GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - # 3

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There's a vase area to cover. IMO they need to let volunteer searchers NOW!
I just can't get a feel for this case; with Alexandra, the other girl who was briefly missing, I felt right away she would be found quickly, that she had gone with someone known to her. With Abigail, I just don't have a clue and am not so sure LE does either. Hope so.

Informations are very limited and what they released are all subject for confusions , conflicts and more questions. Too many agencies working on this and yet everyone seems to be clueless . Our speculations are half baked, incomplete and frustrating.

In the case of Elizabeth Smart, she was taken by someone who wanted to feel he is god. ived been sleuthing google and social media on this AH case and saw some tweets that they are irritated with some "religion fanatics" in the street preaching about their god because they are loud. Then looking back at AH 's social media, she have couple prayers and God related post that not a lot of Teenagers do in this generation. Wondering if AH could have met or talked to these people?

AH could be upset that day, specially i saw a post there on their FB missing page from her classmate that AH's is fighting with her mother . She was stopped by the admin of that page and said to contact FBi instead and not there. I think some of you saw it , we cannot bring the exact post here. Wonder if she was upset that day , had an early arguments with her mother and wanted to talk to someone about it?

Just brainstorming again.

All post above are just my opinions only.
This is also High School!
I understand Elementary school putting children on the bus unless they live across the street but not HS!
Kids start driving and going places after school...
It really has nothing at all to do with the school or buses!

Its about not trusting ANYONE If your alone and not with your friends!
Its about knowing to NEVER EVER meet anyone from online.
Do not get in any car ever I don't care if its a neighbor etc etc.

Unfortunately that's how it is today.
All is not what it appears to be!
A predator does not always have a strangers face!

I think all our children and us women should have a gps chip implanted in them Im sick an tired of looking for little girls and missing wives.
The men that do these things think they are man enough to do these sick things but are never man enough to pay the price!

I think it's coming down to that with all the missing children and women!
She would need a note to ride on an unassigned bus, specifically on the bus with her boyfriend. I assume they were assigned to different bus routes. I have not seen any information about her being suspended or otherwise not permitted to ride the bus home from school.

LE indicated that Abby was known to frequently walk home from school, and sometimes to walk the well known powerline trail through the woods next to the school. One report indicates the track team often used that trail in their after school workouts / practice.

Thank you. I too was curious if she often walked or did she usually ride the bus.

Do you happen to know if there is a map anywhere showing the way she might have traveled if she did take the powerline trail. I looked at the pictures posted and am wondering if that is the trail she might have been on.

Very dangerous in these times to be so bold and walk a path in the woods alone.
So few of these cases involving missing kids, especially teens, turn out to involve strangers, if indeed foul play has occurred. Just as most murders are committed by someone known to the victim. Obviously, any case could be one of the exceptions, but IMO the act of a pure stranger abduction is very rare. In fact, the idea kids have of not talking to strangers is probably barely an issue, seeing how they are generally more in danger from someone they would respond to.

I just can't get a feel for this case; with Alexandra, the other girl who was briefly missing, I felt right away she would be found quickly, that she had gone with someone known to her. With Abigail, I just don't have a clue and am not so sure LE does either. Hope so.

I am the same way and have said so several times. Something is just off. I can't imagine in these days a young girl with so very much information not being a bit more cautious.

Not taking her bus and walking through the woods alone to a home way out in the woods with no parent home.

She was a sitting duck for sure!

Both those that knew her and those that just wandered by had to see her vulnerability to abduction by one of the thousands that 'walk among us' to do harm to our children.

I do wonder about communication between Abby and her mother. If Abby's last phone text was about 3 and mom didn't get home til 7 that's four hours of a mother not being able to contact her daughter. Surely they had a routine where she would check in and they would text back and forth.

Mom had to be aware something was not right...much earlier. It just hasn't been reported but that is why she called LE so quickly. MOO
I cannot even imagine how difficult this whole thing for the family is and know that the family also is the victim here but can't help thinking and putting it here that mom's address to Abby on the first days of her disappearnce
'please come home ...we miss you so badly...we want you back with us....'
seemed to me a bit strange , sounded as if addressed to a runaway rather than an abducted girl... Plus wasn't it the mom who said she made home first and then this turned out to be nonconfirmed. I remember reading that somewhere..
Not that to blame anyone ..just a thought...

I may seem an optimist but hope she is alive somewhere..:please:

Just my opinions
Do not link specific comments by posters on the FB page, this is rumor!

