NH NH - Allenstown, Adult Female & 3 Children, found Nov'85 & May'00 #2

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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It say like the FBI and NHSP are the ones doing the DNA testing in this case. I think it take a dew weeks do the testing and we don’t know when it was started. Here they had 3 sources of DNA to test against with the ex husband,the family and the other ex husband in this case

Did the guy search Rasmussen’s name??
The original message was posted in mid-October, although I’m not sure how soon afterward DNA was taken. The second ex-husband passed in the 80’s, but the 2 girls would share DNA with the woman’s siblings so I think that would be enough?

No idea how the ex-husband made the connection.
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I don't want to tempt fate, but I truly hope that these innocents will be reunited with their family. It's been so long and the least they deserve are their own names back. We may never be able to find everyone Rasmussen killed, or where he has been, but we can help those we know he murdered.

As I have young children myself, this case has broken my heart over the last six or seven years I have researched it. I have tried very hard to try to find names for them and done my best to try and think of scenarios that could have lead to this.*

I honestly hope that they get their names back this year.

*I am trying to be a writer, which would probably explain some of my previous posts.
If it turns out not to be them, will it be announced in the news as well? And, if it isn't them, is someone in the process of reporting them all missing and putting them in NamUs? Or are they in there already? I haven't checked.
It's amazing how many families never reported loved ones missing.
Not necessarily the family's fault. Remember, we've seen many cases throughout the years where LE has refused taking a missing person's report, especially here where an adult (the mom) seemingly has left voluntarily with another adult (TPR) and brought her children with her.
Not necessarily the family's fault. Remember, we've seen many cases throughout the years where LE has refused taking a missing person's report, especially here where an adult (the mom) seemingly has left voluntarily with another adult (TPR) and brought her children with her.
It's not about fault, the fault of their deaths is on the person who killed them. It's just strange how people didn't report family members missing as they do now. Perhaps it has to do with the ability of people to stay in contact better? Even long distance phone calls were expensive back in those days, that may have added to the issue. But when you combine that with hesitation of LE to take a missing persons case for an adult, it does explain it.
Not necessarily the family's fault. Remember, we've seen many cases throughout the years where LE has refused taking a missing person's report, especially here where an adult (the mom) seemingly has left voluntarily with another adult (TPR) and brought her children with her.

Very true. There are so many reasons why a missing person may not have been reported, or it may appear not to have been reported back then. It's not illegal for an adult to go missing, and back when all this went down, we didn't have the internet (email, social media), only expensive long distance phone calls and snail mail. Telegrams, too, if you want to get really old school. That's it. So it was easy to lose track of someone and it not necessarily be a red flag. People used to go long periods of time without contact back then and think nothing of it. (My friend went over 10 years without contacting his mother back then. I harped on him to call her, but he was too embarrassed because so much time had gone by. He finally did.)

Also, I've noticed a trend in some of the latest identifications: the family didn't want to report them missing (or were hesitant) because the adult MP's were wanted by law enforcement. OR, the family didn't want to get them in trouble if they happened to leave due to their life style or questionable activities. Kimberlin Mills and Jimmy Hendricks weren't reported because he was on the lam. Denise Beaudin wasn't reported because her family believed she may be in financial straits and didn't want to get her in trouble, especially if they knew about TPR jacking electricity and bouncing checks. Recently, I read about an undocumented immigrant who died in 1989 in NY who wasn't a John Doe, but his family was in Europe, and they held back reporting him after they didn't hear from him in a while because they knew he'd be mad at them for contacting the authorities to report him missing. They didn't want to stir up the pot. He ended up being buried in a pauper's grave and his family just recently reclaimed him. Even though he technically wasn't missing in the US, he was buried with his real name, but to his family, he was missing all this time. So, I'm seeing cases where the family just didn't know how to handle their loved one's absence, possibly afraid it would look like they were crying wolf, especially if the MP had a criminal history or a transient, financial hardship-type lifestyle and went off the radar on purpose. What if their loved one weren't missing, just living their life? And if they were reported and found, their missing loved one could get in trouble and they’d be angry at their family. It really backs the family up against the wall. Darned if they do, darned if they don't. Please note, I'm talking about adults here, not missing children.

I've also noticed that some folks tried to report their loved one missing, but LE wouldn't take the report because they were adults or, if teens, brushed off as a runaway. Or the MP was reported missing, but LE lost the report, the report got damaged in a flood or fire, or they closed out the report due to inactivity. Then there are some families that state they reported their loved one missing, but LE states they didn't. It’s because of all these reasons, I don’t judge the families of historical missing person cases.
Recently, I read about an undocumented immigrant who died in 1989 in NY who wasn't a John Doe, but his family was in Europe, and they held back reporting him after they didn't hear from him in a while because they knew he'd be mad at them for contacting the authorities to report him missing. They didn't want to stir up the pot. He ended up being buried in a pauper's grave and his family just recently reclaimed him. Even though he technically wasn't missing in the US, he was buried with his real name, but to his family, he was missing all this time.
OT: Was this the story, Alleykins?
He died in New York in 1989. Now Ferg Griffin is coming home
"By 1989 though, we’d not heard from him in almost a year, and we were really worried. But we also knew he’d be angry if we reported this to the gardaí. We did not want to get him in trouble” – Fergus was undocumented – “and wreck any chance he had of a new life in New York.”

Their mother Pat reported Fergus missing to the gardaí in Blackrock but, because he was over 18, she was told there was little they could do.“Mum got in contact with the Salvation Army, who’d had a good reputation for finding missing people at the time, but to no avail. We were also in contact with the NYPD, but again, the attitude was ‘well, he is over 18’.”
If these potential matches turn out to be the ones, I wonder if they'll be able to find anyone who knew the mom from back then. Maybe they'd know the name of the middle, unrelated child. Otherwise, if we find out the ID of the three related people in Allenstown, we still have 3 people to ID/Account for: Denise, The middle child, and the middle child's mother.
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