GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - # 8

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I do remember an article where LE had told the community to speak to no one, not even about her likes and interests or hobbies. I'm sure there was reason for that at the beginning, but like you I don't know why they wouldn't humanize her a little more at this point. Like everything else about this case, it's shrouded in so much secrecy that I fear she'll never be found, and I've wondered if that was the intent anyhow. Knowing who she is might be so helpful in finding her. For example, if she's vegetarian people who frequent those food areas might be more on the lookout. If she likes antique photos, antique shops might be on the lookout for her. Because she's such an average looking teen, it would be helpful to have something about her that stands out. Even something like she has a lisp would be helpful, but other than her height, age and hair/eye color we don't know anything about her. As for what she was wearing when she disappeared, that's helpful for anyone who might have seen her that day, but by now the clothing is going to be different.

Exactly, Mom24!!!!!!!!!! That is just what I mean- we know nothing about Abby the person, and like you said, people from different groups in her life (such as vegetarians, rock bands, sports/tv shows she might have liked or watched on TV, artists, etc) would not only be on the look out for her, but would have a tendency to put forward a decent effort into helping find her because "one of their own" is missing. Even silly habits like say, when she's happy, she twists her hair around her finger, or she has a funny snorting laugh when a puppy licks her- may sound stupid, but stuff like this gives you and idea of who she is, and one never knows, you just could be that one person that does see her and one of those things that you read or heard about this girl will stand out and you'll make the call that brings her home. Does she have a mole on her right hand? A lazy eye? does she wear reading glasses or contact lenses? What are some of her favorite foods, colors?
Exactly, Mom24!!!!!!!!!! That is just what I mean- we know nothing about Abby the person, and like you said, people from different groups in her life (such as vegetarians, rock bands, sports/tv shows she might have liked or watched on TV, artists, etc) would not only be on the look out for her, but would have a tendency to put forward a decent effort into helping find her because "one of their own" is missing. Even silly habits like say, when she's happy, she twists her hair around her finger, or she has a funny snorting laugh when a puppy licks her- may sound stupid, but stuff like this gives you and idea of who she is, and one never knows, you just could be that one person that does see her and one of those things that you read or heard about this girl will stand out and you'll make the call that brings her home. Does she have a mole on her right hand? A lazy eye? does she wear reading glasses or contact lenses? What are some of her favorite foods, colors?

Not to mention, if she's cut her hair and colored it, no one would recognize her. Add to that, this is coming into winter when people wear hats, mittens, big overcoats, scarfs, and the like. Talk about disguising your looks, the climate and weather alone make everyone look the same in passing. Remember that abduction of a child in some store where the abductor took the child in the bathroom, cut their hair, colored it and put a different jacket on and just walked out with the child. No one noticed until days later when they reviewed the security cameras. I may not be overly bright, but I know if I wanted to not be found I'd at least change my hair color and get a new hairstyle. Those things are changeable. But little mannerisms, lisps, limps, a weird giggle....those things don't change and they make an average person stand out from the crowd.
However extraordinary a runaway theory for a teen girl without taking any clothes and destroying her iphone and seemingly alone as we havent heard of another missing person and esp in this particular Abby's case , not only the mom gave that runaway impression but also the estranged husband came forward with the same attitude after his decision of giving up his privacy which i have difficulty to understand.

I tend to look for something more than just 'hoping ' behind that and hoping so and that 's why speaking as if she ran away doesnt make much sense to me. I wonder in fact if the LE and the parents certainly suspect of an unidentified perp , maybe both of the parents were made to talk in that way only to give the runaway impression.. I don't understand much from physicology but is it possible that this maybe a tactic for the negative motivation of a supposed perp.
I mean maybe LE wants the perp not to feel himself important and special thinking that all those LE and FBI forces are trying to find him but they they give the impression on purpose they are not looking for him.../ or LE wants the perp to feel comfortable and give himself up... JMO
I'd like to make one point about the conjecture which has arisen from the unsubstantiated rumor that Abby previously ran away to TN before. Again. It was said by one person on an MSM FB page and all he would say was that someone else told him.

Trying to expand on it by implying that running to the non-custodial parent's home out of state is not technically 'running away' is like trying to imply that an abduction by a non-custodial parent is not technically an abduction in my opinion. If she didn't belong there she ran away from 'home'. RG said she never did anything like this and ZH said she never ran away before.LE wouldn't ccomment simply because it would be a private juvenile matter.

