GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - # 2

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And the route we 'thought' she took home... well... she didn't make it home, so therefore eliminate that route! Eliminate the phone call!

Just crazy. There's gotta be cameras at the shopping center... gotta be!!! So if she was seen at point A, and not at point B...then it would give an area of where she disappeared.

I cannot believe they waited a full week to tell us she didn't go home! UGH!!!

If LE wants people to have faith in them, they best start telling the truth! If a suspicious activity occurred, but people believed it couldn't have been about Abigail because she was at home during that time... well,... see how it could change things? And the people that were there for the fall foliage... bet they are gone now! So if they saw something, and figured "nah, couldn't be then"... well too late for that tip!

And if this had been a family member or friend changing the story, our 'hinky meters' would be exploding!!! Either give correct information, or if you found the information has changed since your first theory, at least let people know that. Hey we thought the dogs were following her path home, however she walked home the day before so the dogs could have picked up that trail, etc. People are hanging on to each word because they've released so little to us. And sadly, they might not have much more to release. I pray I'm wrong. Would LOVE to have crow stew for supper tonight.

Jmo... which amounts to nothing... sigh

I don't think it's necessarily safe to assume we should rule out the route simply because she didn't make it home. She still could have headed home along her normal route or for that matter, along any number of routes that are off the beaten path that could still get her home and that may be a "normal" route for her.

Per the release that she never made it home, it may not be a case of LE lying to the public or keeping that info from the public. I understand the frustration with that based on past cases but assuming that and/or getting frustrated about it doesn't help find Abigail, it can be pursued later, if need be, if it is determined to be a significant "dropped ball" point of contention.

Some assumptions we are all prone to make based on past cases can lead us astray in a current case. Also, it's important to remember that exclusion of one scenario doesn't mean automatic inclusion of another; correlation does not equal causation.

Btw- I really enjoy your posts, thank you for them. :)
I dont know but i am leaning to this theory right now

1. The abductor/s might be after the "father"
2. The abductor/s cant find the father and took AH instead ,called Zenya that they have her and not to say a lot in public
3. The abductor/s want the father in exchange of AH
4. The abductor/s hasnt contact Le or zenya yet.

Why do i feel this is the case?
1. The secrecy of the father's information and media said the father is working with LE, so he is found and most likely not responsible.
2. Zenya called LE minutes after she got home, after verifying her daughter is not there
3. LE 's mum on many information and condition of the house when Zenya arrived
4. LE's looking for a dead body or a live one, you cant even tell
5. Missing AH page told their family and friends that if they have info , needed to send it to FBI and not on the wall
6. You can feel that there is so much "hope" on this eventhough it's been 7 days already that she's missing
7. RSO are cleared per media (not sure of this )
8. Older sister went on the press ...It is like asking maybe the abductors that they can call her instead?

i hope i am wrong and i hope she just left the house and scared to go back..

All post above are just my opinions only.

Very interesting scenario...

Due to extreme suppression of AH's dad...

could he be LE?....

Or could he be in prison?

I've woke up today and the first thing on my mind is Abby, and I have lost all hope she ran away on her own accord, even though that hope was small I still hoped. I do not think a 15 year old girl would switch off her phone, and not turn it back on again to check something, not an Iphone 5, I have one, not using it is like missing a limb. Not even if she was knowledgeable enough to turn off the location services and GPS, I don't think she would be aware that turning the phone on would ping, in 7 days she would have turned it on, even for just a minute to check, I'm sure of it.

You're right Skib ! If she had left on her own , even intent on running away , I doubt she could resist social media and texting someone somewhere something. Today's kids are ' hard wired' to the internet. They will not neglect the web if they have their own choice. :(
I know which photo you are referring to. If you take the yellow line and continue it past the powerlines to Eastman, where it comes out on Eastman, is where the photo was taken. I will add it back to the map.

Hollye, can you post those 2photos, I am too dumb to do that, or even find them now.
You see, that's the sticky wicket for me, IF she was going home - shortest traveled , easiest way. Would be cutting thru settlers green.

