Found Deceased NH - Celina Cass, 11, Stewartstown, 25 July 2011 #11 *Arrest*

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Not standing up for KM, but there may have been a reason he didn't want to talk to Wendall that night. Maybe there was an argument or Wendall didn't really like Kevin living there. Just garden-variety carp that had nothing to do with Celina.

I can't get over how much the 2 friends on the porch changes the dynamics of this case. The MSM has been reporting for months that the only people present that evening were Louisa, Wendall, Tommie and Celina. Now the public finds-out that there were 2 additional people there. To me this changes the entire scenario, as we have heard nothing from/about these other people until now. Who were they? How long were they there? When did they get there, what did they do while there and when did they leave?

As far as KM coming home and assuming Celina was sleeping in the basement: If Celina routinely slept on the couch unless her sister was home, he would assume Kayla was home and they were both sleeping in the basement since Celina wasn't on the couch and the lights were off. There would really be no reason for Kevin to check on anything or anyone since things seemed "status quo" when he got home.


Did KM drive his own vehicle that evening or did someone pick him up from and drop him off to the apartment?

I suspect by "door was open", KM means, "door was unlocked", not ajar.

How does KM know "everybody's sleeping"? Based on all "lights are off"?

Celina sleeps upstairs because "she's afraid of the dark" .. ok but, all "lights are off" so, that would include 'upstairs', too?

Was Celina more afraid of being alone as opposed to simply being afraid of the "dark"?

One wonders how the sister feels .. if she had only not slept elsewhere ... wow.

Was everyone strip-searched and photographed for scrapes and bruises? WN? LN? WN's mother?

KM's description of that progression raises a red-flag:

Why did they drive by the apartment and, when they saw that WN was still "there" (assumed on the porch), kept driving around then, they returned to the friend's house?

Did they "[keep] driving around" becaused WN was till on the porch during each drive-by?

Were they waiting for WN to leave the porch / go to bed and, when he had not done so by a certain time (9pm-9:30pm) they returned to the friend's house?

Did KM simply want to avoid WN that evening (any evening) or is there something else to this entire scenario?

LN stated WN was "socializing" on the front porch with others .. has LE confirmed with them when they left and / or when WN left the porch to go inside?

To date, we have only LN's and KM's counter to WN's account and, that's not enough.

They, too, were in the apartment that evening and also (probably) non-family members were on the front porch with WN.

Is someone hoping LE will maintain a focus on WN?

My feelings, when I saw the interview, were that I found Kevin to be very believable. Also, I know what it's like to be that young age and to be bored so we did A LOT of cruising back and forth in trucks or cars just for the heck of it. We liked to be moving and to stop off at places where friends were and come back, etc. So I found it normal for his age to be 'cruising' just for the heck of it and passing the house a few times. We used to do that, too, and also liked to avoid our house if my aunt or uncle were there because we weren't in the mood for that kind of discussion with 'older people'. So we'd also drive by until they were gone.
Not standing up for KM, but there may have been a reason he didn't want to talk to Wendall that night. Maybe there was an argument or Wendall didn't really like Kevin living there. Just garden-variety carp that had nothing to do with Celina.

I can't get over how much the 2 friends on the porch changes the dynamics of this case. The MSM has been reporting for months that the only people present that evening were Louisa, Wendall, Tommie and Celina. Now the public finds-out that there were 2 additional people there. To me this changes the entire scenario, as we have heard nothing from/about these other people until now. Who were they? How long were they there? When did they get there, what did they do while there and when did they leave?

As far as KM coming home and assuming Celina was sleeping in the basement: If Celina routinely slept on the couch unless her sister was home, he would assume Kayla was home and they were both sleeping in the basement since Celina wasn't on the couch and the lights were off. There would really be no reason for Kevin to check on anything or anyone since things seemed "status quo" when he got home.


It's possible WN and KM were in argument or not speaking but, that would be odd for someone who had to leave for work 6:15 am the next morning to wait 3 hours to avoid someone, especially if they live in the same apartment .. you'd simpy get used to walking by each other, especially around company?

Yes, the "2 friends" does change the dynamics .. and no word from LE / media of they are identified and questioned.

If LE (secretly) suspects WN .. I expect LE would be in full force searching out the 2 friends.

"Status quo" to KM might not be the same "status quo" to others *if* (speculation only!) he were the perp.

I believe perps who plan dirty deeds might rely on "status quo", example:

"Jane Doe arrives to home every night exactly 8:45 PM, parks at the corner, walks to and enters by the side door, turns on the vestibule light then turns it off 20 seconds later."
My feelings, when I saw the interview, were that I found Kevin to be very believable. Also, I know what it's like to be that young age and to be bored so we did A LOT of cruising back and forth in trucks or cars just for the heck of it. We liked to be moving and to stop off at places where friends were and come back, etc. So I found it normal for his age to be 'cruising' just for the heck of it and passing the house a few times. We used to do that, too, and also liked to avoid our house if my aunt or uncle were there because we weren't in the mood for that kind of discussion with 'older people'. So we'd also drive by until they were gone.

Our crew was no different, we cruised the neighborhoods. ;-)

KM projected as being very stoic, almost too emotionless and verbally sparse during that interview.

Is that his typical demeanor .. could be.

This confirms to me that LN, Kayla, KM moved into MM's duplex. Anyone think that maybe LN moving in with an old BF might be adding fuel to a fire that she is still married to? I read an article earlier last week that said reporters caught up with WN as he was walking around the family's home saying he was "just waiting and doing what he was supposed to." Wonder which home the reporter was referring to? The old one in W. Stewartstown or the new Duplex they all live in now?

