NH NH/CA - Robert Evans, suspected SK, Allenstown, 1981-2000's

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What I find interesting about our guy is that he really doesn't have much of a criminal record (well, except for the murders).

He was arrested three times in NH but these were minor crimes people with serious money problems commit, not hardened criminals. (Stealing electricity almost always means bypassing your meter to avoid it being measured or bypass where the power company has cut you off for non-payment. His fingerprints did not have a "hit" yet he was using a false identity. Why? It is possible that his fingerprints were not submitted to the State or Federal Data Base, perhaps because they were only misdemeanor but verifying against other data bases is usually done.

Ordinary debts wouldn't cause you much trouble if you moved out of the area. Child Support and Federal Taxes are two types of debt you couldn't really run from and along with criminal warrants and immigration issues, are the most common reason for changing ones identity.

1981 was a recession year. If he was using a false identity without a "good" Social Security number, he would not have been able to get Unemployment Benefits. Perhaps this is why he had to commit petty frauds.

In California, besides the murder, the only real crime he committed that demonstrates "criminal intent" was the vehicle theft in Nov 1988 in San Luis Obispo and we really don't know what came of it. He was arrested on the child abandonment warrant in March 1989 but we don't know where he was at the time. It is possible that he was being held on the car theft charge but there is no mention of ever being convicted on that charge. He was convicted on the child abandonment charge and served 18 months under the name Curtis Mayo Kimball, the id he was using when he got his DUI in May of 1985. No link was made with his NH arrests or any arrests anywhere else. Apparently that was the first time his fingerprints were registered in a Law Enforcement data base. After that, his identity seemed to revert to that name while in custody.

The Santa Cruz newspaper article alleges that 5 year old Lisa claimed he had molested her but it also states that there was no physical evidence of sexual abuse. The San Bernardino paper also states that there was no evidence of abuse. He was not convicted of sexual abuse, only abandonment. I am not convinced that he did sexually abuse her or that it was his motivation for keeping her as long as he did.

When he was arrested for murder in 2002, he was using the name Vanner but was id'd as Kimball when his prints were run. Due to the seriousness of the crime and the fact that he had a pattern of using aliases, it would be SOP to check every available fingerprints registry. By 2002, This was all digitalize and easy to do. But no hits before 1985.

I am not trying to defend the guy. He killed five people including a child but there doesn't seem to be an obvious motive. It is quite a mystery.
IAFIS only became operational around 1999. Prior to that, cards were used and searches took months. Local law enforcement would probably not have bothered without a good reason.

I think this guy, like Dennis Rader and others pretty much stuck to murder. I think that is why he was using an alias...he had killed before NH.


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Another of Robert Evans' aliases had the middle name of "Mayo". He probably took this from the USS Mayo, a ship (vessel) in the Star Trek series and is probably useless for identification purposes. I am leaning to believing he got his electrical training from the service.

I like your insight.
It appears to me his right eye wonders to the right a bit.

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I wonder if any old time Star Trek fans remember this guy.

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Did someone post that while he changed his birth year, he kept the same birth month and day?
Did someone post that while he changed his birth year, he kept the same birth month and day?
Someone posted that early but I don't think we have any confirmation. I saw his birth date on a parole photo (Curtis Kimball 3-18-42) but don't remember it anywhere else.

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Did someone post that while he changed his birth year, he kept the same birth month and day?
He used the name Curtis Mayo Kimball whose birth is Mar 18 1952. Evans who used this guys name used march 18 1942. Changed the year by 10 years.
I think this guy, like Dennis Rader and others pretty much stuck to murder. I think that is why he was using an alias...he had killed before NH.

Agreed. He wasn't using an alias because he was running from lesser crimes. He was trying to avoid being linked to bodies he had left behind.

As for the question about whether L/D was sexually abused, the idea that this leaves permanent medical evidence is highly questionable, even if one is operating under the assumption that a full penetrative rape was perpetrated. Of course, sexual molestation doesn't necessarily mean penetrative rape, so I don't put much stock in medical exams conducted weeks or months later. I don't think there was any other reason for him to keep the girl that long considering that he had already killed multiple children.

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Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

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This case has so many variables-Evans names,dates of birth, date of death of girls in barrels,even how old the victims were.so I was thinking,we know Evans killed a,WIFE in 2002.we know he very well may have killed DENISE Beaudin.We know its,also likely he killed his "WIFE","Elizabeth"and her children.Ge killed his,daughter,and likely her MOTHER..he used birth dates 1936-1952,so lets,say go in the middle,leaving us,with 1944as,a possible bday.he,arrived in NH in 1977.Unknown exactly where he was before.given this birth date,he would have been around 33(average only).even with the child he ended up killing,that's late in age for a,drifter especially,not to have started a,family before this.An average birth date for his child,around 1976.,he would have been in his thirties.Given how many wifes/gfs he killed,it seems like its very likely that he killed before possibly killing his Childs mother.its not impossible that he had killed another family before .very unlikely to a)start a,family in your thirties especially with his lifestyle,b)he ran from somewhere to NH,c)with his M.O. ,its very poss there's another family out there not yet discovered,IMO
Wow pretty brilliant insights on the names. I too had noticed the Laporte connection, but missed Evanston. Although maybe he really WAS from Evanston (or more likely had spent time there) and that's where he took "Evans" from?