Do not think she would walk past settlers green to get home, no sidewalk available on no/so rd. after settlers green, and do not think she ever WALkED up to Cranmore ever-ever.
Driven up there ....yes. Wouldn't a kid take the shortest way , shortcuts when walking that long distance to get home from school ? Am just guessing, wondering.

I agree. Plus not only are there no sidewalks after Settler's Green, but it's so isolated beyond that point, too.
I do believe that FBI is spot on with their search area and that the answer lie within it with one of the numbered locations on my map. I believe, as many of you do, that someone, who lives in that area, picked her up in a vehicle, somewhere near Settler's Green and drove north with her to where her phone last pinged. JMOO
Liltexans given that holly wasnt found how did the taunt happen in that case and could it be similar in this? Just thinking around the mobile issue as it seems highlighted by LE maybe......

Holly was kidnapped from her own home (just outside the house). Some of her personal belongings were found tossed (possibly from a car) about 8 miles away and we were never told if LE found her cell phone. However, it was rumored that the SIM card from her phone was discarded along the side of the road and was later found by searchers. It was also rumored that someone either called or texted Holly's mom from Holly's phone about a week after Holly was kidnapped, but that information is not confirmed.
Just catching up on this case.....If I'm right, the Secret Service was included in the initial group of people searching/involved. Reading about the scenario of her father actually being the target brought that fact back to memory.
You're right Skib ! If she had left on her own , even intent on running away , I doubt she could resist social media and texting someone somewhere something. Today's kids are ' hard wired' to the internet. They will not neglect the web if they have their own choice. :(

I completely agree. These kids don't willingly drop off social media and discard their phones. Recent cases support this belief, too. Sierra LaMar and Chyenne Kircher are just 2 examples where this occurred and neither case had a happy ending, sadly.
Why is it these fancy new phones are of so little use in these cases...very frustrating. Everyone makes sure their kids carry them for safety...:(

Yes... I wish these phones were smart like Lassie...

then they could run to get help... Alert the parents/LE...

and lead them to the missing person!

:beagle: :wolf: :please:
This bing map in bird's eye view is the clearest map of the area IMO.

As a former local I am very familiar with this area. Skimobile RD is way to far to walk to meet up with BF IMO. If she were going to do that she would have ridden the bus with him, but kids are not allowed to ride a bus (other than their own) without a permission IMO she wasn't planning on going to his house.

Hurricane Mt. Road is a cut through to other areas, a backroad out of town. You could reach Maine from this road at this time of year.

Investigators still searching for leads in missing NH teen case
October 11, 2013, 10:18 pm

David Grout, who says he works at the school, tells NECN he spotted Abigail leave the school Wednesday.

"It was 2:30, she was turning the corner, coming out of Eagles Way and then she just disappeared," said Grout.

In the video he mentions he saw her two days in a row walking down Eagles on Tuesday, October 8th he saw her take that same pathway after school.

I remember driving along Eastman road and seeing multiple runners coming out of the path from the HS, right near Walmart. The pathway curves around the retention pond, behind Walmart and back out onto N/S rd, south of the rotary. Just where she was reported being seen. Anyone who works at the school or lives in town for that matter is pretty familiar with these paths and their entry/exit points, as I believe another poster has pointed out.

Wonder exactly what Mr. Grout meant when he said "turning the corner out of Eagles Way"....where exactly? Up at the school or off Eastman Rd? And FWIW - that road is very long. 1 mile IIRC (there was a big stink about having to pave it and the costliness of that). It is waaayyyy back there and very isolated. A strange place to put a school IMO.

