GUILTY NH - AH, 14, North Conway, 9 October 2013 - # 9

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“When we received this letter, I will tell you it was unprecedented. We have not seen anything like that in recent times in other investigations. But most importantly, it gave us hope,” said Kieran Ramsey, the FBI special agent in charge who is leading the investigation.

It has happened in other cases. Just a few weeks ago I was watching a film about a case of a young girl abducted where the perp held her for a time, and made her write a letter to her parents. I'll have to look up her name. Her older sister was in beauty pageants, and is now a minister.

ETA: Shari Smith, murdered by Larry Gene Bell

Sadly, it does happen. Houston serial killer Dean Corll many times forced his young victims to either phone or write to their parents with explanations for their absences in an effort to allay the parents' fears for their sons' safety.
Abby, Mom misses you. Here is a letter from Mom to you.

So, with the release of the info about the letter, what do we all think now with regards to theories, etc?
I think it sounds very promising.

If all the attention is what is keeping Abby from going home, I vow to never type another word about her once it's known she's alright and is (or headed) home. I promise.

Abby, please be home for Christmas, it's the only gift your Mom and sister need or want. :)
So, with the release of the info about the letter, what do we all think now with regards to theories, etc?

I continue to hope that the holidays are full of miracles. I can't imagine the celebration on this board when AH is finally home!
On Thursday, Zenya Hernandez took calls from reporters about her Christmas letter to Abby.

"Now Christmas is very quiet and empty," said Zenya describing the void caused by her daughter's disappearance. Zenya said Christmas is a time for new beginnings and love and forgiveness for all.

Zenya said the letter from Abby in October gave her the best feeling because it showed she was alive.

Zenya said Abby made everyday life fun with with her "joyful" nature. For instance, Abby went to the Fryeburg Fair this fall, just prior to her disappearance, and she was "cracking up" about a truck pull.

"She was really laughing and describing how the whole event went," said Zenya. "It was really funny."

Abby went to the homecoming dance and had a great time. Zenya still has Abby's homecoming dress where she left it.

"I can't even look at it," said Zenya.

Zenya said there was no indication that anything was wrong before Abby disappeared. Abby was "very happy," said Zenya.

"It was thunder in the midst of a clear day," said Zenya. "All I want to say is I love Abby."
Zenya's letter is heartbreaking.

She says over and over again, "I want to see you again", "I want to hear your voice", "Please let me pick you up"...

It's like when a mom sees her newborn for the first time, she sees her precious face, hears her voice (cries), and picks her up (holds her in her arms).

Abby, your Mom wants to start a new life with you. She's willing to do whatever it takes. Come home for Christmas!


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I'm glad to see that Abby's mother continues to reach out to her and I pray that Abby comes home very soon. However, her letter seems to be entirely built on the premise that Abby is in control of her situation, making her a runaway. That seems totally inconsistent with Mom's statement that Abby was happy and showed no indication of having any problems. In addition, Mom's promise that all the attention will go away makes me wonder if our efforts are counter productive.
I read updates on this case everyday, pray for Abby each night, and would happily do what I could to bring her back. On the other hand, if she returns home safely and the family asks for privacy, I'll let it go immediately and hope the media would do the same.
If Abby has some problems or worries, they can't be as bad as she imagines and I hope she returns to her friends and family to trust in their loving support.
Unless I am getting the wrong impression, it appears that her mother believes she left on her own and is staying away on her own. She read Abigail's letter and we did not, so I have to assume she knows more than we do. I hope Abigail comes home or at least gets in touch right away.

I think LE is involved only because she is a minor and needs to be located. Maybe NH has the luxury of trying to find her because they have so few missing people, apparently.

Well, I'm sure Abby's mom realizes there are a few scenario's here. the only scenario a letter would work would be if Abby is in control or if an abductor is feeling pressure, enough to just let her go. The rule of life is to spend your energy on those things you can control. Therefore, in Zenya's situation the only thing for her to do in the scenarios is talk to Abby in anyway she can IF she can walk away. There is no risk, the only thing she CAN DO is try. If Abby doesn't come home For Christmas or very soon after I think this will prove she is being held and is in danger... this letter kills two birds with one stone so to speak. It speaks to the possiblity that Abby can control her situation and it will show (should she not return) that Abby is NOT in control of her situation. Let's be honest, even the most upset of teens would return at this length of time and with two pleas from mom, one or two from her dad. I'm praying the first scenario is at work and she returns. If not, at least they will have a much more solid idea of the situation they are dealing with (they being family and LE) I think it is brilliant!

