GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - # 4

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I wonder how LE feels about that text info being released before they released it ... :slap:

Probably the same way they feel about anybody speaking of a person during an ongoing investigation.

I will say this...they have shut everybody down. We are hearing nothing from nobody. Even those that had a lot to say on opening day!

this looks like a good place to stick this

"The volunteers don’t come in unless they are called upon. “We don’t self-*deploy,” Tate says.

Sometimes, they are welcomed by law enforcement, sometimes resented."

take that how you want
cough cough

Does anyone know if these people are associated by chance with CFSI/ Chuck Foreman??
I haven't had time to dig...

No not CF's group, by the looks of it.
This is the search group announced coming to N Conway:

According to the AH Missing page Admin Post:

"I see that alot of you are aware that the group Mission for the Missing is coming here (North Conway, NH) tomorrow. This is true. I have spoken with the investigaters on Abby's case and under NO circumstances are they encouraging this. I have done alot of research today, on this group, spoken w reporters from CNN and other networks, investigaters and families that have worked w this group in the past, and unfortunately, there was not alot of positive feedback. We all are open to all avenues to finding Abby, I just urge you to not read to much into this. The members consist of a medium (ghost whisperer as she refers to herself), an ex private detective and searchers w dogs. Please, if you encounter this group, be mindful of what you say. If it will help find Abby, say it. If its personal information to her or her family, DO NOT SAY IT. Authorities will be present to ensure that this group doesnt not interfere or do anything to hurt their investigation, as well as watch over Abby's family. As the investigater said today "I doubt they will find anything but best of luck to them". If by chance they find Abby or can lead investigaters to her or to anything that can help us find her, wonderful. We all want the same outcome here. Abby, found, safe and sound. However we get there. Thank you."

Well that surprised me to no end that LE are allowing this search group in!!!
Probably the same way they feel about anybody speaking of a person during an ongoing investigation.

I will say this...they have shut everybody down. We are hearing nothing from nobody. Even those that had a lot to say on opening day!


I wonder if there will be "anybody" speaking at the candlelight vigil..
IMO (again) is that LE has very little info and responded all-out due to Celina's murder. They could not risk being casual, treating her as a runaway. And she may well have been abducted, but I really think they have nothing specific telling them that. I hope she did run off to meet up with someone and that the person is trustworthy at least in the sense not to hurt her. But it seems too long for her not to let her mother know, if she is okay.

The searching had/has to be done, either way. I hope this search group does not cause problems for LE. I think if they knew for sure they had a crime on their hands they would strongly tell them to butt out. JMO
IMO (again) is that LE has very little info and responded all-out due to Celina's murder. They could not risk being casual, treating her as a runaway. And she may well have been abducted, but I really think they have nothing specific telling them that. I hope she did run off to meet up with someone and that the person is trustworthy at least in the sense not to hurt her. But it seems too long for her not to let her mother know, if she is okay.

The searching had/has to be done, either way. I hope this search group does not cause problems for LE. I think if they knew for sure they had a crime on their hands they would strongly tell them to butt out. JMO

i hope this group doesn't cause a problem either because it would be nice that if another group wanted to help and this one is not successful that LE be open minded about it if another outsider's search is warranted.... it would be nice if she could just be found already!!!!! find out what happened and solve this case!!!
Yup, I am being catty, but this incoming search group did not sound very large, they could take 2 or 3 days to ponder over the right gear at LLBean or orvis, they need gps, if LE sends them up to The Hurricane Mtn rd.....they still do not have many daylight hours to work with. Does not sound promising at all.
Yup, I am being catty, but this incoming search group did not sound very large, they could take 2 or 3 days to ponder over the right gear at LLBean or orvis, they need gps, if LE sends them up to The Hurricane Mtn rd.....they still do not have many daylight hours to work with. Does not sound promising at all.

do they realize what the terrain is like?????? !!!!!!!!!!!!!
What I don't understand is, if Abby was picked up by someone in a car while she was walking along her regular route home, how will K-9 teams be able to track her scent to anywhere other than to her home? Won't K-9 teams only find her scent if she wasn't taken somewhere else in a car (if she was on foot)? Or if they know the general area where she was taken in the car?

I don't mean to sound pessimistic; Maybe these new K-9 teams will find something the LE dog teams didn't. Maybe they'll disperse these new dogs deeper into the woods, or in different areas of town that haven't been searched yet. I guess even if they don't find anything, they'll have helped in the process of elimination of places where she might be.

Hopefully they will find her, or at least some clue that can lead LE to her. I guess more eyes looking for Abby is a good thing, as long as it doesn't become a hindrance for LE.
I don' t understand what is so suspect about the heart to the bf, even if it was the last text she sent. It doesn't mean she was intending it to be the last and it doesn't mean it has extra significance. Think of all the possible "las messages" you could be reported as sending to someone if it were your last before going missing. I understand it's a theory and opinion ( that it holds significance), what I'm trying to figure out is the reasoning behind the theory (apart from those question whether or not she sent I, I understand some have doubts regarding that).

I am of the theory the if it's an accurate report and was her last text, there's no significance to it beyond tragically, being her last text. Trying to understand another POV of my fellow Sleuthers.

Thank you for any insight you can give. :)
And I would say it is about the messenger - not the message. Do not think we are allowed to go there either.
I guess as far as the text goes, it depends whether or not she often sent that text and then nothing else. Or just on its own.
I searched this a bit, and didn't get definite answers. How old a scent can a dog pick up and follow? Its been two weeks, what's the time limit on this? Does anyone know?
I know everyone hates it when I mention this, but I think maybe the search is for a shallow grave now, so very sad. Cadaver dogs?
The messenger is Abby, unless of course, her abductor sent it.

The messenger would not be Abby, it would be the only person that has ever mentioned that heart, he has talked about it on MSM. We don't know anything about the heart from LE, we don't know what was written just before the heart, if there was a heart. She was seen texting, that's it!
I don' t understand what is so suspect about the heart to the bf, even if it was the last text she sent. It doesn't mean she was intending it to be the last and it doesn't mean it has extra significance. Think of all the possible "las messages" you could be reported as sending to someone if it were your last before going missing. I understand it's a theory and opinion ( that it holds significance), what I'm trying to figure out is the reasoning behind the theory (apart from those question whether or not she sent I, I understand some have doubts regarding that).

I am of the theory the if it's an accurate report and was her last text, there's no significance to it beyond tragically, being her last text. Trying to understand another POV of my fellow Sleuthers.

Thank you for any insight you can give. :)

I agree with you Wednesday. for all we know Abby and jc texted hearts back and forth all day long, every day. maybe interspersed with lots of xoxo type texts.
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