GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - # 2

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Hi, everyone. I've been reading this thread for the last few days and finally decided to join and post. My parents live near the area currently being searched in North Conway and I'm very familiar with the area, which is why I've been following Abigail's disappearance.

I know SurfieTX asked the question above of Danak, but I thought I'd try to help answer it. Mount Cranmore (where the cell tower is located) is very close to the center of the village of North Conway, next to a nice, rural residential area (so not a lot of run-down homes), but there are many stores, homes, condo developments and inns within a 5-mile radius. I didn't notice any abandoned barns or structures near Cranmore the last time I was there a few days ago. Some homes are vacation getaways or are kept as seasonal rentals, so they aren't always occupied.

I hope my answer was helpful :)

Welcome :party: ! Thanks for the info!

Thankyou for the link. I have just watched it and it made me go cold. Zenya saying " Abbey please stay strong, do not give up, keep fighting" makes me think more towards abduction. Kieran Ramsey FBI agent first sentence about the reward of 20,000 for the recovery of Abigail makes me think they know a lot more about what has happened to her and that Abigail is not a runaway.
I have not finished catching up from today, darn having to pay bills and all. But here are some things I've been thinking about today.

Abby’s walk home:
Why was she walking home alone? It does not appear that she was a loner and I think 14/15 year old girls like to be in groups anyway right? So it brings me back to, was something going on with schoolmates that made her want to walk home, maybe to clear her head? In this area I think Abby would definitely be a minority in her school system. So was she being subjected to taunting/bullying/racism at school? I wonder if she gave her BF a reason for walking home instead of taking the bus?

LE’s fast response:
I think LE and especially the FBI responded so quickly due to the area. As has already been discussed there would have been a lot of out of towners in the area at the time. IMO a 14/15 year old with a small town upbringing would not think twice about approaching a stranger’s car if they stopped to ask for directions. Someone could have grabbed her and been on their way out of town within minutes. By the time she was reported missing she and perp could have easily been in MA if not further.

BF’s dad:
I don’t see anything wrong with BF’s dad’s comments and here’s why. When a child/young adult is missing a relationship with a parent they tend to look for pseudo-parents to fill the void. If Abby was missing a father in her life, her BF’s father may have filled this void for her. Men love to feel like the hero in situations such as this so he may have subconsciously welcomed the opportunity to be Abby’s “Father-figure” so to speak. In the days following her disappearance he did seem very angry about “rumors” but if you read his comments further he talked a lot about how tough it was seeing his son in such pain as a result of those rumors.

Abby’s Dad:
I think Abby’s dad has been cleared 100% by LE and by LE’s choice or his own he is staying out of the limelight to keep the focus on Abby. As we all know these cases typically quickly turn to focus on those around the missing (rightly so many times) but in this case they need the focus away from him.
The 24-hour rule is almost obsolete and never applies with minors much anymore.
Maybe Mom knew, or had a feeling, that Abigail knew some "iffy" people, or had been making contacts online. Maybe she saw her social media and thought it was dangerous.
I do not feel there obvious signs of a crime, since LE has not really come out and said an abduction has taken place.

You could be right. Someone had mentioned that LE put police tape around the house when they arrived. Does anybody know if this is true or not?

If police tape was put around the house, that really leads me to believe something more was found in the house to make LE think the house itself was some sort of crime scene (i.e., burgalry, breaking + entering, etc.).

I realize they said today that she may have not made it home. A burgalry could have occurred even after her being abducted somewhere else, if the perps took her off the streets and then found out where she lived and then went to her house themselves to rob it or something along those lines.
I will not miss the pressers, we learned nothing. Am not a fan of Jane either, in boldly searching for something positive to say about her----her lip gloss was always perfect.
Is this bad news though, per attention on the case? In your and others' opinions? I can see it going two ways, lack of informative presses causing people to tune out, lack of/lessened pressers causing lack of attention and focus on her in general. Which is the lesser of two evils?
You could be right. Someone had mentioned that LE put police tape around the house when they arrived. Does anybody know if this is true or not?

If police tape was put around the house, that really leads me to believe something more was found in the house to make LE think the house itself was some sort of crime scene (i.e., burgalry, breaking + entering, etc.).

I realize they said today that she may have not made it home. A burgalry could have occurred even after her being abducted somewhere else, if the perps took her off the streets and then found out where she lived and then went to her house themselves to rob it or something along those lines.

Yes, there was tape around the house. There was a picture in the media. If I can find it I will try to post it. . . . . :findinglink:
Is this bad news though, per attention on the case? In your and others' opinions? I can see it going two ways, lack of informative presses causing people to tune out, lack of/lessened pressers causing lack of attention and focus on her in general. Which is the lesser of two evils?

JMO! :twocents: If anyone has bungled this case . . . it would be JY :moo: :moo:
Dragged I to what? His daughter is missing what harm can
Come from ppl knowing your daughter is missing.

He may not want any other minor children he might have to be harassed by the media. The sort of thing the media tried to do to Debra Bradley's son and stepson when Baby Lisa disappeared. Whether or not Debra is guilty of disappearing her daughter, her sons are innocent and shouldn't be bothered by outside looky-loos. Perhaps Abby's father is in a similar situation. Or perhaps he isn't.

Honestly, my suspicion is that he has probably never been involved with Abby or raising her and isn't an active parent.
Seriously, God forbid another girl goes missing up here. Would the public really put up with Jane Young again ? Would her boss even send her this way ?
Thankyou for the link. I have just watched it and it made me go cold. Zenya saying " Abbey please stay strong, do not give up, keep fighting" makes me think more towards abduction. Kieran Ramsey FBI agent first sentence about the reward of 20,000 for the recovery of Abigail makes me think they know a lot more about what has happened to her and that Abigail is not a runaway.

