GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - # 7

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Thank you! :loveyou:

Now, let me confuse you a little more. If a "rumor" has to do with a person, forget it. :)

And, personal social media pages are off limits unless they belong to a victim or suspect. Even then, their "friends" are off limits.

I think I need a cheat sheet
Crib notes?
I just found an article on a mass grave being found in California. ...where would I post that so other WSers can read it
When I read the report about the couple, on the Missing FB page (I beleive), I remember because I had never heard of the Kancamungas Highway before. And it seemed unlikely to me when they said a girl with a shoulder bag fitting her description was walking on any highway. (I believe the commentor said, walking with her head down?) Now that I have seen video of the highway, it seems either more impressive--that is it would leave more of an impression on you if you saw it--OR it seems more impossible. It's soooo remarkably remote. And when I hear the man talk about seeing her for sure--knowing it was her a day later--I think about how many times a day I think I see her--she looks like a lot of pretty young girls. That said, I do believe it's possible that she was seen by these folks. I really do.
Until last year, I had lived in New Hampshire all my life. I've since relocated to Vermont (a big change, actually, if you think of the drastically different politics of those two New England states).
Ms. F

I'm loving all the Vermonters on here. I had no idea there were so many of us here following stuff on WebSleuths!

Where oh where is Abby? :please:
Oh geez I'm cracking up. Baby Lisa brought me here which of course has gone way beyond a month, then Dylan... And thinking about it I am surprised this has gotten to 7 threads in a month, with so little information about Abby's disappearance... Personally I won't rest until we have some resolution, I am a one case at a time sleuther, I try but struggle to do more, stubborn, sucky attention span, poor concentration, I'm not sure but Abby stole my attention and I can't let go.

It's so weird to think back to what turned someone into a WebSleuths addict. I started here with Denise Amber Lee (which happened in the town that I lived in at the time, I'm still in touch with her MIL) and Caylee Anthony. I've wandered through a few times since, but Abby just really caught my attention. I guess because she reminds me of my daughter, although Abby is younger. I just wish she'd be found.
Did that post from the guy disappear from the MHFAH page? I was looking for it and can't find it.
I just found an article on a mass grave being found in California. ...where would I post that so other WSers can read it

Mmmm....whereabouts? Nothing here on the news, Google news search, etc.

this is just sad on all levels.

if LE has nothing, well, that's pathetic. i'm sorry. in this day and age, there should be professional interrogation teams for 'locals' or anyone else who's said nothing but claims to be in her inner circle. someone knew or heard from her on october 9th. and this young lady was no magician...there's a clue somewhere, in her texts, super-secret fb posts, phone calls, "usual route" home...enough to secure warrants and pull luds, from whomever, especially those who have either refused or diverted attention elsewhere.

if LE has something, well, that's pathetic whatever they're keeping close-to-the-vest is yielding them...nothing. staying "tight-lipped" is getting them further away from finding her with each passing hour.

same goes for the busloads/carloads of the hundreds of exiting students at KHS. someone knows something and that someone isn't talking. pathetic. not to mention, criminal.

Yes yes yes yes yes yes. Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing and no information going out anymore even to say there is nothing. If we are this frustrated from here, can you even imagine what it is like in that little town right now? Somebody has to blow their top sometime, pop, crack, whatever you want to call it. Really, somebody knows something.
I cannot imagine they want rumors running rampid. It is my opinion that the less information given the more imaginative folks become. The more angry they get, too. New Englander's are private, but they are also sharks when it comes to getting what needs to be done, done especially when it involves a child. Smaller end town or not, this entire area, just look at all of us on here in these threads. Such a huge huge board and we've all gathered here around this girl.

while i am a born and raised New Englander, I do not think I would be so private if this were my daughter, one of her friends, or one of my nieces, etc, or my son's girlfriend if they were missing.

There has been way too much secrecy, and the lack of LE speaking to the public is to say the least, puzzling. I can't picture this happening in my small town here, people would be worried, frantic, and trying to help any way they can. I find in this case, more out of towners and out of state folks have been trying to help than the townspeople up there- what the heck is going on? What do they know that we don't?

It seems that the only four people that keep trying to keep this in the media are JDC, PK (Miler's club friend of the mother), some girl named Amanda, and one other person who's name escapes me right now. Has anyone seen really any kids from North Conway post on that missing page? not even the online vigil brought them out.
The thing is, LE can't require anyone to talk to them, much less turn over their phones, etc. Without warrants, they can't do much at all. And without proof of a crime, it has to be even more difficult to obtain warrants and all of that. JMO
At this point, they could get clever and give us bits of clues...lead public to believe one thing.... work it to put a bit of pressure on those who know or POI's they cannot interrogate. There are ways, this is the FBI for poo's sake. I can't believe they have something and are sitting silent on it THIS long waiting. Waiting for what exactly I don't know. Somebody to break down? A body?

I also cannot believe they have nothing... so many tips sent into tip line and nothing at all?
That's what I keep going back to. I'm sure they know what they are doing, why can't we figure it out? What if what they are doing is backfiring due to the quiet nature of the community? Surely they'd see it in that nothing new has come about. What is the positive of all of this lack of anything seen from the outside? WHAT ARE WE MISSING STILL??? (other than the obvious, Abby)
Look at Holly Bobo's case, if you want to be frustrated and bang your head against walls. And that is going on three years since LE has had more than a few words to say. Abigail's case, as far as the silence goes, is not is more unusual when we do hear from LE regularly, IMO.
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