GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - # 8

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I still really don't feel that she ran away..... I think there is more to this situation than that.... I think that anything abby's mom and dad have said publicly have been very carefully chosen words for the sake of their daughter's safety
LittleRose;10013811]"Secrets destroy families"
-I've always heard this quote in conjunction with childhood sexual abuse.

I don't know if Abby was sexually abused, but if she was, it would explain the cutting, (which she didn't deny), a previous runaway attempt (I agree with a previous poster, Mom may not have considered it a runaway situation if Abby took off to live with family in another state),
It would explain depression- she looks down in all of the pics I've seen...

Sexual abuse, cutting, depression and a runaway attempt? Can you tell me where you are getting this information? Those are some harsh allegations. I have not seen anything in the press that would substantiate any of that.
I always worry that a family member (or even Abby herself) will read some of the comments on here and it will convince them not to open up to anyone. She's is only 14 years old and we should consider that fact when posting, you do not want to tarnish her reputation. Her schoolmates may be reading this and at that age they believe most of what they see on the internet and take it for fact.
Steleheart's math makes sense, even I of the "No-random-abduction school of thought" find the logic there both disheartening and convincing. At first I thought 14 minutes did NOT seem like enough time, but if she was stalked--
Then it makes too much sense.
Remember all the interest in the area behind the Walmart--in the early days, that area was searched repeatedly? Now what you are saying about the chief signing off--the probability must be directing him to the worst--

I remember Pudding pond. Would that be close to Walmart?
"Secrets destroy families"
-I've always heard this quote in conjunction with childhood sexual abuse.

I don't know if Abby was sexually abused, but if she was, it would explain the cutting, (which she didn't deny), a previous runaway attempt (I agree with a previous poster, Mom may not have considered it a runaway situation if Abby took off to live with family in another state),

It would explain depression- she looks down in all of the pics I've seen...

Bringing up sexual abuse, cutting and a runaway attempt? Can you tell me where you are getting this information? If it is your own personal theory I would not bring it into this discussion unless you have some factual evidence.

Agreed. Abby addressed cutting briefly on her social media pages but there is no evidence that she was abused in any way, and the previous runaway attempt has been denied by both parents.
We need some rumor control here. Unless supported by MSM or LE topics such as whether she had been abused or whether mom wasn't being truthful about previous runaway attempts are off-limits.

BUMP the bold emphasis added by me for posters who may not have read back two pages ago and know this moderation note was posted. on page 4 of this thread.
I think a lot of families of missing persons would benefit from hiring a publicist/PR person. Instead of using the money for a reward, use it for a PR firm instead. I think many cases could get a lot more media coverage than they do if they had professionals working at it. There are so many cases where the local media is clearly interested, but they have nothing to report. Instead of the parents trying to contact the media for publicity, you would have people with experience doing so. The PR firm would know exactly what to release to the media to keep interest high.

That's an interesting idea. I wonder how much it would cost to hire a decent PR firm? How much is the reward in this case?
I remember Pudding pond. Would that be close to Walmart?

Pudding pond is close to her home, but I think it's closer to her home than to Walmart.
Any locals around to give a description of what it looks like behind walmart or why anyone would be back there? Reason I ask is, is it a place where teens hang out or a make out spot, etc? Going to date myself here, but when I grew up going behind Zayre's was for getting answers to the upcoming tests. People would write answers to test questions for the classes on the wall, and teachers used the same tests year after year. Just wondering if there was something behind the walmart store that locals know about. Also, I remember a pic of the area and I noted how rugged the terrain looked behind the store and wondered how close the mountains in the pic were to the store.
That's an interesting idea. I wonder how much it would cost to hire a decent PR firm? How much is the reward in this case?