And the Star Trek and Fugitive suggestions are very interesting. Although that would make the CMB same-name and almost birthday to that other guy a way too big coincidence. I kind of don't want to dismiss either theory yet about how he got the CMB alias and others.
LE is now convinced that LJ is a victim. LJ was a young child at the time and she is an adult now - old enough to understand what is and is not abuse, and to articulate her experiences. Casting aspersions about her truthfulness (when thus far it would appear all information she has given to LE has been entirely credible) serves no good purpose. It does not get us any closer to discovering Evans' identity or that of the Allenstown victims.
I think when/if any of us do stumble across a pic of Evans (unless it's from early childhood or something), we won't need to ask if it is him, it will be fairly obvious. We already have several known photos of him to compare to. In this case, we're not trying to compare live photos to reconstructions, age progressions, or morgue photos where some inexactness is expected. So two photos that are clearly two different people can be easy rule outs.
I doubt Robert was from Evanston, Wyoming, he needed a method to remember his lies about his birthplace, so he said he was from there as it was easy to remember his lie. Being on the run, he would not want to reveal his birthplace.
I am going to backtrack and give a more plausible reason why he called himself Curtis Kimball. Earlier I had thought he was simply using a derivation of Richard Kimble of "The Fugitive". I think it is more realistic to think he chose the name "Kimball" that is associated with Star Trek. Early on in the Star Trek days there was a highly publicized myth that the Star Wars Jedi Master, Yoda was modeled after LDS (Mormon) President Spencer Kimball. I think I can remember the hoopla surrounding this connection. (I am not a fan of Star Wars and have never seen any episodes or movies or comic books relating to Star Wars material.) I am getting this data from the internet Google search engine.
So that makes Ulos, Mayo, and Kimball, all names that Robert Evans probably has taken from the Star Wars' material. (I also have read that after a Star Wars' movie comes out, there are parents that name their children after Star Wars' characters). It wouldn't surprise me if some fanatics even change their own names to Star Wars characters. I will now add another alias Robert has taken from Star Wars, that of Rollin. Curtis Rollin Kimball undoubtedly took Rollin from Captain Rollin Bannock, who was a Starfleet officer who served in the 23 d Century.
As has been noted in an earlier post (maybe on another thread), that there are two people named Curtis Mayo Kimball and Curtis Rollin Kimball in Georgia. The Curtis Rollin Kimball has two relatives (I assume children) named Rheta and Cassandra, both Star Wars characters. The word on the previous posts is that these are two living people (the two Curtis Kimballs), and not the alias Robert Adams used, who died in prison. I do not know how it was determined these two individuals are alive and not the Curtis Kimball who died in prison, but this is really strange. I can look up Denise Beaudin and the internet shows she is still alive in New Hampshire, so it these two Curtis Kimballs in Georgia are still alive, there must have been some communicating carried on between them and the Kimball who died in prison.
Some of the other aliases Robert Evans used (Gordon, Vanner, Mockerman, Curtis, etc) may have also come from Star Wars or the comics...Gordon, maybe Flash Gordon?
Robert could easily change his wife's names when they were deceased, but while they were alive, it would be harder to conceal. There is an Elizabeth Needham from Manchester, NH related to a Robert L Evans and related to a Robert E Evans, has that been checked out to see if she can be ruled out?
I am jumping around a bit, but according to my notes, Robert Evans might have taken the alias Lawrence "Vanner" from Adam Vanner,a director of World War Z-Star Trek Beyond.
I don't recognize the initials CMB
It's a darn shame we don't have isotopes in HIM. IM ASSUMING THEY CREMATE PRISONERS. that's too good for him.
Seems like he may have changed names to avoid re-capture when he jumped bailed. He did this under the alias Curtis. So, I've been trying to check fugitive records since 1950, but it's very timely since I can't seem to find a national online database and I've resorted to checking each area individually, sometimes by each county in a state individually. Also, he may have been in the military before age 30 which may explain why there isn't anything before 1977. He may have been moved around a lot and stationed in areas where he could do his killing and move on. Since he liked to live in RV parks and LE is interested in TX it might be worth looking into newspaper archives to see if there were any abductions or murders in RV parks before 1977. I'm fairly sure if he had taken his biological daughter to NH without her mother there would have been a missing child reported. So my guess is, he brought the mother from wherever he was, killed her along the way, met up with the other woman and two children brought them to NH (she was the Elizabeth) and then killed all four and put them in the barrels sometime between Feb 1980 and May 1980 (the time between the bad check and the theft of electrical services). Which coincides with a window of opportunity for him to kill a school age child without a school taking notice. This is also why I think he got rid of Lisa when he did, school age. Truant children will attract too much attention.
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