On 10.14.11, the Boston Herald had this image of WN on the porch of the W. Stewartstown home.


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On 10.14.11, the Boston Herald had this image of WN on the porch of the W. Stewartstown home.

He might have still had to pick up his belongings. I don't know or maybe he just needed to go back home and look. This is very tramatic for anyone to have to deal with.

Just saying..............

WizPro, I like your chart.

If Wendell was innocent, he should have allowed the police to use that special broadband light (like KM did) to check him for faint scratches, light bruising or other evidence of someone fighting him.

I thought it was interesting that Wendell's mom was temporarily staying at Wendell's and LN's home while this occurred. I seriously wonder if LN had asked her to stay there to help "babysit" Wendell because he had become increasingly bizarre and/or his drinking was excessive. An article months ago stated that she was staying there because of an illness, but it didn't say the SHE was the sick one or give any more info.

That photo with KN standing behind Celina showed their similar facial features which made it interesting that KM stated that LN was like a mom to him. KM looks like Celina's brother, but who knows? Among homicide statistics that are tracked, sibling homicide is almost nonexistent in the USA.
Our crew was no different, we cruised the neighborhoods. ;-)

KM projected as being very stoic, almost too emotionless and verbally sparse during that interview.

Is that his typical demeanor .. could be.

Yep, and when you're out cruising, it's usually the "main drags" like the street Celina lived on, that we'd cruise repeatedly, checking out who might be at the fast food or restaurants, meeting up in parking lots, etc. I wouldn't put too much emphasis on the fact that KM noticed WN and his friends on the porch.

But for those of us not in the know, the big question is who were the two friends with WN on the porch? I'm sure the townspeople know. I mean, even if WN did eventually go to bed, and the door was unlocked for Kevin, did his friends leave at the same time he came in the house IF he came in, or did he tell them he was turning in but the door was unlocked, help yourself to whatever is in the fridge, etc. Possibilities are endless now that the two friends are in the mix. I'm just fascinated with how the bits and pieces of this have been withheld for almost three months when it was probably common knowledge in the neighborhood all along.
For someone who hid behind blankets and refused to talk to the press, LN seems to be pretty outgoing and daring now - she's given interviews, spoken out about WN, moved in with a former boyfriend and has a new do. That is quite a contrast from the woman in the wheelchair hiding behind blankets that we first saw.
For someone who hid behind blankets and refused to talk to the press, LN seems to be pretty outgoing and daring now - she's given interviews, spoken out about WN, moved in with a former boyfriend and has a new do. That is quite a contrast from the woman in the wheelchair hiding behind blankets that we first saw.

I also find that very strange. I understand how torn up she was when her little girl went missing and was found deceased but her behavior was very odd for a grieving mother imo.

I'm sorry, I don't get the parade ,or hiding behind blankets, or the wheelchair. Things that draw attention to yourself. imo

Hiding from the press.........

On 10.14.11, the Boston Herald had this image of WN on the porch of the W. Stewartstown home.

Thx very much! Radichio77885. So Wendell was walking around the home he and LN shared. Surely she didn't leave his belongings there??? I guess he must have some reason for going there.
But for those of us not in the know, the big question is who were the two friends with WN on the porch? I'm sure the townspeople know. I mean, even if WN did eventually go to bed, and the door was unlocked for Kevin, did his friends leave at the same time he came in the house IF he came in, or did he tell them he was turning in but the door was unlocked, help yourself to whatever is in the fridge, etc. Possibilities are endless now that the two friends are in the mix. I'm just fascinated with how the bits and pieces of this have been withheld for almost three months when it was probably common knowledge in the neighborhood all along.
Today 07:47 PM

Exactly. How does a town keep a secret this long? I lived in small towns for the past 15 years, everyone knows everything and loves to talk about it. You can't sneeze in public without people asking you how you feel later in the day.
Exactly. How does a town keep a secret this long? I lived in small towns for the past 15 years, everyone knows everything and loves to talk about it. You can't sneeze in public without people asking you how you feel later in the day.

Probably because only one person was involved and went unobserved during the commission of the crime. And likely a crime of opportunity. Likely the murder was unintended, but hastily done when the perpetrator realized potential consequences of his acts.
Regarding toxicology and what was allegedly found in Celina's blood stream:

A date-rape drug?

Could it be that a certain 'someone' was driving around simply to kill time, to allow for a date-rape drug to take effect?

No struggle, no fuss, no muss .. all wrapped up in a blanket?
For someone who hid behind blankets and refused to talk to the press, LN seems to be pretty outgoing and daring now - she's given interviews, spoken out about WN, moved in with a former boyfriend and has a new do. That is quite a contrast from the woman in the wheelchair hiding behind blankets that we first saw.

Has it ever been clarified whether the sisters were fully biological or step-sisters?
Has it ever been clarified whether the sisters were fully biological or step-sisters?

Not to my knowledge. I guess we all assumed they are biological sisters. (Or at least I did).
Has it ever been clarified whether the sisters were fully biological or step-sisters?

They are biological, mother LN, father AL. Mother was seperated (or divorced) from AL when Celina was born and her Mother named her with Mother's maiden name.
WMUR could have done a better job with including more of WN but even still, there is enough in this video that leads me to believe WN is not the perp.

I agree with WMUR could have done a better job with including more of WN, however the contents of the video reinforces my belief that WN is the perp.
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