GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - #14

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I've been busy and away from WS's for months. I am just lurking, but I have to get something off my chest. First, I was so elated to see that Abigail made it home. Second, I came to read the updates, because I felt like I needed to be in a safe discussion place. The comments people are making in the news are horrid and on top of it all, she is a child. I thought we had come further than this type of victim blaming behavior. I am so saddened to see how people are acting.
If my research is correct, Kibby's grandmother shot his grandfather and then herself in a murder/suicide. The gun angle is interesting, as is the possibility that mental illness is in his family history.

Also, the grandfather, Elgin, owned what is now an abandoned ski area -- Kibby slopes. The link has pictures and a description of the ski area.

Indeed, I have found what you have found about the grandparents. Mental illness in the family seems a distinct possibility.
can I ask a (possibly stupid) question bc I haven't followed that many cases, certainly not one like this.

wouldn't hospitalization be SOP for an abductee of 9 months? especially given the possibility she was held under horrific conditions in an unheated dumpster all winter? and possibly a rape kit for a minor, kidnapped by an older male?

maybe she was and we simply aren't privy...just curious. thanks in advance.

Elizabeth Smart wasn't hospitalized. She slept at home the night she was rescued. IIRC, Jaycee Dugard wasn't hospitalized either.

I've not seen a reply to my post yet .... does anyone know if that was Abby in the video, and who the man was, that ran to hug her?

I responded yesterday:

That is a teenaged boy. A good friend of Abby's. His reaction is priceless.

(Snipped for space).
The questions to the neighbors about seeing Kibby digging, having possibly seeing him carrying buckets of dirt? (I may have just visulized that part), makes me think that under that container could be another room. It also leads me to remains being buried on the property. Whatever was pulled from the water and carried away leads me down a more horrible trail I'd rather not speculate on right now.
a lovely photo commemorating something we do not get to celebrate nearly often enough. A homecoming for one of the missing! Thanks Margarita :)
It really bothers me that people are trying to accuse her of something or just flat out gossip about her. SHE IS A CHILD!!!! I don't understand the rationale of some of these "so-called" adults. I bet if it were THEIR 14 year old daughter they wouldn't want to have those things said.

I have been shocked about what's been said on the article comments since we first were celebrating AH's being home. I feel like the people are/were out for blood and they didn't get it. Now they're mad and they can say whatever they want on the interwebz.

When AH first went missing I was amazed, absolutely thrilled by the community involvement and their efforts to bring her home. There isn't a lot one can do, but supporting the family and remaining positive and doing whatever you can is great. They really went all out. AH's face was everywhere and people were making sure her story was heard.

The tune changed really fast when AH was home, for that first week all the condemnation and the rumors were insane! Even the former BF's dad going to the Daily Mail??!! When ZH came out and spoke to the media her comments where torn apart and condemned. Then a day later, an arrest. The sick freak who abducted a minor and held her captive for months was arrested! I expected to see her community once again circle the wagons around her. Instead, there were comments about her hair? HONESTLY?!?

I've held my fingers in check and I haven't posted a lot because AH is home. She is home with her mother and her sister and her furbabies. She is SAFE. She is ALIVE. I have many questions about the people who can go out and randomly post behind a computer and say awful things about a 15 year old girl after she is home safe, has bravely faced her abductor in court and is trying to heal.

Do these people not understand that between now and the sick *advertiser censored*'s court date there is a S**T ton of police work going on and that more charges will be brought? Do they not get it that a child has had to deal with talking to the police about things that an adult would be uncomfortable with? Does a single one of them give a thought to the fact that the internet is forever and the victim of these crimes could be reading every vile word they type??? Maybe they don't care. I hope these are not the same people that were so adamant about bringing AH home, but there are a lot of names that are the same, and now since they don't have it all wrapped up in a bow and know all the horrible details they are mad.

At least it appears that AH is smart enough to look beyond all that hate and ridiculous entitlement and knows that only an idiot would want the details of a case involving a minor being kidnapped and away from their family for over 9 months to be their personal gossip column.

They haven't left yet. There are pics from yesterday taken by Joel Page who is a freelance photo journalist who has been contracting work with the Daily Mail (I cringe at that lol) but their pics are legit... NH State Police brought in their K9 unit yesterday afternoon. Those K9 teams are typical police dog, tracking, etc.... They do have a cadaver dog but I CAN NOT confirm that the state police K9 unit had that particular dog on the scene. I am providing the link not because I want to lol but because the pics are here.... Joel Page is the photographer

Glad to see that they are ensuring that they have everything they need to perhaps minimize either the chance of her having to testify (plea deal)

Can you confirm that handsome F&G guy was there?
I have been shocked about what's been said on the article comments since we first were celebrating AH's being home. I feel like the people are/were out for blood and they didn't get it. Now they're mad and they can say whatever they want on the interwebz.

