Found Deceased NH - Celina Cass, 11, Stewartstown, 25 July 2011 #11 *Arrest*

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I only find one person that isn't believable in this whole scenario.....
KM seems like he's hurting and did whatever he could for the investigation, including stripping down naked...
WN seemed like all he was doing was defending himself and is uncooperative and a liar

Doesn't take a genius...
Hope they get enough evidence soon to make an arrest so that LN can have some closure.. Although, she'll never, ever have peace again.
I think that regardless of who seems believable in their statements or interviews, the fact that the door was left unlocked makes it difficult to narrow the focus to the 3 we've been discussing. As someone pointed out earlier, anyone could have waltzed right into that house.
How much time was there between when Wendell's drinking buddies left and KM came home (the time when Celina was likely attacked)?
Deleted my last message...
If WN and his cronies did something to Celina... they had all the time in the world after 9 PM when LN went to bed...
Wish we knew who the cronies were...
If KM did go through 40 hours of interrogation then that tells me that LE had some doubts about him for quite awhile. I am still not 100% sure which way to go on this.
Quite a few times now I've viewed the Louisa Noyes interview aired Sept 21, 2011 ... moo, LN is not the perp.

This news video aired Sept 23, 2011, emphasizes the toxicology results.

The contention is something found in Celina's blood stream led the ME to rule homicide.


Did Celina get into someone's stash and accidently OD .. and that someone did not want to get caught dealing so they removed Celina and their stash from the apartment?

.. or ..

Nothing .. it's a ploy for LE to stress POIs and watch their actions over time?

The drug's or alcohol theory was one that I thought of as soon as they announced they had the tox in.

While WN does look really bad in this, for once I am remaining quiet on this one as far as who I think might have did it. Something keeps bugging me about this, and I don't think she was murdered on purpose.

It seems like something happened, be it drugs, alcohol, accidental fall or whatever, and someone in her house panicked. They probably thought throwing her in the water would take her into Canada and that would be the end of it. That's why I thought drugs or alcohol, because even in their panic if it was an accident you would think they would call 911 and go with the accident story.

As far as the mother goes and the town supporting her this is a pretty small town. It's pretty much everyone knows everyone, like most of the towns up that way, so if LN is a model citizen no one is going to want to think she would do anything.

I would like to know if they ruled the other guy living in the house out. I haven't been too up-to-date on the story recently. Could he have had drugs she got into? I know he came home late, but did he? This story has a lot of unanswered questions and even if there is an arrest the whole story may never be known.

There is 3 parts to every story; their side, her side and the truth. Unfortunately, Celina can't give her side.
If KM did go through 40 hours of interrogation then that tells me that LE had some doubts about him for quite awhile. I am still not 100% sure which way to go on this.

Did I read that KM lives in the condo with LN, his Dad, and Celina's sister?

snipped-When News 9's Amy Coveno caught up with Mullaney, he was watching television with his father, Mark, and Louisia Cass in the new duplex they share across the river in Vermont.

Jeannie- yeah I an wondering too- who is the 'they' that is sharing?? :waitasec:

O I go with that thought.
snipped-When News 9's Amy Coveno caught up with Mullaney, he was watching television with his father, Mark, and Louisia Cass in the new duplex they share across the river in Vermont.

Jeannie- yeah I an wondering too- who is the 'they' that is sharing?? :waitasec:

O I go with that thought.


Does anyone know if WN and LN are divorced?
I believe him.

I do as well. However, there is an inconsistency in his story which goes to the heart of what I said earlier about witness accounts.

Kevin said he and a friend were driving around, saw Wendel outside, then went back to the friend's house for "a few hours" before he returned to his own home at midnight. This would indicate, based on the timeline he reported, that he saw Wendel outside at about...

9:00 pm.

Which means that he does not, in fact, dispute Wendel's account at all.

I said earlier, it is quite possible that everyone here is telling the truth as they remember it. Kevin might well have seen Wendel, not at 9:00, but at 8:30, or perhaps as late as 9:30. He remembers it as being about 9:00 based upon how much time he thinks he spent at his friend's home.