I think they knew pretty quickly that she was not a runaway. I also think that they believe she is deceased. The reasons, they did a massive shoulder to shoulder search, and they seem to believe that her phone was either tossed, or disposed of. All through this I have been convinced that they worked through several theories they needed to eliminate, and although they may have a working theory of what happened, they do not have the evidence to bring it to conclusion.
I think from what I'm learning that I can be broad and still get this point across without it getting cut out. There are adults she knows who belong to groups, have "interests", and have friends whom like the more alternative lifestyle. Honestly,I danced for years at an upscale place. So I've been around the girls who go to work and leave. Then you have girls who branch out to get clientele for varying reasons. Some did playboy or cam stuff others just wanted their customers to feel like they weren't customers. So they would make a page on some site and add the high paying customer. Then you have girls who the movies portray. That is what I'm seeing. The one thing I can say is that there is a problem if you come across a man who has many girls like this on any form of social media. There is an "off".
I'm not naive as to what you're talking about, however, I do not at all get what you mean when it comes to Abigail, save for men in her life having these proclivities (per your observations)? I hope you aren't speaking of Abigail being prone to these behaviors?
(For the record, I am not concerned with adults who partake in adult entertainment,I want to make sure I am understanding you correctly and I am not positive as per your implications, though I think I understand your point. I just want to make sure we aren't painting Abigail as caught up in any of these behaviors, but rather you're speaking of males tied to her?)
Is this bad news though, per attention on the case? In your and others' opinions? I can see it going two ways, lack of informative presses causing people to tune out, lack of/lessened pressers causing lack of attention and focus on her in general. Which is the lesser of two evils?

Oh no, am not tuned out at all, but turned off with the information passed on to us. Watch a few of them, only new informative info we ever got was from a fish and game guy....then he was muzzled.
I have not finished catching up from today, darn having to pay bills and all. But here are some things I've been thinking about today.

Abby’s walk home:
Why was she walking home alone? It does not appear that she was a loner and I think 14/15 year old girls like to be in groups anyway right? So it brings me back to, was something going on with schoolmates that made her want to walk home, maybe to clear her head? In this area I think Abby would definitely be a minority in her school system. So was she being subjected to taunting/bullying/racism at school? I wonder if she gave her BF a reason for walking home instead of taking the bus?

LE’s fast response:
I think LE and especially the FBI responded so quickly due to the area. As has already been discussed there would have been a lot of out of towners in the area at the time. IMO a 14/15 year old with a small town upbringing would not think twice about approaching a stranger’s car if they stopped to ask for directions. Someone could have grabbed her and been on their way out of town within minutes. By the time she was reported missing she and perp could have easily been in MA if not further.

BF’s dad:
I don’t see anything wrong with BF’s dad’s comments and here’s why. When a child/young adult is missing a relationship with a parent they tend to look for pseudo-parents to fill the void. If Abby was missing a father in her life, her BF’s father may have filled this void for her. Men love to feel like the hero in situations such as this so he may have subconsciously welcomed the opportunity to be Abby’s “Father-figure” so to speak. In the days following her disappearance he did seem very angry about “rumors” but if you read his comments further he talked a lot about how tough it was seeing his son in such pain as a result of those rumors.

Abby’s Dad:
I think Abby’s dad has been cleared 100% by LE and by LE’s choice or his own he is staying out of the limelight to keep the focus on Abby. As we all know these cases typically quickly turn to focus on those around the missing (rightly so many times) but in this case they need the focus away from him.

BBM A thanks just wasn't enough so I'm quoting your post, hope you don't mind.

I'm very content with Dad being out of the spotlight and not knowing his name. As we've seen, LE isn't letting Mom speak much either, how much do you HONESTLY think they're going to let Dad speak? How do ANY of us know what contact Mom and Dad have had (unless you're a verified insider, which I've not seen yet)? LE has said Dad is cooperating, that's good enough for me. What I'm not understanding is why people keep bringing him up almost to the brink of, "putting him down." Isn't he still a victim here? LE has said that he IS cooperating. It's really NONE of our business who he is, we're here for Abby, not her Dad. Just my :twocents:
BBM A thanks just wasn't enough so I'm quoting your post, hope you don't mind.

I'm very content with Dad being out of the spotlight and not knowing his name. As we've seen, LE isn't letting Mom speak much either, how much do you HONESTLY think they're going to let Dad speak? How do ANY of us know what contact Mom and Dad have had (unless you're a verified insider, which I've not seen yet)? LE has said Dad is cooperating, that's good enough for me. What I'm not understanding is why people keep bringing him up almost to the brink of, "putting him down." Isn't he still a victim here? LE has said that he IS cooperating. It's really NONE of our business who he is, we're here for Abby, not her Dad. Just my :twocents:

Thank you, I so agree! There's a suspicious dad in this case in my opinion, but it isn't Abby's.
I think they knew pretty quickly that she was not a runaway. I also think that they believe she is deceased. The reasons, they did a massive shoulder to shoulder search, and they seem to believe that her phone was either tossed, or disposed of. All through this I have been convinced that they worked through several theories they needed to eliminate, and although they may have a working theory of what happened, they do not have the evidence to bring it to conclusion.
:ditto: Mom's face after speaking at PC said it all. Somebody took her baby and she thinks it is not looking so good for Abigail to be found safe.
This is probably a little "out there" but is it usual that Abby texts her bf with a <3? Technically I guess we don't know positively "who" text the heart. We just know someone did.

I'm horribly behind, because I just got home from work and it's been crazy. But I have teenage daughters, and it would be completely normal for them to just text a heart. Kids do that all the time.

Ok, back to trying to catch up. I only have about ten pages to read...been a busy day in here.
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