GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - #14

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:wagon: to our new members.

Thanks white rabbit for that link. So great to see that photo. Triumphant.
I'm always grateful when criminals like Kibby give themselves away. Their core self-image is bad to the bone and they're hell-bent on self-destruction. His fender-bender/trespassing/assault incident is a prime example. Subconsciously, he brought about the end of his hostage crisis and sped up his eventual exposure, especially by releasing her.

I would love to understand the relationship (if any) he had with his mom.
I'm always grateful when criminals like Kibby give themselves away. Their core self-image is bad to the bone and they're hell-bent on self-destruction. His fender-bender/trespassing/assault incident is a prime example. Subconsciously, he brought about the end of his hostage crisis and sped up his eventual exposure, especially by releasing her.

I would love to understand the relationship (if any) he had with his mom.

GOOD POINT !!!! honestly and not the sleuth the family here but I am personally only aware of a Dad and brother.....
GOOD POINT !!!! honestly and not the sleuth the family here but I am personally only aware of a Dad and brother.....

Some think the love we seek in a partner is the love we did or didn't receive from our moms (attachment theory). It would make sense if Kibby felt abandoned by his mom that he would feel the need to safeguard against being abandoned by a female love interest by making sure she never left him (holding her captive). But he set himself up for betrayal by releasing her. (I'm theorizing that Abby brilliantly convinced him that she loved him back, wouldn't tell, and would return to him after his jail time ended for the March crimes.)
I think we will hear more about Kibby's problems and relationships with family and others at trial. I also predict lots of issues between he and his court appointed attorney. I have a feeling he will want to run the show and will not be a cooperative or easy client for the attorney to work with or defend. I see them being at odds a great deal on how best to defend this case. If the attorney gets his way much info about Kibby's childhood and upbringing and possible issues will be revealed at trial. If Kibby has his way then much of it will not be raised by defense. JMO
Yes! That sounds consistent with the picture of NK that is emerging.

Removing suspicion, Yes I think. If he had not volunteered the pick up he may have risked a search. It's a conundrum - they tell you to turn in your weapons but at the same time transporting them to PD is a felony because you are under restriction. So IMO he did the best thing - invite them over to pick them up, avoid the grey areas and avoid any subsequent search warrants. If he had not complied in some respect there would have been a warrant issued. If you invite them over to pick them up, bring them out and keep them lawfully ; ie; trigger locks/ cases. They have no right, then, to go 'poking around' unless they ask permission. So 15 minutes, badda bing. Do you have any other firearms "no" Is this all your ammunition "yes" do you mind if we look around " yes, I do. I am being proactive here so as not to violate the terms of my probation, I hope you respect that." OK Mr. Kibby thank you for your cooperation " No Problem Officer Friendly" Have a nice day.
Badda boom.
My :cow:
Did LE return to the property today? Anyone know?

They haven't left yet. There are pics from yesterday taken by Joel Page who is a freelance photo journalist who has been contracting work with the Daily Mail (I cringe at that lol) but their pics are legit... NH State Police brought in their K9 unit yesterday afternoon. Those K9 teams are typical police dog, tracking, etc.... They do have a cadaver dog but I CAN NOT confirm that the state police K9 unit had that particular dog on the scene. I am providing the link not because I want to lol but because the pics are here.... Joel Page is the photographer
They haven't left yet. There are pics from yesterday taken by Joel Page who is a freelance photo journalist who has been contracting work with the Daily Mail (I cringe at that lol) but their pics are legit... NH State Police brought in their K9 unit yesterday afternoon. Those K9 teams are typical police dog, tracking, etc.... They do have a cadaver dog but I CAN NOT confirm that the state police K9 unit had that particular dog on the scene. I am providing the link not because I want to lol but because the pics are here.... Joel Page is the photographer

Excellent link!
Thank you sooooo much!!!
They haven't left yet. There are pics from yesterday taken by Joel Page who is a freelance photo journalist who has been contracting work with the Daily Mail (I cringe at that lol) but their pics are legit... NH State Police brought in their K9 unit yesterday afternoon. Those K9 teams are typical police dog, tracking, etc.... They do have a cadaver dog but I CAN NOT confirm that the state police K9 unit had that particular dog on the scene. I am providing the link not because I want to lol but because the pics are here.... Joel Page is the photographer

Wait a minute...look what's buried midway through the article:

"One resident, who refused to be named, said a female relative of his visited Gorham Police this week to make a formal complaint against Kibby after he apparently kept her held in his trailer against her will for more than an hour."