Wendel might well also believe he went to bed with LN, and at about 9:00. But then he too was with friends and he had no reason to pay exact attention to the clock. perhaps it was 9:00, perhaps closer to 9:30. He might think he went to bed with his wife when it was actually a bit later. Maybe half an hour. Ten minutes here, five there, and very quickly it adds up -- particularly when people are just going through their normal day and not studying their watches.

For myself, even tonight I cannot tell you within a half hour when my wife went to bed. She said goodnight to me, I know that much, but was it a half hour ago? An hour? More? I wasn't actually paying attention to the clock because, well... why would I?

Like I said at the beginning of this post I see no reason to doubt this guy. He might be an ex felon, but Celina seemed to like him quite a lot. Not that this means anything of course. I also haven't seen anything that really sends up major red flags with anyone else in the immediate family --WN is acting about the way I would expect a paranoid schitzophrenic to act; mom is mostly acting like a grieving mom. If we had a cause of death, or more information, the most likely suspect would probably be clearer, but we don't.
I think that regardless of who seems believable in their statements or interviews, the fact that the door was left unlocked makes it difficult to narrow the focus to the 3 we've been discussing. As someone pointed out earlier, anyone could have waltzed right into that house.

And it seems as though the business owner / neighbor's story is at least somewhat accurate -- that it was a pretty happening spot for visitors. There were even guests over the evening Celina vanished.
I do as well. However, there is an inconsistency in his story which goes to the heart of what I said earlier about witness accounts.

Kevin said he and a friend were driving around, saw Wendel outside, then went back to the friend's house for "a few hours" before he returned to his own home at midnight. This would indicate, based on the timeline he reported, that he saw Wendel outside at about...

9:00 pm.

Which means that he does not, in fact, dispute Wendel's account at all.

I said earlier, it is quite possible that everyone here is telling the truth as they remember it. Kevin might well have seen Wendel, not at 9:00, but at 8:30, or perhaps as late as 9:30. He remembers it as being about 9:00 based upon how much time he thinks he spent at his friend's home.

Wendel might well also believe he went to bed with LN, and at about 9:00. But then he too was with friends and he had no reason to pay exact attention to the clock. perhaps it was 9:00, perhaps closer to 9:30. He might think he went to bed with his wife when it was actually a bit later. Maybe half an hour. Ten minutes here, five there, and very quickly it adds up -- particularly when people are just going through their normal day and not studying their watches.

For myself, even tonight I cannot tell you within a half hour when my wife went to bed. She said goodnight to me, I know that much, but was it a half hour ago? An hour? More? I wasn't actually paying attention to the clock because, well... why would I?

Like I said at the beginning of this post I see no reason to doubt this guy. He might be an ex felon, but Celina seemed to like him quite a lot. Not that this means anything of course. I also haven't seen anything that really sends up major red flags with anyone else in the immediate family --WN is acting about the way I would expect a paranoid schitzophrenic to act; mom is mostly acting like a grieving mom. If we had a cause of death, or more information, the most likely suspect would probably be clearer, but we don't.

I hadn't thought of the timeline but you are correct and I am the worst to not watch a clock when I don't have anything planned that day or evening. If I had to tell you what I did today at a certain time I'd be in trouble! lol

I have thought and still think it could have been someone outside of the home who might have come in looking for someone else and found Celina on the couch or maybe on the porch. I think on the porch because I believe she was found in a sleeping bag and we have seen several of them lined on the railing of the porch. She might have gone out on the porch and slipped into a sleeping bag. Just sitting there enjoying the night or waiting for Kevin to come home. It was a weekend and maybe she didn't want to go to bed early.....

I don't believe she was murdered at the house but taken away in a vehicle. Too many people in the home and popping in and out to do it there. I'm sure it was someone she knew. Probably felt safe with that person or persons.


This confirms to me that LN, Kayla, KM moved into MM's duplex. Anyone think that maybe LN moving in with an old BF might be adding fuel to a fire that she is still married to? I read an article earlier last week that said reporters caught up with WN as he was walking around the family's home saying he was "just waiting and doing what he was supposed to." Wonder which home the reporter was referring to? The old one in W. Stewartstown or the new Duplex they all live in now?

