believe her daughter has run away. She and Abigail had plans for the days after she disappeared and had plans for the weekend after.

&#8220;There were so many things that happened that don&#8217;t make sense, like she bought two songs on iTunes the day before she disappeared and she never downloaded them,&#8221; Zenya Hernandez said Wednesday, On the Bring Abby Home Facebook page, friends posted the following message about the feelings of Zenya Hernandez and Abigail&#8217;s sister, Sarah: &#8220;Zenya and Sarah do not believe Abby ran away. The circumstances of Abby&#8217;s disappearance are not known, Abby&#8217;s whereabouts are not known. We continue to search for her daily,&#8221; the message said.

&#8220;We ask that anyone with any information to please contact Conway Police Department at 603-356-5715, or the FBI at 1-800-CALL-FBI,&#8221; friends wrote.

&#8220;This is a high-pressure situation for all involved, and any judgments, opinions or consents, are done under extreme stress &#8230; Zenya will continue to do whatever it takes to bring Abby home safely.&#8221;
There has been a pretty long obsession by many (not just here, using the generic "many") on wishing to know the contents of the letter. As someone very close to the case, I am comfortable not knowing the contents of the letter. I think the letter serves one and only one purpose:

It proves to me that as of the date of that letter, Abby Hernandez is alive
and that gives me hope to continue searching for her. Anything past that is complete speculation and always will be.

None of us could read a letter from a daughter written to her mom and have any clue on whether it was the daughter being coerced to write it, whether it was genuine or what it actually meant. We like to think we could but we can't because we are neither the daughter or the mother. We would just be applying our own relationship experience and judgements about it, which are always unique. That's why I am comfortable without ever knowing the contents of the letter- I re-focus on the fact that when it was written, Abby is alive and that continues to give me hope.

Past that is just more noise.

BBM (shifted the bolding, really)

Thank you, Paul, for stating this. IMO, with RH and PK speaking about the letter as if it is from Abby, I am more inclined to believe that it really is from her. It's amazing how corroboration changes perception.

There is still the "noise" to contend with, the ever-questioning of intentions and motivations and facts and rumors. And we sure add to the din! But, in the end, it always comes down to hope.

I know for me, I hope beyond hope that Abby is out there still and that she knows how many people care about her wellbeing.

Find your way home, Abby.
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