The young woman in her 20s, the article states, was afraid to report the incident when it happened in February.
They haven't left yet. There are pics from yesterday taken by Joel Page who is a freelance photo journalist who has been contracting work with the Daily Mail (I cringe at that lol) but their pics are legit... NH State Police brought in their K9 unit yesterday afternoon. Those K9 teams are typical police dog, tracking, etc.... They do have a cadaver dog but I CAN NOT confirm that the state police K9 unit had that particular dog on the scene. I am providing the link not because I want to lol but because the pics are here.... Joel Page is the photographer



That's like a talented actress taking orders in a sandwich shop maybe?

Their pics ARE SO the best.
Oh, and Take,,, we here truly appreciated everything you contribute. I it always valuable, always reasonable and always informed. This case has been such a :rollercoaster: but your knowledge adds a certain balance.

nice catch inthedetails. Interesting. Hope more details emerge on this allegation.
The incident apparently happened back in February, but the woman, in her early twenties was too scared to report it. The relative told MailOnline: 'Apparently he had her in there for about an hour and wouldn't let her leave.

'I wish she'd told us at the time, because maybe we could have done something about it. We felt it was important to tell the police now so they have every possible piece of information.'

Again the Attorney-General's office refused to comment on the complaint.

Glen Alden, who lives in the trailer opposite Kibby, remembers March's police visit. He describes the 34-year-old suspect as, 'off-kilter', but finds it hard to believe he had Abigail held captive in his trailer or the container for nine months.

He said: 'He was a strange guy, but I just don't see how it's possible. Someone would have seen or heard something. There was a girl in her 20's who used to visit him on weekends and the police were in there.'

Read more:

Possibly the same 20ish female being decribed by each neighbor above? Will be interesting to see what info this adds to the investigation.
Well, where was Abby while that female in her 20's was there???
Well, where was Abby while that female in her 20's was there???

IMO my best guess is that Abby was most likely confined in some way and either was not aware of her presence or was not able to help her... It doesn't appear that this woman knew that Abby was there either.... if Abby was indeed held there, although personally I do suspect she was held on that property.
Just read the article in the local paper of Abby holding the newspaper announcing she was home. Sadly, I also read the "comments" under the there are some people who just cannot be happy. There were some calming voices, but mixed in were undercurrents of just plain vile people.
It really bothers me that people are trying to accuse her of something or just flat out gossip about her. SHE IS A CHILD!!!! I don't understand the rationale of some of these "so-called" adults. I bet if it were THEIR 14 year old daughter they wouldn't want to have those things said.
The incident apparently happened back in February, but the woman, in her early twenties was too scared to report it. The relative told MailOnline: 'Apparently he had her in there for about an hour and wouldn't let her leave.

'I wish she'd told us at the time, because maybe we could have done something about it. We felt it was important to tell the police now so they have every possible piece of information.'

Again the Attorney-General's office refused to comment on the complaint.

Glen Alden, who lives in the trailer opposite Kibby, remembers March's police visit. He describes the 34-year-old suspect as, 'off-kilter', but finds it hard to believe he had Abigail held captive in his trailer or the container for nine months.

He said: 'He was a strange guy, but I just don't see how it's possible. Someone would have seen or heard something. There was a girl in her 20's who used to visit him on weekends and the police were in there.'

Read more:

Possibly the same 20ish female being decribed by each neighbor above? Will be interesting to see what info this adds to the investigation.

If her claim is found to be absolutely credible I would think that if it can hold up in court that they will charge him with that at some point.... I do believe that has now been reported to police and the AG is aware as she would not comment on it... If only this girl had the strength to report it when it happened. :(
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