This confirms to me that LN, Kayla, KM moved into MM's duplex. Anyone think that maybe LN moving in with an old BF might be adding fuel to a fire that she is still married to? I read an article earlier last week that said reporters caught up with WN as he was walking around the family's home saying he was "just waiting and doing what he was supposed to." Wonder which home the reporter was referring to? The old one in W. Stewartstown or the new Duplex they all live in now?

Wow! Must have been WN's mother's home. I'm sure all that has happened has taken it's tole on him and this last happening probably doesn't help his condition at all. I don't know that he did anything to Celina. I hope that he didn't. He does seem to be the one everyone is pointing at now. Including his wife. imo

I'm shocked that LN would move in with an old boyfriend at this time. Maybe she's afraid. I don't know and I hate to sound like I'm judging her Honestly, in the last interview I noticed she had lost weight, colored her hair, and looked like a different person. The weight loss is understandable under the circumstances. I thought the hair color and new do were because of TV but who knows! lol

I just hope and pray they find the person responsible for Celina's death.

Rest is peace beautiful little girl!
As many of you have, I have been following this case since a few days before Celina's body was found. I have read every post, followed most links, followed other forums, followed FB pages of individuals related to this case, read most news articles using Google Alerts and Google News Search.

Since very early on I felt it was likely that WN was involved since there were many more facts and inferences that pointed at him. And many fewer at the oft suspected KM. I believe the more recent information reinforces that.

I do not base my opinion on any individual fact, but on the totality of information. IMHO the likelihood of WN is 98%, KM 0%, and someone else 2%.

Whether LN knows who did it, or suspects who did it, she certainly has more factual information than any of us here. Her choice to continue living with KM and to separate from WN is a bit telling.

Below is an updated version of a table I have posted before. The information in it shows some of the facts that lead me to the conclusion. While some may or may not be relevant or even correct, I think the direction is clear.

Unrelated male living in home with young females Yes Yes
Criminal background Yes Yes
Crime involving assault Yes No
Sexual crime Yes No
Several family members convicted of sexual crime Yes No
Quoted as "grieving" before death was known Yes No
Strange, falling down, behavior Yes No
Subsequent estrangement from family Yes No
In (or was in) federal institution, possible haven from arrest Yes No
Impounded vehicle still held by le Yes No
Unwilling to talk (according to WN's mother) Yes No
Lied according to LN Yes No
Evasive/nervous behavior in TV interview Yes No
As many of you have, I have been following this case since a few days before Celina's body was found. I have read every post, followed most links, followed other forums, followed FB pages of individuals related to this case, read most news articles using Google Alerts and Google News Search.

Since very early on I felt it was likely that WN was involved since there were many more facts and inferences that pointed at him. And many fewer at the oft suspected KM. I believe the more recent information reinforces that.

I do not base my opinion on any individual fact, but on the totality of information. IMHO the likelihood of WN is 98%, KM 0%, and someone else 2%.

Whether LN knows who did it, or suspects who did it, she certainly has more factual information than any of us here. Her choice to continue living with KM and to separate from WN is a bit telling.

Below is an updated version of a table I have posted before. The information in it shows some of the facts that lead me to the conclusion. While some may or may not be relevant or even correct, I think the direction is clear.

Unrelated male living in home with young females Yes Yes
Criminal background Yes Yes
Crime involving assault Yes No
Sexual crime Yes No
Several family members convicted of sexual crime Yes No
Quoted as "grieving" before death was known Yes No
Strange, falling down, behavior Yes No
Subsequent estrangement from family Yes No
In (or was in) federal institution, possible haven from arrest Yes No
Impounded vehicle still held by le Yes No
Unwilling to talk (according to WN's mother) Yes No
Lied according to LN Yes No
Evasive/nervous behavior in TV interview Yes No

Some thoughts...................