Also, leave the BF alone.
Why would a girl bother going to a full school day and then wait for the final bell before running away, though?
Maybe she felt that was the best way to get a head start if she skipped school they might have notified mom she wasn't at school they do that here and she knew she would have an open window to get away before anyone could get susp.
I hope this is the case and she is safe warm and has food somewhere although if I was 14 I couldn't go this long without my mom and family even friends wouldn't have gotten me this far!!
Every time I log into WS, I always look at the top left corner to see if Abigail has been found. I do the same for Kyron.

Please God, lead LE in the right direction.
CONWAY, N.H. ( -- FBI officials say they have "significant fears" for the safety of a New Hampshire teen missing for more than a week.

Investigators shared their growing concern for 15-year-old Abigail Hernandez Saturday.

Officials said there are multiple unconfirmed reports that someone matching Hernandez's description was seen walking on North-South Highway between the rotary and Settler's Green entry the day she was last seen. The FBI said it had received 544 leads in the case.

FBI officials said that there was no evidence that Hernandez ever made it home from school, despite earlier reports to the contrary.
I have been coming on here everyday just hoping to see good news. This is so sad. Seems the lack of info in this case makes it hard for anyone to help.... its just a guessing game. This sweet young girl has to be somewhere? I live in louisiana not far from Mickey... thats how i found this site. Most of the time it is someone they know ... but like with Mickey, you just never know. This has to stop! These sickos need to leave our babies alone! Sending hope and love to Abigail.
When the girl went missing yesterday.... they gave so much detail on her.. clothes, shoes and backpack. Dad spoke in interview that he thought it was a online meeting. What im getting at is that its been over a week and we dont know half that much about Abigail. Just dont make sense!
I wish the media would push this. Talk to her friends...neighbors. whomever it takes
Hi everyone! I have been a reader for about a year.. Always following your sleuthing on cases that made the news, some missing kids still weighing heavily in my heart.

I live in central NH, my husband and I are heading up to North Conway tomorrow with our horses to see what we can do to help search. I have a step daughter a month younger than Abigail, and a cousin at Abigail's school. This case really hits home.

When it was first reported that Abigail was missing I clicked a news link with two comments, one was a long winded rant about a crooked cop, the other was cryptic. Posted anonymously titled "F*ck you" - "I hated your faggty voice." Somehow while trying to screen shot it, my browser on the iPad shut out and canceled everything out and I couldn't locate the story again. I believe it was local news.

My interest in this comment would be finding out if the FBI could trace who left the it, maybe it could help lead to why she was abducted. Girls, bullying, malicious intent, Ect. Whoever left it could very well have been apart of her disappearing..? Kids are jerks, they say mean ****.. Thinking like a teen - If you don't like her, you'd hate her voice.. Why use past tense? She's missing, if you knew she wasn't coming back you'd have once hated her voice.. The past tense of that cold comment really rubbed me the wrong way. Can anyone help me locate that comment?

The dang receipt - was looked into only due to the time stamp being around the same time she was in the area, they checked it out thinking if someone snagged her, and got rid of 'evidence' that put them at a time and place it could possibly be a lead. It wasn't, clearly. But, it does show how much they care.. A discarded receipt found in some brush, thinking someone intentionally got rid of it, and fully checked it out - to me.. Is pretty amazing.

Anyone familiar with the app Tinder? It is essentially like and the like, that you swipe left if you like the person, swipe right if you don't. If you both swipe yes, it notifies you that you "match" from there you can begin chatting through the app to talk, meet, hook up, Ect.. This app also knows your EXACT LOCATION, and you can be matched to people within a half mile of yourself. Any word on if she may have been using such an app? If someone wanted a target in a close proximity, they set the distance data and all girls/guys using that app within that distance is brought up to swipe left or right. I am absolutely sure creeps troll that app looking for an easy hookup.. Did Abby fall victim to such a perv?

That's it for now. (Obligatory MOO.. Is a must to say, or is that obvious? Serious question)
Media has tried per the facebook comments, but, LE had said they didn't want family and friends talking to the media...sooooo.... I still don't have a clue! Looks like the more she was talked about, the more media exposure, the better... but... tight lipped. Aren't even asking for volunteer searchers! My God how long do they think she could survive with no food, water, no extra clothes? And if she was injured in anyway, and laying there waiting on help... DAYUM! Get 1000 searchers in there. Who knows where she may actually be, but if every area isn't checked, they won't know! And even if I thought my child had run away, I'd be pleading and talking, and telling people about her, etc to make her more alive, more personable, and to sway her to come home. LE nor anyone else would shut me up!
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