When AH first went missing I was amazed, absolutely thrilled by the community involvement and their efforts to bring her home. There isn't a lot one can do, but supporting the family and remaining positive and doing whatever you can is great. They really went all out. AH's face was everywhere and people were making sure her story was heard.

The tune changed really fast when AH was home, for that first week all the condemnation and the rumors were insane! Even the former BF's dad going to the Daily Mail??!! When ZH came out and spoke to the media her comments where torn apart and condemned. Then a day later, an arrest. The sick freak who abducted a minor and held her captive for months was arrested! I expected to see her community once again circle the wagons around her. Instead, there were comments about her hair? HONESTLY?!?

I've held my fingers in check and I haven't posted a lot because AH is home. She is home with her mother and her sister and her furbabies. She is SAFE. She is ALIVE. I have many questions about the people who can go out and randomly post behind a computer and say awful things about a 15 year old girl after she is home safe, has bravely faced her abductor in court and is trying to heal.

Do these people not understand that between now and the sick *advertiser censored*'s court date there is a S**T ton of police work going on and that more charges will be brought? Do they not get it that a child has had to deal with talking to the police about things that an adult would be uncomfortable with? Does a single one of them give a thought to the fact that the internet is forever and the victim of these crimes could be reading every vile word they type??? Maybe they don't care. I hope these are not the same people that were so adamant about bringing AH home, but there are a lot of names that are the same, and now since they don't have it all wrapped up in a bow and know all the horrible details they are mad.

At least it appears that AH is smart enough to look beyond all that hate and ridiculous entitlement and knows that only an idiot would want the details of a case involving a minor being kidnapped and away from their family for over 9 months to be their personal gossip column.


Ergo her CSI shirt which we all luuvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvved! (Can't stand idiots)
Thrilled Abby has the strength and desire to walk in, thank and speak to those at the Conway Daily Sun. She IS empowering herself and that is the only thing that will truly heal her. What a wonderful thing for the reporter and team to have this child walk in and say TY! Wowed by it on all sided. GO Abby!!!
The fact that she is home is the happy ending we all wanted. I don't know the ins and outs of the legal world, but if her keeping quiet about things while the investigation goes on, helps to bring a conviction.....then it's worth it to wait.
I think we all wanted 1. her safe return and 2. the conviction of whoever did this. Number one has been we just let number 2 happen. To paraphrase an old saying, the mills of justice grind slowly, but they grind very small.
Because they will chew her up and spit her out. They could give a crap about her. They just want to sell paper or magazines or get hits on their website. may appear that way, but this girl will not allow herself to be chewed up and spit out. She makes a choice, follows through, brushes off the crap. Empowerment, a true survivor! may appear that way, but this girl will not allow herself to be chewed up and spit out. She makes a choice, follows through, brushes off the crap. Empowerment, a true survivor!

You have no idea how this will affect her.
None of us do. MOO
Because they will chew her up and spit her out. They could give a crap about her. They just want to sell paper or magazines or get hits on their website.

I disagree. Elizabeth Smart has used the media quite effectively to help raise awareness. The media depend on the public as well; the public will not tolerate her being 'chewed up and spit out'. Who knows -- the media presence, all of the public's assistance with keeping Abby's story alive and her face publicized, might have helped with her release?
I disagree. Elizabeth Smart has used the media quite effectively to help raise awareness. The media depend on the public as well; the public will not tolerate her being 'chewed up and spit out'. Who knows -- the media presence, all of the public's assistance with keeping Abby's story alive and her face publicized, might have helped with her release?

I never saw ES posing in a photo similar to the one posted of AH on the previous page\
You have no idea how this will affect her.
No, I don't...nor do you. If she knows in her heart it is what she needs to do and does it...well I'm going to say it is the right thing. Because the right thing to do only matters in Abby's heart and that is the key to being a survivor. Nobody should stop her from doing something she feels she needs to do, certainly not going to thank the people who kept her photo in their paper daily and that when she was allowed to see it, gave her hope knowing her community was looking for her...and likely the wherewithall to keep pushing forward to getting herself released.

Look at Elizabeth and Jaycee...they are empowered and are empowering many. They didn't hold back and nor should Abby or any survivor for fear of the morons out there! NOBODY!

MOO. (With a BAWK BAWk here and a QUACK QUACK there, here a NEIGH there a NEIGH..... Yes, I've lost my mind, but believe wholeheartedly in my opinion above)
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