WN was never convicted of any sexual crime.
Just because WN has family members who have been convicted of sexual crimes should not reflect negatively on him. What do you know about KM's family background?
WN is mentally unstable. To start picking apart his statements and assigning a lot of significance to any specific word he may use is unfair and leads to unreliable conclusions.
Just because WN fell down in the driveway, turned pictures over, etc. is not of much significance since people with his condition do not act and react or behave in a manner that we would consider "normal".
Whether or not WN lied depends upon whether or not you take LN statements as the truth. I see no basis for accepting her statements as true over any one else's.
There has been no mention of WN's truck being out of the driveway after 9 pm. However, KM has admitted he was out on the road between 9 and midnight.
If you accept KM's statement that he came home at midnight (earlier he had said he came home at 11 pm and sat on the couch) and Celina was not upstairs, then it seems that Celina must have disappeared between 9 and midnight. That could point in WN's direction or to an intruder or possibly to Celina going outside on her own.
I see opportunity for both WN and KM to have done something to Celina. But the one with a stronger motive, IMHO, is KM. He's closer to Celina's age; he's living in a community with limited opportunities for meeting and dating women; no mention has been made of him having a girlfriend; he has past associations with drug users; he could have come home after drinking or doing drugs and decided to have a "sexual encounter" with Celina. He could have drugged her; he could have attacked her; he could have lured her out of the house.
And let's not assume that LN is innocent. Remember, there have been quite a few mothers of missing children on TV crying up a storm and pleading for return of their child, only to be charged later in their child's disappearance.

"All the vehicles were in the driveway as normal," he said. "The door was open. Everybody's sleeping. The lights are off. I just turned on the light, made a couple of sandwiches, watched TV and went to bed." Mullaney said he went upstairs about 1 a.m. and was out the door by 6:15 a.m. for a job he had in Canaan, Vt. He said none of the cars in the driveway appeared to have moved at all overnight. He said he didn't see Celina at all that night or in the morning.


Did KM drive his own vehicle that evening or did someone pick him up from and drop him off to the apartment?

I suspect by "door was open", KM means, "door was unlocked", not ajar.

How does KM know "everybody's sleeping"? Based on all "lights are off"?

News 9 asked him about whether Celina was sleeping on the couch. "If she's by herself, she does," he said. "Like, if her sister's not there, she sleeps upstairs because she's afraid of the dark. I figured both of them were there because Celina's not upstairs."

Celina sleeps upstairs because "she's afraid of the dark" .. ok but, all "lights are off" so, that would include 'upstairs', too?

Was Celina more afraid of being alone as opposed to simply being afraid of the "dark"?

But Celina's sister, Kayla, wasn't home that night. She was at a sleepover with a friend, something Mullaney said he didn't learn until later.

One wonders how the sister feels .. if she had only not slept elsewhere ... wow.

In the early stages of the investigation, Mullaney confirmed, he was treated like a suspect. His red pickup truck was taken in for forensic testing. "Polygraph tests, DNA tests, pictures," he said. "There were a million and one questions." Mullaney said he agreed to a full-body photograph. He said he was told investigators were looking for signs of a struggle, such as scrapes or bruises.

Was everyone strip-searched and photographed for scrapes and bruises? WN? LN? WN's mother?

News 9 earlier interviewed Louisia Cass' estranged husband, Wendell Noyes. While Mullaney agreed with Noyes that the front door was left unlocked for Mullaney that night -- as Noyes told News 9 -- Mullaney and Louisia Cass disputed Noye's statement about when he went to bed that night. "I was at a friend's house, and we were just driving around, and I saw (Noyes) there, and we just kept driving around and went back to (my friend's) house," Mullaney said. "Then, a few hours later, I go home."

KM's description of that progression raises a red-flag:

Why did they drive by the apartment and, when they saw that WN was still "there" (assumed on the porch), kept driving around then, they returned to the friend's house?

Did they "[keep] driving around" becaused WN was till on the porch during each drive-by?

Were they waiting for WN to leave the porch / go to bed and, when he had not done so by a certain time (9pm-9:30pm) they returned to the friend's house?

Did KM simply want to avoid WN that evening (any evening) or is there something else to this entire scenario?

When News 9 spoke to Noyes about Mullaney's account, he maintained that he went to bed at 9 p.m. with Louisia Cass.

LN stated WN was "socializing" on the front porch with others .. has LE confirmed with them when they left and / or when WN left the porch to go inside?

To date, we have only LN's and KM's counter to WN's account and, that's not enough.

They, too, were in the apartment that evening and also (probably) non-family members were on the front porch with WN.

Is someone hoping LE will maintain a focus on WN?
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