In a case like this it would only benefit the PR firm to do it at no cost. Great positive publicity for a PR firm.
Sexual abuse, cutting, depression and a runaway attempt? Can you tell me where you are getting this information? Those are some harsh allegations. I have not seen anything in the press that would substantiate any of that.
I always worry that a family member (or even Abby herself) will read some of the comments on here and it will convince them not to open up to anyone. She's is only 14 years old and we should consider that fact when posting, you do not want to tarnish her reputation. Her schoolmates may be reading this and at that age they believe most of what they see on the internet and take it for fact.

I agree, the rumors that keep getting posted and discussed are not only not necessary but very hurtful and are not helping the cause of finding abby. Everyone in this girl's life are hurting badly. If it isn't fact based it isn't needed here. Frankly, it's disgusting.
Found this about the parking lot behind walmart:
he killer ridge run/Mason Brook Loop

You can also make a challenging 13+ mile loop that can take upwards of 3 hours depending on your endurance and conditions. Park at Walmart and follow the dirt trails over the train tracks and connect with the Corridor 19 Snowmobile trail. The trail curves around to the left and then to the right under the power lines. Just after the power lines, look for some single track trail on your left. Take that into the woods and keep on going until you cross a brook. Immediately after the brook, take the trail to the right that goes straight up Rattlesnake Mountain. When you summit Rattlesnake, you can follow a little used single track trail to Middle Mountain and then over to Peaked Mountain. As you then descend on Peaked, take the trail to the Black Cap Connector Trail to the summit of Black Cap. On your way up Black Cap, make a note of the Mason Brook Trail on your right as you will be coming down that way on your return trip. Once you summit Black Cap, turn around and retrace your steps until you get to the Mason Brook Trail. Take a left onto Mason Brook and follow it down until it comes out at a dirt road in what looks like an old sand pit. This is the Corridor 19 Snowmobile Trail. There is a kiosk just to your left when you come off of Mason Brook onto Corridor 19. Take a right onto the dirt road and follow it up the hill for about 1/2 a mile until you come to a much larger sand pit area. In this area the main dirt road will continue straight on through the sand pit and go a bit to the left. The Corridor 19 Trail forks off this main dirt road and goes just up the hill a bit. Follow Corridor 19 for another 2.4 miles and you’ll be back at Walmart. This is a pretty technical run and can be wet and muddy depending on the season.

just adding this tidbit from the same site: Walmart entrance: Go to Walmart in North Conway and park around to the left side of the store in the open area in the back. You will see a dirt trail/road heading towards the power lines behind the store.
In a case like this it would only benefit the PR firm to do it at no cost. Great positive publicity for a PR firm.

Why only pro bono? I can see why a PR firm would like the publicity, but being paid to do the job would obviously benefit them.
Why only pro bono? I can see why a PR firm would like the publicity, but being paid to do the job would obviously benefit them.

Just making suggestions, not requirements. :) In other words, can't hurt to ask since it would benefit the PR firm by the good publicity they'd receive. Not looking to suggest taking food out of their pockets, just agreeing that it's a good idea and beyond that might not be as expensive as the 20K reward. The "only" referred to the benefit to the PR firm, not to pro bono. I said it would "only" benefit the PR firm to do it pro bono, not that the PR firm should "only" do it pro bono.
Just making suggestions, not requirements. :) In other words, can't hurt to ask since it would benefit the PR firm by the good publicity they'd receive. Not looking to suggest taking food out of their pockets, just agreeing that it's a good idea and beyond that might not be as expensive as the 20K reward.

That $20,000 reward is FBI money soley for the purpose of the return or recovery of Abby or for the arrest and prosecution of anyone who may be responsible for her disappearance... it isn't coming from the family
Just making suggestions, not requirements. :) In other words, can't hurt to ask since it would benefit the PR firm by the good publicity they'd receive. Not looking to suggest taking food out of their pockets, just agreeing that it's a good idea and beyond that might not be as expensive as the 20K reward. The "only" referred to the benefit to the PR firm, not to pro bono. I said it would "only" benefit the PR firm to do it pro bono, not that the PR firm should "only" do it pro bono.