Abby never got home. So my mind says she disappeared somewhere between school and her house.......:twocents:

This community is really several small towns clustered together with multiple ways into and out of town if you know the back roads. IF Abigail was abducted somewhere near Walmart, that doesn't mean she is being held anywhere near there. It was five hours between her last reported sighting and being reported missing by her mother. She could be almost anywhere around there. IMO they are scouring the area around Walmart trying to find a direction to go.
I am thinking about what Wednesday 80 said, normal route. Normal is zinging thru my, normal route, just do not have a clue. I admire and respect the local NH guys, but is it ok if I am a tad perturbed with the FBI? -g
Bear with me...I have been working on a map to try to calculate where Abby might have been walking at the time of her last text at 2:53 pm. This is assuming she walked at Google's pace, didn't stop, and used North/South Road. I know she was a runner but she was probably carrying her backpack, had on boots, and was texting while walking. I won't go into all the details but I broke it down by feet per minute and then back to percentage of a mile. Here is what I came up with: That would have put her at Mountain Valley Blvd. which was 1.2 miles into her walk marked A on the map.

B would be approximately where she might have been at 3:07pm. But the cell activity showed her west of Cranmore at that time. So, somewhere between Mountain Valley point A and point B she could have gotten in a vehicle. Locals help me out...would it take about 6-7 minutes to drive a point between A and B to west of the Cranmore Resort? If so then that would mean she might have been halfway between those 2 points since that would put the time around 3pm. 7 minutes before the last activity at 3:07. I see a little road of some sort that leads to North South Road about halfway on the blue route behind the outlet stores.

Hope this makes some sense. I know there are lots of variables but I wanted to try to figure this out!
Wow, Plumeria!

This is so thorough and such a mental challenge for me! :what:

You remind me of that dude on the NUMB3RS show on T.V.!

I wonder if the involvement on the Federal level had to do with the gov't shutdown? Putting FBI/SS in to keep them working?
So true, lucky one. I would think if you worked at the school you would still be in the school around that time. What would he be doing on eagles way rd, then again..maybe he counted kids getting on the bus and was outside ? Who's to know ?
I wonder if the involvement on the Federal level had to do with the gov't shutdown? Putting FBI/SS in to keep them working?

I think it's much simpler than that. When you hear hoofbeats, think horses not zebras. I think FBI and SS were involved, as well as the whole story that she made it home before being reported missing were because they assumed the mother had something to do with Abigail's disappearance. The first thought is to look close to home when a situation like this occurs, and given how cold and offhand they were with Mom at the first two press conferences, the fact that they didn't let her talk to reporters or make a statement or plea for her daughter to return and the fact that she had been kept at the pd for hours (most likely being questioned) leads me to believe they were putting pressure on Mom. When they finally were able to prove to themselves that Mom was in no way connected to the disappearance, then they let us all know that Abigail had never made it home. I also think they've pinged her phone to a 150ft location, but they can't hone in on it, that's why they were checking those businesses they checked with. I'd like to know what businesses those were because that would tell us where she likely was taken from. Just another quick thought, is the Dunkin Donuts one of the doors LE went knocking on?
Now I remember with Siera her mobile was thrown in a field and have been thinking about other cases but none spring to mind......... have there been any cases where a perp has used a mobile to taunt LE? Or set them off on the wrong path?

Shoot me down if it's a 'way out' theory but if someone was say turning on Abigail#s iphone on there lunch break walking around and getting pleasure out of looking at texts and it was pinging then turning it off before walking back to work. This couldn't really be pin pointed could it? If it was on the move for a tiny part of the day.

If it was put on briefly and read and turned off again. So maybe thats why they mentioned the phone and the case. Though any perp i guess with any clue would have binned the cover maybe. Hmmmmmm.

an iPhone has GPS that's always on, even if you turn the GPS app (it's a separate thing) or phone off, if the battery is still in the phone and the phone is operational then they can track that phone by GPS.
So true, lucky one. I would think if you worked at the school you would still be in the school around that time. What would he be doing on eagles way rd, then again..maybe he counted kids getting on the bus and was outside ? Who's to know ?

The link I posted to SAU 9 says he is maintenance. I can't see him counting kids getting on the bus. He could have been outside working, but that is pretty good observation skills to notice her, in particular out of all those kids, two days in a row if he were out there doing a maintenance job. IMVHO of course.
Great map, lucky one, as another poster mentioned that red roof old ski lodge near the path outlet is no longer there. It was torn down maybe 2-3 years ago. There is a stockade fence around that retention pond. We travel past that on Eastman rd, but I have never walked there,
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