I do not think they are being coy with technicalities.

Additionally RH never said in his letter "you know deep in your heart that you can always come home to me, as you have in the past" as was reported by WMUR

He didn't use the word 'home'. What he said was "you know deep in your heart that you can always come to me, as you have in the past". These exact words were posted on the online vigil FB page, on his own FB page and here:

The difference is important as far as dispelling this persistent rumor. "come home to me" suggests physically changing location whereas "come to me" merely implies some kind of contact.

Reporters don't always get it right but I think the man's own Facebook page and what he personally posted on the vigil page are more correct.

Just my own opinion.
However extraordinary a runaway theory for a teen girl without taking any clothes and destroying her iphone and seemingly alone as we havent heard of another missing person and esp in this particular Abby's case , not only the mom gave that runaway impression but also the estranged husband came forward with the same attitude after his decision of giving up his privacy which i have difficulty to understand.

I tend to look for something more than just 'hoping ' behind that and hoping so and that 's why speaking as if she ran away doesnt make much sense to me. I wonder in fact if the LE and the parents certainly suspect of an unidentified perp , maybe both of the parents were made to talk in that way only to give the runaway impression.. I don't understand much from physicology but is it possible that this maybe a tactic for the negative motivation of a supposed perp.
I mean maybe LE wants the perp not to feel himself important and special thinking that all those LE and FBI forces are trying to find him but they they give the impression on purpose they are not looking for him.../ or LE wants the perp to feel comfortable and give himself up... JMO

but then if people think she's a run away they're less likely to "look" for her. A run away seems less endangered than a possible abduction. That kind of tactic would backfire, I think, in regards to all the other run away's out there who aren't afforded the same kind of treatment. No, I think it's more likely they at first thought she had met with foul play but then concluded, in the absence of any evidence, that she may have left of her own accord (at least initially). Now she may be held against her will now, but it does appear that her family agrees she took off on her own.
walking, riding, texting;

In the satellite view on Google, busses are parked in the east side lot next to the main parking lot. Student and faculty parking is on the south side of the school. The south entrance really looks like the main entrance for students and faculty but by the layout it looks to me that bus riders most likely exit from the east entrance to the bus parking area. By the direction the busses are headed on Google, the busses enter the lot from the east side of the Eagle's Way loop and exit along the west side of the school to eagle's way. If dismissal is anything like it is where I live the order is Busses, walkers, then drivers.
From the timeline, Abby begins texting at 2:23. Abby is seen exiting the school at 2:29. If she exited from the east entrance that explains why she walked across the field avoiding the bends in Eagle's way. From that exit she could have been seen by JC as he sat on the bus waiting to pull out or else as his bus was leaving from the west, saw her as she entered Eagle's way. in either case they are still texting each other. JC lives in Center Conway and Abby lives in North Conway so they would likely not have been riding the same bus anyway.
Hollye's bing map shows the route that Abby would have taken across the field, down the powerline trail, across the powerline and exiting on 302 across from the retention pond behind wallmart.
From discussions with my daughters and a friend, they tell me that walking while texting is much slower than just walking So using 2.5 MPH instead of 3 MPH walking I calculated that Abby might only have made it 1 mile by the time JC received her last text at 2:53 which seems to put her somewhere around Walmart. Even 3 MPH walking/texting would have brought her only 1.2 miles.
She didn't get very far. 14 minutes later, 3:07, her phone goes dead permanently. 14 minutes would have been another 1/2 mile or so walking, so by the way I am looking at it she would not have made it home before the phone went dead. Also, 14 minutes between the last text and the last ping would be 9 or 10 miles by car. If she went willingly and decided to dump the phone, that 14 minutes is a long time to not text and not power it down. As I understand iPhone, even if the battery dies it goes into sleep unless it is purposely powered down or destroyed.
That 14 minutes is too long to waste if she had a plan to disappear. With no money, no clothes, no phone, no electronic trail, and no detectable activity since, It would have to have been a very detailed and complete plan. The 14 minute blank just doesn't fit.
14 minutes, however would seem right for an abductor to get her out of there, park somewhere remote, get her under control, search her belongings and destroy the phone. I am sorry to make this look so bleak when even I personally would rather hold onto hope that she can just decide to come home. But in my opinion it has looked bleak from the beginning and to my observation, that explains the LE rapid response as well.

