GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - #14

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Cadaver dogs can and do track in water, usually in a boat. They can smell skin particles and gases that come to the surface.

This was not a cadaver dog...agree, it was a less "bio-hazardy" object.

True, in a boat, that is air scent tracking. IIRC F& G did use one on pudding pond in a boat and while the searcher was looking below the surface with a pipe, dog was searching for scent. This dog was in the water and located an object - that is specialized.
I will find the link but after all this time, LOL My file got fat, so,,,
The picture of Abby and her mom and their friend at the newspaper office was good to see. All the images I've seen of her mother showed the worry she carried......nice to see one of her smiling!
I also have had vivid dreams all my life - sometimes good dreams, sometimes not. I had a scary one about this case this week. I was in a lovely park with my family, but everyone was separated. I knew K. was in the park - sometimes he was a man and sometimes an animal. I spent the dream trying to locate my family members and also tracking the predator. It was an awful dream with specific detail. My dreams often repeat themselves, and I'm really hoping this was a one-time only nightmare.

This case is haunting and I want to see a good ending to it...and I think that's where we're headed.

It already has a good ending, because if he was the one who kidnapped her & kept her confined (which was undoubtably evil), he didn't kill her. And if she is strong enough to face him in a courtroom, she is strong enough to overcome what happened to her. He will go to prison & be punished, & she is alive & back with her family.
before I say anything else I will have to do some research on WS here - IIRC there is a forum for SAR and Trail dogs ( If Bessie can help me out :loveyou:) But it seems to me that cadaver dogs (HRD) do not track in water? At any rate the handler did not pick up a cadaver and put it in a grey plastic evidence bag. It was an object. I am thinking phone, gun, purse, necklace,,,
Here's the link. The thread is in the WS Resource Center.

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That's why we don't live there anymore. I wish I could remember who said, 'One person's weird is another person's Saturday night'.

Lol, sounds like in Reno the police have their hands full of people committing crimes, not just acting "weird." But I agree, I love having a Gladys Kravitz attitude in my neighbors, especially whenever we leave town; people should proactively look out for their neighbors and any suspicious activity that might harm them.
Think through this. Game wardens are "deputized", "initiated" or "commissioned". They wouldn't let a non-duputized person put on their uniform. Would a police officer let another officer from another jurisdiction wear his "uniform" or badge? No.

In Maine and NH both states require police officer certification to become a conservation officer to work for Fish and Game... they ARE law enforcement officers. NH Fish and Game are assisting this investigation with their resources. NH state police uses German Shepherd Dogs. Those are trained in officer protection, bite work/criminal apprehension, tracking/search and rescue and evidence recovery. They also have a cadaver dog who is a GSD as well.
Did LE return to the property today? Anyone know?
What are they looking for? Do they think there were other victims?
There's a special on tonight on the Hannah Anderson case, it follows dateline on NBC 10pm est.

Kibby was ordered to hand over his vast arsenal of guns after he was arrested at the start of March and charged with simple assault, criminal trespass and loitering or prowling.

Incredibly the loner, who has been described as a 'gun nut' by neighbors, actually called police and invited them to his home in Gorham, New Hampshire to seize his weapons so he would not be in breach of his bail conditions.


Official records show two officers went round to his property at 9.04pm on March 2013, stayed for fifteen minutes and then left with his guns.

Their visit raises serious questions as it is believed Abby Hernandez, now 15, was held on his tiny property for the entire nine months since her October disappearance.

This has been backed up by the fact investigators have focused all their search efforts on Kibby's trailer, a storage container in his backyard and a small stretch of river that runs at the back of his property. At this stage it is believed this is the only place he could have kept Abigail.

Yesterday the Attorney General's office refused to comment on the incident, but if Abigail was being held just yards away, while officers were inside Kibby's trailer, their visit will come under serious scrutiny.

I am NOT saying or even suggesting that this happened to Abby.

I am simply saying: We have no clue how little or how much Abby's restrictions were while with NEK. We have no clue how or when or how often she was physically or geographically restrained.

We have no clue IF or how often she was able to know about news, what was happening in the outside world, etc. We do have one indication in the recent statement that she sometimes was able to see the count missing days in the local news.] and she indicated it lifted her spirits a great deal.
Good article find, white rabbit! That really is in opposition to what has been told to other media outlets--that NK went to the police station and turned those weapons in.
I'm assuming the march "2013" is wrong? She wasn't missing until October 2013. Must mean March 2014.
I beginning to wonder if the letter was even postmarked. Maybe he dropped it off at her house? That would serve 2 purposes - one the letter would not be traceable via a postmark and two, it would manipulate Abby into giving him her home address which he could use as leverage against her.

and... Three: inflict more fear into the family as they would know he had been AT.THEIR.HOME.!

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