I'm agree that couldn't hurt to ask a PR firm to help pro bono but I still disagree that the only way a PR firm would benefit would be by doing it pro bono. Monetary gain is a benefit IMO.

So the reward is $20,000? What if a PR firm could be had for $10,000 and the other $10,000 could stay as a reward?
That $20,000 reward is FBI money soley for the purpose of the return or recovery of Abby or for the arrest and prosecution of anyone who may be responsible for her disappearance... it isn't coming from the family

Thanks. I don't think that the FBI would allow their reward money to be diverted to a PR firm.
That $20,000 reward is FBI money soley for the purpose of the return or recovery of Abby or for the arrest and prosecution of anyone who may be responsible for her disappearance... it isn't coming from the family

Okay, someone (not me) suggested the 20K might well used to hire a PR firm for the family. I agreed a PR firm is a good idea for a family to use in cases like this, and further added that I felt a PR firm might be willing to do it for free, especially since it might bring a PR firm positive publicity. Not saying they must do it for free or that money is coming from the family. However, I do agree a PR firm in a situation like this is a good idea since many times the families don't know how to handle keep the press involved and how to get the word out. The family has been lucky in that help getting the word out has been done by people making t-shirts, magnetized signs, billboards, etc. All these things cost money and the services have been largely donated ( I believe there's been a fee for the tshirts if you order one), but I'm sure a PR firm could come up with some rather unique methods for getting the story out, irregardless of where the money comes from or how much the cost is. The real point to the entire conversation is whether this family, or any family with a missing person, could benefit from a PR firm in helping further the search for their loved one. I believe it's a good idea.
It seems as though they are doing a great job with PR on their own? A lot of time and work, but the job is getting done and more and more awareness is coming about. That $20,000 reward could be key. In fact, I'd love to see the amount raised by the FBI.
I'm agree that couldn't hurt to ask a PR firm to help pro bono but I still disagree that the only way a PR firm would benefit would be by doing it pro bono. Monetary gain is a benefit IMO.

So the reward is $20,000? What if a PR firm could be had for $10,000 and the other $10,000 could stay as a reward?

Actually it was eileenhawkeye who suggested the reward money be used for a PR firm and you agreed. But it's a mute point since the FBI would have to agree to divert those funds and I would guess if it's for a reward it can't be used for anything other. And it would most likely present a financial hardship for most families to come up with 10K to hire a PR firm, especially if you feel that a PR firm shouldn't do it for free. I'm sure that there are some supports in place for families in handling the case, but it would be interesting to see what things a PR firm might come up for getting the story out quickly and keeping it out.
Okay, someone (not me) suggested the 20K might well used to hire a PR firm for the family. I agreed a PR firm is a good idea for a family to use in cases like this, and further added that I felt a PR firm might be willing to do it for free, especially since it might bring a PR firm positive publicity. Not saying they must do it for free or that money is coming from the family. However, I do agree a PR firm in a situation like this is a good idea since many times the families don't know how to handle keep the press involved and how to get the word out. The family has been lucky in that help getting the word out has been done by people making t-shirts, magnetized signs, billboards, etc. All these things cost money and the services have been largely donated ( I believe there's been a fee for the tshirts if you order one), but I'm sure a PR firm could come up with some rather unique methods for getting the story out, irregardless of where the money comes from or how much the cost is. The real point to the entire conversation is whether this family, or any family with a missing person, could benefit from a PR firm in helping further the search for their loved one. I believe it's a good idea.

I agree with you that any family in this type of situation could benefit from PR assistance, but more often than not a person volunteers to be that person and has to play by the rules of the LE agency in charge, which in this case is NHSP Major Crimes Unit.
It seems as though they are doing a great job with PR on their own? A lot of time and work, but the job is getting done and more and more awareness is coming about. That $20,000 reward could be key. In fact, I'd love to see the amount raised by the FBI.

They actually have a pretty good Marketing/PR guy running the bringabbyhome website and FB page. Doing an outstanding job IMO.
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