These are just my observations and opinions Timeline.pdf!113&form=LMLTCC

Thanks SH for this excellent post !
I'd like to make one point about the conjecture which has arisen from the unsubstantiated rumor that Abby previously ran away to TN before. Again. It was said by one person on an MSM FB page and all he would say was that someone else told him.

Trying to expand on it by implying that running to the non-custodial parent's home out of state is not technically 'running away' is like trying to imply that an abduction by a non-custodial parent is not technically an abduction in my opinion. If she didn't belong there she ran away from 'home'. RG said she never did anything like this and ZH said she never ran away before.LE wouldn't ccomment simply because it would be a private juvenile matter.

I do not think they are being coy with technicalities.

Additionally RH never said in his letter "you know deep in your heart that you can always come home to me, as you have in the past" as was reported by WMUR

He didn't use the word 'home'. What he said was "you know deep in your heart that you can always come to me, as you have in the past". These exact words were posted on the online vigil FB page, on his own FB page and here:

The difference is important as far as dispelling this persistent rumor. "come home to me" suggests physically changing location whereas "come to me" merely implies some kind of contact.

Reporters don't always get it right but I think the man's own Facebook page and what he personally posted on the vigil page are more correct.

Just my own opinion.

I did a search last night, yes spent the night with my decrepit old comp, to see if there had indeed been any child who left NH for TN. Given that she was a minor they may not have mentioned her name at the time. There was a child from the northern part of NH that attempted to run away to TN some years ago. I should have saved the search, but I didn't and to find it again would make my fingers even more sore than they are, but others with better comps can most likely do a quick search. Anyhow, there was a child that attempted to run away. They didn't mention her last name, but I think her first name was Lydia or Livia? so it does appear that the rumor is just that, a rumor. Someone may have mixed up the two incidences, and like telephone, it was passed along and someone put the two together. At any rate, a child running away to TN from NH would surely have been covered in the news and other than that one (and I think it was back in 99 which would have made AH far too young) there weren't any others that I was able to find.
Just adding, I don't remember where the child was from, but it wasn't the Conway area. I think it was Grafton? But it was somewhere up the northern area.
However extraordinary a runaway theory for a teen girl without taking any clothes and destroying her iphone and seemingly alone as we havent heard of another missing person and esp in this particular Abby's case , not only the mom gave that runaway impression but also the estranged husband came forward with the same attitude after his decision of giving up his privacy which i have difficulty to understand.

I tend to look for something more than just 'hoping ' behind that and hoping so and that 's why speaking as if she ran away doesnt make much sense to me. I wonder in fact if the LE and the parents certainly suspect of an unidentified perp , maybe both of the parents were made to talk in that way only to give the runaway impression.. I don't understand much from physicology but is it possible that this maybe a tactic for the negative motivation of a supposed perp.
I mean maybe LE wants the perp not to feel himself important and special thinking that all those LE and FBI forces are trying to find him but they they give the impression on purpose they are not looking for him.../ or LE wants the perp to feel comfortable and give himself up... JMO

In my heart of hearts I tend to agree with you though I would personally like to hold onto hope. My gut has told me that these appeals and letters are, at least in part, an attempt to present Abby as a person rather than an object to someone who might otherwise dissasociate and objectify her as a worthless thing. To reinforce that it is not about him but about her - ignoring him or his existence - might in some way cause him to make a move...

I don't always like what my gut is telling me. The first 24 hours were crucial IMO.
but then if people think she's a run away they're less likely to "look" for her. A run away seems less endangered than a possible abduction. That kind of tactic would backfire, I think, in regards to all the other run away's out there who aren't afforded the same kind of treatment. No, I think it's more likely they at first thought she had met with foul play but then concluded, in the absence of any evidence, that she may have left of her own accord (at least initially). Now she may be held against her will now, but it does appear that her family agrees she took off on her own.

Possible but IMO LE doesn't give much credit for a freely wandering Abby to be identified by the public for now and just focused on finding out the perp and thus reaching Abby thru him..
If Abby and her boyfriend were as close as JDC claims, why wouldn't the bf know of her plan to run? It makes no sense to me.
Thanks for the ramble Steel. I prefer it to the nothingness here at the moment. I totally agree with you. This case seems to of gone cold a while back. I too have sensed the lack of aggression by any one involved. Facebook and web sights are all well and good, but what about going out and asking questions?

