GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - # 2

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they are still looking for her phone and I am no closer to any way they can be looking for her phone if they have not found her. How can they know she is not with her phone?

I am back to arranged meeting gone wrong, and have come to this after considering mom's request to report if anyone had noticed changes in Abby's behavior (paraphrased) lately, coupled with the early reports that she had been in contact with an "older" boy/male/man.

But... lol... always a "but" until we know more... I am also curious about a (non-specific) group of probably female friends.

I do think that LE knows more than has been revealed and they are not truly at square one. These are trained professionals who are privvy to so much more than we are.

Regardless, gentle thoughts to those who know and love Abby... come home, beautiful girl...
What is striking to me is how open AH is. I mean she has a fb site and it's not private, that to me sends up warning signs. It leads me to believe this is a very trusting and naive person, someone who would be ripe for an online predator. Trouble is, these days men who have proclivity to commit crimes against young girls can connect and coordinate through fb or other online sites so they can coordinate abductions. One does the abduction, hands the little girl off and then goes home to his family and no one is the wiser. I agree that she must have been initially picked up by someone she knew. It only makes sense and a birthday gift/outing would have been a good ruse. Then she was taken north and the last ping was just west of cranmore mountain. Either at that point her phone was thrown out the window or taken apart so it wouldn't transmit. In order for that to happen, someone had to know her, know where she kept her phone. What's surprising to me is that a girl is gone, vanished and her friends still have their fb open to public viewing. You would think that after something like this every parent would be on high alert and every child would be "locking their door" so to speak. I do hope LE takes a moment to go to the school and have a long chat with these young children.
Why would they do a press conference at 4pm instead of at 6pm like they do every night? Wouldn't it be best to do it during the news hour?
It is dark at 6pm now, am sure that has to do with JaneY.....maybe because this is the last routine presser ?
STOP! If it has *******, the site is not allowed.

I'm sorry!! I was curious why it had the asterisks in Assist1's post but merrily went along responding to the post anyway. I promise I will get it :please: soon!
In reviewing the previous posts and facebook links etc, the twitter and "Ask FM" accounts mentioned previously are connected to AH. Her profile lists direct links to the confirmed FB page.
Reading some of the posts from "1 month ago" are concerning and would appear there might have been some taunting/following and attempts to scare AH.

Not sure if everyone/anyone has had a chance to review/read the feed?

I have and some of those posts concerned me. I wonder if the posts are the reason mom asked friends if they noticed if Abby was behaving any differently in the recent past. Glad they are rumor for now and hoping they remain just that!
they are still looking for her phone and I am no closer to any way they can be looking for her phone if they have not found her. How can they know she is not with her phone?

I am back to arranged meeting gone wrong, and have come to this after considering mom's request to report if anyone had noticed changes in Abby's behavior (paraphrased) lately, coupled with the early reports that she had been in contact with an "older" boy/male/man.

But... lol... always a "but" until we know more... I am also curious about a (non-specific) group of probably female friends.

I do think that LE knows more than has been revealed and they are not truly at square one. These are trained professionals who are privvy to so much more than we are.

Regardless, gentle thoughts to those who know and love Abby... come home, beautiful girl...

BBM "arranged meeting gone wrong" and I would add "secret" meeting.

I think you worded it perfectly. That would explain a lot of things such as:

1. not riding the bus
2. walking alone
Reward $20,000. Per news conference.

JY " so she can come home to her mother, her sister, and her doggies." =(

Tighter time line.
Until further info no more regular briefings.
$20k reward.

I hope someone comes forward.
Mom, Keep calling with information. We miss you. Please Call!

FBI award of up to $20,000 dollars. We ask the public to 1800 Call FBI. or tips
AG the search will continue, the manpower may be decreases, to give groups rest.
Taking questions.

Do you think this may be a kidnapping or abduction?

AG, we do not know.
"Fathers location not being made public because of respect of privacy"
Taking questions.

Do you think this may be a kidnapping or abduction?

AG, we do not know.

Well, if they don't think she was depressed/suicidal, and don't think she ran away.... that only leaves abduction! SHESH!! :banghead:
Limited information. The task will only be done until we find her. She is still a missing person.
"No other daily briefing until any significant developments"
I walked home from work (6.2 miles) today because it was a nice evening and the bus takes forever. I couldn't help thinking of Abigail along the way, especially as the route I took cut up through a bit of a foresty area. :(

Just curious...for this case and another one I'm following, how long did it take you to walk that far?
Continue to post pictures etc. No further daily briefing until there is some more information.
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