Praying Abby comes home! A Christmas Miracle. They've happened before, it can happen now, for Abby and the whole Hernandez Family.
Unless I am getting the wrong impression, it appears that her mother believes she left on her own and is staying away on her own. She read Abigail's letter and we did not, so I have to assume she knows more than we do. I hope Abigail comes home or at least gets in touch right away.

I think LE is involved only because she is a minor and needs to be located. Maybe NH has the luxury of trying to find her because they have so few missing people, apparently.

Think demographics and finances. They have fewer missing people due to lower population therefore less funds than say a Massachusetts or NY... but possibly not per person. I don't know the numbers, but clearly the demographics are different in an NH than a CA. I also think it looks different, but isn't different demographically/financially. MA look like they let a lot be ignored, but if you look at all the big news stories, the FBI, missing persons the percentage that are clearly worked on by FBI and clearly not may be much the same if not almost equivalent. Lastly, the FBI is federal. I can't imagine they are kidding around when they say they have grave concerns for her safety. If they thought this child had run and was safe somewhere, do you really think the feds would be spending their time on this? This plea/letter from Abby's mom is (imho) that alone, a plea to her child. She wants her daughter home and is remaining hopeful and trying any avenue she can to either get her home or hear that she is alive and safe.
Think demographics and finances. They have fewer missing people due to lower population therefore less funds than say a Massachusetts or NY... but possibly not per person. I don't know the numbers, but clearly the demographics are different in an NH than a CA. I also think it looks different, but isn't different demographically/financially. MA look like they let a lot be ignored, but if you look at all the big news stories, the FBI, missing persons the percentage that are clearly worked on by FBI and clearly not may be much the same if not almost equivalent. Lastly, the FBI is federal. I can't imagine they are kidding around when they say they have grave concerns for her safety. If they thought this child had run and was safe somewhere, do you really think the feds would be spending their time on this? This plea/letter from Abby's mom is (imho) that alone, a plea to her child. She wants her daughter home and is remaining hopeful and trying any avenue she can to either get her home or here that she is alive and safe.

Apparently Abigail is not with anyone who has a legal right to her, so it is a police matter in any event. Their opinion is (IMO) that she could not be taking care of herself on her own, for two plus months. She may not be in actual danger but someone is committing a crime if they are sheltering and feeding her. So it is their job to try to locate her.

I wonder if she was close to any former teachers or other adults who are no longer in the immediate area. An adult might take her in, if convinced that Abigail might come to harm at home, for example, whether true or not.
Exactly... if she was with a family member they'd know that by now, or so I believe. No matter with whom she is staying, who is helping her... this person/these people have some serious legal issues hanging over them right now.
Demographics meaning Per Capita...sorry, tired and off to bed and realized I was not using the correct teem to make my point. Not sure the numbers, but I bet they would explain a lot regarding thoughts of NH having enough money due to fewer missing kids.
I'm glad to see that Abby's mother continues to reach out to her and I pray that Abby comes home very soon. However, her letter seems to be entirely built on the premise that Abby is in control of her situation, making her a runaway. That seems totally inconsistent with Mom's statement that Abby was happy and showed no indication of having any problems. In addition, Mom's promise that all the attention will go away makes me wonder if our efforts are counter productive.
I read updates on this case everyday, pray for Abby each night, and would happily do what I could to bring her back. On the other hand, if she returns home safely and the family asks for privacy, I'll let it go immediately and hope the media would do the same.
If Abby has some problems or worries, they can't be as bad as she imagines and I hope she returns to her friends and family to trust in their loving support.

Welcome Spider92!:welcome5: Thank you for your input and your support of Abby. I don't post often on her thread either, but I follow her case closely as you do.
I'm new to the forum but I've been following the case. So please forgive me if the following information has already been discussed.

I believe it was a little over a week ago when a person contacted media and law enforcement about a video that he believed had Abby in it. Most people didn't think it was her but LE were looking into it. Does anyone know what came of that? OR does anyone have link to the original video?
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