First of all I'm not a resident of the US, but as a journalist I'd still venture to say that most journalists/reporters today with a few exceptions tend to be way too lazy to do much active reporting themselves. Sometines they also don't get enough time to really pursue a story in depth. Shrinking staff levels due to shrinking newspaper profits is definitely part of the problem as are at times disintested bosses, etc, etc.
But I completely agree.
Abby's case is crying out for some deep digging by a reporter with enough passion, resources, knowledge and time.
Ohio true crime writer James Renner could be one possible candidate here, but he's busy with the Maura Murray case right now.
In my heart of hearts I tend to agree with you though I would personally like to hold onto hope. My gut has told me that these appeals and letters are, at least in part, an attempt to present Abby as a person rather than an object to someone who might otherwise dissasociate and objectify her as a worthless thing. To reinforce that it is not about him but about her - ignoring him or his existence - might in some way cause him to make a move...

I don't always like what my gut is telling me. The first 24 hours were crucial IMO.

The first three hours are critical. Unfortunately, she disappeared at around 3pm and wasn't reported until 7pm. I still think there was something at the home that sent up red flags and initiated such a strong reaction.
And it's been said time and again that Dad is a private person, for him to come out and write that letter, things have got to be seriously tenuous. You may be right, sadly.
If Abby and her boyfriend were as close as JDC claims, why wouldn't the bf know of her plan to run? It makes no sense to me.

Well, maybe they weren't that close. Or maybe she didn't tell him because she knew he wouldn't be able to lie. Maybe she planned on telling him after she got to where she was planning to go. Maybe she had talked about it with him before and he told her it was a bad idea.
We are going on 2 months with this case.... LE needs to make more than her picture public at this point or she will never be found!!!!!!

They should at least clearly dispel any rumors or misinformation. Let's face it, if we're discussing it here, it's been more than discussed in the public forum. If the public thinks she's "just another run away", then there's not going to be any sense of urgency and if anyone did see anything they'll discount it because they'll assume they misunderstood what they were seeing or that it didn't have anything to do with a girl who chose to leave. Some newspapers are still reporting that AH made a call at 6:30pm, that needs to be clearly defined and explained. Otherwise it just adds to the notion that AH is still in the area and doesn't wish to be found. And one news source is still stating that she made it home! I know LE may think the details aren't important and that people should just look for face, but details do matter and it colors how people might react to what they witnessed that day and what they might do if they see a girl that looks like her. If I'm in California and I see her face, I've got to decide whether to be a potential nutball and call the FBI or the police, and that decision is going to be based on whether I believe she would be in California and in danger. People don't routinely call the FBI or police and no one wants to be "that" person, you know the ones that call in every potential lead. I have always thought LE just doesn't understand how hard it is to call in, and they need to be more clear so people will feel some ease about calling in. Let the public know enough so they feel comfortable about calling in a potential sighting or a potential abduction.
First of all I'm not a resident of the US, but as a journalist I'd still venture to say that most journalists/reporters today with a few exceptions tend to be way too lazy to do much active reporting themselves. Sometines they also don't get enough time to really pursue a story in depth. Shrinking staff levels due to shrinking newspaper profits is definitely part of the problem as are at times disintested bosses, etc, etc.
But I completely agree.
Abby's case is crying out for some deep digging by a reporter with enough passion, resources, knowledge and time.
Ohio true crime writer James Renner could be one possible candidate here, but he's busy with the Maura Murray case right now.

I think a lot of families of missing persons would benefit from hiring a publicist/PR person. Instead of using the money for a reward, use it for a PR firm instead. I think many cases could get a lot more media coverage than they do if they had professionals working at it. There are so many cases where the local media is clearly interested, but they have nothing to report. Instead of the parents trying to contact the media for publicity, you would have people with experience doing so. The PR firm would know exactly what to release to the media to keep interest high.
So many "maybes" so little time. I guess I am just remembering to back when i was 15. My boyfriend was my closest confidant. I guess my point is I do not believe Abby just took off. If there had been an indication that she had had a troubled home life ..........yes, maybe as you say.
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